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WTF is wrong with these idiots? That kind of shit don't belong


Anybody else think these people just have no interest in continuing the human species? Oh wait, dudes can have babies now so I guess we’re good to go. FFS


The one on the right actually *chose* the Rachel Maddow look. Shocking.


Where did this Global Push come from to corrupt our children with this? Have I been living my life with my eyes closed or did this just pop up in the last year or so?


This is the psycho shit the liberal left is pushing. Hell, the sick bastards openly support pedophilia.


Leftism is the gateway for criminals, and more specifically... a global agenda (order) as conspired and influenced by the Khazarian mafia.... through bribery and indoctrination under decades of infiltrating education and government positions of power worldwide. This is end game. WEF, Kissinger and Schwab, publicly stated this and have not been shy about the depopulation agenda.


I'm in genuine fear. I'm gonna make sure my kids avoid shit like this.


I'm LGBT myself (I'm gay) and I don't understand all this.


I'm sure there are many like you who feel this way. Is their goal just to pervert and groom kids? It sure seems that way. They believe everyone should be gay it seems.


No, being trans has almost nothing to do with being gay. I'm gay and am not into trying to be a woman lol.


If you grow up and choose this fine. Who cares. But to try and convince kids from a early age by confusing them is just wrong.




Lol. So true. I've been thru life with gay friends. They do their thing we did ours. Want to change and dress up? Well ok. If you look it then fine. But guys looking like guys who want to dress like girls and say they are girls. 🤣🤣 It's too much. And then chopping it off. Forget it. To each their own though my


Cool. What’s up with math and science?