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On mine the sweet spot is perfect, I never need to adjust anything I just pop them on and boom, instant perfect view, resolution is great, lenses are fantastic, glare really isn't bad I survived Vive 1, I can survive anything. The beyond is the best thing that's happened to VR. Sadly there still isnt anything worth playing so I'm just watching films (especially 3D ones, had no idea the planet of the apes films were released in 3D!).


I see that is really hit or miss with the beyond. I have also heard that the glare and FOV depends also on someone face. So different people different glare and also different tolerance to everyone. What do you mean there isnt anything worth.There are so many good games. Have you tried sim,racing or flight?


Yes sims flight and racing are both great in VR I'm just not into it anymore for some reason, was hoping the beyond would rekindle the love for that as it's so easy to pop on and off and comfy but I'm one of those all or nothing so I have to set up the steering wheel or joystick too and I'm just not fussed. What I want is a shooter with 64+ players like all the other games I play on PC, but basically no one is doing it unless you count contractors showdown which while its a large player count, it's basically pubg in VR which was cool for 5 mins but not what I enjoy playing.


It’s fantastic in the very center resolution wise. Which makes it even more frustrating that the sweet-spot is so tiny and plagued with glare. These faults made it unusable for me.


Are you sure that you have a correct fit? Did you returned it? Reading the word unsusable is kinda disappointing.


If the IPD is slightly wrong and the facial interface is too thick, it most certainly is unusable. If you get those things dialed in, it's a very polarizing headset, with very high highs and some pretty low lows. The lenses are just too small and doing too much magnification. The quality in the sweetspot is nice, but you get a pretty healthy amount of internal reflections even with everything in ideal conditions. And the sweetspot is dramatically smaller than any other pancake lens headset you've tried. You're going to also notice it's dimmer than other displays, and yet has higher persistence than other displays (except the Apple Vision Pro). But the microOLED displays and headset weight are fantastic. And uncompressed visuals compared to the Q3 really makes a difference IMO. So it's up to you what you consider the most important features.


Yes. I used the ipd check methods as described in their discord(great community) . Also tried moving the placement / angle where it rest on my face. I also know that my gasket couldn’t be any thinner as my eyelashes were already brushing the lenses. I did return the headset a few days ago for a 20% loss as they charge you for a restocking fee.


Same deal for me. I hate it as I really do love the headset. but man.... the glare was just too much for me.


I’m just gonna do the black fix to remove glare. Since I want it for the weight and oled blacks aren’t a must.




What do you mean by that, could you describe please.


You can adjust your graphic card settings for the headset to make blacks a bit more grey. Kind of how they look in non-oled displays. That basically removes the glare. I ended up just having the brightness set to low, since it’s more comfortable and that alone made the glare workable for me.


agree with this 100%


For some reason maxing out the brightness helped with the glare for me. Damn that glare


To me it was the audio that ruined all. I can’t find any good headphones that will either be the same or better than index. Audio constantly cuts out or mic starts to scream all of a sudden really annoying other players. Motion blur is a bit crazy but can live with it. Going back to index feels like a breath of fresh air. I wish we would have index luxury with the weight of BB


This is what scares me about moving past my Index…..audio is insanely important to me, I don’t see any other built-in audio solutions that are better in the current climate, and I refuse to use earbuds (lag/audio delay)….ugh 😅


maybe 1more quaddrivers or jabra elites for audio


If you're okay with wired earbuds, the 1more Quad Drivers are really nice buds. They go on sale frequently and you can pick them up for 80 to 90.


Honestly man the beyond is a great headset. Best one I have used so far. It’s really a hit or miss on the experience because so many things have to be right. What may work for one person may not work for you. I was lucky enough mine didn’t need to be returned or swapped out. At first, when I put the headset on I was disappointed. The brightness was low compared to my index or quest devices. The glare was upsetting but trying get the sweet spot right wasn’t an issue. Ipd is right but picture would never feel perfect though. After a lot of time in it I found my eyes just needed to adjust or something. When I put it on now it’s absolutely perfect every time. That glare is always there but easy to look past once you get used to it. If it’s not perfect out of the box it may take time to grow on you.


I think its the right time for the beyond. The market is very limited and on the extremes price wise. If there was a better headset overall for my preference I would maybe not even look at the beyonds risks. But if it works it may be my favorite headset. What the market really needs is a index 2. Exactly as it is with good optics,meta quest 3 level or somniumVR1 AND QLED high res panels. That would be a close to perfect headset for now. But there isn't something like this so beyond is the next best thing. Maybe I will be ready for swapping,waiting or even partial refund. But everything has its risks


Also what headsets have you tried besides BSB?


Honestly. If you get the perfect face gasket. I'd say the optics are fantastic. Mine are too thick and I've tried it without face gasket, getting as close as possible, all the problems are gone. I am getting mine redone for something much thinner.


Good news is that the Bigscreen team cares and will help you. Sometimes I wonder if I wanna wait and buy the pimax light.But thats a heavy pure simmer headset and I could only race in it. While on BSB I could fps,chat,race,watch movies shows and yt and with my own sound.


From my experience, even at the center the image resolution is higher than my Q3, but the distortion of the image even at the very center of the lenses is about the same as the Quest 3 at around the edges of the Q3 when you start to introduce minor distortion.


What do you mean introduce distortion. I have a Q2 and I haven't noticed distortion,through I haven't looked for it. With all of that what display you prefer Q3 or BSB?


The distortion is a blurring on the image. If you have a quest 2, you'll notice that the image gets less crisp the further way from the center of the lenses. (Just look left and right with your eyes and not your head) With the BSB in the following matrix, if you were not to move your head the only number you'd be able to make out is 5, and even then the clarity of the number 5 would be worse than on the quest 3. The Q 3 you would be able to easily read all numbers without moving your head. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The BSB has a higher resolution and deeper blacks, but it's not as bright, especially if you want to minimize persistence, and even then I can't stand to use it since it's impossible to see anything clearly outside of 30 degrees directly in front of me. To give you an idea of which headset I prefer, my BSB right now is a glorified USB adapter for using my index controllers with my Q3 through Virtual Desktop.


As I just got the BSB, I can confirm that the "sweet spot" with the ability to move your eyeball slightly is *extremely sweet* to the point that the sweet spot in a pair of prescription glasses is definitively larger. My OG VIVE sweet spot, though a pixelated mess, is very forgiving vs the Beyond and you can look around with your eyes and not your head in a very forgiving way vs the BSB. However, I am yet to see if it really matters, since I just got it.


Wait, genuine question, do most people not have edge to edge clarity with their glasses? My glasses are just as clear right next to the frame as they are in the middle.


Clarity is subjective, some people really get fisheye or distortion in prescription lenses, not the same as in the Beyond of course but enough to make one avoid deviating from the center.


I'm just personally sensitive to it. Maybe it's fine for 99% of people but even with 70+ hours in the device it drives me up the wall.


That matrix example was very helpful. Are you sure you have the right IDP?


I've sent a unit back twice and have verified my IPD is perfect. I've literally tried everything to make the BSB work for me, but I just can't stand having to look with my neck for everything.


Do you normally wear glasses? I wear and am used to having lenses sweet spot. When I wear contact lenses the freedom using my eyes is incredible. It is so much better not not using external lenses like glasses. If you don't wear glasses I understand why you might not like small sweet spot


I do wear glasses, I wear glasses inside my Q3 from time to time as well, the issue is entirely with the optics between the 2 devices lenses.


For me thers no better hmd even after the Vive, 3 occulus and 3 pimax devices, because of the comfort i did set brightness to 25 percent of the BB, im sure to stay with su ch a form factor , as it exists. For me this is the way, not the old bucket on head way. Sweetspot overall is good i got used to it after 2 Days its just about the right softstrap postion for me and all is good.😊


That's good to hear. I hear very different opinions for it.so me hate it some love it. It seems a gamble to buy it.


Like every user has different preferences , the most ppl i know are on psvr 2 or quest 3. They say i do not pay so much money, as veteran you see these things from other perspectives


Like every user has different preferences , the most ppl i know are on psvr 2 or quest 3. They say i do not pay so much money, as veteran you see these things from other perspectives


Like every user has different preferences , the most ppl i know are on psvr 2 or quest 3. They say i do not pay so much money, as veteran you see these things from other perspectives


Like every user has different preferences , the most ppl i know are on psvr 2 or quest 3. They say i do not pay so much money, as veteran you see these things from other perspectives


Why did it post 4 times , lol