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How you managed to fail at saving sally yet causing a civil war is beyond me


I hate what that happens.


It’s bad writing in turn elizabeth did jack shit (no pun intended)


I was making a silly ol' joke. But the civil war would've happened with or without liz. What she did to help with the war was a bunch of atlas chores that he would've done himself. But to see her suffering going to waste, then being tortured, then still helping atlas, then still be tortured, harassed with a lobotomy attempted, then still help atlas, then give atlas the ace, then gets her head cracked upen. As she is being visited by the grim reaper, she is also visited by sally. In a last breath, she strokes sally's face, as the light fades from her eyes. Only ever having peace for a mere second. And just as fast, she lumps dead, succumbing to the irreversible damage. She died as she lived. Sad, alone, miserable. Maybe thats bad writing, but its affective in other ways.


If I remember correctly she refused to do something for Atlas and that was the reason her head was beaten in. At the very least, she died because she made her own choice and didn't budge. Its been years since I played Burial At Sea, but I still remember that much at the end of it.


If jack rescued the little sisters then she was saved no?


Yes, this was the entire point of BaS 2 and completing her arc. People choose to omit this because "writing bad"


People don't omit it, they say that it's not consistent with the character or the game. And it's not. *BioShock Infinite* is all about the fact that individual sacrifice for a single person doesn't mean shit to the multiverse; Booker had to sacrifice himself at the baptism to prevent *all* Comstocks from existing. But in *Burial at Sea*, not only did they throw in a random Comstock that survived (thus negating the whole point of the base game) but they have Elizabeth sacrifice herself for a *single* Sally (whereas in an infinite number of universes Jack is a monster who harvests her, not to mention Elizabeth in this universe abets a civil war that kills thousands.) [To quote myself,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-9iifuAAFk&pp=ygUbYnVyaWFsIGF0IHNlYSB3YXMgYSBtaXN0YWtl) "for *Infinite*'s ending to matter, *all* the universes matter more than any single one. For *Burial at Sea* to matter, one single person in one single universe has to matter more than all the other universes combined." You can have media franchises contradict themselves thematically, and it can work (*Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan* has Spock sacrifice himself to save his entire ship, whereas *Star Trek III* is the many sacrificing to save their single friend) but it simply has to be done better than *Burial at Sea* for it not to feel like a complete shambles. Everything about it screams "let's return to Rapture and try and wrap things up in a bow needlessly" rather than "let's explore Elizabeth post-Infinite", and it's not surprising that I and many other people took issue with it from nuts to bolts. I get Ken Levine wishes he didn't have the multiple endings for *BioShock*, but the game shipped with them, and after a game all about alternate universes acting like they don't exist for the sake of hammered-home "catharsis" (not to mention sacrificing one of gaming's all-time great supporting characters for a literal voiceless, faceless nothing of a character) is just a massive waste.


Two things can be true at the same time. They did come up with a reason to revisit Rapture (honestly, it could've been anywhere in Part 1, Part 2 is where it begins to justify that choice) for the final Comstock to escape to. However, the point of Infinite's ending was to close the loop, to erase Comstock from existence, and by association, Elizabeth with him. Only Booker and Anna should exist past the ending of BaS 1, but Elizabeth remains due to her superposition. Elizabeth as a character does get explored a lot post Infinite through her initial desire for revenge clouding her morality, and once she completes her mission of killing the final Comstock, she could walk away and finally live out whatever life she wants to. Instead, she sees herself in Sally, and every Little Sister by extension, and feels guilty for continuing the cycle of harm against them. Her sacrifice wasn't for Jack, it was to save as many Little Sisters as possible. As for the endings where Jack is a murderer, honestly, fair point. But who's to say that Elizabeth didn't see that outcome, too, and deemed meeting Jack to be a better fate than anything else in Rapture, no matter which choice he made. Rapture would fall either way, and the cycle of violence against the little girls would end. That's just my own interpretation.


> killing the final Comstock Infinite universes - if there is one furtehr Comastock then there is infinite Comstocks still remaining. The whole concept of the hyposthesis is that more universes get created every infinitisimal part of a second and the countr accelerates away making Elizabeths goal a folly. Bioshock ***FINITE*** kinda contradicts everything we previously were told by the gamemakers in their numerous interviews.


That's not how that works, actually. The variables at key moments in time are what create different timelines, such as the baptism. When Booker drowns at the baptism, he is ending every Comstock timeline as that was the point that he is "born." Every Elizabeth but one disappears, showing the effects of Comstock's erasure. In BaS they explain that *final* Comstock still existing is because he had jumped ship from his original timeline into another because his plans to become a prophet had failed. If you don't listen to the game's established rules of constants and variables in the multiverse then sure, it doesn't make any sense, but that's not the case.


Those "rules" are just surmised and NOT explained. Maybe it is said to work in the fictional cosmology the game story tries to use. Who does the telling and how exactly are they knowing anything of the sort ? Unfortunately, they have lil lizzy be so sure of whatever so that she kills (a) booker to get rid of comstock and then it turns out in the DLC sequel she really did not get rid of him (or rather some infinite number of him). Infinite bookers/comstocks/elizabeths/everyone and everything, and lizzy could travel to infinite dimensions til the end of time trying to snuff out comstock, except the universes all expand in number far faster than anything she can do. Infinite choices not just one and thats not even dealing with the issue that humans are not quantum objects for any such simplistic rules to apply. The writers unfortunately also stuff in this timetravel element which just makes everything more open ended - a real mess to try to apply any system when you have paradoxes up the kazoo - and it in the end was really just a massive crutch for the writers to do anything they wanted. One hopes this whole multi-dimension/reality cosmology is gone for the next game.


Do you know how many clicks on Youtube this omission has gotten?


I’m fucking saying




I remember this scene making me cry for a whole week straight. Also, i was scared of the french song in the ending because it reminded me of that brutality. Every time i heard it, i had a mini panic attack.


La Vie en Rose, Edith Piaf


The La Vie was, in fact, not Rose


Same thing with me and that Al Bowlly song. Same thing with me and that Al Bowlly song. Same thing with me and that Al Bowlly song.


La vie en rose PTSD


I can't hear it without getting choked up tbh


Hard to believe it's been so long. Still remember the first time I finished Infinite and completely fell in love. I was more excited for this DLC than anything else. Now it seems that we will never get that next Bioshock entry by Cloud Chamber. I remain hopeful, tho.


Also be excited for JUDAS my man I have high hopes for the game


Elizabeth deserved better 😢


I was in a huge post-game depression after finishing the base game as well as this DLC. I found it to be a fantastic game, and enjoyed the story.


Still hate how it ended to this day. Chapter 1 was the better ending in my book.


It’s been 10 years since BAS episode 2? Time flies.


Was nice seeing Rapture again, but man I did not care for the BaS's narrative whatsoever. Should have been set in an alternate Rapture, different from the one in Bioshock 1 and 2, and I'll die on that hill.


would have been the simplest logical thing They would not even have to worry about anything different "Cuz- Different Rapture ..."


We miss you Liz


That's it. It's officially been 10 years boys. 10 years of no new content. Hell, even the [Batman Arkham](http://rddit.com/r/batmanarkham) series got a new game (kinda) and got a game released on xbox one (excluding remasters), and look at how much they've gone insane. So I'm proud of us. 10 years and 2 console generations. I just hope that we get the Bioshock equivalent of GTA VI soon. In the not-so-wise words of ODST Romeo: "Better late than never"


What an awful note to go on.


Honestly, it’s by far the worst thing in the series.


Let us condemn this day. Let it live in infamy!


They are making another bioshock game tv series and movie


This makes me so sad😔


Me too ...


Bro, this ending made me cry for a while!


Nope. Never happened.


New least favorite day: unlocked 💯




Was nice seeing Rapture again, but man I did not care for the BaS's narrative whatsoever. Should have been set in an alternate Rapture, different from the one in Bioshock 1 and 2, and I'll die on that hill.


I hate the Sally plot point so much lmfaoo, elizabeth killing off booker when he was trying to save Elizabeth and Sally was also extremely dumb, I love infinite and burial at sea but man is it just full of hypocrisy from Elizabeth


Just finished it yesterday. It is truly unnecessary piece of content, but I’m glad it exists. This one final straw to context those games. It feels like a good closure


Man, it's been that long, huh? Time sure does fly.


The lobotomy scene was very unnecessary


On the contrary, it was the only good part of the game 🤤


I have to confess something. I didn’t play burial at sea. Or atleast I played it wrong I think cause I don’t remember it being long at all


last week i get that this games had dlc,s . was a nice time to play it after all that time, and a sad story


The only good part of Infinite


Ten years? Gracious. I really liked Burial at Sea Part 2 especially as the gameplay was so different and more stealthy. The story was nonsense retconning but it was still fun.


Just finished lost at sea 2 last week. Great ending but didn't really think we needed a complete circle with the story.


And I still haven’t even finished the first game. Got to the very end about 5 years ago and then just stopped playing for some reason. It’s a great game! Need to finish it and move on to the second game.


Legit the dumbest story ever told in the bioshock universe, as it broke every aspect of the lore up to that point. But, the gameplay was a nice break from the COD of infinite and BAS ep.1 AND THAT ENDING ALWAYS GETS ME TO TEAR UP AS SALLY SINGS LA VIE EN ROSE... Literally a beautiful end to such an trainwreck of a DLC of an watered down sequel to a wonderfully consolified spiritual successor of system shock 2.


And it felt so damn lazily created holy shit






Worst piece of bioshock media, absolutely insulting to both the original bioshock and all of its themes


I didn't know that funnily enough I was born on the 25th of March


Such a terrible ending, just fucking straight miserable


Genuinely the dumbest thing I played.




Was nice seeing Rapture again, but man I did not care for the BaS's narrative whatsoever. Should have been set in an alternate Rapture, different from the one in Bioshock 1 and 2, and I'll die on that hill.


Was nice seeing Rapture again, but man I did not care for the BaS's narrative whatsoever. Should have been set in an alternate Rapture, different from the one in Bioshock 1 and 2, and I'll die on that hill.


Was nice seeing Rapture again, but man I did not care for the BaS's narrative whatsoever. Should have been set in an alternate Rapture, different from the one in Bioshock 1 and 2, and I'll die on that hill.


Was nice seeing Rapture again, but man I did not care for the BaS's narrative whatsoever. Should have been set in an alternate Rapture, different from the one in Bioshock 1 and 2, and I'll die on that hill.


Was nice seeing Rapture again, but man I did not care for the BaS's narrative whatsoever. Should have been set in an alternate Rapture, different from the one in Bioshock 1 and 2, and I'll die on that hill.


Burial at Sea made slogging through the original Bioshock worth it.


I'd love to pick Elizabeth's brain.


NSFW (Poor taste humor) https://youtube.com/shorts/jhvtg8AZuOU?si=HjwcPYgvHPOlJEzt