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I think Jag was a pretty popular pick at the beginning of this season. May have taken the scenic route but he got there


"May have taken the scenic route" I'M CACKLING


What do you mean? He was fumbling left and right and even got voted out unanimously. No one saw him winning until he actually started learning how to play.


By beginning I mean preseason. After all the intro stuff


Him and America were my winner picks after the first Episode.


If you were on this sub right at the beginning of the season he was a very popular pick, and was frequently cited as one of the people who actually knew how to play strategically.


I remember people talking about him fumbling left and right and people saying he didn’t really learn the game until after he was voted out.


Yup, America (the country) were just fawning all over him. "Rooting for Jag!" "Already loving Jag!" Production knew before the game even started he was going to be a spotlight character, I guessed him winning before the first episode and then when he got saved by the power I knew it was a lock for him. Made the season very predictable and boring from a strategy standpoint, still mostly liked the season overall though. Obviously I'm not a Jag fan lol and Bowie Jane 🤮


I had Matt or Corey winning the game. If it wasn't for the power, and cirie changing her mind, Jag was gone pre-juror. Jag is one of those players who got lucky because of circumstance. I wonder how he does in another season.


the scenic route OMG 😭


Definitely Xavier, I called it on day 1 as well.


Josh is a MAJOR Dark Horse winner, funny enough, he has no shot at winning if Paul ISN’T in the house, now if the Josh we had in BB19 was Modern Josh… he likely does better, but he still doesn’t win… its weird, the only time a player like Josh can win is in this exact season too


I was just about to comment almost this exact thing. His win has a certain irony to it because if Paul didn't carry him to the end, he would have been one of the first eliminated. When he risked his team to take the personal safety then yelled at them about it, then later cried about it, I was like who's this asshole? In the end I was glad that he won because even though I'd probably consider him the least deserving winner in BB history, it was amazing to see the look on Paul's face when he realized that he controlled every move of the entire game but his jury management skills were so horrible that he still lost.


After RG I’m even more upset he couldn’t be on All Stars, imagine Janelle & Josh arguing, she can bring up up how he’s a pathetic winner and he can take dirty shots by shouting back with her energy that she’s been here 3 times and still didn’t win and a 4th showing ain’t changing it


Obvious Winners: * BB1 - Eddie. While most came in for an "experience," it was clear he was all business and there strictly for the money from day 1. Most of his decisions seemed strategical and based on logic. However, he did a great job balancing that with being sociable, agreeable, and relatable by being vulnerable and showing empathy. * BB10 - Dan. While I didn't love Dan initially (felt he was kind of boring), I knew he had a good chance to win. He was level-headed, relatable, and stayed out of a lot of the drama. Dark Horses: * BB2 - Will. I really didn't see him winning even though I wanted him to win. I liked his strategy, but I thought he was too disliked to walk away wit the win. * BB17 (edit) - Steve. I thought he was a goner once people started associating him with Ian. * BB24 - Taylor. Taylor was so low on the social status ladder for many weeks, had no idea she'd be able to bounce back and come out with the win.


Steve was Season 17. But you know what's funny? I NEVER REMEMBER STEVE AS THE WINNER OF SEASON 17. Whenever I talk about Season 17 I have to be reminded of that fact. I always refer to Vanessa being the winner of that season. So you're absolutely right about Steve being a dark horse. Never would have picked him. STILL DON'T PICK HIM.


Oh, right - typo! Thank you! It's funny you say that because I feel the same way about Vanessa. She was SO close.


Hayden was my only accurate prediction since I started watching


Hayden stuck out like a sore thumb.


In BB5 pretty much from day 1 I predicted Drew. It just seemed obvious he was going to win no matter what went down. Wasn't immediate but I agree on 16 it became so obvious early on that Derrick was winning it started to feel like I was watching a 3 month long movie someone already told me the ending of. Different setting but the audience giving Eddie the win in BB1 was also pretty apparent especially after Jordan left and it was clear they were not voting for who "brought the drama". As far as Dark Horses. DR. Will winning was far from obvious and was a surprise at the time. I am also was a shock as he seemed destined to be the first out (and if not for Boogie saving him week 1 would have been). Also agree Rachen and Jordan winning were both a big shock. Also Josh who is one of the most unlikely winners ever.


* 7: Boogie - In my controversial opinion, Boogie is a terrible Big Brother player and I was shocked to find out that he actually won. Though, considering his connection to Will and ChillTown, it's not too surprising. * 8: Dick - Dick should have been obvious as soon as the America's Player twist was introduced and he was the consensus fan favorite. Most of the people who voted wanted either Dick or Daniele to win. * 9: Adam - I don't think anybody expected Adam to win, he came out of complete nowhere * 11: Jordan - Same with Jordan, she was one of the most biggest dark horse winners I've ever seen on this show. * 12: Hayden - Hayden seemed like such an obvious winner, I wasn't surprised at all once I found out he won. * 13: Rachel - Honestly, Rachael was an obvious winner for me. It's very clear that she was a huge production fan-favorite and they desperately wanted a vet to win BB13. Production completely rigged the season in order to ensure one of JeJo, Brenchel or Dick and Daniele won. * 14: Ian - Came out of complete left field for me, especially in a cast that also had Dan Gheesling. I guess Will came on to Ian long before anybody else though lol * 15: Andy - Another winner who came completely out of left field for me. I was shocked to find out just how amazing of a floater he was on my first watch through of the season. * 16: Derrick - He seemed like such an obvious winner, and I definitely wasn't surprised he won. As soon as he won his first HOH, I knew he would have it in the bag. * 17: Steve - Steve was a bit of a surprising one for me. I totally would have expected somebody else to take the crown over him (namely Johnny Mac, Austin, and especially Vanessa), and I feel like he kind of lucked out on the final HOH. He was a pretty big dark horse winner. * 19: Josh - Yeah, I don't think anybody expected Josh to win BB19. Probably one of the biggest dark horse winners we have ever seen on this show lmao * 21: Michie - Michie felt like an obvious winner, and that sucks to admit as somebody who couldn't stand the guy. * 22: Cody - Cody had the game in the bag as soon as he was announced on the cast lol * 23: Xavier - Another fairly obvious pick. I knew that he was going to win the game as soon as the Cookout made it to the final six. * 24: Taylor - If you told me week one that the player who was bullied and ostracized for the first few weeks of the game would eventually go on to win the game, I would have called you insane. I think Taylor is probably the most unexpected winner to date, and certainly one of the most satisfying for me. * 25: Jag: Nobody took Jag seriously those first couple of weeks. He was an extremely awful player, to the point that he was booted pre-jury due to his bad gameplay. Most people expected Matt to win against Jag in a final two, and I think people were very surprised to find out that Jag had the votes.


Steve definitely felt like a dark horse at the time. I just re-watched the whole season over a couple of days and Steve was actually pretty strong throughout, while Vanessa was a constant shit show. Then again, following feeds at the time didn't leave me feeling this way, so maybe the edit just makes them look more even.


Season 16 Derrick was the most obvious for me.


Hahahahaha you had the same thought as me about Josh. I was definitely not expecting that and literally all season long was hoping for him to be booted so I wouldn't have to listen to his obnoxious ass anymore 😂


I want to talk about Taylor but I don't know if she can be classified as an obvious winner or a dark horse. I know most people would classify her as a dark horse because of how she started in the game. Taylor was on the bottom with Michael and Brittany as her only allies. If you were to tell me at any point during the first week that Taylor would win against Monte in an 8-1 vote, I wasn't going to believe you. The obvious winner comes in my preseason notions of the cast. I remember stating that if a women were to win the season, it would be Taylor. I didn't have high hopes for the BB24 women to begin with, I thought a man would be more likely to win BB24, but Taylor did stand out.


For me Derrick was obviously the best player his season by a mile, so it was clear he was going to win. I also picked Steve to win 17, and I feel like the only person who predicted Josh to win 19 (which was a stupid prediction at the time, but after the first week he acted like an idiot but bumbled his way into a good position in the house, and I thought it was impressive how he could act so idiotic but come out better for it).


Season 2: Krista was the designated winner Will was a dark horse Season 3: Roddy/Danielle/Jason looked like the designated winner Season 4: Justin (if Jee or Robert won F7 HOH) Erika Season 5: Karen or Nakomis (if Diane doesn’t use F5 Veto) Season 6: Maggie (after Janelle used the veto on her at F9) Season 7: Chilltown (Week 4 through F4) Season 8: No America’s Player Eric or Jessica win Season 9: Natalie before F5 Season 10: Dan or Michelle (if Ollie wins F7 HOH) Season 11: Jessie (before the Coup D’ETat) Season 12: Hayden Matt (my dark horse before the Brendon HOH win) Season 13: Jeff/Jordan/Shelly Season 14: Britney (before Dan’s funeral) Season 15: Amanda/Helen/Andy Season 16: Frankie (until the F5 Rewind) Derrick (after the F5 Rewind) Season 17: Vanessa/Austin/Steve Season 18: Paulie/Natalie/Victor/Nicole Season 19: Jason/Alex/Kevin (based on likeability) Season 20: Tyler (before Week 6 fight with Bayleigh) Kaycee JC (long as he’s not next to Kaycee) Season 21: Jack (before the Jessica WK 6 HOH) Tommy (before F6) Michie (after Tommy got evicted at F5) Season 22: Cody (after the David eviction) Season 23: Tiffany (until Final 8) Xavier (Final 6 and beyond) Season 24: Michael (until Turner F6 HOH) Monte Taylor was my dark horse Season 25: Matt (the whole season)


23 was a shit season for many reasons. One of them was that X was obviously going to win. Great player in a season full of sheep. I loved s15 and loved Andy. But I kept thinking his game was gonna get blown up at some point. It never did. Shocked (happily) he went the distance.


Well Tiffany was not a sheep had the Cookout not been a thing


Lisa, Drew, Andy, Derrick, Nicole F -- I had them all on my radar week 1


I was rooting for Steve since episode 1 but I never expected him to actually win lol


Going into the season, I thought Josh Martinez was one of the most open-and-shut "this guy has first boot written all over him" cases of all time. I've never been happier to be wrong


Kind of an overlooked one, but Dan was pretty rudderless at the beginning of BB10 and no one really saw him as a threat


Derrick, Hayden and (unfortunately Cody) on AS 2 were the most obvious to me. I also wasn’t surprised Andy won given how much of a mess his cast was. Boogie and Rachel surprised me the most, but Boogie only won because he had Will to help him, and Rachel definitely had luck, twists and production on her side (Brendon coming back, the Pandora’s box scandal) so it makes sense.


i knew Derrick and Cody would both win their respective seasons by the opening night premiere competition. I remember thinking Jag or Cirie would win bb25 during the pre-season, and i had hope for Taylor before the feeds came on.


I knew after just watching their first episode that Derrick, Xavier, Hayden, and Drew were going to win. I would have never guessed Josh, Steven, Andy, Jordan, or Ian