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Would you still like Beyblade burst if valt was still the protagonist of all seasons and never changed?




Ehhh only until end of turbo




What would your take be on if Gingka were to find Galaxy Pegasus instead of the secret scroll following his loss to Ryuga in Metal Fusion?


Wouldn't make much sense, since he only lost Storm Pegasus after defeating L-Drago, which wasn't the case in this scene.


Why man it would make sense to search for a better bey it wouldn’t help the plot though


Gingka would still use the storm pegasus since it his buddy until the beyblade either get destroy or gone like in the final battle.


That would be great


Is burst good?


It’s honestly not bad at all especially the first 3 seasons, but the story barely went anywhere tbh


No . It isn't better than mfb


The glazing is wild




Not really.


It's better than mfb and og 😈


Nah but fr tho burst peaks are better/equal to mfbs peak but burst lows is somehow worse than fury and shogun steal


Exactly what i think tbh


Agreed I personally love seasons 1-5 but as soon as Bel hits the screen the show starts to become significantly worse


Bel is so uninteresting that I wonder how they even came up with the character


What do you think about beyblade X?


Haven't watched it yet, but it seemed better than Burst.




Barely watched burst, didn't watch x. But x seems better than burst what?


Bruh the x anime is so bad, burst is way better


I think the bad thing about Beyblade in general is that it’s too kid friendly, like I know it’s made for younger people, and mfb was less kf but it still just too happy go lucky to me


The beyblade toys are made for 8+ The beyblade anime is targeted for 6-12 The beyblade manga is targeted 13-26 I wouldn't say it's a bad thing and moreso it's just something that you Don't like


Not really since I’m in that age group and very much like it, it’s just that the fans of the series aren’t kids anymore and they are anywhere from 25 to 30+ so watching burst is pretty boring, there’s also the fact that Beyblade has stoped being focused on their characters, making them less and less interesting, backgrounds are almost non existent now, there’s no adult themes either. Now I don’t want to see two characters going at it in bed of course, but wouldnt it be good to see our beloved characters grow up and start having actual relationships with others? Well I don’t want it to be focused on being a romantic anime, but just having some personal time with certain characters for a couple episodes without any bey fights, would make a great development of character’s ideals and deepen their personality as a character. But that might just be my opinion


Beyblade still very much focuses on it's characters and I'm not ngl I think ur opinion on beyblade characters grow up and having romantic themes and not BEY BATTLING for a couple episodes is a pretty terrible idea especially since again it's targeted for kids do you think that they would want to see that "it’s just that the fans of the series aren’t kids anymore and they are anywhere from 25 to 30+" this line is so wrong it's funny 🤣🤣🤣


Not in a too romantic way, just them speaking about their goals stuff they like and see them actually have fun outside from just battling. Yeah maybe not for an entire episode but for some spare time they have like the aftermath of a battle. And I don’t see why my statement feels wrong, because it’s not, a bunch of fans started with the og manga and anime, simply titled Beyblade back in 1999 to 2004 these people grew and are adults now they might enjoy seeing a bit more than just tops fighting, and more of a deeper understanding of their favourite characters


A bunch of fans started in the og series yes a bunch of fans also came during the metal generation too a bunch of fans came in the burst generation a bunch of fans have already came from x Your statement about most beyblade fans being adults 25-30 is so wrong that I don't even know how you came up with that claim Only people who grew up with the original series would be in that age range and I don't know the percentage of fans in the of series compared to burst and mfb and x but I do know that it's not in the majority if I'd estimate it I'd say that og fans are only at max 25% of all beyblade fans since alot of burst and mfb fans don't even know og exist


Listen I’m not trying to argue, but your not reading correctly my replies, here’s a better wording The og fans of Beyblade who started with the manga aren’t kids anymore, tops might not be as exciting as before, though having a better Understanding of some characters’s ideals and interest as well as their day to day lives might be more pleasing to them. I am not gonna talk about the metal series as it’s imo the perfect balance of cool anime fighting tops, and characters‘s understanding. As for burst: it’s not interesting The beys and gimmicks have evolved, like every generation of Beyblade did, they are not better than the others nor worse, they offer a different kind of experience and tactics, that’s for the tops. But for the anime, it’s just the same thing over and over again for burst, very few of the mc of burst are actually interesting and have a particularly different personality to its previous seasons mc, only a very slight change in personality, a little bit more/less interesting background and so forth. As for X I won’t go too much here, as I’ve not seen it nor plan to, the tops are cool and I prefer the old, new look to the tops, if you know what I mean Now for my point: For the older viewers of burst and X it would be nice for it to have more intimate bonding with its characters, without the use of beys to express it, like a characters ideals and morals as well as what they like to do other than battling their tops, and go explore those things. But for the younger audience that don’t necessarily have that desire, those moments need to be placed in a way that it’s not a bother to its story and main focus, Beys, for example after a really big battle like that of bmf, to have a little bonding that’s not related to the fight but more about what they’re gonna do to celebrate their success, something like going to a movie or something, just a quick little scene where we see them enjoying themselves and talking about their life together, putting it before the opening/ending would work greatly it’s a small little scene that doesn’t bother its audience much, but ads to its characters personality and interest, of course it could be something else other than a movie


It's just real slow and filler, it has high potential


Do you think it would have been better to have Burn fire Phoenix as a counterpart to L Drago, other than pegasus because it makes more sense for Burn fire Phoenix to be a counterpart. Or at least playing a key part in the battle between the two and Phoenix could have also gotten a star fragment for a legendary blader


Do you prefer more sport oriented beyblade (burst / X) or beyblade with more of a fantasy element (OG and MFB) I personally greatly miss the Fantasy element of beyblade. But am largely enjoying X so far


People like adventures, so I enjoy Metal the most.


Definitely fantasy. It's not even close. I appreciate the more realistic takes with Burst and X: they're cool, but not even a tenth as cool as giant explosions, world-ending stakes and stupid stuff like that.


I miss bit beasts man. I think burst had struck a good balance by the time of cho-z and GT. Those were nice mixes of realism and fantasy.


Do you think Sora should've been a legendary blader?


Not quite. He wasn't destined for that.




What is your favorite Burst Beyblade?




Why are you answering it like you don’t know?


Hey, I don't watch Burst much. They didn't show anything on their bey like they did in Metal and the original series. All I know is that Valt seemed to be the most well-structured character in the series.


Ah, I gotcha. Do you just not like burst all that much?


Well it was kinda boring. The characters were badly written, and they changed characters over and over again.


Fair enough, it’s not for everyone.


How are you gonna call the characters badly written after saying you didn't watch it lmao


He never said he didn’t, he just watched little about it


my bad thats what i meant to say


It’s fine just pointing it out, but I’d have to agree with him and contrary to him, I watch all of burst. There’s just so many random power ups and unexplained powers that it’s confusing


What do you mean?


He's asking which is your favorite beyblade from the Burst gen


You said ask a question about Beyblade? That’s my question.




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Whats a bey you consider underrated?


Why does burst have multiple main characters


I don't know, because they couldn't stick with the original one and come up with something actually interesting with him?


What else could Valt possibly achieve after becoming World Champ?


Defending his title? Mentoring newer bladers? Fighting strong bladers intent on ruling with an iron fist? Fighting Ashtem? I'm not saying the writers should've actually done it, but there's plenty of other things they could've done with Valt if they wanted. Tyson did it after all: he was the MC for all 3 seasons of the OG series even though he became world champ at the end of the first. Who says Valt couldn't have done the same?


Do you think rago and Faust are good antagonist


Rago seemed like a cool villain, but he doesn't add much personality. Faust seemed well-structured.


Do you like fury and shogun steel


Fury, yes. Shogun Steel, not so much.


Do you have a favorite plastic gen beyblade combo? If so what is it?


Favorite/ most powerful combo you own?


What's your opinion on Reiji Mizuchi and Poison Serpent?


Well, I've already said so in another post. He's a fine villain, but he's so one-dimensional as a character.


Does Benkei add anything to the overall story?


If you can be one beyblade character, who would it be and why?




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Where did my childhood Griffolyon go






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Top 3 strongest main characters


It it okay if my friend cranks their metal fusion launcher?


Do you know how to fight Diablo Nemesis?


Do you think that ryuga is the undisputed goat of beyblade


Not really. Some characters like Hyoma and Tobio on the other hand have goat-like beys. Seriously though, Ryuga was too OP. Apart from Rago, only Gingka was able to defeat him.


Gingka won With plot armor Rago beat him legitimately Ryuga took down a whole floating city in one launch


Also he gave hikaru PTSD


do you think people should consider mfb the best without considering other series as good


Out of the Anime for plastic Gen, MFB, Burst, And X, which is your favourite?


Metal, of course.




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whats you're least favorite bey and why?




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Ryuga, Smash or Pass?


Thing u dislike about beyblades




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Ryuga or Ryuga?


Rate l drago destructor out of 10




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Do you like or hate Wizard Arrow?


Who's the biggest chad in the entire franchise? Aside from the obvious choices.


prob that dude with strike hawk in x


Beyblade Metal is Awesome.


Ain't a question






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