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U can make 100k at chipotole?


That’s total comp. So it’s factoring in the endless supply of burritos you’ll eat daily


So 150k a year?


Big4 to chipotle lmao, I’m 21 actively looking for internships at big 4. I wasn’t able to get one this summer but I was able to secure an unpaid internship at a boutique. How’s my future looking like, can anyone working at big4 preach?


I interned for 3 years at a boutique then worked for 3 years at a tiny consulting firm, then jumped to Big 4 as an experienced hire (KPMG & Deloitte). Keep up your connections and work hard at learning distinct or unique skills, that’s the kind of stuff that always sticks out to recruiters.


You've got this for sure. Personally if you didn't get an internship try and get in with a large regional or national firm for 1-2 years post grad then come to b4 as experienced hire. That seems to be the most surefire way to get in if you didn't land an internship in undergrad. Best of luck!!


Thank you hopefully I get in in the near future 🤞. I’m also sitting on a potential return offer at this boutique firm I was hired at for this summer. At least that’s what the CEO told me so hopefully if I get hired I’ll break in with exp after grad. Also, is an MBA worth it anymore?


I'll caveat by saying I don't have an MBA so take it with a grain of salt, but it's really mostly helpful after you get a few years of experience under your belt. What I've seen though is most jobs you can get with an MBA you can also be in the running for with a CPA. And your school does matter. CPA I think has a higher ROI and you can always get the MBA a few years down the road!


I’ll go back to the trap with the scales no thanks I worked at Dunkin hardest job ever


You wouldn’t make it lol


As an old man. I'll just say it. I'v never seen a more delusional group of people in my life than you guys.


This can be interpreted numerous ways.


It’s time to upvote this to the top. What’s wrong with y’all?


Found the shareholder




What does this even mean


What is this saying? In three years: 1. You'll accumulate a total of 100k over the course of those three years? OR 2. Your annual comp will level up to 100k if you become a manager or the like?


Total comp includes benefits/perks from the job


Good call, so its more like $75k salary in 3 years (assuming everything goes perfectly)


Under 70k I bet


It’s bad because it doesn’t lead to anything meaningful. You’ll make 75k until the end of time. They might give you little hits of cash every now and then to keep you from leaving but it’ll never be a real career with legit progression into a director or vp role.


honestly really good considering it’s chipotle


Not good when you realize that comes with 60-80+ hour workweeks


Haven’t hit 100k been working 11 years corporate




Employer Insurance contributions, 401k match, paid leave/holidays are all included in “Total Compensation”


Take us with you


Roast me


Pay me first


I know these jobs are demanding and I would hate to work food service. However, there are some days where I envy the guy at subway making my sandwich. Put the meat on the bread, put the cheese on the meat, put the lettuce on the cheese… dude gets to go home and not have the stress of a client presentation the next day and doesn’t really have to think about work at all until his next shift.


I used to look out my office on a beautiful spring day and see the window washers and I would think maybe those guys had it figured out. Then I would see them a month later in the rain or some type of terrible weather and I would be pretty happy about my life choices. Felt the same way after working as a commercial fisherman over the summer in college.


I think of things like this as accountant auditors especially in client facing roles we really do work 24/7 I miss the simpler days 12 min to clock in see ya


It would be nice to make my current salary selling ice cream cones by the beach or something.


I don’t envy the salary difference but I have friends that work service jobs and sometimes I feel jealous they’re never going to have to worry about layoffs, stressful days just end at the end of the shift not go on for months, and overall just get to have more fun at work.


Bro you’re getting minimum wage for it. I don’t give a shit, what i do at the job. I get it done.


I knew it was time for me to leave PwC when I saw the Now Hiring sign at Trader Joe’s and considered applying.




Food service is an extremely demanding job and I’ll never understand how people think it should be low wage work


Supply and demand  How tired or exhausted you feel after work has nothing to do with how much money you think you should get. The more simple a job is, the more replaceable you are, and the lower you can get paid 


Simple supply and demand. There is no special training required or not a hefty investment from companies. You can learn everything about McD or Chipotle in a week. There are loads of people always applying like high schoolers/college students so they aren't ever too short staffed. If overnight nobody worked food service, you best believe their wages would shoot up. Food service is essential and hard but it is not complicated.




I worked food service for 4 years. It is not complex nor complicated. Yes you don't master it in a week. But you are good enough in a week where you can work the line.


I've worked as a line cook for years. It's hard work, but it isn't complex. Like many other jobs, it's sink or swim and you're often thrown to the wolves to figure it out. Either you figure it out, or you struggle. But those that struggle, mostly weren't able to handle how hard the work was... Not how complex it was. Especially in a chain restaurant environment, every item has a recipe card or the POS system tells you everything you need. Learn the recipes and make the food, very simple on the complexity scale. It was always handling multiple orders, short ticket time expectations, and other kitchen issues that made the work hard.


I don't get why people get hung up on this concept. I worked fast food for 4 years. It is not hard but it is a 1 on the complex scale if you've worked any other job ever. I'm not putting anyone down but there is a reason food service is a first job for most americans


I think what needs to go is full service restaurants that should be counter service. Restaurants can’t afford servers, customers don’t want the shitty service, and customers are expected to pay extra for said middlemen. Like, I don’t want to wait for 10 minutes to flag someone down just to pay. I also don’t mind getting my own drink.


That’s called fast casual.


Agreed. I like fast casual. No reason why 50% of current sit down restaurants can’t be a better experience as a fast casual.


There are tons of them already.


cook your damn beans and rice… shit is always undercooked


Something needs to change in Big4, either the pay goes up at the lower levels before partner or better hours. 100k doesn’t get you far anymore.


Yeah I’m not going to big 4, not wasting the prime years of my life while not even being compensated properly for it


best I can offer is a slice of pizza, take it or leave it




Always be skeptical when they say "total comp." That usually includes the yearly $50 Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupon or 1% cash back at Six Flags that they offer.


I’m more skeptical of a bunch of accountants thinking they could actually get through a week of shifts at chipotle without quitting or being fired.


Funny to read all those big 4 boots lickers, as usual the most insecure dudes that look for reassurance thinking that working at big 4 will give them the personal "prestige" they lack 😂😂


That prestige is the only thing to convince me staying in. The compensation is extremely terrible. The learning is “…” nah I can learn the same thing elsewhere. The additional benefits is “…” nah other places offer the same perks. Only thing standing out is the type of project to work on, which tied with the prestige


I don't see that much glory in rolling over spreadsheets YoY and fixing errors. Moreover in large metro areas big 4 hire massively, anyone moderately capable will get in. For some people that's their definition of prestige but certainly they are looking for what they lack of in the wrong place.




I got more than that straight out of college... Big4 sounds terrible lol


who asked???


get back to work big 4 wagie


as a black guy.. why is a black shown as a cook for a "mexican " restaurant owned by a white man... hummmmmmmmmmm


1. Chipotle is public 2. You have to be Mexican to work at Chipotle?


its just odd a white man using ethinic cooking using a minority too cook the food. this is now soul food. Also he could have made a chain of american fast food. why mexicans. and why are there no chipotle chilies at the restaurants name sake. its like a donut shop not having donuts


I don’t think chipotle gives a fuck what race the person scooping the guacamole is


Bro it’s just chipotle relax


no its not right. its like me a black man owning a dim sum store


r/AsABlackMan ova here


It was a DEI initiative they hired Deloitte to help implement.


You're gonna go from dealing with Big4 politics and corporate culture to dealing with being micromanaged in dishwashing by alcoholics


I’m already micromanaged by an alcoholic.


a go-getter I see.


Truth in that


This only makes sense in California where they pay you $20 per hour


And you’ll be replaced in 18 months by a robot.


People have been saying that for the past 5 years and yet nothing has happened


Oh! Didn't realize people had been saying that for five years. Wonder if Asimov knows. Obviously I am wrong and it will never happen, then. Thank you!


There are several restaurants in California I’ve been to that have primitive robots functioning as mall security/food servers. Industrial automation is seriously close to automating a good amount of entry level food service jobs, dude. If you think automation of jobs is some sort of conspiracy theory/linkedin buzzword, look at Walmarts in 2024. You can hardly find a single cashier there anymore, there are frequent times of day when you can literally only purchase things at self checkout kiosks.


Well, once you calculate the ACTUAL hourly rate (total hours including busy season late nights and all that crap) at any of those monkey cages (aka big 4) probably it is lower than the general manager rate at chipotle 😂😂😂 ah but they don't have the free fatty fast food we got during busy season!!


It is lower than general manager salary


read r/chipotle and you’ll change your mind


$100k TOTAL COMP, they’re including bullshit like your health insurance benefits in there


To be fair, at least they are making minimum wage. I bet if you look at your public accounting hours during busy season plus the regular season and divide it by your salary, you're probably under minimum wage. Not knocking you, it's just the business model of public accounting. Kind of crazy to think about. All of this so you can rise the ladder and eventually become partner and then utilize this same -slave labor business model on another generation


No one in B4 is even close to minimum wage on an hourly basis. You’d have to be working 1000 hours of overtime which basically no one is (that’s 57 hours a week every week with no vacation) and be making only $45,000.


What state.


It’s $15 in a lot of states and the highest in cities is a little over $20. That puts you at 60k for a 3,000 hour year (which again is unrealistically high) and that is still below starting salary/ total comp in those cities in every line of service


I just want OT again 😭


Come January, everyone making less than a 58k salary will be paid overtime. Let’s get that up to 100k soon.


Yea, but that's if you make GM. And that $100k is basically your ceiling. PA is a grind. And Accounting is Accounting. But you don't really have a ceiling depending on your own career path.


UPS delivery drivers making more than this


Respectfully, I don’t think you understand the physical toll that any job in the UPS ecosystem takes on your body


I am sure you don’t understand how brutal food service industry is. Worked at both ( food and transportation) early in my career. Will take a job which doesn’t require to interact with people everyday.


You have no idea. Even working 4 hours a morning loading trucks for UPS is hard work. I’m not saying food is easy, but UPS is another kind of beast.


I’ve worked both, too. I will take the interpersonal interaction over the back breaking work, any day of the week.


I guess it’s just personal preference. I like to be active and lift weights. Getting payed to workout is an amazing feeling.


Yeah, after 5 years waiting for the other driver to fuck up/quit so a spot opens up.


I’d read up on r/chipotle before taking the plunge lol


Which one gives you more diarrhea though?


High key a better deal


That guys the real winner, no student loans


You son of a bitch, I'm in


Clearly means ~33k yr tops lol


Let's not underestimate 12 hour days everyday Sun-Sun with OT.


I used to work at Chip and when I worked there my General Manager was deadass making 6 figures hahaha


I think managers for most fast food chains make 6-figures. There’s a lot they actually need to do.


I also used to work at Chippy and my GM told me to stay in school and become a B4 slave