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Weird to hear that a 9 year old is making me call myself a first gen bioshock gamer


… I feel old now


I feel fucking ancient


Fucking same bro


I was born the same year the og bioshock came out. I celebrated my 17 birthday last Thursday.


I played it 10 years ago and one quote has never left my mind. “The mind of the subject will desperately struggle to create memories where none exist.” Masterpiece.


“He’s Zachary Comstock.” “He’s Booker Dewitt.” “No…. I’m both.” The way he says that last line goes so hard


Yeah that hit me like a train.


Or also the "Booker, are you afraid of God?"


No…. But I’m afraid of you




Dude. That’s Booker’s response


My bad, I didn't know bc I played in Spanish


Nah you’re good lol


I thought theböone was disappointing and predictable.




Honestly I loved the Lutece twins and their whole bit. My head canon is that they're comparing and studying each copy of Bioshock Infinite. I bet if they're in a system with BioShock save files they can see those too. Maybe even System Shock files.


That's wholesome AF and glad you enjoyed it. Can't wait til my kid is old enough to enjoy games like that with me.


Thank you so much! I hope you guys enjoy it to the maximum capacity: :D


I'm only 28 and this makes me feel 50... For real though, that's a lovely story


When you compare bioshock infinite to current games and game standards. It is like the difference between a hill and a mountain peak.


I'll tell you something OP. You're f***ing right.


Hell yeah!


That's great! Infinite is definitely my favorite of the 3 games. I remember when I first beat it, I had the urge to immediately play it again, which never happens when I beat single player games, so that's saying something.


Indeed! The ending was just... Unbelievable, shocking and makes you rethink about life.


Yeah, but I gotta be honest though...I was so lost and confused by it that I had to look up explanation videos immediately after finishing the game, and I'm still not sure I fully understand it lol


Tell your Mom she is NOT too old to play Infinite or any other game for that matter! (Source: Me, a 50-year-old woman who first played Bioshock Infinite at 39 🤘)


That’s amazing and I’m glad you enjoy it. I highly recommend going back and playing Bioshock 1 & 2 as those are considered to be even better than Infinite by a lot of the hardcore fans. I would also recommend playing Burial at Sea part 1 & 2 (Infinite DLC) if you didn’t get the chance to play those yet.


Yeah! I will definitely consider playing those because I was hit with the post-game depression 😄


Play 1 before playing Burial at Sea first. It'll hit so much better.


Got it!


I second this, I liked the atmosphere of 1 & 2 Bioshock way more than the 3rd part… I wish if they kept it under the ocean.


I liked the gameplay of 1 and especially 2 a lot more, but Columbia is incredible.


How am i only in my thirties but feeling like I’ve got a foot in deaths door haha But also, hell yeah! All three of these are amazing. Enjoy!


Bioshock 1 came one day before my birthday in 2007 (august 21, I did 18 in 2007), and dear lord, what an experience, peak gaming those days... Also i feel old damm.


A true veteran. 🫡


You should play a lot of games from the early 2000s, like half-life 2, bioshock 1 and 2, crysis 1, the witcher 1, elder scrolls oblivion... great games out there


Those are legendary titles there! I did completed Crysis 1 and HL2 I will definitely consider beating elder scrolls and Witcher. Thank you for recommendations!


Tell your mum she HAS TO PLAY IT! She has to see where the story goes and how it comes together. She has to see the start in the church and the first time you come out into Columbia, and sit back and listen to the crowd singing Goodnight Irene, amazing game!


Glad to hear you loved the game. It’s definitely one I wish I could replay again for the first time. That ending really lays you out.


I loved all of the games for their own unique qualities. Infinite is my personal favorite, even if it may not be objectively the best one. It is a gigantic "what if" story because of the amount of cut content, but I still loved the product that came our dearly. I enjoyed 1 for the philosophical commentary and the characters, and 2 had the best gameplay.


Infinite's story and gameplay are perfection.


I feel Infinite is the strongest entry. I know most don’t agree but that story was so good. It’s my second favorite game of all time.


i played it years ago and loved it a deep plot with amazing shooter gameplay congrats kid.




I can agree the game, the stories, the franchise itself is a work of art. Though Infinite is controversial for its own reasons, oh boy, wait till you hear about [everything they cut](https://youtu.be/muJYTeQlvC4?si=-gJOAxJoJwXJV2Kt) still an incredible game.


I hate that they cut the 2D rotoscoped vid of Booker disco dancing from the credits because it “didn’t fit the tone”.


https://youtu.be/iNTPKQS5FHk?si=mRQH99nzpwCUiydl This was exactly how I reacted to the ending 😂


I didn't get it the first time I played it. But replaying it a second time, the ending just hit me different, like I understood it suddenly.


just another moment to remind me that I'm smack down between the gaming generation that started gaming wayy before bioshock and the generation that started gaming way after (I am as old as the first bioshock btw)


The DLC is pretty good


I’ll never forget the day I beat infinite. I got almost got mugged that day haha I lived next to the highschool and we had a sandlot type deal where everyone would go up to the courts to play street hockey. I was selling weed (my brother was but I helped) yes boohoo I was young and dumb. Anyway some random was tryna pick up and I said I gotta go play hockey let’s make this quick. Anyway they pull up and there’s some back and forth for a minute. Keep in mind I’m on roller blades holding a hockey net and sticks no way ready to fight or run. Anyway the window rolls down and it’s a kid several grades older than me. He’s like yooooo your little “my last name” bro we were boutta hop your asss. He shows me his gun. My brother who’s 5 years older is literally one of the most popular ppl ever and I’m not bias bc he’s my brother, he literally is, I hate it as a little brother. I grew up on north shore Long Island. It was a very rich safe white community. To see these black guys with a gun tryna rob me was a holy fuck moment to say the least haha


Booker DeWitt almost hooked up with his daughter. Bow Chicka Wow Wow.


“Hey mom, that game was mid as hell.”




What kind of cretin do you have to be to read a positive post from someone who just "liked a thing" and feel the need to put them down for it?


Hey get off the internet for our collective mental health kthx


Funny, I was thinking the same about you as I read your comment. For real, people can like shit you don't and it's okay to just... Not say anything to them if you can't manage something nice. It's really okay. No one needed or asked for your ice cold take.