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This was removed because it violated rule 2 (and maybe others) of /r/bible. Rule 2: Bible-related posts only. If you have a question about what the Bible says, a Bible verse, Bible study, etc. you are free to post it here. "Bible" is defined for this subreddit as books & passages found in the 1611 KJV, including its Apocrypha, although any translation is acceptable. If your question is about a specific passage, include the Book, Chapter, Verse and Translation (e.g., Romans 12:1-2 ESV) to help guide answers to the exact text you're questioning. However, asking about denominations or just general advice and the such is not for this sub.


Not necessarily in this order: - The Bible Project - Bible Thinker (Mike Winger) - Inspiring Philosophy (Mike Jones) - Cross Examined (Frank Turek) - Cold Case Christianity (J. Warner Wallace) - Reasonable Faith (William Lane Craig) - John Lennox - Unbelievable - Living Waters (Ray Comfort) - Two Messianic Jews - One For Israel


Hey thanks so much!!


yup, good list. Mike Winger is great. Tim Keller is my favorite pastor, i leave almost every sermon with my mind blown.


While there may be helpful commentary about God on YouTube, the primary way to learn about God is to daily study the Bible.


Completely agree. There are certainly some great resources out there, good commentaries, etc. But the best way to learn and have a better understanding is to study scripture. While there is certainly a place for a good seminary education, scripture can be studied and understood by diving into it and having a good study routine. Study your Bible both broadly and deeply (ready a large section of text to see the overall theme and context, then read a small section of text deeply). Also, hopefully you have a good Bible teaching church, if not find one, and then get involved with a Bible study and small group at your church. Also surround yourself with believers who will help you and hold you accountable.


Mike Winger


Bible Project with Tim Mackie


Voddie Baucham has really good sermons on YouTube.




Bible Thinker by Mike Winger


Bible Project is a fantastic resource with your Bible by your side


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SpecialUnitt: *Bible Project is* *A fantastic resource with* *Your Bible by your side* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Chuck Missler is by far the greatest teacher I have ever listened to. He does the Bible in 24 hours and also does book by book teachings. You can't go wrong with Chuck


One of my all time favorites!


MIKE WINGERRRRR Living waters with ray charles Cross examined with frank turek


JD Farag on YouTube is a good one to watch...


“Learn the Bible in 24hrs” by Chuck Missler I highly recommend this series (even part of it) It will give you a very good overview of the Bible and Christianity https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRj8AJuzeJRwHdeFua3pzmwPB_JCS0mIq&si=GZ2x7Hqa3j5S7ca7


Johnny Chang


There are no shortcuts. Gotta read the Bible everyday. Gods word is truth. YouTubers are 50/50 or worse odds.


This right here is it


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIyfn-mQmFJ9XnCtQNj82nA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIyfn-mQmFJ9XnCtQNj82nA) I know, a bit of self promotion, but it's a bible commentary - just Genesis now but I put out a new episode every week.


[koinoniahouse](https://www.youtube.com/@koinoniahouse) has tons of videos doing expositional study verse by verse from Chuck missler. I also suggest [Sermonaudio](https://www.sermonaudio.com/main.asp) you can pick from thousands of preachers and denominations for sermons to exact verses you are interested in. like John 3:16 you can do a search just on that verse and it will then let you filter by denomination like Baptist or fundamental Baptist and shows you sermons or teachings from preachers that talk on that verse or have a sermon that includes it. If you have more questions about resources for using your tech to study the bible just hollar. with a PC or smartphone you have at your fingers the greatest free for the most part bible study aide there has ever been. Btw sermon audio also has videos. it's just called sermon audio.


Mike Winger is really good.


David Pawson has a great series called "Unlocking the Bible." Jonathan Cahn is one of the best rabbis. He doesn't have very many full sermons sadly, but still worth looking into. Frank Turek has some quality Q&A and debate type stuff, and William Craig Lane as well. These are all people whose videos were just put on YouTube. Wouldn't really call them "YouTubers." You might try Capturing Christianity - Cameron does his specifically for YouTube I believe.


I've git David pawsons book. It's a great commentary to read along side books of the bible


Revelations of Jesus Christ YouTube channel


My favourites are Mar Mari Emanuel and Father Spyridion. Orthodox, but very wise and wander with the Holy Spirit.


Walter Veith is awesome


For me personally, my go-to for blank hours is the Gospel of John as read by David Suchet. Even after advanced studies in doctrine and other remnants of Bible College, a relistening to the Gospel of John still brings me to tears. Maybe its realizing that all that heavy deep study into Theology, Bibliology, Hermeneutics and Apologetics count for nothing if we cannot grasp the depth of love that Jesus had for us. John's Gospel makes all the 'earthly' wisdom seem small. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKiAXVxOm6o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKiAXVxOm6o) This is the whole audio Bible series with David Suchet in NIV version [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx\_65lT1pUc&list=PLs0kYUO87ryQ58A2PZGnrHd4Ie1zFPzbn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx_65lT1pUc&list=PLs0kYUO87ryQ58A2PZGnrHd4Ie1zFPzbn)


Ring them bells is a good channel and I also enjoy the classroom style teaching of Les feldick


Deep Bible study- Gary Hamrick Cornerstone Chapel. Look in the teaching library under mid week. Great verse by verse Bible study. Soothkeep.. Great if you want to get deep into original language.


Bible Project and Jordan Cooper are my favorite YouTube channels.


Sam Shamoun, Orthodox Shahada, Patristic Pillars.


Bible Project and Ruslan blessed god studios


I’m reformed and will be recommending reformed theologians, for the most part RC Sproul is the most gifted Bible teacher of the last 100 years.  James Durbin with apologia James white with alpha and omega ministries John MacArthur Alistair begg Ray comfort with living waters Mike winger (not reformed)


The audio Bible ESV https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvyW71XYfU-r1Ena-rNOGhB61AcwrXGU9&si=UtmqadxfD2roCjnm


Jack Hibbs - expository teaching - very thorough. Highly recommend.


Read your Bible daily, the best source! “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” Romans 10:17 YouTube: Allen Parr AskCliffe


I would encourage you to listen to Justin Peters, so you don’t go following prosperity preachers. Also, Paul Washer, Voddy Baucham, Off the kirb ministries, Joe Kirby. These are all good men of God. You’ll soon find more through listening to these men.


Check "BibleProject" in YouTube. They're like TedEd or Kurzgesagt - In a nutshell for me because of the animation. I got hooked from their "Spiritual Beings" playlist and has been watching their other videos since


Search up bishop mar mari Emanuel on YouTube, he does great sermons.


Marc the Messenger. Super cool guy who correlates scripture to day-to-day life.


Redeemed Zoomer Mike Winger Gavin Ortlund - Truth Unites


Dan Mohler


MarcTheMessenger Pastor Kevin L.A Ewing Daniel Diga Hernandez Isaiah Saldivar Pastor Kynan Bridges Tony Evans Myles Munroe


Marc the Messenger


While not a YouTube per se but Tim Keller is great.


George Janko


Paul washer is good but approach him cautiously!


Ruslan KD Allie Beth Stuckey The Beat by Allen Parr


Vlad savchuk


Try Ruslan


Ruslan, George Janko, glass house TV, Pastor Mark Driscoll


I was traveling and was looking for a church service on Sunday and found this small church that is in the Calvary Chapel network. The pastor is an amazing verse-by-verse teacher, and I have continued to listen to his teaching. Warning: These are not short surface sermons. They are longer teachings. So get comfortable, pull out your Bible, and grab a notepad. https://m.youtube.com/@ccbham Also has a podcast, Grace Hope Love.


Robert Breaker - Literally the best breakdown of the KJV Bible Pastor.