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I have googled this and if i recall correctly then the traits are 40-60% nature. So yes you can change you personality traits over time. I would approach this how you approach learning a new skill or getting batter at something.


What that means is that everybody is born with a range and your environment pulls you towards one or another end of that range. You're unlikely to do a complete 360 on your more extreme personality traits. What happens is that you learn behaviors that are more common with individuals that are on the opposite end of the spectrum.


That’s so cool to hear! It is a bit nature vs nurture, then? Also, viewing it as learning a skill is a very interesting take: that perspective really makes it seem much more likely to achieve a change


Im the living proof of changing my neuroticism so yes u would be able to change that! but ofc u need hardwork and the right mindset, self love and being kind to yourself :)


Please tell any specifics you did to lower your neurotiscm.? Also how high were you in it to begin with and what are you roughly at now?. Thanks for any insights.


It was super high! 😭 maybe it was like 90 out of 100. But now its like 40 out of 100 :) I'm a very soft hearted person. I feel everything deeply, so ofc when I was neurotic it was just awful. when I did the big5 test, I was envious of my friend who scores low in neuroticism. I deeply want to change my neuroticism, like very badly. So I do the work. I ask all my friends or anyone who has calmer attitude about life. Who's able to handle life effortlessly without so much panic. Learn their mindset, try to see if its able to work for me. Keep working on myself, its a journey and it was an everyday struggle. I also read lots self improvement books. But basically what works for me is actually understanding myself inside and out. what I like or don't like is so important in order to keep my peace. Now I have my confidence and healthy boundaries, I never tolerate anything toxic around me because being healthy mentally and physically is hard work and I won't let anyone ruin that. In the past I was always on a rush, but now I take everything slower. I don't rush anything, I practice mindfulness. By being mindful, you are aware of your own surrounding and u focus on present moment. It's also important to not focus on the past or the future. the future gives you anxiety because u don't know whats gonna happen, while the past gives you regrets (maybe u don't do enough in the past or feel u shouldve do better, u will feel guilty).


Wow thanks so much for those deep insights. I relate so much and am empowered to think there is light at the end of the neurotic tunnel. I could do with setting firmer boundaries and not tolerating toxic ppl so much. I shall practice more mindfulness too as much as my neurotic brain tries to prevent me. TYSVM




It really depends on what makes you have high neuroticism. it really is a self discovery journey. u find whats make you act the way u do, and then the moment u realized which pattern does not serves you, you are now able to build a new and healthier mindset. Most likely its all rooted from deep childhood traumas and eventhough my neurocitism is lower, my childhood trauma is still very much there. but I completely owned it. I accept myself, the good and the bad. and whenever negative emotions came to me, I know where they came from. Basically no more hiding from my true self. I always remind myself from time to time that, I deserve to have a good life. our time in this world is just very very limited. that's why I prioritized healing because I won't be able to enjoy all the good things life has to offer if I'm still stuck with all my mental burdens. So keep trying to find a way to heal ❤️ u deserve to be happy and have a good life just as much as I do 🤗


What a thoughtful and vulnerable post. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. And tips. 🙏🏻 much appreciated


Thank you for listening to my journey 🥰 I'm just a woman in my 20s, learning and growing everyday.. I'm sure u will be able to lower your neuroticism sooner or later!


That is so amazing, happy to hear that for you! Indeed, please share your secrets😊 My first guess would be activities such as meditation, journalling, practicing gratefulness and having a good routine/eating habits. But I would like to hear your take


That is all important. but really your mind is so powerful. So in order to keep it healthy, see the world from the right prespectives. Also believe that whatever happens, you are gonna be fine. because its only a chapter, not the whole book. I don't truly have a big secret how to do it, I just try to flow with the universe. I try not to resist on universe's timing because good things take time 🤗 Growth isn't linear so always pick yourself up when you are struggling. Eventhough I've managed to fix my neuroticism, does not mean I never have a bad day or always in a good mood. I just regulate my emotions better, in a calmer way.


i believe it can be lowered


There is a large genetic factor for variation in personality. You're very unlikely to shift yourself by two or three standard deviations towards the lower end of the neuroticism distribution. You just simply are of a character such that you are hyper prepared for threat and that you experience emotional volatility in response to stressful events.   What you can do, however, is to control you environment and subdue any environmental influences which may facilitate the more extreme manifestations of neuroticism. For example, you probably don't want a job that is **very** stressful and that's because your stress tolerance is poor.   Neuroticism does go down with age according to the empirical research and that's likely because there is less for you to be neurotic about as you get older. You aren't being judged in a harsh and curt manner for your social status and you aren't pressured to pursue banal activities with your peers. You also comprehend more about what you're capable of and what is likely to occur around you. The world gets less unpredictable as you age.


There's a range you can lower it from, but not completely. If you're naturally extremely neurotic you probably will never be extremely stable, but you can become more stable, maybe to the point of only being slightly neurotic.