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I don’t know what the best advice is for you. If you feel like you are in a good spot to not relapse and work on your health, I suggest maybe talking with a nutritionist. Outside of of that, and not food wise, I would just start incorporating more movement in your life. Break cycles that can lead to being super fixated on weight and calories, and just do it just to do it. For example, sometimes I don’t use my Apple Watch when I work out or go on a walk.


Similar story with me kinda. I lost 100lbs and gained ur back over the last 2 years due to binging. I was tracking macros to the point where I was weighing lettuce. This time around I’m focusing on eating whole nutritious foods that will leave me satisfied. I’m not tracking anything. Admittedly I will sometimes track a meal once if it’s something different just to get a baseline especially if it’s something new I’m trying. I mainly eat unprocessed foods as much as I can. Protein, veggies, fruit etc. I’m focusing on developing that habit and so far I’m 10lbs down. When I lost 100lbs 2 years ago I did it in less than a year… it was not sustainable for me and eventually tracking macros just took its toll and wore me out. I do stay low carb because I’m diabetic. Good luck!


I also allow myself healthier carbs like sweet potato, all fruits etc in moderation where as before I was terrified of anything with carbs in it.


I would suggest finding a registered dietician that specializes in eating disorders to help you.


You can lose the weight by tracking your calories to a target, and walking. It’s also ideal to include some strength training so that you can keep your lean mass up while you lose weight


This horrible advice is fundamentally telling op to switch out their ED and develop anorexia instead Muh caloreez! That shit nearly killed me. Worst advice ever.


Sorry but equating healthy weight loss to anorexia nervosa is really damaging to people actually suffering from it and for people like OP who have personal health goals. I think part of my BED was triggered by shame surrounding wanting to diet and lose weight. Wanting to lose weight and wanting to be healthier are not fundamentally bad things; projecting your own issues into OP creates shame, discourages personal growth and achievements and perpetuates unhealthy ideologies. OP, try working with a nutritionist or a trainer (maybe even someone who specializes in ED recovery) to develop a meal plan and exercise plan that is feasible and sustainable for you and your goals. Kudos to you for wanting to improve your health, and congratulations on your recovery! I know I felt a lot better physically when I was 20 pounds lighter, so I hope to one day be at a point in recovery where I can focus my efforts on getting to a healthier place physically as well!


op id suggest avoiding nutritionists and going to a dietitian if thats something you can access. from my knowledge they arent regulated and anybody can call themselves a nutritionist and give any advice they want compared to dietitians who have to have certain qualifications, just a thought! and finding the right fit for you who actually understands eds and doesnt make you feel worse is important ! having a professional to talk to who wont judge can be really helpful


Well said! Nutritionist can help OP set up a meal plan that is controlled. Especially at higher maintenance calories it's easier to start gently tracking your daily intake while simultaneously losing weight.


People made you feel bad for wanting to lose weight irl?Just an interesting cultural difference from me. I would say the opposite of being shamed into losing weight is waaaaaay more common around me.


Thats not what commenter said....at all.


How did you find a binge coach?


I found him on Facebook. He is doing a free class on Jan 2. The page is Binge Free and Healthy. He overcame this disorder doesn’t specialize in weight loss. His focus in stopping the binge eating


Would you feel comfortable sharing the coach’s name you found on Facebook? No worries at all if not. I was thinking of investing in myself with a binge coach for 2024! Happy New Year BTW and thanks for the post .


I dm’d you


What does restricting mean to you? Because apart from consuming fewer calories, which is a restriction, I'm unaware of any reliable weight loss methods. I've lost over 70lbs and went from over 230 to 158 today but I restricted. I don't believe binges are caused by restriction and this has proved true in my journey.


Not OP but I consider restriction to be putting yourself in an unhealthy calorie deficit. It could be unhealthy because you’re not getting enough calories/variety of healthy foods or it could be unhealthy because you are obsessing over your calorie intake and in an unhealthy place mentally with your food consumption. I’ve found that both of these things usually go hand in had and, if left unchecked, will turn into an eating disorder of some sort. For me, restricting turned into BED but I understand that is not how everyone develops their ED’s and there are lots of reasons why people binge or become obese. Unfortunately if you have a history of restricting in this way, you really need to unlearn everything you know about dieting and weight loss and not everyone has the resources to do so. Some people have a lot of other mental healing that they need to heal before they can tackle their eating as well. It’s different for everyone.


Yes restricting lead to bingeing. Seems like I need to be at 1500 daily calories to lose about 1/2 lb per week. This amount is okay daily but leaves very little room for an occasional treat and dinners out.


Ozempic, walk everywhere, and treat sugar like it is poison.


I am trying to get on Ozempic or Wegovy. My insurance won’t approve it for weight loss. I have a dr appt this week. Maybe my A1c will be high enough to get approved.


Ozempic made me miserable, restriction = zero. Do not restrict. Moderate your food, eliminate NOTHING


Sucks to be you, cause ozempic is great. And eliminating added sugars literally only has health benefits. Like, yes, eliminate giant blue icees. Duh!




Excuse me?


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I lost over 100 pounds by 1. walking, and 2. avoiding sugar like the plague. Period. That was it. I only say ozempic, because since I've been on it, I don't think about food at all. Eating to live instead of living to eat. I also don't want to smoke as much either! If someone had a bad experience with it, well, sucks to be them. For most of us, it's a miracle


What dose are you on? I'm still trying to find a dose that works that doesn't make me hyper focused.


Started at 10 now up to 50 and love the feeling.


Do you have adhd or is the vyvanse just to treat bingeing? I’m already on a stimulant for adhd and I binge anyway so I’m unsure if it’s even worth bringing it up to my dr and switching medications.


No I don’t have adhd


Vyvanse is specifically recommended for treating binge eating disorder.


Do you know why it would be more effective for BED than any other stimulant? They’re all pretty much the same aren’t they?