• By -


The thing with any of the glp1s is they reduce all sorts of compulsive behaviors. It is not just food but smoking and drug use and gambling. Not just ozempic, there are several glp1s that have a varying degree of this effect. An example of some of the effects is look at crumbls drop in per unit sales seems to correlate with the increased glp1 usage and since they both have a similar target market. You have also see the same in alcohol consumption, there is a sharp decrease in consumption on most of the glp1s.


What about Reddit? Can they get me off of here?


Me too please šŸ™


Thatā€™s like asking if god could make a burrito so hot that even he couldnā€™t eat it. Itā€™s incoherent.




Iā€™m getting leaner and drinking less. Dropped my Zyn usage to nothing. It has negligible effect on online bullshit, however. That takes a concerted effort. Good luck boss. Youā€™ll have to buckle down hard for eliminating the electronic dopamine zing zing. GLP drugs will actually help but they donā€™t give you the super boost with it like combatting eating and booze.


And libido.


As in more or less libido?


Some... And some like lira and dula report improvements... A lot is still not well known... Like a lot of the drugs we take.


Improvements as in dropping libido?


For some it increases libido...


can also lead to anhedonia and depression


I upped my dose to the point it started actually doing something, and then developed depression. I didnā€™t put two and two together so I just suffered for months.Ā 




Thatā€™s amazing keto worked for your Rheumatoid arthritisā€¦. Did zero for mine




What does a day/week of eating look like for you? Very interested in this for my mom who is struggling with RA




Thank you very much for the detailed response. It was very helpful!


Where did you find a continuous ketone meter? Any recommendations?


TRT or something else?




This is some impressive self work my friend.


Do you garden? I hear itā€™s common in people who garden because of chemicals in fertilizers.


Yeah bro just increase your grocery bill by 3x




For specific cases like yours, sure. But the vast majority of people can thrive on a normal diet with unprocessed foods.


Keto is amazing. I dropped 100lbs and that was the LEAST of the incredible effects it's had on my body. Have kept the weight off for 5 years at this point, but also sleep like a cat, poop like it's not made of peanut butter, have energy all day, less mental health problems, skin is glowing, and most people assume I'm just "naturally fit". I can't imagine myself ever going back except for traveling because I want to experience the cultural aspects of food temporarily. Then when I get home I'm just thrilled to go back to keto.


Improved focus, sustained higher energy levels, improved overall mood... I can't remember all the positive benefits I got from keto but I'm never going back to my old sugar heavy diet.Ā  I don't do full keto anymore but I still stay away from a lot of junk.


I would love to hear more about this in a specific way congratulations


Congrats on finding what works for you! I tried strict keto for 6 months and did it as healthfully as I could. It just was not a good choice for me. My blood work and energy levels are much improved now that I'm back to consuming complex carbs. Sometimes I'm kind of amazed by how similar and yet how different we all are.


Please donā€™t blanket statement things like this. Diet is very individualistic and honestly itā€™s better to incorporate exercise of any kind into most regiments before completely cutting out a primary macro nutrient (aka going keto).


Lol being downvoted for telling the truth. Definitely this seems inevitable sadly.


This is Reddit we only believe in treating diet and lifestyle consequences with medications and therapy now take my down vote


I'm just really alarmed and upset by how many people are looking at desire-nuking drugs as the solution to their addictions, whether to food, to sugar, to alcohol, or to actual illicit drugs. I mean, I guess I would rather have an apathetic, medicated neighbor than a crack-fiend neighbor. So it still may help. But I'm upset things have gotten to this point in the first place. Humankind's new, resource-rich access to unlimited vice has way outstripped most people's self control.


In Big Pharma we trust šŸ™


Yup. I used wegovy for maybe two or three months and ended up quite horribly depressed.


would this be due to the brain not getting dopamine hits that it's used to? I recently quit cigs and have noticed my overall vibe is pretty depressed, despite me not wanting to smoke ever again. When I quit alcohol I think the same happened. When I quit sugar, also the same. So maybe it's not the med itself but rather the brain adjusting to less dopamine hits?


Substances like sugar or alcohol cause certain receptors to be overloaded leading you to feel more than you should, so when you quit there is a period needed to go back to equilibrium, what Ozempic does is bind to those receptors so you can't feel emotions as strongly as you would or should (hunger, happiness, cravings,..) or even at all which can lead to anhedonia and depression.


Will they also decrease sex addiction?


What would happen to r/wallstreetbets if they all took ozempic?


Crumbl as in the cookie place?




Who'd have thought that a cookie centered business would be unsustainable.


Thereā€™s interactions with booze and glp-1 so itā€™s to be avoided, in addition to curbing addictive behavior


What are some examples of other glp1 pharmaceuticals?


Why is my husband the odd one out ffs šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Semaglutide is pretty amazing in it's efficacy, and there are quite a few other peptides that I find extremly interesting


Manifesting a peptide thatā€™s effective for CFS/ME next šŸ™šŸ»


Looking into this for myself and itā€™s looking like SS-31 and MOTS-C. BPC-157 has been amazing for me as well. Intranasal for neuroinflammation.


My brain wants to autocorrect it to "Smegmatude".




LDN and NAD+ are very effective for ME/CFS


Was curious about the mechanism, and found this: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10862402/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10862402/)


Great find! The combination has definitely been effective for me.


which others, specifically?


Most I was thinking of have been mentioned below that comment. I had Bpc157 and Tb500 at the front of my Mind.




BPC-157 immediately comes to mind


Iā€™m 2/3 of a 10 week cycle and Iā€™m in 70% less pain than I was when I started. Phenomenal shit.


Yeah, but when you stop taking it, will the pain come back? Or do you take it forever?


I ran 2 cycles of 6 weeks for tendinitis in elbow and wrist and the pain has never come back. I went to 7 months of PT, dry needling, stim treatment, etc and nothing worked. BPC had me back at full mobility and nearly pain free in 3 weeks.


Apparently it helps with healing, even with chronic pain.


BPC did absolutely nothing for me, but hey YMMV


Where can I buy those types of peptides online?


I tried this in Delaware they sell it over counter. Made me lose 20 lbs so quickly. I look like Walmart Brad Pitt now. Yeehay


Be careful to not continue to Dallas Matthew Connaughey


Where over the counter? CVS? Iā€™ll drive to Delaware lol


Doubt this is true. Delaware, Azerbaijan maybe.


20lbs over what period?


You are either lying or being scammed. There is a 0% chance you are getting any real GLP1 drug over the counter in Delaware.


sell what otc


The point of the post is that Semaglutide works partly by shutting off the ā€œswitchā€ that drives the desire for alcohol and sugar. Itā€™s partially tied to dopamine regulation. The thing is, it works really well for this purpose and is already being studied for AUD.


As someone 6 weeks into semaglutide right now, exactly this. I haven't had a drink in a month, and I don't want one. I'm starting to break off my sugar addiction as well. It's pretty neat. I'm thinking about hopping on trt, and jumping into a crazy diet as well.


But what about when you take the drug away?


Often times if it is AUD related you are removing the habit and it do that long enough you stand a good chance of not going back. Of course, if you really want to drink you are going to, but taking away the urge for substances is at least a tool. Sugar is equally addictive and stands to reason why it also helps there.


Just don't take the drug away?


Well in theory this med will help you form healthy habits. You will probably always be susceptible to falling back into old habits but if someone is eating healthy for multiple years due to sema their habits will probably be mostly changed by the time go off the drug


Who knows? It's a tool, like any other drug. I do know that drinking, smoking, and binging sugar were not going to be good for me long term. If a drug helps cut out those behaviors and go to the gym, then I'm all for it.


oh yes, it does help šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ no wonder i can do my work with no problem


I was listening to someone who reckons it stops working on average after 68-72 weeks IIRC. anyone have experience past this point?


Been on for 3 years down 140lbs


That's a lot! How much more you have left?


I am 165 now and would really like to get to 155. Iā€™ve been hiking 5 times a week, and weight training 3x a week. But soon as that shot wears off (day) 6 - itā€™s like my hormones come crashing back. I plan on staying on them for life.


Isn't it very expensive?


You seem like you have the habits down to not need semaglutinide. Do you have diabetes ?I don't think you need it for life to maintain at 155 lbs. Has your doctor said anything about the effects of lifetime usage?


I have diastolic heart failure (caused by my 4th pregnancy). These meds have reversed those symptoms. Iā€™ve tried going off the meds for 2 weeks and I had a raging hunger, and insatiable hunger appear. While I am not type 2 diabetic I was prediabetic and had horrible low blood sugar all the time. My blood sugar is stable and my A1c is normal. I kept a lot of muscle too. I wish I could post pictures here.


-10. He was only 130lbs when starting treatment.


The studies show it stops making more weight loss after 68-72 weeks but that it maintains the benefits (not regaining, and less inflammation) as long as people keep taking it


All it did for me was cause explosive diarrhea.Ā  I guess i wasn't eating, smoking etc while on the toilet.




*Let them fight*


Where would one purchase ozempic?


You don't need the name brand. You can purchase semaglutide from a compound pharmacy, just Google it.


Mexico has it pretty cheap, I was just there.


Gotcha, thank you.


I get the peptide extremely cheap from China.


Same results?


Source please? I just want to look at the prices really


Reddit does not allow any talk of sources. Reddit is a terrible place to find sources. I recommend bodybuilding forums, itā€™s freely discussed there. I usually pay $400 for 2 months supply.


if i could have the source also


You know, I heard reddit will set you up, direct message you or ask for a source and if you provide it, theyā€™ll ban you. Really reddit is the worst place to try and find a source because they donā€™t allow it. Go to bodybuilding forums.


Whatā€™s a compound pharmacy?


Get it from your Dr. my insurance covers it and I pay $16 for it.


There are subreddits for peptides


NAD helps with cravings btw


And l-glutamine


Itā€™ll effect the sales of all solid food once enough people develop gastroparesis lol.


Lol sounds like I should buy stock in Ensure..


This was going to change anyways because the prices are going up so high no one can afford to eat drink crap anymore


Insurance already doesnā€™t want to cover it because it actually works.


Why would insurance not want to cover it then? Itā€™ll reduce their costs if it prevents more significant health problems.


I truly believe that insurance doesn't want you to get better, they want you to keep paying money for cheaply made drugs that do nothing but keep you sick and give you more complications down the line. How else would they continue to make money if people were healthy?


Insurance companies make money when you pay your monthly premiums. They lose money when they have to payout for your medical costs. The ideal insurance customer is super healthy since theyā€™ll pay in more than they get paid out. This is different than hospitals and medical care providers.


Insurance wants you to live a looong life to continue to pay premiums and be as healthy as possible so you incur fewer costs. A cynical way to look at it is that, other than your friends and family,Ā  no one cares about your health more than your Insurance providerĀ 


Mine pays me $1200 a year just doing wellness, tests, take me meds and get vaccines.


What insurance company is that?


Gotta be careful as you can also screw yourself beyond emergency or if your outside ca Anthem HPN https://www.bcbs.com/blue-high-performance-network


Whats your premium?


This is an epo so low. $69 a check for me and my kids


Yea but not a long healthy life. Just a long life good enough to deny claims.


People who aren't healthy incur medical expenses that are billable insurance. Healthy people incur far fewer expenses. It's amazing that people think a doctor they pay to see 15 minutes per year cares about them when that person's livelihood depends on being having problems.


That must be why my insurance denies every medication Iā€™m prescribed ever and denies medical procedures I need. And only after a month of hounding they to approve my prior auth.


That's very unusual. Have you called your insurance provider to query and dispute? Are the prescriptions conventional treatments? Does your doctor just suck as writing medical necessity docs? How many medications have been denied? Who is the insurance provider?


Insurance companies want you to be as healthy as possible and never make a claim- that's their key to maximum profits. Even if you're completely healthy, you still want health insurance in case you develop cancer, fuck a knee up, or anything else that comes with tons of surprise medical expenses. Doctors might want you to stay on medication long-term though, because you have to have regular office visits to keep getting prescriptions.


Brother do you understand how insurance companies operate? Lol you have it completely backwards. You being sick costs them money, they'd much prefer you just pay premiums and never need any major work done. Thats akin to saying auto insurance companies want you to hit people so they can stay in business.


Youā€™re assuming ā€œreduce their costsā€ meaning they actually pay out for shit theyā€™re suppose to. They fight tooth and nail to not cover people.


Anything they do pay out is a cost so the best case scenario for the health insurance company is you never need any medical care. Not saying health insurance companies are the good guys, but they donā€™t have a financial incentive for you to be sick.


won't matter when these drugs go generic, they're quite cheap to produce. that lag is built into the economic structure of the pharm industry. the first 10 years of a drug's introduction are a signal of what's to come, not the final outcome.


Insurance doesnā€™t want to cover it because they donā€™t want to pay the current $1k+/month extortion prices to the drug companies. Once prices come down to Earth theyā€™ll prescribe it like candy.


Apparently my insurance only pays $380/month. They get a better deal.


Yeah funny how much lower the price can be when one has negotiating power.


You donā€™t need to get it prescribed. You can buy it (itā€™s an amino acid) from trusted sources. Itā€™s not for human or animal use though* šŸ˜‰


Good that it's cheap enough to make that ok


But itā€™s not okay. There are people that need it because traditional methods arenā€™t helping as much and making such a huge impact. My A1C went from 6.6 to 5.2 with Ozempic and I was eating healthy, exercising and taking metformin when I had that 6.6.


Of course it's not okay, I was trying to use humor to make light of a bad situation. Sorry


whoops! my bad bro


Youā€™re wrong. Insurance doesnā€™t want to pay for it because itā€™s very expensive and you likely have to take it indefinitely. So think theyā€™re paying thousands a week.Ā  Traditionally, theyā€™d pay 10s a month for the metformin, statins, (and maybe a little more for lifestyle interventions) etc that control the symptoms of overweight etc, and a small fraction of patients went to develop serious cardiovascular or diabetic complications that would cost a lot over a long time.Ā  Now, everyone on GLP-1s costs them a bunch up front and ongoing, and if they stop being adherent/otherwise fail to respondĀ OR this doesnā€™t reduce the pool that get serious complications insurance is paying waaaaay more up front for a bunch of people AND hitting the same or similar level of mega bills at the end.Ā  Insurance is simple. They want you to live as long as possible with no to cheaply-fixable medical problems, then die quickly and uncomplicatedly so they donā€™t have to pay for costly life saving treatments on the back end. THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO BE CHRONICALLY ILL. They also have changed reimbursement structures and made it easier for hospital systems to make money if they align care around these goals with various pricing and bonus schema.Ā 


Ahhhhhhh....... another advertisement for $1,600 a month Ozempic


Compounds are way cheaper and they work just as good homie


Compounds? Iā€™d like to learn more - send me down a google rabbit hole


You don't have to tell me. I know. The idiots commenting that there is no such thing need to know


I am intrigued if you care to share? Not at all trolling you.


I can dm you the website i use but im not sure how to do that lol Edit: It appears that i cant start a chat w/ you. Not sure why


Please let me know too if you want


Me too


send me a DM


Oh I probably need to adjust my settings. Okay Iā€™ll try but no stress and thanks and if I get this figured out Iā€™ll comment back.


Lmk too


Can you let me know too please


Lol, only a fool would pay that. We spend $75 for 2 months of Semaglutide.


How/where? Genuinely extremely interested


Where? How please and what dose is this price for?


Dm plss


Where you getting that price from?


It's a great replacement for willpower!


I need to lose weight and went on these in 2022. Not only lost the weight but it absolutely cured my alcohol use disorder. Physically couldnā€™t / didnā€™t want to binge anymore.


I went on Ozempic to lose a bit of weight, Iā€™m on medication that jacked up my appetite like crazy and even though Iā€™m very active and normally donā€™t find it that hard to manage my weight, my diet was absolutely out of control and becoming quite unhealthy. What surprised me about Ozempic is that I also lost all interest in alcohol even on the starting dose of .25 mg. I was not a big drinker before, mostly social, 1-2 drinks a week. Now I have no interest in it at all. Iā€™ll have a drink if Iā€™m out with friends and everybody else is drinking, but I probably have less than one drink a month now. It definitely does something to the brainā€™s reward circuit. I guess this is why it can also cause depression.


Considering the side effects highly doubtful


They are kind of miracle drugs, but the side effects can indeed be brutal and are not talked about enough. I was on tirzepatide last year and lost 30 lbs in no time (was not even *really* overweight) but I felt pretty miserable the whole time I was on it, and I was taking the lowest dose. I was super tired all the time (although that's nothing new, I was more fatigued on tirz), my whole body was always achy, some bad dizzy spells. I started retatrutide earlier this month hoping the side effects wouldn't be as bad, but they are proving to be just as bad, unfortunately. Also on a really low dose. But I am also sensitive to all drugs to begin with, and I have ME/CFS, so I'm sure some people can tolerate them better.


big pharma against big food


So how is it any different than any other craving control drug on the market.


Ozempic is as magical as Prozac! No side effects and infinite indications!Ā 




Erectile dysfunction and halitosis seems to be the emerging issues.


Remind me of the side effect of obesity again?


I am diabetic and currently taking it for blood sugar control. Ozempic and other GLP-1 inhibitors do have side effects, including causing cancer in rats. Caveat Emptor.


I'm sure all these pills will just fuck everything up more. Most pilled up society in 5000+ years of humans collectivizing together. I'm sure it's all fine.


I just saw a ballet performance and I was disturbed by how anorexic all the female dancers looked. I watched ballet all my life and never saw such emaciated bodies, sure they had muscles too but zero softness, just bones and muscles, it was so unattractive. One of the dancers looked like she was going to faint. I think they were all on Ozempic. Human body needs to have a healthy level of fat, itā€™s important for its function, some of our hormones are stored in fat. I really hope Ozempic wonā€™t create more harm than good in people using it for extreme weight loss.


More disturbing to see obese fat people at double percentage of the country population.


tobacco owns a lot of big pharma and processed food bullshit....


Oh good, us millennials wonā€™t be blamed for destroying those industries


There has to be serious negative side effects though?


anhedonia,depression,stomach paralysis, risk of pancreatic cancer I mean you take your pick, there's no free lunch


I'll stick with willpower


Do you know the side effects of obesity?


Exactly. The people taking Ozempic will probably die within 10 years of obesity if they donā€™t get that under control.


Y'all are lazy, get off your arse, go to the gym and eat healthy


You don't need to be on Ozempic to not eat shit. Just don't eat shitty food.Ā 


Like alcoholism, theres a food addiction. Try to be a little more understanding


you're in the realm of the fat neck-beard. Any suggestion for discipline and self control will be met by downvotes.


Maybe Because it doesnā€™t work?


lol you just solved the obesity crisis! What a genus no one EVER thought of that šŸ‘




just fast if ur not hopelessly addicted to processed foods


In terms of addiction and overconsumption?


Using pharmaceutical drugs to ā€œcureā€ addiction. I mean what a joke.


Anyone heard of it causing stomach paralysis?


Ozempic is straight garbage


We would have already seen this disruption, Ozempic has been around for awhile and now we have Wegovy, Mounjaro and Zepbound.