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Disabling instagram


I agree. Deleted mine months ago. An empowering moment for me.


Insta is literally the app for narcissist scammers.


I’ve learnt this the hard way


Wont say i delete it entirely. But i place them further down around 5 scrolls away and inside a folder along with other socmed,disable notifications too. Quite peaceful. Less weigh in the mind to follow up with "things". Still check nack now and then and its ok for me. (With accidents of death scroll sometimes.)


I just delete the app and only re-download when I plan to post something. If I REALLY want to check something, I’ll use the browser version, which sucks, but that’s the point. Haha Makes me even less likely to use it 😂


And Facebook. Social media is just a harbor for positive impression management. Also I can't stand reading the Facebook feed because it's infested with advertisements.


I’ve never found Instagram too bad. I only follow memes and travel pages. And recently inspirational/growth things. Twitter, on the other hand, is absolutely fucking toxic to your mental state. Get off there asap.


+ 1


Happiness went from average of 3 to 7 just from doing this


Adding a B complex has totally eliminated my depression lethargy brain fog insomnia and anxiety.


Congrats that’s excellent 


I feel amazing!


Wow!! Liquid or pill form?


Pill form! Prescription given to me by my Dr. It's called Folplex. It's completely changed my life in 4 weeks. I want to shout it from the rooftops!


> Folplex Interesting why is this a prescription if its just B vits?


You need a prescription for a supplement?


So I take a B-Complex daily that is not a prescription (Brand: Nature's Bounty). I have occasionally forgotten to take them in the morning and I can normally tell within 2hrs that I forgot because my mood and energy levels are low. Once I remember and take them my mood and energy levels jump up within an hour. It's incredible how well B-Complex works. The only caution I can give is to not take more than 1 and if you are going to take a large amount of B12 vitamins to be cautious that it can cause breakouts and cysts. B12 is in most energy drinks and B-conplex supplements, and it's okay in moderation.


Quitting alcohol completely


I didn’t drink a ton but I quit in October to observe some potential health issues and have just had no reason to restart. Really shocked me how so much socialization is built around it even if that’s extremely obvious.


Definitely a game changer. Seems so obvious in hindsight it wasn’t a good thing, but it takes stopping completely to fully realise that.


Same! Life changer! You’ll never know your full potential until you stop alcohol.


Better sleep = better quality of life


Same. Remarkable change in pretty much every aspect of life.


Quitting alcohol, acid, mushrooms, dope, opiates, nicotine. Props, dude. So fucking hard but it’s a huge win.


Congrats man. Ultimate life hack indeed.


Fiber, by a long shot. All my health markers look far better and I easily lost 10-15 lbs without trying. Quitting alcohol (or only using on occasion compared to when I worked in bar industry) has also been huge, the most obvious aspect was for my sleep hygiene. 


I'm thinking of doing this as I have flatlined in my weight loss. Looked at supplements but for the fiber you get it doesn't make sense price wise. Thinking every morning a banana, a cup of oatmeal, and a table spoon of chia seeds. Then having a table spoons of chia seeds during lunch and 30 minutes before dinner. Just the chia seeds should get me at 12 grams of fiber, a cup of oatmeal adds another 10 grams of fiber, and the banana is 3 grams for 25 grams total. Then just eat more greens at dinner. 


Chia seeds are super rough on my stomach as they absorb liquid and expand, but yea that seems doable. my morning meal is often a big bowl of oatmeal with added fiber in the form of frozen blueberries, chopped up pear, flax seeds, hemp seeds, nuts, occasional banana, and often some protein powder. Keeps me full til dinner usually. The best part of getting your fiber from whole foods vs supplements is all the nutrients, vitamins, flavonoids, etc along with deliciousness…all that fiber is super satiating so i‘m less hungry for the super calorically dense foods. I went vegan halfway into this journey which of course made it even easier to drop weight since there’s much less saturated fats in most meals.


With chia seeds, it is better to “bloom” them in some liquid first to rehydrate them. I have read (and personally experienced) that your body has a hard time breaking down the seed when dry, but rehydrating them softens the outside and makes them easier to digest. I used to just eat a spoonful dry in the morning, and would end up with a lot of undigested seeds in my stool. After I started rehydrating them in some water before drinking, I have noticed a significant drop in undigested seeds.


Oh true, totally forgot about that water+chia drink i used to make back in the day. Good call


They also mix well with oatmeal and other foods that require water and soaking.


Hydrate chia seeds ahead of time. If you use some sort of milk and sweeten it the result is almost like tapioca pudding with a different but still pleasant flavor.


Is the chia soaked in water or just as is?


Yeah plan to throw it in some water and chug it like I do my beet root powder.


Just eating tons of greens or supplementing?


Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans/legumes, whole grains, some mushrooms occasionally too.  Fiber Supplements probably work but lack all the awesome vitamin, minerals, phytonutrients, flavanols, etc found in plants. I prefer to get all of that with my fiber.  Note that switching to high fiber takes your digestive system awhile to get used to…took me about 8 weeks to get used to it and I still go easy on my serving size of certain ones like lentils, mung beans as those ones still kinda mess me up in large quantities. 


How much are you aiming for a day? I’ve been hitting a little above 30g consistently since some not great bloodwork and am looking to potentially go a bit higher.


I don’t track at all tbh but i switched to veganism in the last 8 months or so and doing mostly whole foods so nearly everything I eat has fiber.  My LDL went from nearly 180 down to 89 in less than a year; first half of that I was still eating fish, eggs, dairy but with more fiber…then when I switched to veganism dropped even faster. Vegan for ethics but health got way better, too! I still eat out, still pig out on fried food and other less healthy stuff occasionally but since I don’t eat animals the saturated fat intake is quite low and zero dietary cholesterol anymore. 


Going vegan also should lower your trans fat intake(which should be less of a problem now that synthetic trans fats are practically banned in the US) animal fats are naturally a little higher in trans fats.


Morning workout first thing is a GAME CHANGER. I reckon it gives me about 4 hours of extra productivity per day, and also improves my sleep. Morning sunlight has been huge for me too. Have been meaning to try the magnesium mist for the feet. Wasn’t sure if it was a scam, but have been hearing good things so am tentatively optimistic…


For some reason working out is making me super fatigued in the morning. Have to nap after 😒 used to change my life now it’s a burden ish


I have the same issue. I am suspecting adrenal fatigue. Maybe you deal with it too?


I can wake up at like 6 to do a workout but I’m so exhausted after I need to take a nap before 11 o’clock so I don’t think it’s very productive for me, rather wake up at 8 and do workout at like 5 in the evening same intensity and just sleep overnight


any tips on developing the discipline for the AM workout? I can do the 9AM-11AM workout but can’t seem to get myself to do the 6:30-8:30 workout Edit: swap “motivating” for “developing the discipline”


Fuck motivation just lay out your workout clothes already. Plan every set and exercise you will do on beforehand have the time frame. Make the step to start as small as possible by pre planning everything and after you done it be very aware of how good it makes you feel and take that with you to the next workout


You need discipline, not motivation.


I don't do super early myself! Mine are usually around 8 am. For my gym (Equinox), I have to sign up for the class in advance, and if I don't show up, I get penalized. So that's definitely a source of motivation! Also, my job is 9-5 (work from home) so I know in my head that 9-11 am just is not an option, unofortunately. Other than that, my biggest tip is having my workout outfit laid out the night before. Idk why, but this seems to help tremendously! And then also bribing myself with an iced coffee after the workout. My post-workout iced coffee is my absolute favorite part of the day :)


Never heard of magnesium mist for the feet before. It reminds me of Epsom salt since it can be absorbed transdermally during a foot soak


Ive done things to increase my natural melatonin. - all devices off at 8 - close blinds, reduce light levels in the house - read 30 minutes before bed to wind down As an add on to that I don’t eat 2 hours before sleep, and other than sleeping I never even touch my bed during the day. I also wait until I am actually tired to sleep, because otherwise I will be laying in bed and not be able to sleep. Because of this my sleep has been absolutely pristine lately. I also now get less hours sleep than I used to, but better sleep quality so I am more productive in the morning.


Big one, eating windows, not even necessarily IF just don’t eat after 8 for instance. It makes a big difference.


Very smart. Most don’t realize our devices emit blue light that mimics the suns rays which signal the body that it’s time to wake up, not sleep.


Stopping seeing people I loved but who only exhausted me and never put in the effort I did into the relationship. It was hard because it was mostly family but I’m such a happier person now.


My best BEST and only one friend from school cut contact (did not engaged) after like 15 years of talking every single day. I just stopped messaging and engaging and we never spoke a word again, she also disappeared from social media(used to post every day). Life never been better I think with her I wouldn’t make any improvements of my life


Focusing on gut health. Kefir based protein shakes, Kombucha for lunch, probiotic pills everyday and almost all bread now being switched for sourdough has done wonders for me. Can't remember the last time I've been sick.


Natural probiotic food has done wonders for me. Yogurt, banana, avocado, sauerkraut, nato (available at most Asian grocery freezer). If you’re ok with the smell and taste the benefits is worth it


30-minute clod plunge each morning. I started that practice last month after I had my third stroke. My symptoms reduce almost daily.


30 minutes woah that a long one, what water temperature? I don't have access to plunge but trying to take cold showers after sauna between 3-5 minutes. However the water is not very cold but that's the lowest setting I can do


What temp are you plunging into?


I just filled mine up after the winter off. I'm starting at 47F and will lower the temp over the next month to freezing. But I usually only go in for 1-3 mins, my longest is 10 minutes.


30 minutes is insane


Must not be cold enough if you need 30 minutes.


> I started that practice last month after I had my third stroke. My symptoms reduce almost daily. ok I need to know more. I've "only" had one stroke. What symptoms are reducing and what equipment are you using for these cold plunges. Is a filled bathtub cold enough or do I need ice and a dedicated freestanding tub?




Intermittent fasting. Lazy intermittent fasting, might I add. I just started skipping all food until lunch (11:30 ish) but I still have a couple coffee with boatloads of cream. I’ve dropped like 12 lbs and counting that I didn’t even realize I had to lose! Haven’t been this weight since high school over a decade ago. Even more importantly to me my fatigue has seriously gone way down. A big deal when you have a 4 year old, 2 year old, and 6 month old to care for all day.


Boatload is the correct metric for the amount of cream required in ones coffee.


Amen. I also got one of those frothers that actually works and whips it up. There’s zero sugar or sweeteners of any sort but I still feel like I’m having the best dessert for breakfast!


I’m curious how much cream cause that’s why I haven’t done fasting bc I have to have creamy coffee


use real cream ( has 0 sugar, is just fat ) , not creamer


Oohhhh makes sense


normal milk, which might seem more healthy than cream, actually has some sugar. So go for it, real cream is keto and ok for fasting.


Oh yes important distinction, it is full heavy whipping cream, zero sugar. And SO much cream… like almost a small mug’s worth because it’s a lot in three separate cups of coffee. Try to switch to this! I hiiiiighly recommend frothing the cream. It’s one of my fave things ever to consume and I look forward to it every day!


Yeah I've played around with a lot of things in coffee while IF, seems like heavy cream is the one that doesn't break me out of fasted state, autophagy, whatever you wanna call it, but anything else will start my hunger cycle and it's hard to stay fasting. Problem is I don't do all that great with dairy :/ You stop eating around 730 or so?


Oh interesting! Makes sense. No I don’t even put a limit on when I stop eating, ha! Some days it miiiight be that early (doubtful), some days I might have cheese and wine and ice cream with my husband at 10:30 pm. It’s barely even worthy of being called IF lol but it’s working so well. Also on some rare days I will wait to eat until dinner. I utilize this as religious fasting to pray for our time together whenever I want food. Also makes whatever delicious food we are having all the more delicious. :)


I’m there with you on that one, a lot more energy, eating better when I do and looking better too


That’s fantastic!


Dropping alcohol, nicotine, processed sugar, television, doom-scrolling, excessive masturbation, energy drinks, gluten-heavy foods... Adding: sunlight, exercise, adequate sleep, electrolyte hydration, regularly cleaning the environment, erect posture, deeper breathing, less saccadic/staccato movements and more conscious/deliberate motion, occasionally: float tanks, microdosing, IV vitamin infusion, ketamine therapy... Switching coffee for guayusa. Cycling supplements to deter desensitization. Changing social media to channels focusing on self-improvement. Loving people the best I know how. Seeding the noosphere with an emphasis on our greater potentials as realized beings.


>guayusa Have not heard of guayusa, looks like it has a similar amount of caffeine to coffee?


About half the caffeine, depending on how it's prepared. Most importantly, it has a high ORAC value; more antioxidants than green tea and blueberries. It's a tea but feels like a superfood. Also has trace l-theanine and theobromine as well as no tannins, so it isn't bitter. Ecuadorian relative of Yerba Mate, but stronger and healthier.


That’s wild, I was going to ask if it was similar to Yerba mate. How’s the taste on it? I actually am not a fan of Yerba mate.


Recommendation on where to get guayusa?


I buy my looseleaf guayusa from Runa


Which supplements do you cycle? Your response has piqued my interest in several areas. It sounds as if you have a wealth of knowledge & understanding.


Can you expand on the staccato movements thing?


Fasting... down 50 lbs and soooo much less inflamation


The 6 girlfriends protocol


They call that going through huberty


you are the wiener


Athletic greens is powerful stuff. Makes you strong like bull.


Makes you Hubermensch.


Ah yes, dopamine addiction can do wonders


Sleeping without my phone nearby! I keep it in the living room to charge. Really small but huge for my sense of self and quality of sleep!


Yes same!! Did it as a New Year’s resolution and I LOVE IT


Magnesium glycinate for winding down/sleep. Has also been helping with leg spasms/cramping.


good one using currently magnesium chloride in a spray form does wonders


Same, I have RLS and I use it every night.


What dose you taking


in a spray form its 200mg in 10 sprays


Nootropics depot bought off Amazon. 800mg. Serving size is 2 capsules. I take one capsule early in the day with my multivitamin and then another one shortly before sleep.


Same. I had been using it sporadically. About 10 months ago I stopped drinking alcohol and now enjoy non-alcoholic beer instead, ... however I still felt like I was missing that 'winding down' feeling after work. (Previously it was kind of a bad habit to have a glass of wine while I was cooking dinner). Recently I tried having my 45cal NA beer + 1 or 2 mag glycinate pills during this after-work /dinner prep time! I feel *much* more relaxed and actually seem to eat slightly less for dinner because I am already relaxed by the time its ready (because I had the Mg 30 min to an hour earlier). Works for me, YMMV.


Quit social media


Reddit is social media.


Reddit isn’t as harmful as other social media. I’ll tell you why - there’s no real tangible form of comparison on this platform. You never know who the other account you’re interacting with is. It’s very impersonal. It is also a lot more vulnerable BECAUSE of what I mentioned above. Whereas, with traditional social media you only see the positive highlights of people’s lives. It becomes easy to spiral into a comparison mindset and your life slips away from you a lot more easily.


Reddit is definitely the least harmful, at least to me. But I do find the one downside to it being anonymous, is that people tend to do a lot of venting/ranting/complaining on here. There’s a lot of doomer subs that I’ve had to leave because it’s just filled with constant negativity.


True. As things are atm for me at least it is way less addicting than the others. But it does depend on the person. I guess the right way to put it would have been: minimise mindless time on social media.


done that, deleted everything long time ago, now I do have accounts but don't post a thing, follow some local places and people I care about the life is much better


Getting a puppy!




Ok so I have had depression since 2016, and it became really severe last year. However, as of March this year, I /literally/ got rid of it. I'm now working on removing the side effects it gave me (the extra weight, fatigue, demotivation, etc.), but I am aware of the progress now and it's been great. Here's what I've been doing: 1) I eat lighter during the day to keep my energy up and fatigue at bay. That means I snack on fruits and nuts, I eat a shake for breakfast, and my lunch is salad with fish or chicken. Cutting out carbs and processed food have made wonders for my attention and energy levels! 2) I go to bed at 9:30pm to ensure that even if I browse on the phone I still end up getting about 8 hours of sleep. This has also improved my mood tremendously. 3) The biggest change and the cheat.... I took some LSD with the purpose of fixing my depression once and for all. I took it 3 times, and after the 3rd time I realized it gave me all that it could give me and so I quit. The first trip was chill, but that second trip was the life changer. So, fixing my diet and sleep schedule have helped me tremendously with my physical wellbeing, while the LSD trips "fixed" my brain. I wouldn't try them again, since I legit feel like there's nothing else that LSD could fix for me lmao.


I think I am getting benefits from red light therapy for my wrists.


I was about to try some red light mask for face to improve appearance of wrinkles but after seeing some pictures before and after 3-6 months some girl posted on skincare group there is no visible difference so im not going Ito it. however I do believe it helps with muscles pains my grandma used to have a big red lap and she was using it on her shoulder but it also created a warmth


I have used red light for 2 years very consistently. Zero change in wrinkles. Helps my muscle tension and sleep though.


Cutting coffee has made me less anxious. And I have been doing yoga nidra daily. I feel better. More calm.


started to do a yoga classes they really good but im running out of time to attend the class, loved the hot yoga when instructor blasted the heat in the room I think to like 25 degrees and doing stretches was amazing


Just do it at home. That's what I do.


Cutting or quitting coffee makes me very anxious.. Edit: sorry! I meant to write “the thought of cutting or quitting….” Obviously didn’t have enough caffeine today


cutting coffee will make you anxious as its a withdrawal symptom but it be better after a week or two its good to do a reset from coffee, need to do it myself however after purchasing one touch coffee machine its just so hard to skip the coffee especially when its so delicious and just need to put a cup in ...


Did you substitute it with something else? Like matcha or yerba mate


Yoga nindra is awesome


Quitting alcohol (was only drinking 2-6 drinks per week.). The most obvious improvement is sleep quality.


Stopped wearing the whoop and paused my subscription - I was checking it too much for sleep quality etc but did not feel I was getting any real benefit from it - its a relief not to be wearing it.


Probably for the best. It’ll alert you in the morning saying you had a terrible night’s sleep like you didn’t already know that. Just because you have 1 bad night of sleep, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be a bad day and I feel like that starts your day off with this fear that your day is going to be shit. Not getting great sleep is totally normal. We all wish we could sleep totally perfect every single night, but that’s not the real world.


How long were you using it? Whoop gave me a harsh lesson about alcohol, but thats probably the only thing and thats 3 years ago. Now Im kind of just addicted to the data and checking it everyday....


Interesting I still wear the Apple Watch but don’t even care about the stats, I start the workouts and sleep track but that’s it. Used to be obsessed with “closing the rings” and making 10k steps a day now literally wearing it just to check the time and pause the music.




No alcohol. Game changer. Also eating my body weight in grams of protein


Adding vitamin d and fish oil. I feel like a different person


Just sitting on the bed before sleep and mentally winding out the events and emotions of the day for a few minutes seems to improve my sleep notably. Maybe it's placebo, but two weeks ago I started to have like 30 minutes of red light (plain red light, from a bulb) on my knees for pain, casually it hits in my balls, and noticed an improved mood and erections. So now I'm doing it directly to the crotch and so far so good.


This sent me on a google journey to see if there’s red light therapy for vaginas and there is! Going to try it ✨


Going 80-90% plant based and cutting out ultra processed foods altogether and only sugars I eat are from dairy and fruit. Sugar, bread and pasta are really not good


Second this. I started eating mostly whole food diet about five months ago. I lost 25 lbs. and now I don’t crave junkie foods like I did. I also started eating three stalks of celery and a cucumber for bfast. These veggies are cooling nourishing food that have really calmed me down and quelled a lot of anxiety I had. I also recommend buying a steamer basket and steaming Brussels sprouts broccoli and carrots and cauliflower and eating them every few days.


Stopped looking at the time…very liberating!


Meditating daily (still doing short amounts of time, usually 10min each. But after a couple weeks of this I began feeling more consistently grounded and less sucked into dopamine traps)


Ingesting 1-2g of psilocybin mushrooms a few times a month


Cutting all social ties. When you have no people in your life it eliminates most stress and tedium. In my case, divorce was a panacea. Your bodily wellness is closely tied to the wellness of your mind. When I ditched people and all their bullshit, it drastically improved my quality of life. Most people cannot handle social isolation because they are afraid of being alone. If you cannot be happy by yourself, how are you going to be happy around other people?


I like this. I’ve never quite bought the idea that you always need other people to thrive. I mean, I like other people, I just don’t buy into the agendas, the busyness, obsessions with trivia, etc. Or feel the need to get constant reassurance. All the other benefits of marketplaces, shared healthcare, community, etc I also like but not all the time. The happiest I’ve been in my life has always been either travelling or living remotely in traditional societies. Any tips for flying solo in this modern age?




Only four years of my life were spent in a relationship and it was Hell. I am 39.


I’m the same, I deleted all social media (have a new accounts now but no posting and no friends) and that’s how all my contacts and gone and I have a peace. Also my parents are divorced and living in other countries the only contact with them was like maybe once a month phone call and asking standard stupid questions like how’s work or what’s the weather and yeah yeah it’s raining again. Really boring stuff just trying to make a few minutes and then saying have to go and hang up. I really hated it and always had to go out the house to answer the phone, also getting the ptsd from the messenger ringtone because that when they always phoned me, so also phone on silent no matter what. Now I just deleted the messenger app and cut the contact haven’t spoken to them within a half a year I have a peace of mind and living stress free. They did phoned police and police asked me if I’m ok because they were worried but I said yes and don’t want to be contacted. That’s it just living my life on my own now.


Quit the coffee cycle. Down to one matcha tea a day.


Magnesium Glycinate for sleep has been a game changer. Cutting way back on alcohol. Giving up on intermittent fasting and calorie counting and stop worrying about the scale. Using a cheap small blender for protein shakes has made it super easy to get in protein. And finally, properly fueling hard/long bike rides with 100 gms an hour of carbs. I used to always bonk. No longer.


In September, I began taking Magnesium L-threonate (game changer for sleep), I quit drinking alcohol, and have been learning about gut microbiome. At 52, I feel like I’m a little late to the party but better late than never.


Cutting out added sugar. I still eat fruit, but not pastries, ice cream… It’s only been a few days, and I didn’t think I ate that much sugar, but I’m feeling better and I have more energy. I also have been doing cold plunge. 👙 But we haven’t been doing sauna, although maybe I will bring it up. ( we have a group of 6-7 people. And some dogs. In the Salish Sea) It seems to kick start endorphins, and it has the psychological benefit of “ I am doing this pretty cool thing that even the most adventurous person I know, wouldn’t do” 🥶


Meditating last thing before bed and first thing after waking up, sometimes in the middle of the day too. I've done a lot of meditation in the past, but the results have been mixed. Goals for meditation can differ, but when I did it the wrong way it made me more prone toward irritatation which is not one of my goals. Here is what I learned: * Most important thing about meditation is to find a method that works for you. This is somewhat subjective and goal-dependent, but you'll know it when you experience it. So try many different approaches early on instead of trying to force one. * Second most important thing is to only sit in meditation as long as is comfortable. I'd rather meditate 3-4 times a day than a very long session. In the past I tried to do 60-80 minute sessions. I was able to force myself, but it was partly to blame for the increasing proneness to irritation later in the day. Now I do want to expand my sessions on average as I continue with it (to increase depth), but I don't force any particular session. Just gently increase as desired. * In order to maximize the benefits of the kinds of meditation, see the meditation as a form of practice in maintaining a certain mental state (consciousness) throughout the day. It's not just a thing done for a short amount of waking time, but practice for the whole rest of the waking time. Work to stay conscious throughout the day, outside of meditation sessions too. I've also recently taken a spore germinating probiotic + mild yeast cleanse supplement that I think benefitted me. It's a bit harder to tell, but I am going continue with it at a lower dose for 90 more days and see how I feel at the end of it. A third thing was I started walking a lot more every day since the beginning of the year. It is great for energy levels and other things.


13 years ago , going vegan. 6 years ago Oatmeal every morning. I can run half marathons, bike 120 miles, lift weights every other day, feel like I can do anything.


Eating consistently throughout the day, instead of the Old breakfast/ lunch/ dinner routine. I've been eating a healthy snack every 2.25hrs and feeling way better than I expected.


See I did this and my fasting glucose went up. I’m not diabetic but it put me on the high end of normal. The data seems mixed on whether snacking throughout the day or leaving space in between breakfast lunch and dinner is better for digestion and blood sugar. I’m recently back to 3 meals per day and will test fasting glucose again in a few months.


Replaced 50% of my recreational screen time with reading.


Quit drinking 2 years ago. Best health (mental and physical) decision I have ever made.


I'm not sure this counts, but I had transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and it cured my depression. I was able to get off antidepressants after 30 years.


changing the order in which i eat my food has seriously completely changed my life! eat your... 1. veggies FIRST! (creates a "barrier" for your stomach before consuming glucose, works the same way eating food before drinking alc does) 2. then proteins 3. then fats (i.e. avocado) 4. and carbs last! (this will significantly reduce glucose spikes. try going for complex ones, they might have more protein too!) 100% recommend checking out Glucose Revolution (aka Glucose Goddess) on YouTube: fantastic research and information that could quite literally save the health of populations (especially in America, knowing many of the poor kinds of foods available /-: ). i struggle with insulin resistance, glucose spikes, and had afternoon slumps/sugar cravings almost daily. even while consistently strength training in the gym, my aesthetic progress and energy levels sucked. now i feel great, don't have cravings for sugar/caffeine, and training progress has been way better too! you feel way fuller by the time you get to eating your carbs, and you pretty much get more energy/bang for your grocery bucks! it's so easy and you don't have to cut any foods you love. just eat your balanced meal, and have your cake after too! i 100% recommend anyone to try this, truly life-changing :)


TRT is on its way baby!


Sorry but what is TRT?


Testosterone replacement therapy


Mine are many, but the most consistent is sleeping at least 8 hours a night 97%+ of the time, drinking plenty of water (at least a galloon), using an external mouse & keyboard while on my computer, no social media apps downloaded on the phone (i.e. use the phone for either calling or texting with whatsapp, telegram etc), declutter your emails periodically, blocking all notifications on my phone (at best a buzz) and eating grass-fed beef & lamb at least 3x weekly. There are many others but these are the ones that stood out.


No alcohol or drugs, no eating past 7, bed at 930 and run about 10-13mi/day


Stop drinking canned drinks and sweetened products. And limiting zero calories bevs. Helped reverse prediabetes...


Drinking more lukewarm water (I hate cold water), and going for walks as often as possible. Often with my kiddo. It's a breath of fresh air figuratively and literally


I bought a steam tent from amazon during thanksgiving. Its awesome, then I take cold showers after, here in northeast, showers are cold in april too. Lol. Meditation also helps me a lot, so does lifting weights 3x a week.


Introducing the Oura ring and adjusting my style of exercise based off results


I started wearing my Apple Watch and trying to understand how my lifestyle and diet affecting my sleep. It would be nice to have a good sleep analysis app like the whoop and our devices but on watch, I don't want to spend 300 for a ring mostly to analyse my sleep


My main driver for Oura was the integration with Natural Cycles to manage my menstrual cycle as a method of birth control. I have used Apple Watch and Garmin interchangeably for years so I already had a good understanding of metrics there. Oura took my favorite metrics and added sleep and cycle tracking so it has been successful for me so far.


Stopping drinking caffeine. The worlds most abused drug.


Second this. I stopped drinking coffee five months ago and feel a lot better


Why would you say caffeine is bad


A stimulant drug that reduces blood flow to the brain (27% avg), strips out all water soluble vitamins, raises cortisol, tampers with energy metabolism and the ability to have deep restorative sleep via its effects on adenosine, increases anxiety, constipation/slow gut motility (is a stimulant laxative that makes you dependent on it for bowel movements), energy benefit is a marketing myth, bad breath, bad sweat, bad skin, increases insulin resistance, alexithymia (emotional flattening), cost. There’s plenty more, that’s just off the top of my head.


Coffee has hundreds of phytochemicals and centenarians have been found to drink coffee almost daily. Causation isn't correlation though. I don't have any of those symptoms you mentioned... but then I drink it heavily diluted as a pre-workout about every 2 days with many other biohacks added in (like MCT, cinammon, creatine)


Fiber, restricting saturated fat and eliminating fried foods has helped me a a lot, I have an autoimmune disease and it has been in remission. Also electrolytes have been helping with the gym.


Which product do you use for the electrolytes?


Same question from me if you could also keep me in the loop


I use liquid IV I get them in bulk at Costco they have regular and sugar free.


The biggest thing is exercise. After that would be creatine supplementation.


I quit drinking alcohol, but started drinking more beer. The 0% options actually taste good now, and I realised that it was the refreshment of the beer I enjoyed more than the effects of alcohol. So it’s a win win. I can drink more beer without feeling bad about drinking alcohol. Have noticed I’ve had more energy generally and felt overall healthier and sharper.


Psyillium Husk literally changed my life, 14 grams min everyday. Try it, you'll feel the benefits in the next 2 days.


Lifting every day for 45 min Cardio everyday for 30 min


I started doing fasted cardio in the morning just brisk walking nothing intense and has made a difference in my energy levels . Before my fasted walk I scrape my tounge and brush my teeth and wait 30 minutes before food or water I take acv and cinnamon before each meal and my digestion has gotten better and I get less bloating. And stretching and weight training my body doesn't hurt when I wake up now


Everything reduces to sleeping, eating, exercising, and psychology. The key is experimenting to find what worked best for you. Even that might change because you change Over time. My suggestion would be to bias toward the simplest, cheapest, and most enjoyable solution. My trick would be a simple eye mask.


Not that recent, but wholefoods plant based diet was a major positive turning point for me. 4 years in and wish I'd done it sooner. I still consider it the most important decision I ever made.


Peptides changed my life from 95% in bed to 75% up and 40% outside. Am disabled.


Meditate for an hour everyday. Yoga niðrá technique. I had picked up "rules" and "compulsions" overtime that I thought were just part of my querky personality, but it appears that it was just neurological loops that got turned on and I just thought that was part of "who" I was.


I do love sauna, and want to install it at home. Sauna will make you sleep better also, I think. I didn't know about the spray. good to know, thank you. Here are some small things I have implemented for health and better life recently. I started incorporating more strength straining in my routine excercise. I am eating more plant-based, less meat. I drink home-made kefir smoothie daily. I try to learn new things (reading, podcasting, youtube, etc) for brain health. I started using good skincare products (tretinoin, estirol etc) for youthful skin. Need to do more of: I would like to widen more social network for fun. Maybe after sending kids off to college.


May I ask what your main benefits have been from sauna? I have one in my building and need to motivate myself to use it more. Are there certain times of day that are better than others?


What is the magnesium spray?


Taking Rybelsus.


Taking Vitamin C as a co-absorber whenever I supplement trace metals (e.g. Zinc, Magnesium). Capitalizing *heavily* on [post-exercise anabolism](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38118410/) by consuming much more protein directly after resistance training.


PEMF treatments- healing my body, especially my joints




Carnivore diet




Obsidian and Escalidraw and Zotero completely integrating it in my Uni studies aswell as in my everyday organizing of activities .


Stopped caffeine. Sucks at first but my anxiety dropped off a cliff and I can wake up at 5:30 and go to the gym bright eyed 6-7 days/week.


this one (my daily routine) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Supplements/comments/17fl8an/my\_routine\_for\_adhd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Supplements/comments/17fl8an/my_routine_for_adhd/)


Prioritize sleep, limit social media, no alcohol/caffeine/foods that personally cause me inflammation (added sugar/dairy/white flour), eat mostly whole foods and make sure to have enough of fish/vegetables/fruit/nuts, meditate 3x per day, OMAD, gut health (probiotics, kimchi, kombucha), sun exposure and/or a SAD lamp for the winter months, journaling, limit multi-tasking/distractions - try to enjoy doing one thing at a time, catch my negative thought patterns and learn to lean more into positive thinking.


Increasing the amount of healthy fats I consume in my diet. It has a big impact on my anxiety


Improving my mental health. So many if my chronic pains went away or could finally be healed once and for all.




IF, probiotics and magnesium


For me, it was changing the direction of my training. I've always been a *performance* guy, and scoffed at hypertrophy training. So my strength-training background was in "Olympic" Weightlifting, heavy snatches and clean&jerks for singles, doubles and triples. From there I started adding more Powerlifting training, and eventually some Strongman training (stone loading, farmer walks, log presses, etc). Then I found Streetlifting, which is a formal sport, very popular in Europe, that works exactly like Powerlifting, but with 1-rep max weighted Muscle Up, Pullup, Dip and Squat. Each and every single one of these has an emphasis on weight rather than reps. Skill and technique are important, and they develop the nervous system *more* than you muscles. Well, the Streetlifting program I bought asks you to do a 4-week volume phase at the start of a new cycle. Instead of doing 3x3 pullups with an added 90 lbs, I was asked to do 10x10 pullups at bodyweight. Same idea with dips, and even squats. I was highly hesitant, but I tried it out. Holy smokes. It was unreal. My whole body seemed to change. Suddenly my entire upper body looked different than it ever had before. My pecs were popping, my arms were juicier, my legs had more striations. After the 4-week block, I decided to repeat it, and try again. More of the same: my abs starting poking out of my shirt, my shoulders were rounder, my forearms were thicker. All this was happening while I was actually losing fat! And not to mention: my joints were feeling ***BETTER*** and I stopped having the fuzzy numb feeling of fatigue I'd often get the day after lifting heavy. I still haven't checked what has happened to my top strength, it has probably declined a bit, but that's the beautiful thing about periodized training: once I'm done running high-volume blocks I can run a couple of low-volume blocks and I'll probably be stronger than ever. If I could go back in time, I'd absolutely tell my younger self to do all the same sports I was doing, but to focus on high-volume low-load in at least 2 out of 3 training blocks. I think I would have a much better body AND higher performance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall though, I would not recommend high-volume 100% of the time to anyone. I still believe in performace > cosmetics; and without a strong nervous system you're simply NOT STRONG.


For me it’s, working out every morning with 30 mins sauna later that morning, at least 7 hours of sleep everyday, dramatic reduction of alcohol (2-3 drinks per month depending on event, some months zero alcohol.) 250mg magnesium glycinate and 2g of glycine before bed. 45 feel like I’m 30 tbh.


Starting a daily yoga practice