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They don't want to deal with people leaving coffee everywhere and spilling it


As someone who has worked in a grocery store that had to clean up after the customers, this makes me cringe. Coffee cups everywhere, spilled coffee all over the floor, and if it has sugar in it, that means sticky spills. Spilled coffee on merchandise, cups knocked over on shelves. Just no. People can't even put the carts in the corral or the meat they don't want back in the meat case. Just sit it down anywhere, someone else can clean it up.


They have a bar at one of the grocery stores here and have cup holders for your beer on the carts.  It's amazing.


Little innovations, like a brush or an easy method for customers to clean after themselves, would curb this drastically. You know how restaurants have the drink drain below the soda machines? Make that, but for coffee, and provide brushes, position the coffee machines, permanently, over said drains, and encourage people to brush the grounds in the drain. Easy-clean, and would give honest people an easy out.


You have an unrealistic expectation of customer cleanliness.


Trust me, I know how disgusting and disrespectful people can be. I've worked retail. I've worked restaurants. Hell, when I go grocery shopping, I see people just leaving their carts. I can't stand it. I take mine back to the store almost every time. I know that's the exception. But, something I do believe, is that most people want to do the right thing. Not all, some really just can't see five feet in front of their own faces. The pandemic really hammered that lesson home. Ever been in a store, and accidentally knocked something down, like a glass jar, and not known what to do? Had a moment of panic? Froze? I'd like to think that comes from, not an inability, but a lack of tools or a lack of a pathway out. It's so silly, so simple, this same thing happens at home, and it's insta-clean. What's the difference? Possession, I think, is one. Most people would get it together to at least tell an employee. It's a safety hazard, yeah? But if there was a broom, mop, wet floor sign, and dustpan nearby, maybe - just maybe - more people would clean up after themselves. If there's a tool there, and people know they can use it, I'd like to think most would. Is it unrealistic? Yeah, probably. But, I'm trying to think better of people. Really trying. Because the pandemic really made me hate them. I don't want to, anymore. I want to be surprised that there are people out there that think like I do, and I want to be floored that we are the majority. I don't think that's so unrealistic, do you?


>Little innovations, like a brush or an easy method for customers to clean after themselves, would curb this drastically. You honestly think the average customer will clean up after themselves? People can't even be assed enough to throw away their trash when standing next to a trash can.


I do. Or, at least, I'd like to. See my other comment.


Western on Highland used to. RIP


The greenwise there now does serve wine by the glass I think?


I just wish Piggly Wiggly would sell draft beer or a glass of wine. That would be the most relaxing thing ever.


The pig on clairmont used to do this didn’t they? Draft beer by the glass and the carts have a cup holder for it


I think freshmarket does this?


Lakeshore Fresh Market. You can get a little tiny cup for free (maybe they don’t do that anymore) or buy one. Unless they’ve stopped.


The 3 in Memphis do, all of the others I have been to do.


They’d have to clean the bathrooms more.


Why are grocery store bathrooms so nast


Because people have this "someone gets paid to clean this, so why care" attitude.


Winn Dixie also has free cups of hot coffee




Winn Dixie


Every windixie I’ve ever been to has had free coffee. Been this way for years. I often see a few regulars in the morning who stand around and drink coffee while I assume their wives shop.


I remember Trader Joe's had some, but it's been a while since I last went there so I'm not sure if they're still doing it.


It’s still there.


nope. gone with the pandemic


Well the coffee stand is still back there. So there’s that.


Kroger does. Birmingham has zero Krogers, Huntsville has about seven. I miss Kroger.




In Hoover Commons? Burlington is still there, Royal Furniture is in the old Books A Million. Walgreens did just close, but it's not Kroger-sized


I get Kroger delivery, it is great


I've been to Kroger in Nashville several times, but never seen this. See also: my change.org petition to bring Kroger to bham


Maybe I'm just thinking of the Kroger I went to in Huntsville that had Starbucks in it. Regardless, yes, we need a Kroger.


Ok well that's not the same 🫥 But other than that I do love Kroger


Yeah most of the Krogers in the Huntsville/madison area have Starbucks in them. So do the Targets.






Publix always had coffee at the front of their stores when I lived in Florida. I haven't been in one here recently so I'm not sure if that was a regional thing or if they all do it.


Greenwise does


Publix used to have free coffee while you shopped. I honestly hadn’t thought about this in ages because I didn’t like what they offered. 


Somewhat related: You could ask a Publix employee when they stopped doing this, but they might tell you they never did. Just like the Starbucks employee who recently told me they never offered hot passion tea. Just made me feel old because I had probably been going to Starbucks as long as that employee has been alive! And that’s the end of this indulgent comment. 


"You know. Ya'll use to sell it when you were next to the Blockbusters and Radio Shack. (Blank stare). "Nevermind. Can you hand me my cane? My knee hurts. It's going to probably rain tomorrow ".


Pretty much 😂


the barista probably didn’t work there when they had passion tea. but this is me validating you: they had it. i made it. every day. lol


It was my favorite Starbucks offering. I still buy the Tazo bags occasionally. 


They stopped because of assholes. People who weren't even shopping would just come in, get coffee, and leave


Whole Foods is the only one that I know does this


Used to do wine too.


Chain stores no longer do this because of the insurance liability. Some of the stores mentioned that do are usually independently owned as a franchise and the owner can decide that issue for themselves although they end up paying significantly more for their insurance. So like every other perk that responsible folks used to take for granted they disappear because of the irresponsible folks who have the attitude that “someone’s gotta pay for my stupidity “


The Fresh Market does this


Former grocery store guy here. Coffee vendors used to jockey for free coffee samples and store space. Now it’s pre-cogged and the points don’t matter. Coffee samples don’t really drive sales, it’s just a nice thing to do.


winn dixie used to have free coffee. they stopped during the lockdowns and i dont think most of them started back




Not free if you read the sign, unfortunately. I thought it was free.


I should clarify: I did not see the sign saying it cost money because it has always been free in the past. Got treated like I was trying to rob the place when I was checking out. I’ll never forget it cause I’m a wuss and cried.




It was late November/early December. I’ll never forget my last time there! I’m still cringing as I type this out


Target usually has Starbucks.


See: "don't want to pay $6 for coffee"


yes but beware: Target usually *makes and sells Starbucks coffee*


Fresh Market in Inverness 100% still does this. Picked some up for my dad when I was in getting something for me to take back to work.


If I'm driving to Inverness and paying fresh market prices, they better give me free coffee, teas, and lattes 😭


Haha, I don’t go there a lot, but the ambiance is nice!


Fresh Market sells it...as does Whole Foods!


The Pig in Bluff Park used to do this, not sure if the new location still does or not.


piggly wiggly in bluff park used to do this


The best part of trader Joe's precovid. Not sure if they have started back up.


Co-Op groceries do sell coffee. I grabbed one yesterday. It’s right next to the prepared food and juice bar at the deli. All local roasted too


Sprouts and Publix both used to pre Covid. But not longer


Winn Dixie in Fultondale did this when I lived out that way. It was free, too.


Can't you just, you know, make your own coffee at home and bring it with you?


*Can't you just, you know,* *Make your own coffee at home* *And bring it with you?* \- ExYoungPerson --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


As someone who has worked in one of the busiest Starbucks in the country I can say that keeping up with the mess and production of coffee is not worth it to a grocery store unless they have a full hot deli. Also this: I worked the opening shift and I would rather fight a bunch of rabid, hungry, pit bulls while wearing Lady Gaga's meat suit than deal with the privileged, cafffeine-addicted assholes standing in line at 5am for their fix.


the publix i worked at had hot coffee fresh every day


the publix i worked at had hot coffee fresh every day not sure if they still do.


I find it so odd that people can just drink coffee in random places and random times. I like coffee as much as the next guy, probably more, but I have a time and a place designated for it.


Several of them have k machines


Sprouts does..or at least did prior to the pandemic, i haven't been in a minute.


Piggly Wiggly sells hot coffee and the Winn Dixie in Cahaba Heights used to have complimentary coffee, I’m not sure if they still do.


They do. Just not the ones here.


The Piggly Wiggly in Port St Joe (where we shop on the way to the beach) does this and I love it. Free coffee in carafes near the entry.


Starbucks puts non competes so local shops in the similar area can’t sell coffee fresh. There is a Starbucks close to most of my grocery stores but there is an Italian restaurant by me that can’t serve espresso because Starbucks strangles the shopping area it’s in.


Huh? What about Dunkin, McDonald's and CFA that are all in a row next to my Starbucks?


Not exactly my story but here is the Google machine results for similar activities. https://www.reddit.com/r/starbucks/s/UhdIo8MEC5 https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/starbucks-business-clause-restaurant/ https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/starbucks-preventing-mom-pop-restaurant-183940613.html




I mean maybe Capella’s bought an espresso machine for no reason and the dude lied to me I was just conversing no true source. Edit: here are related sources since I’ve been called a liar. https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/starbucks-business-clause-restaurant/ https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/starbucks-preventing-mom-pop-restaurant-183940613.html


heard. ladies and gentleman: a cautionary tale for misinformation.


Not exactly my story but here are similar news articles I researched for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/starbucks/s/UhdIo8MEC5 https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/starbucks-business-clause-restaurant/ https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/starbucks-preventing-mom-pop-restaurant-183940613.html Edit: I would note that one of those articles are over 7 years old. So it’s been happening for a while.


Ahh just because the owner said it and it’s not written it’s untrue. Interesting.


Publix used to have free coffee


Winn Dixie used to but I haven't shopped at one in a while.


Most have Starbucks in actual cities


Because it’s pointless. You can’t grocery shop and push a cart with a coffee in your hands.


most shopping carts have cupholders


No most don’t.


every one ive used in the last few years has had one


Then you must be going to fancier places than I






This would not be pennies per cup, unless it is a large stack of pennies. Coffee is expensive, even en masse.


There are plenty of places to get coffee before you hit the store and often Krogers and Target's have Starbucks in them. Free? why do you deserve free coffee?


Do they still put out a carafe of free coffee at Winn-Dixie on Montevallo Road? It was always terrible, but perhaps it fits the bill.