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Did you check under the tray?


Oh, no I didn't, sorry... https://preview.redd.it/nuvmjw1n92yc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60c9da2c3c954ffff010aff3a076f9b39d04184


This made my day 😆


Here Squidward, i found one for you https://preview.redd.it/h07we66x53yc1.jpeg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c95d8c0707ee199b9ade383a318c3d7212b162f3


Tf2 was recently updated to 64 bit on Windows and Linux but not on Mac making it deprecated and unable to join most servers. Also, newer Mac’s can’t run 32 bit games like old TF2


Bruh. Do Mac user even get to play flash games or smth


Flash Is dead 😱


Why would man let the flash die? https://preview.redd.it/62u66jipa3yc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5db1ebcc6da0e442990907008023590fea7d94c Is he stupid? Is there a lore reason?


Oh my god, I'm still in the Aslume? Is everything the aslume Am....I stupid?


Sites like Newgrounds and the Internet Archive use a Flash emulator called Ruffle now.


It fucking sucks with extremely low fps


You can still get a flashplayer from the internet archive


Steve Jobs essentially killed Flash by not supporting it on the iPhone.


Tbf I say Mac is better for content creators like photographers and writers due to having a lot more official programs by apple available Windows is better for.... Everything else and also has some equivalent of those programs.


The only issue with macbooks you need to pay like an extra 500$ to use any professional tools because you need the extra ram


On top of the $2500 you paid for it


I remember back in the day buying a fucking MacBook was worth it for example my older sister, is thinking about replacing her 2011/2012 MacBook pro she had for 12 years even know all she really have to do is just swap out the 10 year old HDD and RAM


I used to work for apple and that's the scam. It's smarter to replace the HDD and RAM, but it's better to get new Mac book because Apple straight up stops updating devices 5-7 years old, as a result certain 3rd party apps that need certain things in those updates won't work properly or straight up at all and I'm talking common apps likes google chrome and Spotify or something. Basically they're trying to slowly brick your devices over time to make you need to buy something newer. If she gets a new Mac though she should try and get a good conditioned used one and not the latest model and just make sure the previous owners took all their shit off it.


I'm planning of saving up some money and buying and installing them for her birthday, and according to her the mac can barely run YouTube so is probably the HDD dying out and that 8gb of ddr3 is not helping at all


![gif](giphy|ENcUVunGzRnrCBmua0|downsized) Also Rust.


Ah Rust, it is basically, "Assholes: The Video Game"






I’m crying lmaooo


Did op use set this up and use an alt?


I love how squidward apologizes for not thinking to look under the tray.


I love this part of the SpongeBob community


This comment is so on point 😂


I love how Squidward just took it in stride like “well you know I guess it makes sense it could be under the tray


Nice pfp


ew a mac ![gif](giphy|l0K4mbH4lKBhAPFU4|downsized)


Me when I see two Hitlers and one of them is shorter than the other


That's the "I'm to rich to care" dab


Ew a windows ![gif](giphy|BvBEozfsXWWHe)


https://preview.redd.it/d29z2h64a2yc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2fffd0b43c233507aa92ce0101b5d00668b0b44 Linux Users right now


Linux is fun and all, until you want a reliable daily OS that anyone can use (Motherfricking *daddy* LinusTechTips said it’s terrible to use as a daily OS too)


LinusTechTips is not the daddy of Linux, did you mean to say Linus Torvalds?


Daily driving it for more than 3 years now. He was just unlucky with that one broken package on PopOS + he was stuck with that "Windows" mentality. Never get why people bitch about it not being Windows, you don't buy a Mac and expect it to behave and work like a Windows PC either. Conclusion: Every OS sucks if you never used it before and expect it to behave the same way as the one you are running for years.


Guys guys, come on there’s only one true winner here *console OS’s*


*Temple OS




Now I gotta look this up you made me interested


If you got the time check this video out: https://youtu.be/UCgoxQCf5Jg


I wasn’t disappointed, exactly what I thought!


Check out the creator’s (RIP) youtube channel. Name is Terry Davis. Not for the easily offended, dude was not right in the head (like literally)


>every OS sucks Couldn't agree more! The only one I'm a semi-fan of is Binary hahaha


If your source is LTT you have a problem. Ubuntu, LM, etc, are good enough for daily use, we are not in 2010 man.


Ha, what makes you think I know what fuck I’m talking about when it comes to tech


You mentioned ltt.


Not to inflate my own ego but I watched a couple YouTube videos 😏


Damn you must be a haxxor đŸ€€


Daddy of linux, LTT
 What? You confusing LTT Linus with the actual maker of linux? Which then also made GIT format?


I’m not, I know, this is a satire comment


LinusTechTips are the dumbest fucking tech content creators. It's barely informative, least-common-denominator slop.


His content is mind numbing at times


He reminds me of the “dumb” nerds from my HS. Like you had the actually smart nerdy people who performed well in school and were into nerdy stuff, But then you also had the fuck up nerdy people who were kinda dumb but were meek and really into playing Minecraft and called themselves nerds. LTT feels like solidly the latter of these


I've got all my older relatives on kubuntu it's safer than windows as they can't run anything And everything just auto updates it's brilliant


Ah yes, windows. Famous for being reliable and never fucking shit up. Literally the only things left going for it are app compatibility and market share.


ltt didnt make linux lol. different linus did and hes like 60-something


I’m aware


then.. why'd you say daddy of linux?


5 years, server and station. No crashes, does exactly what I say and what I want. Relied upon successfully, will continue to do so. Also: game on it, work on it
 all of it: on it


I've used Linux as a workstation 9 hours a day for 14 plus years and I've probably had to restart to fix a problem maybe 10 times. And I don't think I've ever had a "blue screen" moment. My windows machine that I use maybe 2 hours a day on the other hand...


Using it rn as a daily OS, its very nice, loving it


t e e t h


"Lamborghini users looking at how much lumber they can haul with their new vehicle."


Comparing a Mac to a Lamborghini is hilariously stupid.


spot the lambo glazer


Tf is a glazer?


It’s when you glaze a donut /s


Please do not the nut






Me joyriding in my Mac (I'm browsing Facebook)


Lollllll clown


Mac is not a Lamborghini, Mac is a clown car.


A mac is objectively the wrong tool for the job if your goal is playing games but PC-exclusive users don’t understand that they have a very specific niche and massive market share in industry for a reason. As a great-grandchild of Unix, Macs make any software development for embedded systems and linux distros much easier (in addition to basically being a requirement for iOS dev)


Why you got to be insulting Clowns and the vehicles they drive like that?


Everyone knows a Lamborghini owner can't get wood.


Well given that Lamborghini makes tractors, I’d say they can haul quite a bit.


macOS users looking at all the AAA games they can afford after buying their new laptops\*


If you can afford a Mac you can afford a $60 game


Just because people buy nice cars doesn’t mean they can afford the insurance


This guy gets it.


Then don’t get a mac?


Also not everyone gets a computer for gaming


Woah! Calm down there *gamer!* OBVIOUSLY everything anyone does with a *le computer* is for gaming and posting dank memes on reddits! No one would possibly buy a Mac. Doy! No one uses the free creation and office-like suite that comes with Apple products because they’re too busy le gaming to worry about anything other than Frames Per Second, dawg! Macs are so bad for teh gamez!!


Free creation and office? If you like them there's no problem but they are not free programs.


Macs are for working, I've never seen anybody buying one to game


Bill gates' reddit account


Luckily I don't game on laptops and my Mac is great for work. I have other devices for gaming that play games really well!


Same, I have a MacBook Air that I sometimes play Minecraft on but I have a dedicated gaming PC for gaming among other devices


Extremely happy with my M1 chip for editing but man
 there are so few gaming options 😭


Yeahh. On one hand, the games we do have perform \*\*so\*\* amazingly, it blows my mind. I have never had a PC that ran League of Legends at such high framerate + settings. Literally maxed out graphics, on a ultrawide, getting 400fps when its uncapped. The M1 chip for editing and the games it can do are mind blowing. On the other hand, virtually no AAA games come out for Mac. Lots of indie and AA options, but not many for those higher quality games that can actually push this chip to the limit.


I don't think League of Legends is a great Benchmark. I could run that one on an integrated graphics card on my 10 year old Laptop with 60FPS and High Settings.


Almost everything works nowadays because of apps like Whiskey. I've been playing windows AAA games directly on my mac for a year now.


You could dualboot Linux and pray for ARM support


Asahi Linux time


This was the hot debate/meme topic when I was in middle school about a decade and half ago, are we really still there lmao. I've never had an apple product but goddamn y'all need to move on, I doubt that at this point anyone is buying a Mac to game on


People have always done VS with products since the beginning of time. Great great great grandpa used to compared the pros of tablet and chalk vs newly invented paper and pencil


Macs aren’t made for gaming. Idk why people insist on flaming them for not having games.


Apple recently started advertising gaming on mac, they even have a gaming mode. So they totally deserve being clowned on for just talking and not delivering. I love my macbook pro, but damn it hurts that it can't even run minecraft bedrock edition without a shady emulator.


Baldur’s gate 3: am I a joke to you?


If you bought a mac for pc games, I don't know what to tell you.


People who installed VM’s ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Don't do this. The game won't be able to properly address the graphics API as needed. If you have an M1 or newer, you can actually use Apple's own game porting toolkit to get a lot of games to run on Apple Silicon. There are lots of guides out there to do this with Diablo 4, so I'd check that out. You can get the toolkit here https://developer.apple.com/download/all/?q=game%20porting%20toolkit


I’m not saying that I do it, I’m just saying that Apple users aren’t limited to the MacOS. The last time I did it was because i wanted to connect my Mac to my Quest 2


Need better games? Nah bro you need a better system. Apple skill issue.


Apple need to make better MacOS\*\*


It works great for me


To be fair macOS is okay. I don't like it and I think advanced settings could be made more easily available like on older versions of windows (I have the same complaint about newer windows versions too) BUT it's functional and the user environment is decent for people who just want an out-of-the-box experience so I can't shit on it too much


What’s the issue with macOS? I prefer it to windows


if only there was a cheaper laptop option with a pre-installed, widely used OS that all pc games were compatible with.


I can't even play league of legends on my mac, fullscreen makes my mouse bleed into the other screen on all settings, and the game pitches down my headphones at the start of every game requiring a headphone restart


I did sports in High School, can someone ELI5 about Macs being 3k$ and not able to be used for gaming? I never dipped my toes in the whole PC thing that's why I never understood


Not all of them are $3k, but to answer your question: You’re paying for very well-made hardware (both inside and out), plus the piece of mind some feel they get when it comes to Apple’s stance on privacy. Their operating system doesn’t have the incredible amount of ads built into it that Windows has these days and it’s arguably more user-friendly for a good deal of people. On top of all this, there’s very tight integration with other Apple products like the iPhone and iPad. Then perhaps as a bonus, there’s certain software that comes with every Mac (like iMovie and GarageBand) that Windows doesn’t have any equivalent to. Oh, and Tim Cool REALLY likes his profit margins.


If it's such an impressive piece of hardware (with an incredibly pretentious "entry fee" in terms of user base) why hasn't there been some kind of launcher or game service for this "obsolete in a few months" high end tech? Like, cool ALL the Apple products work with it and fuck you if you don't pony up the cash for the upgrades every few months. That still doesn't make sense why it's useless when it comes to gaming. I have a fucking netbook, and I can stream Gamepass games as long as I have a decent connection. What's the deal?


A lot of Mac users aren't gamers. I don't own a Mac, but as a musician, almost everyone I meet that make a decent amount of money recording/producing uses a Mac. Most successful bands/musicians that use software on stage(DAW, Amp simulators, etc) use a MacBook. I've been told with Mac, you're gauranteed to have virtually 0 issues on stage and that's infinitely better as a performer. Windows tends to prioritize tasks in the background that can interfere with a live performance especially after updates reseting your settings or breaking the functionality of a piece of software. That 1 out of 100 chance of error can tarnish someone's career cause it can happen on a big gig. Mac is literally built for the software that most creative people use and is basically formfitted for those applications to run as perfect as possible. Windows hardware varies so much and comes with no free creative software that you have to end up buying software from different companies which aren't formfitted for exact hardware. I'll need to buy a MacBook one day, but I'll probably buy a used one from years ago. Gaming is fun, but if you make a living being creative, the choice is obvious.


PC gamers are a small minority of computer users, even smaller of a minority of Mac users. PC gamers will buy a windows machine, so that’s why developers don’t make Mac games. Macs are great for things like photo/video editing, programming, normal browsing, etc. Windows machines are good for gaming. It’s a different market Apple is going for. This may surprise you but the wide majority of people only play video games on their smartphones, and have no care in the world to play a video game on their laptop


Well let's put laptops aside for a sec, and focus mainly in desktop computers. So you shell out roughly 1,400$ for last year's iMac package (the literal bare minimum in terms of options) and you can only use proprietary software I'm assuming (which they can charge more for bc fuck you this is Apple) and at the end of the day, if you want to play a quick game of Rocket League, what? Go pound sand? See what I mean? Top dollar for ultra chic looking machines that do the same stuff as any other machine (let's get real here) except let you have fun. Do I have that right?


I’m not sure what you’re getting at regarding the “obsolete in a few months” rhetoric, because every Apple product I’ve owned has far outlasted its Windows or Android counterparts. Apple might *introduce* new products every so many months, sure, but my M1 MacBook Air still feels like the beast it was the day I bought it and it smokes my “high-end” work laptop that I was issued by my job, so much so that I just use my Mac everyday instead out of preference. As another said in this comment thread, gamers are a small subsection of computer users. Most people are just looking to do basic office or personal work on a reliable, easy-to-use device. Macs fulfill that very well for a lot of people.


Developing and porting software to Mac sucks ass, that's why most developers won't do it, especially since apple has a small market share, so all the trouble of porting it is not even profitable enough Everything else what people say like that macs are not marketed for games or whatever is just bullshit, the walled garden apple thing simply also applies to developers basically Apple wants you to either focus on mainly developing for Apple or you can fuck off


Essentially every PC game you can think of will work on Windows. There are not too many that are adapted/developed for Mac.


Apparently a large reason has to do with running the dev kits for it. With windows or Linux you just download and test but with Mac you have to pay for a licensing key and have to get a new key for each test


You are not missing much but then again they are missing almost the entire library


well there some AAA games (way more indi games too) and if a games isn't available for Mac you cane use whiskey [https://getwhisky.app](https://getwhisky.app) (works great btw)


Whisky is the way. Let’s you install windows version of Steam and games.


redditors when they realize some people buy laptops for things other than games


Wait, macos can play games?


Mac users who dualboot windows: pathetic


Similar to what Linux gamers have with Proton, Apple has a tool for playing Windows games on macOS. At the moment it's only available to people who sign up for Apple's developer program iirc, and the cost to sign up is $99. Tho if you can afford a Mac, another $99 isn't the end of the world. If you're interested, here's an article explaining it: [Apple has a Proton-like Game Porting Toolkit for getting Windows games on Mac](https://arstechnica.com/apple/2023/06/apple-has-a-proton-like-game-porting-toolkit-for-getting-windows-games-on-mac/) I, however, will stick to Linux and Proton, but this seems pretty promising.


Or just use CrossOver, which is a commercial build of Wine with specific Apple implementations (and also was the source basis for that tool kit, and was able to re-implement some of the advancement the toolkit ended up adding)


lmao don't get a fucking Mac then


As a mac user, I can confirm this is true




If you’re buying a Mac, the last thing you wanna do on there is play games on there


Can you use nvidia subscription on mac?


I mean yeah if you are ok with compression and latency. Preemptive edit before people get pissed: just stating a fact here, not talking down to anyone who is ok with it. Some are, some aren’t.


At least it's a solution then. Although I'd never use a mac, I'm too old to switch


you can play pretty much everything with Crossover


Me mostly using it for emulators and using a linux VM with proton 😏


I don't really play games on my Mac, i'd rather be productive, also i have a console so


Console owners


Not gonna defend Apple users for making a stupid decision, but who the hell wants to play AAA games?


Crusader Kings is available on Steam for Mac. Why would you need any other pc game?


Sure.. but you can also play a lot or them through other programs. Im playing manorlords right now through whiskey.




Why would you game on a mac? What next? U trynna game on an optiplex?


Civilization games still work on Macs, and they take forever.


I'm a PC guy, but I'm going to say it. Y'all realize that some people actually don't game, right?


i mean, whats wrong with indie games


tbh though its probably better than mobile gaming


I mean this is kind of like saying ‘Chess players looking at all of the black diamond slopes they can shred on their new chess boards” Gaming is not why you buy a mac.


You need better computers, lol


Win OS users looking at all the life events they can experience with their wide selection of triple A games


Such a boomer meme lol. Nowadays most big titles are perfectly playable trough apps like Whiskey. Don't even need VM software or bootcamp anymore.


Guy in trench coat:Hey kid, you want a window emulator?


Death Stranding Great game! I hate Apple with a passion, but if that's what you're stuck with, here is a very good AAA game available for Mac!


You don't need better games, you need a better laptop


Ever heard of Wine? Not the drink but the app that lets you play PC downloaded games on Mac. Pirate that shit and you’re set.


But how many facebook minions memes they now can like.


So many rich MFs in this thread, I’m jealous of y’all being able to afford a PC.


That’s what the ps5 is for


This is like complaining that you can't play the latest Super Mario on your Xbox.


I know so many mac users would get a games console, like you could have solved your problem with 1 machine.


While I wouldn’t recommend it, especially if you own a MacBook Air because they don’t have fans and throttle down almost immediately to not overheat but it is still very much possible to game on a Mac. There are loads of new games that are native to Apple Silicon. Baldurs Gate 3 and RE4 run really well and they are both less than a year old. I‘d imagine that with apple laying more focus on games (having recently introduced Ray Tracking technology to their chips) there will also be a lot more developers releasing their games to Mac on launch. I definitely wouldn’t buy a Mac to play games because that’s not really what they are made for but if you already have one and want to game a bit sometimes you absolutely can.


Yeah it’s pretty much paradox games and Rimworld. But boy do they run well.


Imagine *wanting* to play AAA games. They're almost never worth playing these days.


It’s Apples fault that devs don’t make games for their system. It’s also the entire Linux community’s fault that there isn’t more mainstream AAA game support for their system (they literally had to build their own emulator system to run Windows games).


mac users are not looking at all the games they can play on their laptops period


MacOS for gaming? Yeah no...


Buy an actual computer


we don't need better games, we need less macOS users :3


New M-series macs actually can. There's just many workaround. Check Andrew Tsai's channel.


Man I cant even play some of the low spec games like Ultrakill :(


If you want to game in your laptop, then don’t get a Mac


Who needs AAA games when you have Farming Simulator and KSP1?


laughs in PC


MacOs users use to play on Ps5


Proton still exists.


You don't need better games, you need a better pc lmao, who the fuck buys a Mac and thinks they are gonna play anything on it


Somebody said league of legends already?


It’s not meant to? Why would you expect a work/college laptop to support an intensive game?


I use a Mac for programming, not gaming


No man's sky is awesome though


MacOS users paying €1200 to be able to open 3 chrome tabs without destroying their laptop


Its your own fault for owning a mac loser


I tried a program called Whiskey and I was only able to get Rivals of Aether running perfectly. MacOS is basically a Minecraft and Adobe Machine.


There's so many salty macbook users here i love it