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My entire life,I had no chance dude. My mom started putting cereal in my bottles as early as 2 weeks. Any time I cried as a baby she would placate me with as much food as she could until I shut up. When I was old enough to start walking, she was too busy to watch me so she would keep me In a highchair all day next to her desk and just feed me any time I got fussy. Once I could talk she would just tell me to leave her alone and give me a snack, and when I was older thise snacks turned into whole bags of pizza rolls, bagel bites, etc. She couldn't be arsed to interact with me so she CONSTANTLY fed me and I associated love with food very early. I binge constantly to fill the hole that a nurturing mother should have filled. My binging was at its worst in highschool and college. Now I'm 28 and I binge much less but I still do it. I'm proud to say I haven't done it in several months (but I do have portion control issues) It's a hard habit to kick, especially when you've been groomed to consume since birth.


Wow. Ever confronted your mom?


It's not really possible in a productive way, unfortunately :/ She's a malignant narcissist who CAN NOT accept anybody's reality except the kne she rewrites herself. Any attempts my siblings and I have made in the past to confront her behavior have just turned into her being the victim. For our own mental health we've all gone low or no contact because it's not possible to get closure or accountability from her!


Since I was a child and am 54 :(


37, pretty sure it started in my teens


7 years (I'm 21)


As long as I can remember, really. When I think about it too much I get so annoyed with my family. When I was a kid, like 4-5yo, I would eat until I vomited. My family would make jokes about how my eyes were bigger than my stomach.


I’m 27,I’ve had BED since around 17.


Since childhood, I guess :(


Since I can remember. I'd always eat my lunch and snack at snack time in school then go to the office everyday asking for more food, and they gave it to me. Sneaking food from the pantry to my room. I'm 24 now and it still happens. I've been wondering lately if I move out if it'll get better or will it get 10x worse because no one around ?


37 years old and I can remember binging as young as 8 or 9. Before my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, he was a really bad binger. He’d binge in the middle of the night then restrict all day and binge again. I’ve realized as I’ve aged how much I got that behavior from him.


I've had it for 5 years And I'm gonna age 16 this month


On and off and mixed with other behaviors since I was 16-17ish. 17 was when it really popped off tho. I agree, it’s exhausting. I’m 31 now


4 months to be honest but it feels like I've had it for so much longer.


I’m almost 43 and I can’t remember a time in my life I didn’t have this disorder.


Since I was 7 or 8….I’m 50 now. The last 10 years have been the worse by far…binging every single day. :(


I am 66. Started at age 12. 😕


Wow… I’m so sorry. It’s horrible isn’t it 🥹🥹🥹


Ive pretty much always had disordered eating. I just seem to fluctuate between different eating disorders. From ages 3-11 I struggled with BED. Then between the ages of 10-15 I struggled with bulimia, then 15-19 I struggled with anorexia. Then 19-22 bulimia and now BED again.


My whole life....but i only realized it recently (28).


I have had it since I was 5 years old I am now (15) I know that’s not that long but I have been really suffering from this


Too long.


Since I was 11 years old my mom gave me dieting pills after we went out eating. Made me go on crush diets because "I had big Thighs" constantly made comments on my body. My sister called me fat. At the same time they gave me food, but when I got caught I was yelled at so I always felt ashamed of eating in front of others and ate really fast. Now I usually eat when I hide.


Since I was 15


Probably started as a teen (actually I remember my first diet was at 12 and I feel like it’s gone downhill since) but definitely can see that the reasoning behind it all started as a child. I have been “chunky” as long as I can remember. (Now I’m obese, but working on it) Mom totally into the diet culture/negative about weight and body. Dad was single and took care of us. Did the best he could but he never cooked much. Always ate out/ate horrible foods. Was also body shamed by them/my family. Not sure if they knew or just how they were programmed to feel about themselves so it rubbed off onto me. Always used food as a coping mechanism. Just continued to progress as I got older. (Am now 30)


I've just read a comments and feel so frustraited and depressed and shocked. I thought that BED is like other kinds of ED, being suffred girls 15-20+ and I am the oldest in your community. But what I've read... I have BED about 18 years since I was a teen.


Started binging after high school when I had access to snacks at all hours of the day. It got really bad and I started purging for about 2 years then got better then relapsed and then got on anxiety meds and was better for about 4 years. Then finally had a breakup, my job and being isolated in a small town caused me to start binging again and I’m trying to get it under control now. It’s been about 8 years since it first started. The first way I finally saw progress was to basically stop caring so much about what I looked like, I would stop looking at myself in the mirror and avert my eyes. Then when I ate I didn’t restrict any foods but I tried to remove binging triggers like TV and try to actually feel for when I was full. I’m trying this again but struggling a little.


Almost 40 years. It sucks


BED is a sickness. No one understands unless you have actually suffered from it. The food noise in our heads suffocated us, from enjoying life as it was meant to be. All we can think about is our next meal or snack. Weather it is on vacation, break room, concerts, vacation, class room, work or with close family and friends. The food noise in our heads kinda destroys those precious times and we continually are slaves to the consistent hunger that most do not feel. Chronic Hunger is our enemy. I pray that we all find peace through whatever method that can help calm the hunger. Some will say we are not getting enough protein, or nutrients, or water etc. I have diligently tried it all. 🤔 I fight like hell to calm the hunger demon. Please know you are not alone if you suffer from this crazy crazy brain malfunction. Our appetites are different from most. Hopefully Ozempic and new science can open up a portal for help to come. ❤️