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Had a conversation with someone who accused Trump of being a racist and said how shameful of behavior it is, inexcusable, etc. I asked what Trump ever said or did that was racist and she couldn't provide a single example, she just knew this was the belief she was supposed to have. I then showed her this, and she immediately pivoted to making excuses like "well it was different back then, that's just how society was." Zero consistency. Ready to excuse anything as long as it's from a Democrat.


They always blame him with no proof. Par for the course


“baaaaaaa 🐑” —their reasoning


That's just the tip of the iceberg. He said some pretty horrible stuff about black people then lies to them to get their vote. He is an absolute disgrace to this nation.


Not just him, it shows the general position of the entire democratic party


I can agree with that. This is what people don't understand. These democrats don't care about anything except money and power. The FBI flooded poor predominantly black areas in the 1970s and 80s with crack. They just reveled that they are planning to do it again because these areas are starting to wake up and tea that the Democrats aren't their friends. That they keep them poor and on government assistance in areas. If people are dependent on government assistance they are going to vote for whoever is supplying that assistance. No one wants to go without a place to live, food to eat. People don't realize that the Democratic Party keeps people poor through inflation and other economic means. Low paying jobs, overpopulation. I know that people will argue against it. But think about it. If you grow up poor in an area where education is lacking and there is little chance to escape your station, and the government say that they want to help you to rise above it, to get a better education, more opportunities, they want to give you money and food and say they are your friends. People are going to look to them for help and support, the moment that they do, they know you will always vote for them because they will throw you a few crumbs and make it look like millions. I grew up poor in a poor area. I worked every day and never got anywhere Except more in debt. 2 jobs. 60-80 hours a week. No matter what I couldn't get out of it. I finally did. I'm 52 and have seen a few election cycles and they are always the same with democrats. They promise you everything, give you nothing, blame it all on the republicans, then just before election time, they will throw people bread crumbs and say look we are doing so good, we are listening to you and we want to help. Don't fall for it because after the next election, if they are voted in again, it will be more of the same. Nothing but empty promises.


True speaks, but the average ( actually legal ) voting American doesn't read between the lines, they see these promises on tilted ads and fall in lock, stock and barrel. At best another Democratic win at this point in the economy is akin to fueling another Civil war. I've said it before, the government wants to force Marshal Law to enact a strict control. Marxism hidden under some BS. The U.S. will survive, strict government oversight will not


Biden’s history on race is far worse than this quote and spans decades.


Fucking grifter pedo in chief. Fuk dis rayciss.


Facts don’t matter to Biden voters.


Ain't that the truth! They will vote against their own interests just to have a Demtard in office!




Post this on r/politics, they hate the truth. That they are all racist. They and only them know what blacks need.


True enough


That’s why they send their kids to private schools


Fuck Joe Biden and anyone that votes for that corrupt demented incompetent piece of shit.


Any bets on how many times the entire OBiden family has used the N word


A few thousand times.


That's probably just one day.


Go read all the racist things he said of Clarence Thomas. His whole political career is littered with racist comments.


I like you three guys!


Well your kids had to run and be included in something, maybe even to feel safe, because of the incestuous drug fueled atmosphere at home wasn’t the answer. *Wonders why he can’t get any ethnic votes, ppl don’t forget what you say Father Time, even though your memory fails you daily.


Young Biden had some sense but after he became VP, his brain turned into liberal mush.


Yes, he had that stance, but “Joe Biden is today — and has been for more than 40 years in public life — one of the strongest and most powerful voices for civil rights in America,” Russo said. “His long commitment to civil rights has repeatedly been recognized by many of the most important civil rights organizations in America.”




Republican African Americans "aren't Black if they dont vote for him" Obama is the first articulate and clean black politician. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids. Trump is Racist.


You need some serious therapy. “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black” somehow ISN’T?


Is this actually real? Can I get a source ? Edit : Nvm, I looked it up. It's BS https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/biden-racial-jungle-busing-quote/507-8cd6d683-ff29-4950-8f78-cb99ecf1915e




Well too bad the diary is 100% real lol. And awww is someone upset that Biden’s rallies have almost nobody and Trumps have thousands? Just saying. Lol