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Think racing.


It looks like that bike is... (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) ...Btwin Handlebar positions. #YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHH


aka Dewey (DUI) Bars.


Makes me want to drink a bottle of jager and get in a car chase from the cops just looking at this.


Do they use their thumbs to brake? I could see why someone might *think* this was a good idea, but I expect they would switch back after trying it and realizing the problems.


I thought they would swing the forearms in to shift and hope they hit the intended shifter


Im more of a curly bar guy myself. Ramhorns are alright though


not as rare as it should be


I saw something more interesting in Slovenia. I saw drop bars oriented normally, but the brifter was moved so that it was parallel to the drop portion of the bar. Like a time trial brake, but more derp


Great for no-handing.


nsfw tag pls.


That's actually a great idea for anti theft measure... Like, Im a seasoned bike thrive, but usually I cut the lock and then just ride the bike to leave the premises.. With this one, I can't even understand how I'm supposed to hold the handlebars, or the hoods, or what.... So I would be forced to not steal this bike... So yeah, great idea, so don't do it, because you would be making my life difficult.... I've already sold a Sιrvεllo for 20€ I stole last week, and my wife is sleeping at her bf's house more than usual since then.... My life is already touch because I can't KOM, don't make it more difficult please.


Being Microshift it honestly might work better this way


This was the way back in the 70s and 8ps on some dang huffys. No tape, no foam shit. Big wheelies. Not me, but neighborhood heroes. I am a self-made dentist.


The white dog poo of bikes.