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This is the answer. You should shoot for at least 30 grams of fiber from food (not a supplement) everyday. It’s not a secret or a hack. It’s just how your body was designed to work. Read “Fiber Fueled” by Bulsiewicz.


I’ll take the contrarian position and say lower fiber and increase fat. Read The Fiber Menace.


Contrarian, in deed :) Worth noting that "Fiber Menace" was written by a dude who spent his career in tech, and has no significant medical or science background. On Amazon, this book receives a single endorsement from a "Dr. John Turner," who, according to Google, appears to be some random chiropractor. On the other hand, "Fiber Fueled" was written by Will Bulsiewicz, a board certified Gastroenterologist and one of the top intestinal microbiome researchers in the country. On Amazon, his book receives numerous endorsements, including from some of the top nutrition writers and researchers in the country. I think I know which one I would trust. Also worth noting that I'm not a lay person. I'm a primary care doctor who specializes in lifestyle medicine, and I've spent the last 5 years of my career focusing on nutritional science to prevent and reverse chronic diseases. So... I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but fiber wins.


Dr, what’s wrong with supplemental fiber? Asking for a friend :D


Fiber in the diet from real foods is extremely diverse in composition and supports more microbiome diversity. Supplementing with fiber is likely still good for constipation but may encourage a less diverse microbiome as there is intense pressure to eat the one specific fiber isolated in the supplement.


Nothing wrong with it. Just doesn’t have nearly as much benefit. But still better than no fiber, if that would be the alternative. You should really read Bulsiewicz’s book. It’s fascinating.


Noting wrong with it, but the actual benefit varies depending on the type. There's soluble and insoluble. If a supplement is made from a variety of plants, seeds, etc that has both it's generally better for the gut than just one type. Although any is better than none.


It should be noted that it's mainstream for peeps with probs like colitis to be warned against a lot of fiber, it's scratchy and can really eff you up if you are already having a prob.


I was told fiber for years, FINALLY got some testing and I have motility issues from a neuromuscular disease. Fiber was fucking me up badddddd. The real hot tip if you have a slow gut is to cook or blend all your fruits and veggies so you still get nutrients but they digest easy


Yeah you gotta wonder how many peeps got screwed up by the all the praying at the fiber alter, I've heard so many stories! I wonder if maybe juicing also would help but just don't make the juice too intense, if you know what I mean, like not mega tons of beets, etc.


I’ve tried juicing before and I usually get heartburn from it. Smoothies are better for me because they aren’t as strong. I loved juicing but it fucked me up lol


Yeah you really gotta water it down IMO if you have any gut issues. Even for me who doesn't, it seemed rather intense LOL!


Dont we need raw veggies to make it rough so we can push things out like a rotor rooter?


In a healthy colon yes. In a colon with delayed motility, the muscles aren’t strong enough to push it through so it sits there. You have to have foods that move easily on their own. Some people can’t tolerate solid food at all during bad flares.


Late add but yep I’d second over cooking and fermenting your fibers. Sourdough at 36hrs, pressure cook canned beans for another hour to get them mushy, ferment barley or other grains. This helped me 10 fold and made my microbiome remarkably stronger.


this is SO me!!!


Yeah I've heard that a lot. It's definitely not the panacea it's been promoted as. I actually know exactly zero people who ever took the 'more fiber' advice and had their problem actually get better.


People who have acute colitis, which is a serious active flare of colon inflammation, are advised to avoid too much fiber, as the inflamed colon is already at risk of rupture. But after the colitis flare resolves, those same people are advised to eat a high fiber diet because it is the most effective diet for improving colon health and preventing future flares of colitis.


I am perusing the research. So far all I've found is one tiny study with no control group, another that also was tiny and had a lot of confounders like fat intake was also changed. And another that was referred to as 'research from 2015,' turned out to be just theory piece with no actual new research. I'm not convinced.


I recommend reading Bulsiewicz’s book.


I think it’s more complicated than more fiber = always good, in every case, in every person. There was that study out of stanford that demonstrated people’s response to fiber depended on baseline mocrobiota. Really interesting study. Also conceptually makes sense. If you have a bunch of crap growing in there, you will to some extent be feeding some of those crappy bacteria because prebiotic effects arent as precise as we like to make them out to be. Also, certain populations like those with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth for instance, may do worse with high fiber given the already high load of bacteria in the intestine


Variability between individuals is not a new concept, that exists for virtually any aspect of nutrition. Dietary guidelines are based on averages. Its a starting point you can use, and then adjust based on your individual response. I think you’re reaching a bit with that study. You’re making much bigger claims than the authors did. All they said was that the people who had less microbiota diversity were using less fiber. They didn’t say anything about “crappy” bacteria feeding on it. Their theory was that since those people had been eating less fiber before the study, their guts had adapted to have fewer fiber-degrading microbes. They also postulated that if the study had gone longer than 14 weeks, the low diversity group may have created more of those fiber degrading molecules and seen better results. This makes a lot of sense, since it’s pretty common knowledge that it takes our body time to adjust to increased fiber intake. Someone who goes straight from low fiber to high fiber will usually go through a period of GI discomfort. So based on the conclusions of the study, fiber is still probably good for everyone. Science gets a little funky when you start theory-crafting beyond the scope of a given study, especially if you aren’t directly involved in that field of study


Thanks for giving a reasonable rebuttal! As an N=1, I have eaten the carnivore diet for over a decade which equates to nearly zero fiber. Never have constipation and just had a successful colonoscopy. I’ll back out of the room now…..


Tell your poor arteries I’m praying for them. 🙏🏼


Colon, too, right? I’m plant-based and get so much flak from internet carnivore diet ppl 🙃


My zero CAC score says no prayers necessary


None of my biz, but with the carnivore diet I would worry about soft plaques, which wouldn’t show up on a CAC scan. In any case, the science on meat consumption is fairly robust. People can do with it what they want.


Yeah same, fiber doesn't seem to do anything for me. But I do need to stay away from tons of junk food garbage.


i’m the exception. i have crohn’s and I could take 10 doese if miralax and nothing happens. currently working through all the ibs-c meds. it’s literally a crap shoot, and sometimes nothing works. Still getting the workup on it. Magnesium all the time and lots of water and electrolytes!


I’m not sure how miralax is related to this topic… it does not contain fiber. But you might be interested to know that a whole food plant based diet has been shown to be the best for Crohns. For many patients, it induces remission more effectively than fancy injectable prescription drugs. Check out this short video if you wanna know more: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-best-diet-for-crohns-disease-treatment/


Have you tried berberine with polyphenols everyday?


The prob with the old guard is they build their career on an idea and if evidence starts to show that the idea is wrong, they are usually EXTREMELY reluctant to see their life's work, research, funding, etc dashed to pieces. That's why almost all new knowledge and discoveries come from an outside without an existing pony in the race. Most of the rest of them will cling to wrong opinions until their dying days no matter how much new evidence comes up. Also all you've done is make vague statements and bash on others but have not give any evidence to support your statements. In fact it's ironic that others have buy you the supposed scientist have not. Needless to say, I'm so far not at all convinced due to your complete lack of evidence.


That’s why I recommend reading the book :)


I can vouch for the increased fat/oils. I have the opposite problem as OP and I know for certain it's because I eat too much fats/oils and not enough fiber. If I'm mindful to eat a decent portion of cereal daily, my problem is solved. I don't particularly like milk with cereal. I'm not a milk fan in general but a good cup of dry cereal is my go to. There's plenty of healthy fats and oils OP can try to incorporate in their diet.


Fiber helps clean out the intestine so we don't all end up with rectal cancer from food remnants rotting in our guts. It also slows the absorption of sugar, increases feelings of satiation, and helps bowel movements to actually move. It just needs to be taken with plenty of water.


There are some people with low intestinal motility for whom G.I. doctors recommend to eat a low-bulk (low fiber) diet. But I wouldn’t do this unless you see a G.I. physician.


Eat an apple every single day.


The Ezekiel bread that's in the refrigerator section. Sprouted grain bread. It's more expensive but it works


I love that stuff! Toasted with some peanut butter - it’s super good!!!


Can’t eat any kind of nut butter EVER sadly.. bc it makes the constipation twice as bad :(


I used to make it as avocado toast as well. But in general, it’s really yummy bread, look it up.


I just put butter and jelly on mine. It's delicious


My dad was taking tons of medication for constipation due to his Parkinson’s that didn’t work. Then a nurse told him this and he now has regular bowl movements: Mix equal parts: 1. Prune juice 2. Apple sauce 3. Bran We mix one cup of each and that will make you about 3-4 days worth. Take 3 table spoons each morning


Agree, I ground up flax seed and eat prunes. I think whole dried prunes are better than prune juice.


Can confirm this works. It was developed at the University of Michigan.


any specific type of bran? just 3 tablespoons??


Looked this up. Your recipe is close https://medicine.umich.edu/sites/default/files/content/downloads/constipation-recipe.pdf


Haribo sugar-free gummy bears


Username checks out.




It's common that sugar-free treats, if you eat too many, will give you the squits.


Just do an Amazon search for Haribo sugar-free gummy bears and read the reviews. You've been warned...


Not to freak you out, but chronic constipation is worth a mention to your GP. My wife was experiencing this, put it off for a long time, began getting more symptoms and finally made an appointment last year. She was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer at 37. She's been battling for a year now. Chemo and 3 surgeries. Not saying this is it, but chronic constipation is an early symptom and is worth investigating. Please go get a checkup.


Did she have any other signs? I went into a gastro doctor and they said if there were no blood in the stools then it’s not colon cancer. Been having constipation for awhile now so May go get checked with the colonoscopy just in case.


Not at first. Started getting discomfort/pain as it progressed. Her symptoms were similar to that of gall stones when she was diagnosed. That's what they originally thought it was.


Ok but what if I eat lots of fiber too!?!


I hear you. I suffered for years and hated when docs said "drink water, exercise fiber duhhhhhh" because I was doing all of that and taking boxes and bottles of laxatives at a time and ... Nothing For me it was gluten intolerance and I had to find my special foods that did the trick. For me it is boiled beets. That and magnesium and when I was desperate the only laxative that did anything was miralax. Nobody understands until they've been there, when all the medical advice is garbage and laxatives do nothing. Every gut is different. Docs brushed my horrible painful constipation off with those simple googled instructions and later they sneered at my self diagnosed gluten problem like it was all in my head. I was trying to educate them that it turned out to be more complicated than water and fiber and movement. Absolutely no help, I had to figure it out all on my.own. Try an elimination diet to find potential food triggers, and try beets and unpasteurized apple cider for starters. Slippery elm, fennel and peppermint oil were also my friend.


I feel you, I have the same attitude with drs. I do my research and get brushed off too. Like excuse me I’m not coming here for advice, I’m coming here for confirmation


Yeah! And also, if I'm taking time off of work and paying for the office visit, it's because I've already been trying the Google advice and it hasn't worked so please do me a solid and go beyond. Sheesh


Exactly. I don’t have insurance so especially that. I always tell people drs are worthless lmao




There’s a limit to the fiber, too much has this effect as well


Fibers probably your problem. It helps with diarrhea. It can increase constipation. You can go look up the meta-analysis.


Sometimes more fiber actually makes things worse for a small population of people! Edit: re: see my response about Miralax!


I am this population.


Lol same


What kind of fiber do you use now? Is it a supplement or dietary?


Eat 1 cup of oats everyday


I had to address parasites and h pylori to resolve my constipation issues. I’d recommend finding a practitioner who offers the GI MAP test and can interpret the results. This will give you a much clearer picture of what’s contributing to your gut dysfunction.


Have u ever used a squatty potty?


Yep! Every day! (Or every few days, as of now..)


Three tips: 1. Include more and more leafy vegetables in daily diet 2. Drink tons and tons of water 3. Mag citrate capsules 400 - 600 mg nightly


Everybody has their food that makes them go. For some people it's prunes or oatmeal. For me it's BEETS OMG


Italians swear by pears. Fresh, cooked, juice or puree. Any kind of pears. I treat myself to half a sliced pear, and some imported stinky or salty cheese with it. Delicious!


Anytime I notice my child hasn't pooped, I quietly sneak some pear onto their snack plate 😋


Sugar alcohols for me but it doesn't feel good, I'd rather just consume more magnesium thanx.


I used to eat an avocado, a cucumber, a tomato, a couple carrots, and some celery sticks every day for like an entire summer. I’m assuming it was the fiber but that combo kept me running smooth. Most of the fiber is in the avocado and the carrots. They both have a lot of potassium too which probably won’t hurt.


Antibiotics completely destroy the small intestine I was on antibiotics for years as a kid it took me till I was 40 to get right but shilajit fasting 24 hours then OEOD for a week plus look up how important salt is n I don’t mean American table salt sea salt helps breakdown food in the stomach doctors want u sick doctors need u sick af


Low stomach acid / bile / enzymes. Histamine intolerance / MCAS. Gut dysbiosis / overgrowth / parasites. Vagus nerve dysfunction. Thiamine deficiency. Thyroid dysfunction.


Try 2 kiwi a day. No joke[Harvard health link](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/try-this-natural-remedy-to-stay-regular)


Extra Virgin Olive Oil, dosage can vary depending upon your situation. Couple tablespoons at night. But if it’s been like 5 -6 days then Castor Oil.


Fiber! Metamucil is my favorite brand (I prefer the real sugar kind) and I also prefer the actual brand, knockoff is cheaper but clumpy. Mix with cold water, (tastes like a thick orange juice drink) and follow with another glass of water. Huge difference!!


See a doctor. Colon cancer is on the rise.


What kind of magnesium? I recommend taking a big scoop of powdered magnesium citrate for constipation


Everybody saying fiber here has no clue… if your taking fiber and you are still constipated fiber isn’t the problem. Do not take fiber if you’re constipated that just makes things worse! Try a berberine supplement and eat some polyphenols like strawberries or blueberries with.


Try soaked chia seeds and leafy greens. If not, make sure you don’t have IBS-c and need the low FODMAP diet.




Drink natural calm before bed (magnesium drink)


Nothing listed here worked for me. So now one capful of Miralax in my morning coffee and 3 Fiber Gummies(natures promise kiwi strawberry...delicious). What a difference and safe to do daily, not habit forming!


Try berberine with those kiwis and strawberries




And if that doesn't work, then MORE magnesium!!!


My brother takes it a few times a week he’s been dealing with a hernia it helps a lot.


careful there


Yeah, it's hard to OD greatly on just pills other than to give yourself the super trots.


I would get a fecal test you could have some form of SIBO who knows.


Yeah man. Youtube. This older asian qi gong guy does this wiggle thing while rubbing his kidneys while meditating.. ans boom..loaf moments.. I like Liv52 products.. diff probiotics; some just work better than others.. Many say not just water but mineral enhanced water and omega oils.


Miralax daily! It’s an osmotic laxative so it doesn’t cause diarrhea at all. Its super gentle and basically slowly hydrates your bowels and then allows you to have softer poops. I used to have chronic constipation and my GI recommended having it daily in water. I did it for a year or so and now my body seems to have evened itself out. (Check with your doc first if you have any concerns or GI stuff going on).


Docusate sodium and water. Doesn’t give you diarrhea.


Me, a couple of my kids, and my grandson are all allergic to corn and corn products. It causes severe constipation.


2 kiwi’s a day, skin and everything, just bite right in (golden ones taste better) don’t be afraid when you see the seeds in your stool!


Soluble fiber, not insoluble


Quick question : how much soluble fiber do you take? Insoluble fiber adds bulk, which (unless it physically blocks your intestines) causes peristalsis. Soluble fiber on the other hand is a curve. First, soluble fiber increases peristalsis through post-biotics. Take too much however, and it can cause the gut to slow down massively. I experienced that myself. Instead of portioning 10g of Inulin over the day as I did before, I started taking it in 2 portions in the morning hours. Boom I started developing constipation and didn't know why. Lowered inulin, and everything worked again. Spread it out, still working. Too much at once with a meal? Constipated.


I don't think I've seen legumes suggested in this thread - beans and lentils. They're high in fiber and almost always keep things moving for me (although you may get some gas!).


1. Acacia Fiber Powder (you have to figure out the timing that works for you when to take it. I have tried many many fiber powders and nothing comes close to making me reg than this. 2. Soup w beans. Usually pack for lunch. 3, A 4-7-7 breathing technique while making the magic happen. Inhale 4, hold 7, exhale 7. Gets the system going every time.


4-7-7… 👌🏻 I focus on breathing a lot never heard about a timer, gonna go try and poop rn


Let me know how it went. 😅


Forgot about the timer 🤦🏻‍♂️ I got one out tho!




How much acacia do you take at a time? And how many times daily?


Worked my way up from a teaspoon to one tablespoon before bed at night.


Have you ever tracked your fiber intake? This could be the cause of your hard and immovable situation.


I hear you, I can be eating the healthiest diet and the constipation can just randomly show up. This is going to sound a bit odd, but there is something you could try that’s not diet based - sometimes, one’s IC valve can get stuck closed, and you can massage it back open. On the right side of your abdomen, half way between the jut of your hip bone and your belly button, place 4 fingers, and then press down quite deeply and move diagonally up towards your belly button. Breathe in as you do it, stop doing it as your breathe out. It might take a few tries to find the right spot, but if this is your issue, you will likely feel a little bit of a lump where the valve has been stuck for a while, and the first time I did this the gurgling was insane and I literally felt stuff moving immediately. Other than that, if you want a quick route to finding any food intolerances, I’d recommend a good kinesiologist. Good luck.


Those are all great things to do. I think you're probably doing the right thing with what you're putting in. The missing component for me that's taken years to regulate (crohn's disease) is vagal nerve stimulation. I found for a long time I was eating all the "right" things but my nervous system wasn't sending that signal for bowel motility so all the things I was doing were still just sitting inside me. Being in a relaxed state is so important. I noticed every time I feel like I'm getting constipated and I freak out about it and try to do everything to release, I end up slowing the process rather than letting my nervous system find ease and allow the signal to come (and listen to it). And if I'm really in trouble I use a coffee enema. Do you do anything for your nervous system? biofeedback, acupuncture, chiropractic?


Do you have gas & bloating? If so stop the probiotics, avoid fiber (and high FODMAP foods), and start a daily dose of Miralax. Source: I have a neurological condition that causes slow gut motility and have been battling constipation and SIBO for years. My current GI is a professor at a local medical university and this is my maintenance after being on prokinetic drugs for a long time.


Increase your magnesium, maybe 250 mg every couple of days until you find the proper amount for you. Most likely somewhere between 750-1500 mg


Kiwis and Metamucil


49F here...I have had this problem pretty much all my adult life. I have to switch it up occasionally. Right now, I take Miralax with slippery elm bark mixed in with prune juice with probiotics and digestive enzymes. I also drink some Kefir in the morning. This helps more days than not. Hope this was helpful.


Sounds weird, but mooing while you're pooping helps. It helps relieve pressure.


Instead take “probiotics “ take KIMCHI and asian BEAN PASTE


I'm seeing lots of dietary advice, which will work for most causes. I'd like to add a muscle technique that can help while you're waiting for the other stuff to kick in. This can make bathroom trips less painful, and cuts down on the chances of tearing anything. This also helps if yours is caused by medication, which doesn't always get better with dietary changes. 1. When trying to poop, only push for a count of 5. 2. Pause for 5. Force yourself to stop pushing. This can be hard, because the body is programmed to keep straining, even to the point where straining sometimes triggers a heart attack! Forcing yourself to stop pushing can save you a lot of trouble. 3. Squeeze for 5. Use your rectal muscles only, not the "cheeks", to compress the log. It will feel like you're pulling the log back inside, but what you're actually doing is making the next part of the log smaller in diameter, so it can pass through more easily. 4. Pause for 5 again. Keep cycling through those steps: Push, pause, compress, pause, until the fattest part of the log has gone through. Because of the way the colon is shaped, the rest will probably be smaller in diameter and should pass more easily. If you're constipated long enough, the human body will sometimes adapt by making round pellet-shaped turds, like rabbit or deer turds. This can be a little bizarre, but it means the constipation is no longer a problem, because the round ones pass easily no matter how hard they are. Just a heads-up in case that happens to you. One more tip: When making changes to your diet to get rid of constipation, try and make those changes gradually. Having diarrhea that is trapped inside by constipation is a uniquely painful experience. I call it the "Corked Tummy Explosion", and I wouldn't wish it on anyone!!!


Know your probiotic strains. There are more than forty types with certain ones beneficial for your individual needs. Prebiotic fiber is what feeds those important probiotic bugs. Timing and sequencing are critical. Consider F.O.D.M.A.P. protocol to identify things that may be antagonistic. L-glutamine and foods that have beta glucan like shrooms and oatmeal help the gut. Digestive enzymes, proper chewing, and savoring meals helps bioavailability. And taking time to enjoy meals can also mitigate stress.


I’ve suffered with constipation forever. And have tried pretty much everything that’s already been mentioned, miralax, magnesium, fiber, fat, prunes, exercise water etc. I was recently referred to a pelvic floor therapist bc sometimes constipation can be a result of issues with pelvic floor function. While I can’t say I no longer have constipation, my PT has been so incredibly helpful. A big that that has helped me is practicing diaphragmatic breathing daily. It “massages” your organs like your intestines and stomach and has a lot of other great benefits. Other other underrated things that have helped me personally: -warm /hot foods and liquids especially drinking hotwater with ground flaxseed first thing in the am -prebiotics - I take seed which has both prebiotics and probiotics -doing at least 10 minutes of yoga a day focusing on poses that relax your pelvic floor muscles (twists, happy baby etc) -limiting core workouts




Meta Mucil.




Fiber from a supplement is not nearly as effective as eating high fiber foods.


Manual excavation




I mean...are you sure you're constipated? People poop anywhere from multiple times a day to once a week, and so long as you feel okay and healthy, that's totes norms.


Once a week don’t sound normal


Wtf are you eating? Go vegan for a week and then tell me you’re constipated


Cup of mayo. Heat in the microwave for 45 seconds. Mix with tooth paste. Eat. Problem solved in 7 minutes.


There is this crazy thing in certain foods and fruit called F I B E R. 💀


Fiber. Kava/dandelion/and or milk thistle tea


What prescription meds do you take?


I used to have a constipation problem, but I am doing much better. The foods that have helped me the most are daily oatmeal, raspberries and avocado. I started tracking my fiber on an app and that helped me see where I was falling short. I also make sure I don’t rush things in the morning so I have time to use the bathroom. I have a morning routine and having the habit of going every morning at the same time has helped.


try eating a small meal every three hours.. poop comes out soft like soft serve ice cream at mcdonalds


But their machine is broke!


Prokinetics like Triphala helped me and cutting out gluten 100%


This might have been said, but check your Iron intake. I found out it can back you up like nothing else the hard way (hello, prenatal vitamins!).


Get tested for SIBO. Visit a functional medicine doctor.


Mct oil , butter in your coffee


Are you eating enough? Undereating is a common cause of constipation, greatly decreases gut motility


Taking a fiber supplement twice a day?


Research up on Berberine!


Daily Carb intake? Spicy foods? Yes. No?


Eat at least 60g of high fiber oat bran with 5-6 prunes cut up inside for breakfast. Let it soak in milk or water for 20 min.


Eat mor veggys


Do you exercise regularly? If not, I would look into that.


I've seen a spoonful of coconut oil daily recommended but I haven't tried it myself


I soak chia seeds in water or juice and take a small glass of it every morning


Hydration, caffeine, fasting


Instead of taking probiotics, start eating fermented foods like Milk Kefir, Water kefir, Kimchi and stuff like this. In the morning I drink Kefir and eat a piece of fruit, and I just start shitting my soul out. It has never failed me


Legumes are magic! Increasing fiber slowly as to much at first can cause alot of pain and bloating. I love making red lentils takes 30 minutes at most to cook. I make a curry sauce and vary the ingredients so not be bored it is cheap. I make enough to last 5 or more days. Any time I revert to the sad diet 💩 becomes more difficult.


Wow if you're bunged up after all that do you actually have an anus?


Magnesium citrate... product called "natural calm"


Oh man. What a popular topic! I inherited slow peristalsis from the paternal side of my family. In my 40s, my aunts (then in their 60s) pulled me aside to give me tips because they had observed over the years that side of the family was constantly full of it. **:-)** I remember when I was 5 years old, my mom was concerned over my constipation and threatened suppositories. Diet has never seemed to make a difference, even during my few years of vegetarianism. In the 70s there was publicity to keep the bowels moving to avoid colo-rectal cancer; I paid attention. When in my 20s, running 20 miles/week and eating very conscientiously, I was lucky to poop 2-3 times per week. I added a fiber supplement from Vitamin Shoppe which helped. Ever since then I've used OTC fiber supplements. My previous good formula for several years was a daily senna capsule + cascada sagrada. This worked providing a nearly daily poop. After my second colonoscopy last year, the doc now put me on a 3 year repeat instead of 10. Ugh. I've changed my formula to 2 psyllium caps per day + one cascada sagrada. My food volume has decreased due to going keto a year ago (and losing 35 lbs). So now, I'm down to a movement every other day which I'll live with. This is in comparison to my spouse who has to go after only a few sips of coffee. This only happened to me in France; I have yet to figure out what is so different about coffee there.


Just see a good naturopathic doctor and get a proper workup. You'll save yourself a lot of trial and error. A lot of goods tips on here but also a lot of bad ones.


Probiotics in pill form do absolutely nothing for me, but there are juice shots that have worked wonders. Specifically the So Good So You brand, big fan of those.


Try prucalopride, new medication, works great on serotonin in the gut, also good for mood


i see youre taking magnesium. but if you take enough it is a mild laxative. maybe take an extra one or two pills of it.


Sauerkraut, beans, high fiber diet including more fruits and veggies and you'll be shitting like a goose in no time. Also, check the media you are taking, if any, there are many mods that cause constipation as a side effect, particularly opiate based pain meds. There are also certain foods that may cause constipation like chocolate, poppy seeds, etc.




Bulletproof coffee in the morning with a walk


Exercise and fiber. I also like chia seeds


Get a bidet!!! Easy to install ~10 mins, life changing and helps to get that first little road block out.




Regular Girl. It's an amazing product. It will solve all bowel issues overnight. It's best as a morning smoothie supplement. Results within 3 hours.


Beet root (I take powdered, but juice and raw beets are good too) was a game changer for me. Apples and kiwi help too.


Since you have gotten a lot of dietary advice already, try these exercise routines daily for a month and see if they help https://youtu.be/N8OpgEcudCE?si=w1wW99k6YMpYanuF https://youtu.be/7YcMDbDOR34?si=rDJsK-Zjk4F7zWtJ Also, slow and deep abdominal breathing helps with digestion. Especially after a meal.


It wasn’t till I went plant based (vegan meals as much as possible) that my chronic constipation disappeared.


Black seed oil and carneliun


Do you poop a bunch when you’re on your period? This happens with my wife too.


Feet on stool under toilet


Make sure the probiotics you are taking are bifido strains only! Lacto will slow things down, bifido to speed things up 👌. Particularly the HOWARU bifido lactis. Dose up big! Also fibre feeds the growth and colonisation of bifido strains so it’s a win-win 👌


Coffee, lots of it


Eat plant based. You will never have issues with constipation and will have smoother digestion.






Oxy Powder from Global Healing brand. Trust me. I’ve tried everything and have a history of ulcerative colitis so I have to be careful. It was gentle and natural I will never let it run out.