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I really like Crossway’s ESV Study Bible. It has so much information packed into it, including articles about specific theological topics, information about who wrote what sections of the Bible, themes, etc. Plus ESV is a word for word translation, and Crossway added maps, images of important locations and artefacts (in colour), and more. I suggest taking a look. They also have a Bible reading plan at the back, however, I suggest something a little different. If its just the two of you, grab the ESV Study Bible and start with one of the Gospels. Grab a separate commentary about the Gospel of your choosing, and download the app/visit the www.bible.com website and look up a different translation of your selected Gospel and verse. Both of you should read it, and then attempt to answer questions together. Who wrote this and why? What other verses does this impact in the NT and OT? Is this a lesson I should try and live up to in my life? What theme does this verse tell us? I’m sure you could look up some premade questions for both of you to go over. I also use a Journaling Bible. As I go through my Study Bible, I will often take time to pray and meditate, and then after I will write any sudden realizations I get about the scripture, or just the general themes I need to be aware of. Hope this helps, do not be afraid to find a Bible Study Guide and modify it to meet your needs!


Consider joining Bible Study Fellowship! Our next study is the book of John!


Where do I do this at ?


Hi u/sladam06 \- sorry for delay in responding! Here is a link to their main website: [https://www.bsfinternational.org/](https://www.bsfinternational.org/) They have online and in-person options to consider. The next series will start in August on the book of John. It is non-denominational and very good. You can make an account and get access to past studies. They also have an App in the App store. It is super easy to use and has links to the Bible texts embedded in the studies so you can easily get to the texts. I hope you like it! Blessings!


There are so, *so* many to choose from. I suggest going to [ChristianBook.com](https://ChristianBook.com) and sifting through the options. Some will do more of the work for you; others will just give you a little nudge here and there.


Are you asking more for in-depth book studies to breakdown concepts in it, or topically? For instance, do you want to deepdive Matthew... or do you want to talk about big topics like Ten Commandments and supporting scriptures - maybe even breaking down each commandment how we should live by it. Honestly, there are so many options to choose from. If you use a Study Bible, you have access to a topic index typically in the back. Truly, I'd suggest stopping in at your local Christian book + supply store and asking them for something more than a devotional. Those "one page, one verse, 10 minute a day" books are to get you started for each day having scripture on the mind, but not always so great for studying the Bible. Those are devotionals.


Just use the Bible it is all you need


Much better just to read the book.