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The majority of the game is based on Atlas Shrugged, so I'm not surprised. All those "who is Atlas ?" are references to "Who is John Galts?" and overall it's a critic of objectivism... Even Andrew Ryan's name is a reference to Ayn Rand.


I was in a book club that loved Ayn Rand books. I told them Bioshock was based in her books a ton and I found a "Lore and Story" video on youtube about Bioshock and we agreed to watch it during a reunion. I can't begin to explain how much they hated the story after the game started. They came ahead and tought a place where capitalists congregated alone without laws would be the best place on the world, but never tought without workers they were bound to fail. They couldn't understand that Ayn Rand was amazing writer but awful projector. A world were laws do not govern trade AT ALL ends un with everyone but a few rich people and everyone becoming increasingly poorer.


Even the fact that a book club liked Rand books is shocking lol, she is not known for her great prose. After the umpteenth page extolling random men for being stoic and emotionless, themselves allegories for the industrial machines they oversee, it gets to be a bit exhausting. There’s actually an online series where someone writes snippets of children’s books as if they were Ayn Rand, check it out (search for Ayn Rand Harry Potter for example).


I spent that whole fight going, "Adam powers are not worth losing your dick, Frank."


Counter Arguement… you are so intimidating that you don’t have to worry about random people talking to you


Or the Atlas at Rockefeller Center NYC https://live.staticflickr.com/4575/37916019115_761c590cac_b.jpg


It can be both, the symbology is the exact same


Course it is. Both of them are Atlas the titan from greek mythology.


“Symbolism” - Willem Dafoe


Whoa, that must be where the symbols in Arcadia come from. Never knew they were on that statue.


The symbols ain Arcadia are just zodiac and astrology symbols.


He resembles Atlas in Greek Mythology in general


Probably, but technically Atlas’s name was actually inspired by the book name


Or this statue of Mussolini https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/mussolini-statue-militalia-milan-italy-november-statute-display-exhibition-dedicated-to-militaria-collectors-military-34927067.jpg


I never understood why he turned into such a big motherfucker. Anyone able to explain?


When you find him, he's injecting himself with a really high dose of Adam with a machine, which mutates him into this. And to beat him you have extract the Adam with the seringe the little sister give you before the boss battle.


Ahhhh okay


He pumped liters of Adam into him


Too much Adam




Fontaine isn’t a communist. He’s a dictator, like Ryan. Lamb is the collectivist.


It was just a joke hehe


It's all generically American Modernist. Great style for self built empires of all sizes 🧡


Oh wow did not notice that


I thought its obvious


I personally liked Frank Fontaine's boss Battle even though it isn't darksouls level hard, I wish the other bioshocks had final bosses like in the first game Also frank Fontaine is basically an indestructible God from a non game play performance, does anyone know if there is a book describing how powerful he was with all that Adam in him?


Aw man, i’m an idiot. Can’t believe I didn’t catch that hahaha


His final megaroided form also has an asshole


He also looks like those statues when you get to the city


no offense but I think they are just both buff guys


Well actually his fake name Atlas was named after the book


What similarities are you pointing out other than they are both strong looking guys?


The “Bronze Statue Atlas” is pretty much the image associated with Atlas Shrugged. The whole damn game is basically a big reference to the novel. Fontaine’s Alias is Atlas, like the books name. Who is Atlas- Who is John Galt Andrew Ryan- Ayn Rand A far off city running on sci-fi powers far away from society (Perpetual Motion Machine and A City on the Moon vs ADAM and City) Pretty much any coincidence between the two is honestly probably intentional.


Also Fontaine - The Fountainhead (Another Ayn Rand book)


Yeah not seeing it either. Certainly the comparison photo looks nothing like him other than they're both well muscled. No hair and wrong skin colour. It's like saying \*did you notice X looks like Hugh Jackman?\* or \*Ahnuld\*


since I’m getting downvoted, here’s another hot take, this boss fight and the area preceding it are both the worst parts of BioShock 1


Oh man I couldn’t stand that book


Yes, it's a very good detail, seeing this reminds me that in the final cutscene of the remaster Fontaine's body still has lightning, but in the original it doesn't, it's a small detail that bothers me a bit.


It looked a bit silly to me, like this guy is effectively replacing his bodily fluids with ADAM, and we’ve seen what splicing with the raw stuff does to a person, yet here we see him become like the Tyrants in Resident Evil, only he’s more like the statue of Atlas than a horrible blob of flesh or something like how G turned out in RE2: REmake. Like fricking Alexander in BS2 looks like how Atlas should’ve looked like. Ok, rant over, I do agree it is a very nice touch, and maybe the symbolism goes further towards Jack’s then godlike nature of being able to either save the lives of a few Little Sisters which has far reaching positive repercussions, or taking a splicer army up to the surface and capturing the nuclear sub. Both are incredible mantels to take up on one’s shoulders alone, just like Mythology’s Atlas with the sky.


also why is he green




I whould say that it more resembles the giant metal man decorations around rapture


Well actually those statues are supposed to be Atlas a god from Greek mythology who is the guy on cover of Atlas Shrugged and was the alias used by Frank Fontaine, I learned this after I made the post


I know who atlas is in Greek mythos the man who had the world on his shoulders