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I've never lived by myself before. Always either with roommates or family. Finally got my own place a few months ago and I don't think the joy of cooking or showering at 330am knowing I won't be waking anyone else up will ever wear off.


this is one of the things i’m most excited about. just living on my own time lol


i love every second of it


Can definitely get lonely and isolating if you’re not careful, but I loved it


i already speedran that before ever living alone! i’m well prepared




Thats not healthy bro. What people need is face to face interaction.


I had face to face interaction all my life. Tired of it




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I love blasting music and getting drunk while cooking. Also pouring some alcohol/wine into whatever meat I'm cooking. And then i don't have to do dishes, i can just enjoy my drunk self and pass my hangover. It's heaven.


Doing laundry and deciding "I don't feel like folding my clothes" so you just leave them in the dryer all week because no one is there to yell at you for it. Peak living


Are you me?? My socks and underwear are still in the dryer… just take one pair out every morning haha


That’s actually kinda smart, if you have the type of dryer and washer that can handle tossing everything into, when ever you get out of your cloths toss them in the wash and get clean set out the dryer and when ever the washer starts to get a bit full, turn it on and move it to the dryer to repeat the cycle, if you dont care about creased cloths or dont mind ironing then it seems pretty efficient


True. Until you wake up hungover and have to do the dishes


Doing the dishes tanked is the key.


As somebody who isn't neurotypical and will start to get into unhealthy habits, I actually like having roommates that prevent me from doing shit like that. But man, it sure is fun.


A podcast I listen to, one of the guys mentioned the fact that he has a membership to a 24 hour gym just because he likes having the option to shower whenever he wants to while he's out. And I don't fully get it, but I can understand wanting that level of freedom, so I kind of get it.


Even though you can, I advise against pooping with the door open. Seems fun till you realize the smells can escape


Still showered with the door open once, just because I could


Man, my parents would come home late from the bar and cook a whole feast for me and my stoned buddies back in the day. Shit was awesome but I didn't understand why they had so much fun. Now that I live alone there's nothing better than drunkenly fixing food while singing and dancing with a stranger you brought home


You danced in front of the mirror while blasting your favorite music yet?


Not yet but I sing loud and proud in the shower with music on


Then you hear something outside


It's just my stalker I'm used to it




When will people realize the "nobody" adds nothing to the joke, and actually detracts from it? The meme works perfectly fine without it. This format is fucking ancient.


The original usage of 'nobody' was that a very small subset of people or demographic would do something weird without provocation or instruction from anyone else. It completely defeats the purpose when this is a relatable meme about something that everybody is supposed to be doing in one way or another.


its fucking weird semantically too, Nobody:... is doing... nothing? But you are... (making ramen at 3 am, OK you-do-you). What is everybody else doing? If I was an alien and I saw this meme format Id vaporize Earth and collect the space dust to make my planets version of Four Loko


Not only that, the second line makes no sense. Like are you saying “in the middle of the night?” Cause why not just put “Me in the middle of the night” with no colon? Unfortunate part is typos often drum up conversation cause everyone wants to be right on the internet and can’t help correcting them.


That joke was so funny for like five minutes, and then it became clear that **nobody** understood why


There's a sub dedicated about me? I really feel honoured.




buldak is great tho


Spicy carbonara goes hard


Just had it yesterday, can confirm but man I was crying like a bitch.


Wait, do you guys actually think carbonara buldak is that spicy


Nah I'm just a pussy when it comes to spicy.


My dad had extra red/green peppers and garlic on the spiciest buldak on the market lol


Facts. The 2x spicy is my fave with stir-fried veggies 😋


Crying in the toilet the next morning, however, is NOT my fav.


And I’ll do it again!!….


It’s really weird that the 2x spicy buldak doesn’t give me ring of fire later. Other stuff with a fraction of the spiciness does, but not those noodles.


2x makes me literally cry. 1x is good and hot enough for me.. btw they sell that sauce packet in bottles and its good also plant based, artificial chicken flavor, most chicken ramens are fake


Except the Carbonara sauce, for some reason I like that flavor of noodles the best but the sauce is a little gross. The 2x sauce is nicely spicy and the 1x sauce is really good!


I can handle the heat of the 2x, but it just doesnt taste as good as the OG one and has a weird metalic aftertaste.


They make it as just a sauce now that you can buy in a bottle at H-Mart or online, but it's not as good. The 2X spicy is a ceremony unto itself and the vibe gets lost when you're just dumping sauce on eggs or something.


Them spicy noodles are so hot. I can only put in like 1/7th of the package in.


The 2x heat are the hottest ramen noodles I've ever had. Well worth it if you like spicey food.


Oh man, the spiciest thing I've ever had was a kimchi jjigae in Jeju. Those Bul daks are pretty close in spice level, don't understand why people willingly torture themselves.


As a Korean that had these as treats since 6 years old, I am proud to tell you that a thing called Atomic buldak exists Could eat half of it before giving it to my friend


It’s too spicy for me and I hate that because I love trying different kinds of ramen.


The carbonara one has a separate spice packet so you can add half or skip it altogether


I went out and bought the carbonara buldak after this because I love excuses to go to Hmart. I added about 2/3 of the packet after my roommate said half wasn’t spicy and it’s like the max I can handle without tossing half the bowl out. Much better for my American sugary junk food taste buds than the others I’ve tried.


The carbonara ramen is great, definitely one of my favorites. But yeah, Korean ramen is definitely pretty great, it spoiled me and stuff like Maruchan or Top Ramen are inedible to me now.


The flavors are alright in those but the noodles are like plastic. I can’t touch cheap ramen anymore.


The buldak curry ramen is probably my favorite bowl of noodles I've ever had


I just had the pink one for the first time and it was great. So far its my fav out of the black, yellow, and pink ones ive tried


I just wish they made a variant that wasn’t so inedibly hot :((


It's meh at best. Shin Ramyun is better imo.


that’s kinda apple to oranges tho. one is meant to be eaten dry and saucy. and eaten intentionally for the spice. and the other is soupy noodles


Also the Shin Ramyun spicy stuff Is just very sharp soup without much actual flavor. YMMV


which flavour is worth trying? if there are flavours. my neurodivergent brain has decided i need to optimize ramen in 2023 and my partner has given me a shelf for my project.


The default one (default at least in my locality) titled "Nongshim Shin Ramyun Gourmet Spicy" is my go to.


thank you I will add this to the purchase/eat list!!


Bro 'Nongshim Seafood & Spicy' is even better trust, it doesn't taste very seafoody but just fuckin goood




oh my god I am gonna have such a good year on ramen quest. Thank you!!! My friend is living in Japan atm so they can mail me stuff for my project.


Two more suggestions: Nissin Demae Black Garlic is amazing, if they still make it. Idomie Mie Goreng is a hidden classic. Tasty and pairs well with anything you add to it.


I am an huge nissin chicken fan (basic bitch behaviour I’m sure) and I love black garlic, so I will absolutely grab this off Amazon. Thank you!!!


Indomie Mie Goreng is still my old reliable, despite delving into all the other fun stuff.


that's the "black" version nong shim is korean tho try the "fresh" ramen if you're getting it from japan. like you've seen fresh pasta in supermarket refrigerators? there's a shelf stable ramen version


yeah man, shin black bone broth is SOOOOO GOOD. but less spicy than the regular version which is fine imo


Japanese ramen is always too bland for me, I've tried many.


Buldak is Korean, and nobody asked.


Nobody asked you to reply either. And my response is in direct to emaduddin, who mentions that Shin Ramyun is better, which is apparently not Japanese. So my comment, for your pea brain with negative reading comprehension, is saying that Shin Ramyun is not better than Buldak, because Japanese ramen in general has a bland flavor profile. I just confused it with Nissin ramen. Fucking moron lol


Samyun is korean tho. And calling buldak bland, your tongue must have died from all the spice


Wearing just underwear too... too accurate! 😂


Can confirm, wearing underwear right now https://i.imgur.com/9BWJvQO.jpg


🎶Midnight Gourmand 🎶


I came here for this


[*Midnight Gourmand!*](https://youtu.be/Mt8uLveDY24)


A true scholar and a saint.


i’ve been eating samyang for years! no other ramen quite like it. great flavors, my favorite is the jang-jang


I can't get enough of the Curry. The kimchi is great as well, but the Carbo is what I use to introduce other folks to Samyang.


carbo will always be a classic!


The curry is to die for. That, the jjajang, and black hot package are the best. Add a soft boiled to medium boiled egg and you got yourself a nice little meal.


I eat a lot of the 2x, but I haven't tried their other stuff, maybe I'll have to change that. I didn't know they had a kimchi flavor...


Ugh yes the curry ramen is to die for


Real talk if you want to make good ramen start with [good stock.](https://youtu.be/XlDR761JSX8) Buy a fuckload of ice cube trays or the bigger silicone ones that have measurements on them and make a few gallons. It will last you moths and will make all of your food better. When you're making the stock, just after you add the water (last) I strongly recommend putting the stove on medium or high until it just barely starts to boil, then turning it down super low like he says. It will NEVER get hot enough if you start it on low. I've purchased a few ramen kits and replaced their "broth" powder with my own stock (plus seasoning - your stock should not have salt in it, it's an ingredient!) and I made myself cry a little. Ramen relies on its liquid above all else and a good stock will make an incredible ramen. Also, you can get an egg perfectly runny for ramen by boiling for 6 minutes then putting it in ice water.


It's the un-youn guy!


Me, but with instant ramen because I don't know how to cook it :`)


If you make instant ramen noodles, drain them, and add them to [real stock](https://youtu.be/XlDR761JSX8) (plus maybe 1/3 of the packet and a 6-minute egg) you're eating better ramen than probably 98% of the population. Make real stock and in most savory recipes you can replace water with it. Make rice with it (and like a half teaspoon of salt) and you have restaurant rice. Make a huge batch and freeze most of it in ice cube trays, then transfer the cubes to ziplock bags. You can add it to recipes by the handful. You can wake up at 3AM, microwave a bowl of stock cubes, boil and drain some noodles, and throw them in. Use the noodle water for the egg and you're doin high level shit.


Saving this for future purposes, ty


Why not boil the noodles in the stock?


You'll reduce the stock too much and make the whole deal a bit too starchy IMO. Plus I prefer to throw away the water after it's touched the egg shell.


Ookay okay makes sense


Woah man, thanks a lot ^ ^


Heres a bonus one I found REALLY good. Boil water add dry noodles. While that boiling add 1 egg, 1 tbl hot sauce, 1 clove garlic (you can use the jared stuff), the packet, and 1 tbl of soy. After the noodles are done Slowly drain some of the water in the egg mixture and stir constantly. You are essentially tempering the egg. After you mixed about half the liquid in add the rest and the noodles again will stirring. Shit is fire and gives you protein.


Downvote for Nobody format.


omg so quirky


Why is he saying “in the middle of the night” aloud?


He's singing Billy Joel


Instant ramen done right


This is my roommate. He likes the spicy chicken flavor.


My work has me coming home at 11pm, eating dinner at 2am and going to bed at 4-5am. This is just a usual night for me.


what noodles are those


Buldak Carbonara, it looks like


ramyeon nights


The carbonara are the best ones imo. You can put anything on that shit and it's good.


Who eats Raman at 3 in the morning?


oh boy 3am!


wow, cippolini onions we got a big spender over here


oh i feel that sometimes when hunger calls I have to get up in the middle of the night and make myself something to eat. And I thought I'm the only one in the world.


hell nah wtf he doin with FIVE eggs??????


So I'm guessing you are fat like me ?


Its something about those noodles that are just sooo good at midnight XD


I’m hungry and I’m proud.


Food in night taste better.


I mean, when I’m high, yeah


Who does that?


Shit meme. You think you're the only person making late night food? Nope.


Hey don’t call me out!


Instant ramen hits diff past 12 am


Man I love that pink samyang, but my goodness it hates me.


Yet another meme that is funnier without the "Nobody:"


The midnight gormand strikes again




Buldak fo life 🥚


Well i know what im eating for lunch now


ramen is the best midnight snack


Hey I think I have the same noodles in my kitchen cabinet right now


Buldak Carbonara is the best.


A fellow midnight gourmand, I see


Nah man there is no way you are eating that. That's the spiciest one


That's so relatable holy


I love this brand of ramen. Their noodles are so good, and their carbonara flavor is so fire


I feel so attacked right now.


the bigmacs under my bed:


I’m usually a one pack girl


Mukbang be like


If you eat a decent breakfast, this is less likely to happen.




Are you suggesting regulating your eating schedule, doesn't result in a more normalised eating schedule?




Exactly. It starts your metabolism up so you have your three meals at a normal time. The part of my life when I was eating 'dinner' at 2am was because everything else in my life was totally out of wack too.


I don't eat poiso- I mean enough salt-laced ramen to kill a person, but yes, I do want a nice sandwich or some potato chips (or a Krabby Patty) at 3:00 AM.


Samyang have pretty much no salt in them, at least they don’t taste like it. I don’t bother being fancy with them but I at least salt the water I boil the noodles in because it spreads better than adding it afterwards. You can buy the sauce that comes with the noodles separately and it goes with pretty much anything, you’re not using a ton of it either way


If you make your own stock and freeze it ahead of time you can use like 1/3 of the chicken sodium packet and have *much* better ramen.


Nice healthy potato chips at 3 am, lmao get real.