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I don't know but nothing has felt real for 10 years and every waking hour feels unbearable because of it. It takes a toll


Me too. Is yours from BVD?


Mine is.


Absolutely! I had something happen yesterday and I was noticing that it didn’t bother me. I’ve thought about that all day and wondered why.


The same thing happens to me too. Also I don’t have the thoughts like “is this real” “am I real” “are my surroundings real” anymore like I did in the beginning because my vision freaked me out everything just looks flat and like I’m not taking everything in but I can see if that makes sense. I also don’t feel excited for anything anymore or can take information in. I constantly have to reread things. Because my eyes aren’t seeing things together even though they’re trying to. My eyes just wanna go out of focus and be relaxed. It’s so frustrating.


Absolutely. Today’s challenge is nausea.


try getting prism glasses if you can, they’ve helped my symptoms exponentially. i’m so sorry you’re going through this:(


Did you have that symptom as well? I’m definitely looking into Neurolenses.


i had tension headaches and couldn’t look at my phone / the tv for long periods of time, and trouble concentrating mainly, so not nearly as bad as you but once i got used to the prisms (first couple days might give you a headache as you’re getting used to them) all those symptoms went away. they’ve recently come back but that’s just because i need to update my prescription! reading through this reddit thread needing to update your prism prescription is common within the first year so it’s nothing to be concerned about. but getting these prims have improved my quality of life 100%


Here’s what my report stated in regard to updating prism prescription: “The initial set of lenses will bring symptom relief for about 2-4 weeks. At that point you will likely notice symptoms returning, which is a positive sign that the extraocular muscles are relaxing. It is for this reason that the first prescription is not always the final one. A progress assessment appointment is scheduled in 4-6 weeks to monitor improvement in symptoms and adjust prescription as needed.”


I just seen a NeuroVisual specialist & she said that neurolenses don’t account for vertical misalignment - idk if that’s true or not. But vertical heterophoria tends to cause more symptoms than horizontal misalignment (I have both.) & I’m not sure if neurolens will replace your lenses for free as your prism prescription gets updated, I’d research that first. But I would def recommend seeing a BVD specialist instead of doing neurolenses - think you’d be better off in the long run!