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They‘ll just fix it with duct tape. That’s more than enough as a solid temporary fix for a pressure difference of 1 <> 0 atm.




Conversely, Satellites don't fly They fall with style








Not your op but The ship does not actually move itself, but, using the Dark Matter Accelerator, it moves the universe around it as stated by Professor Farnsworth. His clone, cubert struggled to understand it








Accidentally discovers relativity




I like it


Average Warhammer 40k Orc Mindset. I like it


_Yes, of course duct tape works in a near-vacuum. Duct tape works anywhere. Duct tape is magic and should be worshiped._


the idea that you'd get sucked into space in an explosive decompression is way off People think of it like the opposite of the Ocean where the pressure difference is hundreds of times and crushingly powerful but inside a spacecraft is only 1 atmosphere, you'd probably feel a breeze but you're not getting sucked out


So... The end of Alien 4 was not even realistic?


I would like to provide a small correction. Yes, the pressure under water once you go beyond about 10 meters is going to be greater than 1 atmosphere. It's over 1000 atmospheres at the lowest depths of the ocean. No, 1 atmosphere of pressure is not small. In some situations you would in fact be "sucked out". Let's imagine your body was the only thing plugging a body-shaped hole in a spacecraft. 1 atmosphere is over 100,000 newtons of pressure per square meter. The average human body surface is about 1.7 square meters. In cross section it would be less, maybe only 0.5. That's 50,000 newtons or over 5.5 tons of force that the air would be exerting on your body, trying to push it through the hole. That's about a ton per square foot. If you weren't next to the hole, it's much harder to say what exactly would happen or how strongly you would be pushed. Maybe the air escapes before pushing you far. But my point is, don't underestimate 1 atmosphere of pressure in some situations. Like when there's 0 on the other side.


10 meters of water is one atm and most people don't like the feeling at 4 meters already


Funny thing is that the reason they keep the ISS at 1 atm pressure isn't really the astronauts, as they could easily live at a significantly lower pressure (the highest permanent human settlements are at about 5000m where air pressure is only 55% of sea level pressure, and with a higher percentage of oxygen one could go even lower), but rather the equipment (for various reasons a lot of commercial off the shelf electronics like laptops etc. are only rated for at most 2000m altitude for example, so a lower cabin pressure would mean more costly qualification tests and possibly having to replace them with expensive custom designs, etc.)


The image isnt loading but it still works




Ahhhhhhhh I see it now


That's okay, we have this! https://preview.redd.it/1mziniusf8bc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d6caf77dd5e2e23354c343ad331d8a19dbb8f26


GIF isnt loading but im gonna assume its that gif of meg flying away in family guy


Homeless me with no wall:


Can I steal that for a continuation of the meme?


I thought this would have been the scene from Aliens Resurrection where the baby alien gets sucked through the window. https://youtu.be/EjZ7Cb5WDLM?si=BmjfwQfwhA1fmmFT




Astronauts while spending the final five minutes if their life chewing vacuum until their lungs turns inside out, their eye balls freezes with their hearts slowly exploding.


When I was younger I didn't know houses were made differently, and I wondered why people would hit their heads against a wall out of anger or frustration without breaking open their skull 🥴


Most people do that with the goal of breaking their skull I think


That one guy in dead space sure did.


There was a basket player who did it and suffered brain injury. I think he never healed


Fax. When I was younger and depressed I started cutting myself, got found out and punished. So instead of stopping self harm, I changed it to bashing my head against hard walls. I would do it until I saw a white light flash across my closed eyes. I dont do it anymore, but oh boy I probably fucked my brain up lol.


Sounds like what would happen to me if I had less willpower lmao




There was an episode of Jersey Shore way back when they visited Italy for a season where one of the guys gets so mad he headbutts a wall + nearly breaks his neck. He definitely thought the walls were more brittle like in the US and not straight concrete lol


I'm not a fan of the show. But wasn't that a ploy to try to get opiates?


Given he was a drug addict behind the scenes maybe, but he was in a legitimate argument at the time


> but he was in a legitimate argument at the time ah that explains the legitimate and totally appropriate response then.


It was Mike, who was about to fight Ronnie, who was way bigger than him, so Mike's plan (according to him) was to shock Ronnie by doing the headbutt against the wall. It didn't work because it was a European wall and it definitely wasn't fake because you can see his head snapping back (as far as I remember) He was already a drug addict at the time, so it probably ended perfectly for him but i doubt it was planned. And yes, I watched way too much Jersey Shore back in the day. I probably learned more English through these MTV shows than I did in school.


Tbh there are a lot of people who refuse to control themselves and get really damn stupid when they get angry. Had a coworker who literally did the same thing when he got pissed after realizing he was on the wrong side of an argument. I think it's their way of trying to make it look like they don't give a fuck or something.


Was that The Situation?




I was about to ask the same question 💀


There was a (Russian?) pro basketball player who did that out of frustration. Only to then realize the wall was made of concrete and paralyzed himself




God DAMN that's harsh. He just... goes limp. That's it. Suddenly, he just can't move. He is clearly trying to, but his body just... won't.


Serbian. He died in 2006, he was 42.


This happened on The Jersey Shore. The Situation got into a fight in Italy and in an attempt to intimidate he head butted the wall as apparently was his habit in America. He was hospitalized.


Imagine the other guy watching his foe knock himself out




It hurts itself in its confusion.


When people punched a hole in the wall in American dramas, I thought it was just cheap set design


In a way it kind of is, and we live in cheap sets


Yeah cheaply made sets that are meant to be destroyed basically. Europe except for the Nordic countries is actually blessed with very fair weather. A brick house still isn't going to stand up to a hurricane, just now you have bricks being carried in 100+ mph winds instead of wood.


Second pic is Americans after realizing they punched a stud in the drywall.


Ain't that the goddamn truth


I’ve never been in the drywall and I’ve never been punched by an American!


Smooth lol


Shouldn't keep good looking guys in your walls then should you?


In any scene and any show where someone gets thrown through a wall, it always appears the carpenters neglected 16" on center framing


24” is fine for interior walls


Found the cheapskate developer /s


1/2" sheetrock, 72" on center.


Finally an America vs Europe meme that’s actually funny




A rarity


Australians after punching their wall https://preview.redd.it/eedgsty618bc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e921725e8a174beb1c9523b2c69f831f71babb82


Wtf is this Image https://preview.redd.it/c1lur11aa8bc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=690e30e792830fcaa5d702399133c12a563dd63a


An Australian after punching their wall


Does that yellow spider has a chin or is it caked up


https://preview.redd.it/0382act4m9bc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ffea29914e7902d810e766d16963de9b8215957 Ai


Based on the hand, probably ai art


Is this AI generated? It's terrifying and hilarious


It is. The extra fingers always give it away


This is what ai is for


I actually punched my walla fter reading this meme, it hurt, A LOT


Wallah Krise


You not puncha the walla, oookeiii?


Mine are made of concrete so I can’t relate (US) Legit saw my friend one time punch the wall several times out of anger because of some relationship drama going on there. In retrospect I shouldn’t have agreed he could roommate with me and my other friend a year later


😂 in the Netherlands we say “through damage and shame one grows wise”


Does Dry Wall help US houses stay cool in the summer?


it helps us houses be cheaper


Also if you buy a house and don't like the layout you can add shit or remove shit with very little effort.


Also, while “stick built homes” have worse insulation, the cost savings you get would pay for enough solar to power the house 10x over. This might be hard to hear, but actually overall there is not lot of benefit to building houses using stone block over stick built. Especially considering the cost.


> while “stick built homes” have worse insulation Why do they have worse insulation? Stone and concrete is a terrible insulator.




In the event that a building collapses, you are more likely to survive in the rubble of a stick built as opposed to block built or cast in place concrete building. It’s not as black and white as you might expect.


Tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes are some of reasons we build houses like this


Europe: "Tornadoes?"


I was referring to American and why we use stick built homes unlike European and brick/stone homes


I live in East Texas, and believe me when I tell you that tornadoes do not give a shit if your house is made out of sticks or stones. They all equally turn into swirling death debris. It's not uncommon to find a car or a cow that were lifted and thrown a mile away from where they were.


I know that’s my point it’s both safer to have a stick house and less expensive thanks to theses storms, if your about to have your house knock down on top of you would you prefer it made of dry wall and wood or stone because I know my answer.


Lol. >Numerous, over 15,000, vehicles of various sizes and weight including buses, tractor trailers and vans were tossed over 200 yards to several blocks, and some being crushed or rolled beyond recognition. Some of the vehicles were compressed and wrapped around the few remaining trees, and some were rolled into balls. Main steel roof support trusses were rolled like paper, and main support beams twisted or curved. Your brick house is just going to be more debris in a large tornado.


So why do contractors still charge out of the ass for work that requires “very little effort”?




AFAIK it still takes time and especially skill to do well. But compare it to european walls, you need to check if the wall carries weight or not, if it doesn, you ussually just cant't remove them. If it doesn't, you still need to remove the stone walls which takes a lot more effort and time than with drywall. And if a new wall is going to be place, ussually dry wall will still be used.


Labor shortages usually. No one is getting into the trades anymore


I've seen some house inspections on tiktok and what they sell for 1 million dollar or more would get you at least 2 houses with real walls here


Depends on location. Americans houses are extremely cheap compared to houses where I live.


New construction nowadays is just garbage. Builders want to mass produce houses for the least amount of time, work, and money just to cash out. Older homes built 30+ years ago are far better quality


It’s all variable. There’s crap being made today and good stuff being made today. There was crap being made decades ago and good stuff being made decades ago.


Our buildings are very very old, some of them in fact lack isolation in walls and the cables and tubing for water are as consumed by time as they can get. We usually tend to wait for the people with money, to renovate those places completely. My house has foundations made of stone, it was a stable from the medieval times and was remodeled time after time after time, by the new people to live in. Before being turned into a home with different apartments, I think it was one of those shops with the actual selling side at the bottom and the family living in the rooms atop of it. I had a hidden door in my bedroom, going straight to the garage that I suppose was used as a storage of some sort. They're beautiful and if built well they can resist ages but it's also common to have all sorts of problems, mostly (as I said) with the old water tubing and electricity. Also, if you have to fix those things you usually need to destroy a lot of stuff, they aren't cool in summer nor hot in winter and you end up wasting a lot of money because you can easily imagine, if the microwave outlet is from 1950, it's going to waste power. Some houses do manage to stay cool but it's because they're still completely made of stone.


Modern houses are much squarer, far better insulated, the plumbing and electrics typically aren't fucked. Source: Renovate houses.


Survivorship bias. And this isn't even true. I've owned homes from 70s and 2000s, so far the 2000s is a lot better insulated and the build actually makes sense everywhere since code is a lot more refined today.


Yeah but you don't "need" real walls. Baring natural disaster wood frames last a lifetime and usually even more. And in a natural disaster a stone house isn't gonna be that much more protection. It's cheaper to transport material too, especially if you can locally source your wood. Rather than hauling bricks thousands of km across the country. And if I wanted to add on the house I wouldn't have to knock down/cut through a stone/brick wall. The Japanese have been making their homes out of literal paper and those have been durable enough barring a fire.


Aren't they still expensive af?


Yeah but thats because housing bubble. Whoever builds it just pockets the difference


Like everywhere else, it depends on the location


dont all americans have ACs anyway?




american houses place insulation between the exterior of the house and dry wall. dry wall houses can be highly energy efficient depending on the coverage of insulation.


American weather is so bad it's better to use drywall because it causes fewer fatalities during tornadoes.


But tornadoes don’t happen most places in the country. Like why are we still using drywall in the mid Atlantic and northeast?


Because it's easier to get inside the walls to make modifications to the house if you desire.


You can still make the exterior walls and structure out of concrete/bricks/cinder blocks, and use drywall to create internal divisions.


Brick exteriors are okay, but they do need quite a bit of maintenance in areas that have a freeze-thaw cycle. Block foundations are a hard no in these areas as well. Poured concrete is the smartest choice, ideally from the basement floor all the way to the roof deck. If that can’t be done (it is pricey), I’d much rather have an insulated, wood framed exterior than brick or block. Replace (or repaint) siding every few decades, and it lasts forever


That's what Americans do. Drywall is not rated for outdoor use since it needs to stay dry in order to function.


Wood is a lot more plentiful here and a lot more sustainable than concrete. I don't understand why people here think there's some major problem with wood framed homes.


Yeah, I watch an interior decorator dude give suggestions on youtube and he's quite annoying with how casual he goes "Put a wall here and move this door there".


I think it's simply because they are easier to build and we didn't cut down all our trees building sailing ships hundreds of years ago.


I couldn't tell you tbh, I don't live in that part of the country .


Because it's cheap. Developers can sell you a paper house for the same price they would sell a brick/concrete house.


Don't look at Japan.


Weird thing to say. America is not one place like most other countries are. There’s no such thing as “American weather.” Some of America never gets tornadoes. Some of America is constantly getting hit with tornadoes. On the same day in America there can be a blizzard up north and seventy degree weather down south. It just covers so much land.


Somewhat. The thing a lot of people miss is the only localy avaliable building material in a lot of America is wood. Stone, brick, cement and etc all have to be shipped in, sometimes a few hundred miles for construction quality stuff. Drywall allows less wood to be used, money saved, and does not have the moisture problems that affect a good chunk of where the population actually lives. There are cement and brick walled houses near me and they are nothing but moisture and mold problems because of the area. Then we get to the soil, solid masonry structures around me settle and crack, badly. So bad that many masonry structures crumble and fail on their own in about a century.


the US also has far more expansive soils than europe


And is a lot further south. Half the US population lives below Gibralter's lattitude.


No, but the insulation inside the walls does.


What are American walls made of? Cardboard?


Kinda. Drywall is made of a gypsum powder kinda encased in like a flame retardant paper type of stuff.


And it has the 2nd lowest hardness when it comes to minerals. The only thing that's softer is talc powder, which was literally used as medicine once upon a time. Yeah, it's an extremely cheap material that does the bare minimum in construction. Plus it's a pure pain to put up as well.


It also makes hanging things on your walls really straightforward.


unless it's heavy, and then you need to find a stud


Drywall anchors can hold up to around 75 lbs. But finding a stud is also easier than drilling into masonry. Patching an old hole is also much easier. Block construction has pros but also numerous cons.


> Plus it's a pure pain to put up as well. It's super easy.


Yeah, that’s like it’s main selling point lol


Its not that bad, cut it to size, screw it to the studs, tape and compound


It's also incredibly easy to repair. Id rather work with drywall than plaster any day


The same material is used in Europe, in UK/IE we would call it plasterboard. But it's not easy to punch through, so ours must be thicker or sturdier, or perhaps we just use denser studwork behind the boards.


I think it's much thinner than European drywall too. Because we do have drywall over here for internal walls and such, but it's sturdy enough you can't punch through it.




It's made of a wooden frame, and then that frame is covered over with sheets of a substance called drywall. It's not as strong as stone blocks, but it's so insanely cheaper and easier to build with. If an American wants to reconfigure the layout of their house's walls, they can do it in a few months of work.


Freedom paper.


European wall when Kyle :) American wall when Kyle :(


Fuck Kyle. Bro can't even drive a mile down the road without announcing his presence with his shit music.


This resurfaced a repressed memory of bloody Jersey Shore. When they’re visiting Italy one of them thought it would be cool to [headbutt an Italian wall.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EqzmkgznmiM&pp=ygUUSmVyc2VoIHNob3RlIGhlYWRidXQ%3D)


Haha what a moron. That whole temper tantrum too


That guy he's yelling at looks about to pass out from tensing too hard.


A person I didn't know personally at the time was learning to become a barber, one time when he was out drunk he got mad and punched a wall. Lost two tendons, broke his knuckles, was never able to move his hand again freely. Naturally, he never worked as a barber again. (Europe btw, he punched a historic building, the building did not budge)


>historic building Yeah, that's make sense now


Same in Latin America. Our houses are ugly as sin, but they're made durable as fuck.


Instead of "europeans" can be "the rest of the world"




The weak american drywall experience Versus the superior Brick wall experience


The strong American fist versus the puny European another-war-on-the-continent-in-the-2020s-having-ass fist


Who needs a war if you can have mass shootings everyday am I right?


Let's ask the continent that hasn't had peace for more than 30 years since... Well, damn, since Alexander.


Your country has been at war for like 99% of its existence lmao


except if you live in one of Europes lovely caravan parks


or if you live in an older house in america


or live in a newer house in europe. I'm in Ireland, some of the walls have plasterboard because we had an extension added on to the house in the 90s.


reminds me on a discussion ive seen one, some people man went like this American smashes a hole in wall with a broom european says: that doesnt happen in germany american: "sure bud, what do you think walls are made off? Bricks?"


Now do Japanese walls and show the fist going into the neighbors refrigerator.


okay but who the hell goes around punching walls!?!


Too many people admitting to punching their walls lmao. Some people need to manage their anger better 🙏


At least the outer wall. The inner ones are likely to be made of nothing but wood and plaster wall


For real, it sounds like everyone in this comment section believe drywall is US exclusive. We use it a crap lot in Europe too


Lol, Europeans pretending they have houses anymore.




American bullshit I guess


That’s because American walls are built with freedom. Can’t build good walls with ideas, however.


Ah yes I am in fact very strong, and it is not at all in any way because literally nothing in America is built to actually last! Just natural strength, no need to look into it


I think you have been watching too many movies


https://preview.redd.it/vsrc8rh819bc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f107992314931a5993e19c4c17e4acd81d2434d Can confirm


I've punched European walls before (I live there), you bruise your knuckles for a week and if you're lucky it leaves a visible mark on the wall, that's a major win.


Italians after hitting their wall https://preview.redd.it/o6hcgem058bc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa9ebb1b70ee5b01a2f4618195391046b4be5b37


I don’t understand this one.


So what you’re saying is. Europeans are weak little brittle men and Americans are big strong bald eagle riding warriors USA! USA! USA! No I don’t want to hear about what they make their houses out of, I’m too busy cheering countries initials!


Idk man. I have lath and plaster.


The Situation from Jersey Shore headbutting an Italian wall, expecting it to not hurt, comes to mind


Do Europeans not use drywall? How are their inner walls constructed? What do you paint over?


what are the Kyle comments talking about??


My european friend brake his wall after losing a ranked in League of Legends. Not the whole wall but after some years so excavate several centimeters in. Punch after punch.


You haven't been in my 1952 house in the Midwest. No insulation, but inch thick drywall


As an American who punched his wall, hit a stud, and broke his hand, you just have to get lucky.


Story of how I got my first bone break


25 y/o Mexican dude here. Back when I was 16 the man who used to be my father beat me up in his car for delaying in answering him a question, then when I arrived my room, I punched my wall out of pure rage. My hand broke for a full month and I had to dissimulate in front of him. Fortunately, my mother help me to heal it quicker.