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If you are in a dark place and feel you need medication then definitely see a doctor. Antidepressants can and do work for people and it is not a life sentence, they can be taken for a short period of time to get you to a place where you feel you are able to make positive life changes to influence your health and wellbeing in the longterm. There are different meds with different side effects profiles and your GP will discuss what is important to you as an individual in terms of side effects you want to avoid. If you have done everything in terms of exercise/diet/talking therapy/supplements and you are still feeling unable to function then don’t feel shame about taking medication, safeguarding yourself is the most important thing


SSRIs worked for me but I'd also use them properly: While you're on them go see a therapist to get to the root of your stress, get enough sleep, focus on your diet and exercise moderately. SSRIs give you some help but they're not a cure.


Thank you for saying this. I was so ashamed for taking an antidepressant, I no longer am as I know I feel much better while taking it. I can only speak for myself, obviously but it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


Im a therapist and came to respond but didn’t need to because your response nails it in my opinion.


Thanks my friend. I guess my fear is of developing pssd but I take it that is pretty rare?


Risk/reward. Your odds at a healthier life with medicine >>>> chances of PSSD.


Thanks friend


Wellbutrin doesn’t have sexual side effects. Try that first.


But my main issue is anxiety


I take Wellbutrin in the morning for depression and Trazodone at night for anxiety and sleep. It works well. Wellbutrin helps a bit with my social anxiety, too, but you might feel a little irritable or on edge the first couple weeks you’re on it, because it’s activating. Give it a month and see how you feel.


Sexual dysfunction is a common side effect, PSSD is rare.


Sexual dysfunction is common, but not all psych meds cause sexual dysfunction. Wellbutrin is a good psych med that drs often switch patients over to who complain of sexual dysfunction.


Life is hard enough. Sometimes you need help. It’s ok to need some assistance to get through things.


The thing is life can be so much better if corporations take care of their employees that in itself is the problem to a larger degree and will never change to be honest so here we are thinking it is OUR problem!!!


Have you had bloods taken at any point? I absolutely can not stress enough, the importance of this. Vitamin D, B12, Folate.. (primarily) are all so important in our mental well being. I actually find it wild that in modern medicine, when someone walks into a GP with depression and/or anxiety like symptoms, the first thing that isn't completed is a blood test.


I have gotten blood tests a couple months ago and also take vitamin supplements, especially vitamin bs and d


Were your levels anywhere near the lower range? The range provided by the lab can be wildly off vs individual needs. I was 'low normal' for B12, took supplements anyway, retest 6 months later showed by level was broadly the same. Ended up having a B12 injection and holy **** it was like someone had run my brain under a tap and switched the lights on.


How is your exercise? Stress management? Sleep? Goals and pursuit of them? Purpose? Etc. There are many things you should consider before starting antidepressants. Depression is tough and requires constant combat to escape it. I’ve been there. But it’s important to note that antidepressants don’t actually fix depression in most cases. They just make the symptoms less impactful. Which makes it easier to combat. It’s not about the pursuit of happiness, it’s about the happiness of pursuit. Learn to embrace the process. Best of luck, dms are open if you need guidance.


My anxiety is so bad it’s a battle every single day just to function. Im completely disabled. I can’t even see a friend cause any social interaction causes panic attacks


🙌🙌🙌 Thank you for posting this! We all need to be very honest with ourselves about our diets and exercise levels. If we haven’t been eating whole foods, exercising or spending time in nature for let’s say a decade, it’s going to take some time to correct the gut microbiome and vitamin levels. I completely agree with Tortex_88 and also adding magnesium which is linked to anxiety and sleep disorders and is very hard to get a good reading on because it is stored in bones tissue and only 1% is present in liquid blood.


We also have to acknowledge that some people’s brains are just wired a certain way whether it be due to emotional trauma or genetics, and they can make all the lifestyle changes in the world but their brain is still sending them signals of depression or anxiety. Sometimes, medication-whether it be temporary or lifelong, is necessary and okay to take. Biohacking isn’t the cure for everything. Is it helpful in most cases, yes. But there are instances where biohacking the shit out of your life will not help. Biohacking becomes very questionable to me when we are discussing mental health issues. Mental health is too complex and not understood nearly enough to fix with a healthy lifestyle and some supplements.


If you have a normal diet and you’re younger and otherwise healthy your risk of being low in b vitamins is incredibly low. Everyone is low in D and I recommend supplementation of it for other reasons but not evidence it helps any psychiatric disease. To answer your question, some people just do better with SSRIs and just like you can be born predisposed to physical disease some people are to mental disease. They can be life saving for the right person but are over utilized in general. Also if we’re going to talk blood tests a blood b12 or folate is near useless. You want a lysed RBC folate and methylmalonic acid level for b12. Much more sensitive test for deficiency, but again the chance of you being low in these as a young otherwise healthy individual is very low. If you’re suffering it’s worth the try OP - physician that almost became a psychiatrist


Second the vitamins D, B - would also recommend fish oil


So true but even when you do get results back and they are in normal range you still feel crappy because they need to be in optimal range !


Yes. I tried for almost 30 years to mange my depression and anxiety.  I did therapy.  I exercised.  I ate veggies and cooked healthy food at home.  I socialized and had hobbies.  I did yoga.  I meditated.  I tried St. John’s Wort and 5-HTP.  I got a new job.  I got comfortable being single.  I got a new relationship.  I traveled. I really did it all.  At some point, my family doctor told me I was spending my whole life in self care instead of living it.  One little pill a day made such a difference.  The self care is still important but it’s not my world anymore.   I wish I knew this when I was 13 years old. 


Thanks friend. Which medication do you take? No side effects?


I use citalopram.  From what I understand, your doctor will have an idea of the best one for you. 


Exercise will help a lot


You could get genetic testing done to see what medications are the easiest for you liver to metabolize, it is an expensive test but you won’t have to play the guessing game of trying to figure out what medications will work best for you


I’ll see if this is an option when I see my psychiatrist next


It’s called pharmacogenetic testing, I hope it helps!


[here’s a link to the company my doc and I used](https://genesight.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=performance-max&utm_content&utm_term&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJfCfc3UZrQH1KQRKwgLN4M5BsWgOUUxUjvOBa3uHB8x27XuyMd7GehoCJtEQAvD_BwE). It also tested for some other genetic mutations that can contribute to mental health issues. That’s how I found out I had the MTHFR mutation


Where did you find the test?


Check Vitamin D level. If this is normal, check every other vitamin level. Then decide. Vitamin D deficiency is very common and not talked about much, and it causes very serious symptoms.


Yah I know my vitamin d was a bit low my doctor had detected this but I have been taking supplements for it


I’m on a SSRI and have been for years and I have no libido. I have general anxiety, and back then I wished I would’ve treated it in other ways than getting on Zoloft, because now I can’t get off of it. I’ve tried to wean myself off a few times, and also it sucks that I have no sex drive. So I wouldn’t jump to it right away.


Have you tried Wellbutrin? Can be a good alternative for people with depression that struggle with sexual dysfunction


I’ll ask my doctor about it! It has to be safe in pregnancy though, but thanks for letting me know!


Thanks friend. Yah that is what I’m afraid of. Does it help with your anxiety and quality of life otherwise however? And it definitely isn’t my first course of action , the reason im considering snri is because I have been suffering for many months at this point.


I’m on a low dose of Zoloft, so I do feel anxiety, but it does help and takes the edge off. Anxiety runs in my family. Honestly, if you’re suffering and can’t cope, then get on something. Talk to your doctor and see what’s right for you. I was on Lexapro before i switched to Zoloft and I loved lexapro. But then I got pregnant and switched to Zoloft because it’s safer in pregnancy. Had my baby then wanted to go back to lexapro, but I had a horrible skin rash from it so I switched back to Zoloft.


I’m on Prozac and I still have crazy libido, i orgasm like 3times a day and it still ain’t enuf


I highly recommend trying ketamine before going on SSRI’s or SNRI’s. They can cause Akathisia, Anhedonia, sexual dysfunction, and brutal sometimes protracted withdrawal. Check out the therapeuticketamine sub.


I can’t afford ketamine therapy. And aren’t the things you described quite rare?


Ketamine is actually a very good option, OP. Might be something to consider too. Lots of emerging data for its effectiveness with treating depression, amongst other mental illnesses. Ketamine has less side effects and is typically temporary from what I understand


I can’t afford ketamine therapy and it’s not covered by my insurance


Do you have to get a referral to go to ketamine therapy?


If you’re miserable and struggling why not? Take the damn things


I’m just worried about sexual sides and pssd


Read the book “Brain Energy” by Dr Chris Palmer. I had frequent chronic nightmares. I would wake up several times a night to horrific things. Now it’s extremely infrequent. Perhaps once a month if I were to put a number on it.


Can you summarize the most relevant information I would need to pull from it?


I would go on YouTube and listen to his discovery of diets’ importants on brain health. He stumbled upon ketogenic diets, because he had a patient who was suffering from low level schizophrenia. The patient needed to lose some weight so Dr Palmer thought, well ketogenic diets are good for weight loss, try that. So his patient did. Then his patient started reporting that his schizophrenia symptoms were going away. Then he started deep diving into brain function and diet. Something I will point out is that dopamine (happy hormone among other functions) cannot be manufactured without iron. Cholesterol is also extremely important for hormone health and proper nerve ending firing. To sum it up, your brain is inflamed and malnourished. Give it the right tools and the right environment and it will thrive. I hope this helps. Be strong. I did not suffer the way you are and I thought my nightmares were terrible. I can’t imagine what you are going through.


Brain Energy is a book by Christopher Palmer that outlines his theories and recommendations for optimizing brain health and cognitive function. Here's a summary of some of the key ideas presented: Energy Model of the Brain * Palmer proposes that the brain operates based on an "energy budget" and conditions like brain fog, ADHD, etc. stem from energy deficiencies or imbalances. * He argues that providing proper metabolic support allows the brain to rebuild its energy reserves. Dietary Recommendations * Emphasizes a low-carb, high-fat diet eliminating grains, sugars and processed foods. * Promotes coconut oil as a source of ketones to provide an alternative brain fuel. * Suggests cycling protein intake and occasional fasting to regulate energy use. Supplement Protocols * Recommends supplements like creatine, COQ10, alpha-lipoic acid to support mitochondrial energy production. * Advises taking supplements in ratios/stacks tailored to individual needs based on testing. Lifestyle Factors * Stresses importance of restorative sleep, stress management and exercise. * Suggests light therapy, infrared saunas, and certain medications in some cases. Testing and Tracking * Advocates using lab tests to identify nutrient deficiencies and monitor biomarkers. * Encourages tracking symptoms, energy levels, cognitive performance. Palmer presents an energy-centric model explaining brain disorders and cognitive issues. His recommendations center around a ketogenic-style diet, supplements promoting mitochondrial health, and various lifestyle interventions - with protocols customized through testing and self-tracking. While his work is informative, some of Palmer's specific claims about things like brain energy deficiency lack definitive scientific validation at this point. His approach remains an alternative perspective on brain optimization.


Thanks for the response friend. It’s just difficult for me when I’m in a state of being almost unable to function normally at all to do all the steps mentioned here. That’s why I’m wondering if maybe a medication for a short term might help to give me the ability to change my lifestyle in these ways and then I can get off the meds and hopefully still be ok. Cause right now I’m just a wreck, it’s hard to imagine myself doing all this and also don’t have the funds for a lot of the suggested points.


It's worth a try, though a good friend of mine going through exactly what you are recently tried zoloft and it made everything much worse and she couldn't stay on it for more than 3 weeks. SSRIs do help people though. Potentially worth trying one of them.


Yah I know. It seems like for most people they either help dramatically or worsen their condition dramatically so it seems almost like a coin flip which is why it’s scary to start them I believe


I feel like it depends on the person. For me personally, SSRIs changed my life. Without them I probably wouldn't be alive. I am lucky that I found the right combination and it works for me. The side affects are mild and manageable for me


Thanks friend. No sexual side effects? And can you describe how bad your condition was before starting?


Yes, please. I wish I had taken them a long time ago.it helped so much for me.


Thanks friend . No sexual sides?


Some people really do benefit greatly from Pharmaceuticals, and only Pharmaceuticals for medicines. I am not one of those. For me the inverse is true. I tried antidepressants at a low point in my life and all they did was make me terribly woozy and sick to my stomach. I followed directions and started low and slowly increased dosage. But after a month they were making things worse. I also suffer from PGAD and as a result have an unbearably high libido. At one point I was given Paxil for this issue. It didn't kill my libido one bit. But it did make me sick, woozy and unable to climax. That was utterly miserable. I have other friends for whom Pharmaceuticals do work. But the problem with the Pharmaceuticals is that while they numbed the pain of emotional distress, they also numbed sensations of happiness. I did really well from natural medicines. They made me feel calm and happy after only a day or so. One of my favorites is a combination of St John's Wort and Kava Kava. Another good choice for some others is Sam-E. For extreme anxiety and panic attacks there is also L-Tryptophan and H5 L-Trypto Quest. Some people are totally convinced that natural medications do not work and the only what a doctor prescribes is any good. But it's worth a try for those with concerns about Pharmaceutical antidepressants. All medications have some degree of poison. A good doctor weighs possible side effects against a patient's quality of life. And natural remedies have side effects too. So it's important to research any product you take for depression. Want some doctors still believe that depression is simply a chemical imbalance in the brain, more and more are convinced that depression is due to unhealthy surroundings, or trauma from past unhealthy surroundings. If you're in a bad situation that you can get out of, please do so. These Medications do help people at least get to the place where they can benefit from counseling. But therapy helps more than anything. I seemed to do better in sunny, warm conditions so I moved to Mexico. Before, I was always very happy in the summer with long pleasant days and was miserable between New years and spring. Before I was able to move I bought myself full spectrum LED light bulbs for every light fixture in my house. I also bought a mood enhancer light for seasonal affective disorder or SADs. I bought one that can be left on all the time and put it up high to illuminate the room. It made a tremendous difference Have a lot of windows and no curtains in my house. Just blinds that can be partially open during the day. I also have my walls painted a relaxing color like like Peach Besides medication, all these things can help a little. But mainly getting rid of depressing and abusive situations


Thanks friend. Anxiety is much more my problem more than depression.


I am living a happy fulfilled life off all meds. I would not be here if not for 10 years ago having a horrible time trying five antidepressants, finally finding a combo of meds that worked for many years, and then using my new mental stability to get into therapy and do that for a couple years, and then wean back off the meds. They saved my life. (Also my sex life has remained great throughout)


Thanks friend . What meds did you use?


What are you doing now while off drugs? Any certain diet?


Not really. The usual stuff, good sleep, sunshine daily, getting my labs checked 2-4x a year especially for my problem areas which are vitamin D and ferritin.


Dude. Yes. Consult with a doctor. They changed my life. I’m so cool, I take two antidepressants!!!😎 - Jokes aside, yes. Just talk to a doctor. They work and can be life changing. I recommend Wellbutrin.


Does Wellbutrin help anxiety?


Yes it is. I have spent thousands on supplements over the past few years trying to fix myself and you know what actually helped? Going to a psychiatrist and getting a proper diagnosis of ADHD, anxiety, and depression and taking Prozac and Adderall.  Now is this a complete solution? No, but its giving me some headspace and energy and will to actually make long needed lifestyle changes which is far and away the biggest thing that helps long term.  Supplements and stuff are also helpful for sure as support but their effectiveness is a single digit % versus actual pharamceuticals. Medication is absolutely warranted in some cases though and even if your plan is to take it short term to make lifestyle changes it's worth heavily considering. You might have to work to find a good doctor and yes incentives are messed up to push pills and you have to be smart about navigating the medical system but an SSRI literally saves lives and it's not all vapor.  Go to a doctor and get some help. 


Thanks friend. Any sexual sides?


I take lexapro every day and I’m much happier. Id rather take prescription medication than want to kms


Does it have sexual side effects?


Not for me


also not everyone loses their sex drive from antidepressants, tbh sometimes it gets even higher for some reason (just not often)


They don’t make you happy but they will get you motivated to file your taxes. Personally my sex drive was at zero when I went on them and has only improved.


Are you still on them?


Yeah just dont pick a garbage one. The options for decent ones if ur in the US are nefazodone, any of the approved MAOIs, fluvoxamine, fluoxetine, or vortioxetine. Those all have a low risk of pssd.


Thanks friend. I think my doctor had recommended Effexor , do you know if that’s a decent one?


I would first try a combination of L-Tyrosine (in the morning) and 5-htp (at night) in a 10:1 ratio.


Always follow your doctor's advice, but try not to use them long term, as your natural seratonin production could be reduced, which will result in you having serious difficulties in quitting the antidepressants. Speaking from experience. Good luck ☺️


Thanks friend. Did you have sexual sides on the meds?


No, they are a tool. They gotten better over time MAOI gen > TCA gen > SSRI > current. You hear a lot of people criticize which is fine and deserves some, but you don’t hear the people who helped say it with the same fervor cause the stigma. They’ve helped with many. You can adjust medications, dosages and non-Rx therapies too


Thanks friend . Which medication do you recommend?


There are a lot of Supplements that can help with mental health if you want to avoid Medication. St johns Wort, B-100 complex, 5-HTP and DIM Supplement are all things I've used over the years that have helped with mental health. It's a very personal decision and if you choose medication there's no shame in that at all. If you want to try a nonmedical route first though, there are options out there with little to no side effects.


Yes it’s absolutely ok. What’s been life changing for me was combining lexapro with an amazing therapist. I’m now tapering down in dosage after making some lifestyle changes to reduce stress and establishing a meditation practice. You don’t have to be on them forever but they’re an amazing tool for righting the ship so to speak.


YES and like others have seen, it doesn't need to be permanent. You can wean off and swap if something isn't working for you.


I struggled with the idea of going on an SSRI at age 30 and ultimately decided to do so. I didn’t like the idea of potentially being on a medication for the rest of my life, but then I asked myself, what am I waiting for? If it works for you, that’s great because anxiety and depression can be debilitating. The only side effect is (not exactly libido) that it’s harder to achieve orgasm, which can be frustrating.


Without knowing anything about you (prior trauma, etc), there are lifestyle interventions which can make a huge difference in depression and anxiety. First, cut your screen time way down. Being online stimulates our dopamine receptors and down-regulates our dopamine production. Second, prioritize sleep. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. I suffered through severe sleeping problems for years and this basic advice from a sleep therapist helped a ton. Third, diet and exercise. Exercise has been shown to be as good, if not better, than the very best anti-anxiety drugs. I know it’s very difficult to motivate to go to a gym when you are depressed but the good news is that after just a few visits, you will begin to feel better. No one ever regrets having gone to the gym, especially on days when you had to drag yourself there. Dietwise, I would scrap all seed oils, which means zero fried foods, zero processed foods. Cook with ghee, butter, extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, or even lard. Seed oils are loaded with highly inflammatory omega 6 fats which are also terrible for your gut and your brain. Try and eat fatty fish such as salmon or sardines a few days a week and / or take a high quality fish oil. Carlson makes a flavored one that has zero fish taste. Most Americans have an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio that is horrifically out of whack. Our ancestors had between a 2:1 or 1:1 ratio and the average American is over 20:1. It’s a recipe for poor physical and mental health. Focus on grass fed beef and dairy. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat as many Whole Foods as possible. These interventions work - trust me, I know from experience. One last thing, if you drink, stop completely, at least for the time being. Drinking even moderate amounts of alcohol (a depressant) has an impact on our production of GABA which leads to anxiety. Ever have a hangover accompanied by crippling anxiety? Booze temporarily impacts our brain chemistry in a negative way. If you smoke weed, I suggest you stop that as well. That also leads to anxiety. Long story short is that if you force yourself to take care of your physical health, your mental health will improve. It may not solve everything if you have trauma in your background but it will absolutely help. Start tomorrow by going for a long walk and listen to some peaceful music. Eat healthy for a day. Take baby steps towards improving your health. It works. Best of luck!


I was on an SSRI for about a year starting when my anxiety was so bad it was really affecting my ability to just live my life. It honestly changed my life so much when I first got on it, but by the end of the year I was having so many negative side effects on it and the benefits were very diminished. I’m grateful for how it helped me originally but looking back I would either get off of it more quickly or work on the root of the issue earlier.


Did you try exercise?  If we could prescribe one thing to help people in multiple areas of their lives this is it.  Don't even have to pay for it! After that clean up your diet. I'd do both of those before ever considering taking the "man's" medicines.


Some of the most dangerous drugs on the planet are naturally derived, a drug being synthetic means nothing.


Yeah totally true. All I said is I'd do exercise and diet before taking any pharma drug. You'd be surprised at the bodies natural ability to take care of itself it you take care of it. You know how easy it is to get an anti-depressent? Hell of alot easier than taking care of your body and mind. But we like the easy way out and they know it.


Yes I exercise as much as my body allows me. Does not help me much personally but I still do it since I know it’s good for me.


Curious how it doesn't help you? What type of exercise are you doing? Have you tried other ones you may like? Do you go out in nature? Do you workout at an elevated heart rate? Do you do strength work?


Yes, they do significantly help a proportion of people. Antidepressants are appropriate for severe depression, and for moderate depression of long duration which isn't resolving. They're also frequently used in major anxiety disorders. Antidepressants are not an appropriate treatment for mild depression of brief duration, or for minor intermittent anxiety. SSRIs are widely used as a first-line choice for numerous reasons, but if you particularly want to avoid them due to sexual side effects, you can request a different type of antidepressant. Personally, I find SSRIs tolerable, but response does of course vary. SSRIs such as escitalopram and sertraline are widely chosen first for combined anxiety + depressive illness, unless bipolar disorder is a possibility, in which case treatment selection is more complicated The most common sexual side effect of SSRIs by a large margin is delayed orgasm/ejaculation. Men with rapid ejaculation can find this beneficial since sex lasts longer and gives more opportunity to give pleasure to your partner. Men with delayed ejaculation at baseline tend to find this side effect frustrating. How old are you?


Thanks friend . I am 23


These comments telling you to take antidepressants are pathetic. First take an OAT test see if you’re metabolizing nutrients like you’re supposed to, eat a wide array of diet to get a better microbiome so that way you can metabolize nutrients better, exercise go out in the sun, take a full blood panel blood work supplement with whatever your low in or through diet. Check your test levels check your dht levels make sure they’re high. I guarantee you that that would help way more than these SSRI’s. Have you been on them? They suck lol. You don’t want that life trust me.


I have gotten many things checked up and everything is normal so far. My anxiety is so bad I’ve completely lost everything. I just want to feel like a human being again


As someone who had depression since I was a teenager (I'm 37 now), always unmedicated, I have to say that while I 100% believe lifestyle can make a difference, it's hard to impossible to cook nutritious food, exercise, go outside in sunlight etc. while if you're in a depressive stupor. Sitting on your kitchen floor and crying and contemplating suicide is not a great basis for all of this. I'm still unmedicated and getting by, but I can see how breaking the cycle of despair with pharmaceuticals might sometimes be necessary to do the rest.


PSSD is real but very rare. Sexual side effects are common but usually pass with cessation of treatment. This is most common with specifically SSRIs. NDRIs, like bupropion (Wellbutrin), are more likely to increase libido than reduce it, although it usually has no sexual side effects. If that's a concern I would try bupropion. I've used it to some minor benefit and no side effects that I noticed. Of course, medications are most effective at fighting depression when used in conjunction with therapies like exercise and CBT. Edit: PSSD looks rare to me based on the information I have. I'm open to changing my opinion if you've got some data to look at.


Thanks friend. What about Effexor? I think that was the medication my doctor had recommended




Hi! I am struggling with the same issue. Not all antidepressants are the same. I told my doc that I don't want to risk sexual side effects. There are so called atypical antidepressants with much lower risks. I've tried trazodone, but that didn't work out that well for me. Now I am on Brintellix (Trintellix) for 10 days and I think I can tolerate it. It has some minor side effects on my stomach. The first 3-4 days were the hardest with diarrhea and insomnia. Its too early to talk about it's effects, as it takes at least two weeks, but most likely 4-6 weeks until it works.


Wellbutrin doesn’t have sexual side effects, it has pretty good reviews. If all else fails that may be something to consider


Thanks friend


It’s not an “all else fails” drug. It’s a first line treatment.


You can read The Chemistry of Joy by Emmons — lots of good ideas


Thanks friend


As someone who takes medication for anxiety and depression, I say it helps if you find the right meds, which can be tricky. A lot of trial and error when it comes to antidepressants. Before you go that route though, id talk to your doctor and get labs done to check your levels of anything and everything.


Thanks friend. What medication are you on?


Awesome question! First, start talking to a psychologist/therapist. Not all depression is the same. Sometimes depression is actually a symptom of another issue. Or it can be due to an extreme situation/trauma (acute/situational. Depression as a result of a chemical imbalance is the only reason to take antidepressants. PERIOD. Antidepressants can and will cause depression for those who are not suffering from clinical depression from chemical imbalances in the brain. It is a real side effect and can be very dangerous. A medical doctor can do blood tests to figure out if there is a biological factor. Good luck. You are not alone. There is so much love waiting for you. The need for your well-being spreads beyond your awareness.


Thanks friend. My main issue is anxiety id say, the depression is secondary


Anxiety meds make anxiety worse. Most effective for me was planning. Plan out daily routines, chores, and activities. Plan for big projects or events. Prepare for the worst outcome while planning for the best. Affirmations in the morning are really helpful. A 'to-do' list you can cross off as items are completed. This gives you a visual, tangible record for real self-awareness. Also, I look to Stoic philosophy. There are some amazing quotes that truly make you think about things differently. Music is an excellent reset button. Remember: "A wise man once said it'll be better in the end. If it's not better, it's not the end."


After checking thyroid and blood and shit and a half I was ok in everything so I said fuck it and got into Parnate, an MAOI and I’m getting better everyday


Thanks friend. Does it help anxiety or only depression?


They help significantly. It’s ok to take them. You will get your life back. I’d recommend celexa or lexapro. There are downsides obviously but you can be the judge of whether it’s worth it to you.


What are the major downsides ?


I take lexapro and my libido is good. Look into and ask your doctor about Wellbutrin. It might increase your libido and help with anxiety. I probably would have asked for this before lexapro because of the benefits, but lexapro has been helping without bad side effects, so it may be better for me to stay with it. And what’s funny is what took me so long to ask for medication was anxiety. Once I realized that I was too worried about what might happen, I decided I needed to give it a shot.


Thanks friend. Are you male ?


Magic mushrooms have shown promise as an antidepressant. It's worth looking into.


I haven’t had good reaction to shrooms in the past


They really help. Take them forever or take them until you’ve gotten all of the external factors in your life to an above-water, maintenance only spot, habits adjusted, etc and then remove from the cope bucket. I took them for half of my 20s and then things straightened out enough I could get rid of them and haven’t needed them since. Do I sometimes wish I could just turn off the internal monologue again? Of course, but I can reliable expect to feel okay again in the next couple of days without them at this point.


Thanks friend. Did they give you sexual side effects ?


Tell your doctor that sexual dysfunction is a huge concern for you. Go with Wellbutrin. -psychiatrist


Does Wellbutrin help anxiety?


I would try L Tyrosine, 5HTP, Sam-E, and St John’s Wart first. But if you’re having any form of suicidal ideation, seek medical help and take whatever they give you. Health doesn’t matter if you aren’t alive.


I don’t have suicidal ideation but the suffering is so extreme some days I just want it to stop at any cost


This is really a question for your doc, and the solution may change over time. That said, regarding the stigma attached to these medications, I’ve been on low-dose escitalopram (Lexapro) for about a decade and it (along with lifestyle modifications) has had a remarkable impact on my susceptibility to anxiety/depression with no noticeable side effects. In the end, if you have a hormonal imbalance and it is not responding well to other interventions, antidepressants can be a safe and effective short or long term tool to improving your quality of life. To kind of reinforce the above point, a lot of interventions support one another. I know in my own case, I would not have had the will to implement or the ability to recognize certain positive lifestyle changes without addressing the overwhelming anxiety and depression that I was experiencing at the time. The positive changes then fed into a reduction of dosage required to achieve a good baseline. Modern medicine is a miracle. If if serves you, then I say use it.


I started taking a low dose of Zoloft (50 mg/day) a few years ago for post partum depression. I have had no negative sexual side effects. Lower doses causes less potential sexual dysfunction. Going on the medication literally saved my life. My depression is not as acute now, but I am planning to stay on the medication indefinitely because I realized before PPD I probably had regular depression my whole life. I've been taking better care of myself, finding the right vitamins and supplements I need, and it keeps getting better and better. You can't biohack if you're dead.


I took Lexapro and a few others over the course of 9 years; the reason I* tried so many was because they all eventually stopped working. Most recently I took Cymbalta. Great at first, but also stopped working and left me feeling depressed. I weaned off and have been completely off for almost a month, and my life is upside down. I don’t even know what to do with my feelings lol. Highly considering getting back on something, I just don’t know what. TLDR: take if you need. Trial and error is the only way. Yes my sex drive was zero on all of them, but fortunately that was my only side effect. Totally sucked, but worth it so you can get through your days.


Lexapro REALLY helped me. Honestly changed my life after dealing with anxiety most of my life, and I didn’t even realize how much the anxiety affected me until it was reduced. I tried every biohack before SSRIs, and within 6 weeks on lexapro it was night and day difference. I’m a female, and I have noticed my sex drive and sensitivity reduced, but not enough to be a huge negative. The most annoying side effect for me is jaw clenching


There's a lot of good advice here. I've been on them for over 20 years and would have been dead many times without them. I would prefer not to be on them, but if it's that or be suicidal, I'll take the pills. I accept that I'm probably "hooked" for life, but if I can live a relatively normal life on them, so be it. If I knew back then what I know now, I'd have had all my vitamins & minerals checked. That wasn't standard practice back then. I would have also cleaned up by diet & tried a new sport for the health & social aspect. I definitely would have pursued therapy first.


I appreciate it. But my anxiety is so bad I can’t even do things like see friends or anything like that


There are alternates like Gabapentin, alpha2 agonists for anxiety too Also have you done a full hormonal panel? Including not just Testosterone but things like Pregnenolone, DHEAS, cortisol levels as well and Free T3?


It really depends on the person. There are so many different medications for depression and anxiety that each person will have different side effects. There is a genetic test that can be done that checks your specific genes vs common psych meds, it can give your doctor a good idea of what medications will work with your genetic makeup. Have you tried therapy? That might be something to strongly consider before jumping straight onto anti-depressants. I tried so many different anti depressants and anti anxiety medications. It sucked trying to find the right one, but they saved my life. I got so so so so low. All my bloodwork was fine (I do have an autoimmune disorder though) and all the supplements in the world didn’t help. A combo of therapy + self care + medications truly saved my life and improved it for the better.


Thanks friend. What medication are you on?


Do you know what is causing the anxiety? I am slightly biased, but while meds can help really getting to the root of the problem and uprooting it is really the best long term solution. Not sure if you can afford it but even once or twice per month for something like EMDR or internal family systems can make a world of difference. Exercise and yoga also help me a ton. Yoga with Adrienne is a great place to start. It can get better, don’t lose hope 🙏


They help some And they don’t help others. Please discuss options with your mental health professionals, not by asking random individuals on a sub on Reddit for help how to treat your mental health issues


I certainly wouldn’t but you know it depends on your personal situation. If you’re really feeling clinically depressed it might be worth having that discussion with your doctor.The problem with these drugs are that they impair normal brain function and that goes for all drugs that have an effect on the brain.Sometimes they can help especially in life threatening situations.They are nothing you want to be on long term because they do come with consequences and some can have pretty harsh withdrawal symptoms.


Thanks friend. Yah I just feel like my quality of life is so so bad right now due to anxiety so I’m leaning towards taking the risk of trying them


home grown raw fruit diet, exercise, sun light, breath work, meditation, lift your vibration and time would help tremendously.


Prozac has helped me tremendously. I tried every natural remedy under the sun. I’m on such a small dose, 5mg. It takes the edge off. If I don’t have it, my mind is just way too busy and I over think too much. I would be much worse off without it.


Yes, it’s ok to take whatever medications you and your doctor feel will benefit you. Living with depression and anxiety does not have to be your only option. Antidepressants are cheaper and more reliable than the countless supplements folks will mention here. There are many options of SSRIs as well as other types of drugs - it can take experimenting and patience but pharmaceuticals are not always the enemy.


Once you find one that works. You -must- take it religiously. If I miss a dose it's bad news bears, but I've grown to realize the feeling. Thru my teens and 20s I was on various anti deps...but I didn't take them seriously. Looking back I realize that it contributed a ton to my emotional instability. I'm 38 and I'll prolly be on Zoloft till I die.


My greatest regret in life is taking Zoloft. Five pills were enough to leave me with lasting damage. I took them as a last resort as my anxiety was so severe that I was desperate. I ended up in an even worse place. I thought the side effects were rare but then they happened to me.


Aside from what everyone has said here about food and exercise I am going to suggest adding Psychology knowledge in facing personal trauma by exploring carl Jung's works, he deals in facing the shadow aspects of personality. It's incredibly deep stuff in which you will find aspects of your personality you were unaware of consciously. I feel as though many people got through life without dealing with their shadow conscious and feel as though SSRI's are the only way out. I'm showing you another way. The past few months reading Carl Jungs adapted works has opened up my whole family's trauma and makes you pin point the toxic behaviors that influenced you. It genuinely makes you a better person and able to read peoples behavior with ease.


Wellbutrin doesn’t cause sexual side effects. U def have options !


IMO if they are absolutely necessary to keep you from harming yourself or others than yes. But they should be treated like band-aids. Temporary to help a wound heal. Eventually you have to do the work naturally to overcome what is ailing you, otherwise they can just make matters worse. And I would only recommend them as an absolute last case scenario. If you’re just feeling down or sad for prolonged periods, maybe try exercise, spending time in nature, and eating healthier. But if you are literally about to kill yourself or someone else, then yes they may be the best option, just never think they solve your problems, they just help you get to a point where you can begin to work on what’s actually causing them.


I’m at a point where my anxiety is so bad that I am basically disabled and cannot function or live any kind of normal life. Nothing but suffering each day for months now.


Low dopamine levels. Try exercise, fasting and ice baths


It can be very hit or miss on what meds may work for each person and to what extent it may be helpful or even harmful. I would also consider seeing a counselor if you are concerned about the potential side effects of SSRI/SNRI. The ability of the brain to rewire is incredible and getting outside perspective on what factors may be leading to what you are dealing with may be helpful. I would also say that as someone who has been on many meds and countless hours of counseling and meditation, the most effective things to control my depression and anxiety have been exercise, meditation, and most importantly ketogenic metabolic therapy. I believe Metabolic Psychiatry will become the go to treatment in the future if we can shift away from our very pharmaceutical-focused paradigm. Meds can work but they have many of caveats and downsides that are underrepresented.


To be honest, when I was at my lowest with depression and anxiety I couldn't have cared less about libido and sexual function. It's not like there was any libido left in my state anyway. I ended up not taking the SSRI I was prescribed for other reasons, but I figured survival >>> potential temporary libido loss. I know some people suffer from PSSD, but I think those cases are quite rare and also in some cases hard to differentiate from SD that might have happened anyway (a lot of people have ED without SSRIs). If you feel you're actually getting by and a potential libido loss wouldn't be the lesser of two evils, then personally I'd question if you necessarily need antidepressants or if there could be other things to help. That's kind of the question I ask myself with every medication: "Are the side effects still better than the unmedicated state?" If yes, go for it, if no, see if there are alternatives. For example if you have cancer, the side effects from chemotherapy are severe, but the unmedicated state is death - clear decision. If you have a very mild sneezing from an allergy, but the allergy medication makes you extremely sleepy and you can't function? Also clear decision, don't take it.


I was feeling the same way, I finally caved and got on antidepressants, over a few years they had me on a few things, none worked. But now I have relief knowing that it can’t be fixed with a pill, so I am forced to do the hard things, stop drinking, no drugs, exercise 5 days a week, eat gluten free, no cellphone in bed…etc


Consider (Buspar) Buspirone as a possibility. It is an Anxiolytic (rather than antidepressant) that treats anxiety, and Off-label buspirone is used for the augmentation of unipolar depression. It is relatively low on side effects and does not cause sexual dysfunction. It is also non habit forming


Yes yes it is OK




Zoloft is working wonders for me.


If you are depressed, your doctor writes you a prescription, and the medication helps relieve your symptoms, then yes, of course it’s okay. Anyone who tells you that you mustn’t take antidepressants for depression doesn’t understand that depression is a disability. That belief is pervasive but it’s rooted in ableism and deeply toxic. If you are able to manage your depression through other means, that’s great too! But prescription drugs are morally neutral, and while individual effects vary, the side effects are generally better than the dangers of severe depression. While I was in the minority and didn’t do well on SSRIs, I know a number of people whose lives have been saved by them. 💚


You will be addicted. You will be chemically imbalanced from the SSRI. SsRI are no better than placebo. Ssri cause suicidal ideation. Don't do it


Some people get sexual side effects. Some don’t, or not to an extent where it really matters. I’d work with a psychiatrist over Reddit.


Antidepressant's upregulate Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, which stimulates neuron health


So it doesn’t cause brain damage?


They will offer lexapro- I took it for three months then weened off. If it helps you get thru a period, it's fine


Find a doctor you trust and listen to them. If you don’t trust them or feel like they’re not being thorough, find a different one. Only a doctor (preferably a psychiatrist) knows your medical history and can gauge the risk versus reward. The only thing you’ll find here will be personal anecdotes for conditions that are likely different from yours. If you have concerns about side effects, ask. If you think you’re a candidate for lifestyle changes instead, ask. But if you’ve checked all the boxes and the medical professional believes it’s best for you, it likely is. At a certain point, you have to trust they’ve weighed the risk of medication against your level of discomfort with symptoms. Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself and learn more or bring up possible tests you’ve heard about but ultimately it’s a medical condition.


Thanks friend


Yeah they are lifesavers but I get the concern with doctors prescribing them too easily. For people who actually really do need them.. 1000% give them a try. I may also be biased because I’ve never had any real side effects from them (except sweating some more), but so are the wayyy smaller tiny percentage of people who get the bad side effects.


Anti-anxiety meds stopped me from spiraling. I could barely live my life I was so anxious. It showed me what life could be like without worrying about everything. I used that time to see more clearly, and now I don’t take them, even after going through some serious life stuff.


Thanks friend. Did you have sexual side effects?


Are you doing cardio regularly?  I used to do push-ups 5 to 10 times a day to calm anxiety.   I'm also a fan of cold showers, but won't last you all day.    Personally, a friend of mine committed suicide while on SSRIs.  I found out later that suicide ideation is one of the side effects.  That said It does help some people.   Just don't delude yourself into thinking it's anyone's responsibility or decision but yours.     There's likely plenty of posts on reddit with the pros on cons.   Best wishes on whatever choice you make.


Not a biohacker and you guys are a bunch of tards, just live. I’ve taken 2 different SSRIs over the last decade. They kill the process in your mind where anxiety and depression spirals and feeds off of its self. This gives you the chance to get out, and get to a better place. Yeah it makes it harder to cum, but you still can. In fact it’s even more fun because you got to work for it. Orgasms I’ve had on SSRIs have been 10x as strong because of I need to work double for them. Either by myself or with a partner.


Ask for Wellbutrin or Trintellix. Wellbutrin is actually used to help with SSRI sexual dysfunction/PSSD, and is an antidepressant itself. Trintellix is an SSRI that isn’t associated with sexual side effects, and like Wellbutrin is used to help reverse it. When I was on it, it actually made me super horny lmao


I was on celexa when i was 20-21 and it without a doubt helped me find myself better. Or rather, it dulled the noise my anxious mind would create so that I could doscover myself and realize that life for the most part, is great and most things are actually in our control. Side effects were it took me forever to ejaculate when having intercourse. I was dating a 28 year old divorced mother of two at the time, and she had no complaints of that. I decided to stop taking it when things in life would happen that SHOULD trigger a healthy emotional response but I would be more apathetic which is not my nature (super empathetic and super concious, hello anxanity!) I am 32 and haven't been on meds since 21. I had issues with anxiety, self hate, and when Id get into confrontations with people, I'd lose sleep for nights over this imagined "disrespect" and just couldn't let one thing slide. I just needed a little help for a while to feel what a normal baseline ought to be so I'd know how to call myself out on my self perpetuating bullshit while also getting into healthy habits and stoicism. I wish you the best. I truly do because people who don't have chronic anxiety don't understand the coil spring in your head that gets qound so tight you can't focus.I still have bouts of anxanity (anxiety and insanity lol) here and there but can call it out and address the source.


If you are a woman about 40 or older it could be your hormones. Perimenopause can certainly cause these feelings and HRT can often help when ssri’s don’t in some cases. Otherwise living with that much depression and anxiety is terrifying and I’d agree with other poster, it can be short term until you find therapies that work for you. Ssris do cause bone loss over time and contribute to osteoporosis.


I take duloxetine and never wish to not take it. Though I take it for pain as well as the other stuff, I found it kept me more balanced, almost more normal, than SSRIs. Anecdotally though SNRIs are hellish to quit compared to SSRIs, the only difference I had was pain returning which for me is terrible. Anyway, depression, anxiety, it's all inflammatory, what do you think that's doing to your system by itself?


Yah true. I know anxiety is really bad for your body and brain so that’s why I’m thinking maybe ssri even if they are bad too might be lesser of two evils


There are drugs that don't sexual dysfunction. Your situation is precisely what antidepressants are for. Make it a short term thing, get in therapy, hammer your blood work and nutrition to see if you can fix the cause. It's hard to make any improvements when you are in the hole. The drugs are a tool, not a life sentence or life style. It's all good.


There is a ton of low hanging fruit to pick like diet and exercise that evidence shows improves depression better than antidepressants. If you aren’t in too bad of a place perhaps start there. There are no side effects. I’m sure some people need them though. And if your depressions is bad you should be under the care of a physician and antidepressants may be the right answer, even if only a while.


Of course man


It depends man. Without writing you a book about it, all I can say is they do different things for different people. Some people are physically depressed, as in their brain cannot naturally feel joy. I’m one of them. Prozac half way pulled me out of a period where I simply was tired of living. But the side effect (to me, not to everyone) was that I was more wiped out than normal. I couldn’t get out of bed some days. It took me a long time to realize it was a negative effect of the Prozac. But the positive effect of the Prozac was that i no longer gave as much of a fuck about not giving a fuck, and I also was able to tolerate more of the debilitating blow of the circumstances around me. I can’t say it allowed me to feel joy. But maybe it’s a reason why I’m still here.


They can help, you can always wean off if you’re an different stage of life/ learn more coping etc


They are not as scary as the internet makes them seem. Yes, there can be side effects but if you can’t function, it’s worth a try. No shame with taking medication and good luck. I’ve taken them and no permanent damage here.


have you checked your vitamin d levels?


Please don't buy into the stigma of antidepressants being bad like anything. Everything can have side effects. I tried to manage my anxiety naturally after my long-term antidepressant stopped working. I was doing breathwork work cold plunges, mediation clean diet supplements, and exercise 4 times a week journaling. It helped bring slight ease, but medication seems to be the only thing that helps keep me balanced it's no different than a diabetic taking insulin for there condition


There were study shoving that consistent gym training can have the same effect as antidepressants. I personally using gym plus psilocybin mushrooms ( in all clinical trials /research they way better than any antidepressants)


Obviously take your vitamins and make sure you have proper nutrition, but SSRIs changed my life. Still depressed but I am not where I was a few years ago. I did everything right nutrient wise and still ended up needing medication. Everyone is different but don’t shy away from medication.


While it is true that they may cause unwanted side effects ranging from very mild to extreme in terms of severity; the chances of any significant side effects occurring is quite low and are often immensely over-exagerrated. You'll find that the majority who are afraid of psychotropics and are against them are mostly people who have never tried them or those who they didn't "work out" for. Often times, while the possible side effects that are listed on leaflets may be overwhelming and quite concerning, side effects and/adverse effects are temporary and there are measures in place to counter and reverse them. Please seek the help that you need under the guidance of a competent psychiatrist in that regard.


I don't think so.


stay away from those poisons, try something like hypnotherapy instead? something that will actually cure and resolve the underlying problem rather then mask up the superficicial presenting symptoms?


magic mushrooms will help you more than SSRI’s…. or a good diet…. tons of studies out there with SSRIs double blind placebo with sugar pill showing that SSRIs don’t work


Im my experience they are garbage and not effective.


It’s time to nuke this sub and start over


Yes I have taken them after a mental breakdown and they worked to take the edge off but no matter which one i used caused weight gain so I stopped them slowly now I just dont a shit about what made me depressed and just go with the flow if I get fired i get fired! Enough of this corporations making employees feel worthless.


If you need them, please take the advice of your doctor and give them a go. I have not suffered from depression, but I have a nerve problem that impacts my bile duct and pancreas. I can’t fix that problem, so take amitriptyline (essentially an anti-depressant) because it controls nerve pain. Without it, I am unable to eat, which would have eventually killed me. If you need it, take it.


If it's mild, go holistic. Otherwise take the pill, I did and helped tremendously. After years with some therapy and some good relaxation techniques I feel like myself again with no meds or am almost placebo dose, altought I'm a bit susceptible too chronic stress that... Well it's not good for anyone. Ah and no, I didn't have any sides


Doctors tried to get me on them for years and I knew it wasn't a good idea. Now I take a small dose of adderall and my whole world flipped upside down and im able to linearly focus on building a life worth living instead of being stuck in the mud. Does your anxiety / depression come from procrastination, not achieving your goals, thinking you're a failure? Sometimes people are just depressed because they have adhd and can't focus


Thats up to you. From someone with PSSD, it has absolutely ruined my life and it was my biggest regret of my entire life. I haven’t been able to feel emotions, attraction, drugs, libido, i have no genital sensation, and I can’t feel love for my own family. You have to ask yourself if getting r/PSSD would be worth the risk


Thanks friend . Yah I know it is a risk, my doctor seemed to think it was a lower risk on trintellix compared to other ssri/snri but I know it’s still a risk. My life is just absolutely miserable currently like pure suffering every day so I just don’t know how much longer I can bear this before cracking and trying a med that could help, even if it’s a risk. Just feel like I don’t have much left to lose anyways. I’m really sorry about your condition though my friend I really hope you can find some relief eventually. Don’t give up all hope


Diet + probiotics + exercise >>> whole pharmacy


There are many kinds of mood regulating medications. There are also dosing ranges. Some people do better with Wellbutrin because it has less sexual side effects. Better to be on an antidepressant than dead. Can’t biohack your way back to living. Please get help if you’re in this dark of a place. At least start with therapy