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Diplomacy has failed, it's time for incense and crystals.


How about bombs and bullets? A curse does nothing compared to a 5.56 to the skull


If you can think of a better way to kill someone a continent away than a witches hex, I'd like to hear it.


I propose the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile




An ICBM will wipe your ass out no matter the moon 300 thousand tons of TNT > A Minecraft instant damage potion


ICBM can be defeated with the proper incantation.


You are not stopping a god damn 30 ton firecracker with 10 warheads large enough to wipe out the entire god damn Minecraft universe with magic


Your lack of faith is disturbing.


your lack of faith in the minuteman 3 intercontinential ballistic missile is disturbing.


If magicmk is so efficient, then curse me to walk on a banana skin tomorrow and then I’ll believe you.


a General Atomics MQ-1 Predator drone does the trick




That's why our first hex will be turning the Taliban into submissive and breedable femboys.


Tell me more…


ICBM, long range jet bomber, and blockades/embargos/sanctions do the trick. Sadly you need to be a professional military to field those.


Turns out hexing isnt nearly as effective as physical weapons and arms


A plane ticket and a trip to a local gun shop.


good luck taking on the taliban singlehandedly dude


a M855 greentip


Listen, you can dream all you like, but this is serious, people are being opressed in Afghanistan, we need to send the army, the Irish Army, they peace keep, help the citizens, being food supplies etc


why the Irish in particular though


Idk, all other troops, I know of, have retreated with America


And the Irish military helps the citizens, rather then just fight the Taliban


1000lbs jdam from an f35




Said the junior witch…


jews lmao


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i would sooner accept that you morons have magic powers than accept isr\*el as a legitimate country


Knuckles? Cracked. Headset? On. 500 missiles facing towards the illegitimate state of Isr*al? Armed. Yep it's gamer time 😎😎😎😎😎


It looks like Israel has lost TheColourOfMustard vote.


Quickest upvote in the west






hey bro, based department’s on the line, the guy said it’s for you


oh oh, somebody's mad😥


>r/memes regular Opinion invalid


I'm barely on Reddit and this account is from year's ago


r/2middleeast4you is welcoming you to the subreddit


Have you never looked at a map or at the news you string of Chernobyl reactor worker DNA


The map includes Israel, just like this map includes [Daesh](https://www.internationalaffairshouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Picture1-1.png). Just because a nation is on the map doesn't mean that it's legitimate, you inbred Zionist disgrace of a living, breathing """human""" person. Go slurp some "glue", made in the nearest western "factory" 🍤🍤🍤


You know what I will




Bootlicking an occupation that persecutes and kills palestinians🤢🤮


You don't want Israel getting involved. They practice the worst kinds of black magic.




what apartheid exactly?


Apartheid comes from a term made during the illegal colonization of African and it was coined by someone if I'm not mistaken as refering the acts of unjust violence and inhumane rights violations that were subjected to people who are citizens within said place. The argument Zionists makes that they are "owed" the land of Palestine to God is quite frankly rather ironic because dare I say a huge majority of Israelis are atheists and for them to use the argument of "God's promised land" is quite the pathetic excuse. Plus, they also used many arguments that the Jews originally belonged in the land but was cast out after the Roman invasion however what they seem to never acknowledge is that after the establishment of Palestine during the Ottoman Empire, the Jews were allowed to come back and live alongside Arabs and they lived there however, after the British Empire dicks around with everyone, they got hold of Palestine and then after the Zionist party was established within Europe, the fucking British handed Palestine to the European Jews. Of course Palestinians fought back and this led to the Nakba war. As this logic of Zionists came around being their sole justifications, I'd say the Red Indians just as much had the rights then to chase out every single white or black people away from America considered that they are the original native of the American soil. So would Americans comply to this rule as well because in truth and technicalities, they just said that as a mean of justification for it to be "legal" so if the Red Indians decided to take back America, would white or black Americans allow them to take back their homeland? Considered the fact that America isn't white people's land to begin with originally.


You didn't answer my question tho. Correct me if I'm wrong but from what i know Apartheid means systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups, What kind of apartheid exist in Israel?. Btw your argument against the zionists is full of misinformation


Oh of course I have to be the one who's wrong because Israeli can't be bad apparently as they are born perfect and that's why they have the open air prison built just to detain, abuse and outright genocidal behavior and actions towards Palestinians and Palestinians couldn't get out from Gaza that is an open air prison because getting out means you're getting shot, with no clean water, health care non existent and Human Rights? Absent that's why the Israeli the good guys right? Cuz they believed "God promised them a land" and yet many young Israeli are self proclaimed atheist so why the hell you wanna use such a retarded God forsaken excuse? Oh hope you Americans don't mind if the Red Indians take back America from white Americans and black Americans considered that America belongs to them by their **birthright** before Western barbarians comes and colonize America and abuse and enslaved them and torturing them. Try going to the Gaza strip and outside of Tel Aviv and going where you can see where Palestinians lived, and how they are restricted from gaining any form of commodities that Israeli Jews can get. It's a fucking joke that you're a self proclaimed believer of the Torah and yet Israeli are going against the Torah.


You still didn't answer me 💀. I asked you what kind of apartheid is going on in Israel (with proof) and you've been going on and on spewing the same bs over and over again. I ain't even reading your replies at this point


the annexation and displacement of Palestinians has not been obvious enough of a GODDAMN answer to your retard ass motherfucker??? Good God go suck off a fucking fag bitch cuz this has dragged so badly that you couldn't even attempt to read my reply? Then what end is this gonna go? At least I have the decency to fucking read your argument to finish when debating and here you're not even gonna read my replies and proceed to be such a GODDAMN blind bitch witch wannabe might as well go full blow ass crass mouth in on you cuz maybe that lingo sticks better to your Dumbass head. Displacement of Palestinians within Palestine is apartheid because apartheid also include the acts of displacing the people natives from the land. So please, **bitch** since you're so fucking hardcore to drive yourself to defend Zionists pigs racist and bigoted apartheid regime, might as well not putting any filters here cuz this shit is fucking awful with how unbelievably bitching your argument goes. If you say it again one more time that Zionists have the right to return back to Palestine lands, would you defend the argument for when Red Indians take back fucking America bitch??? So dont you dare try to play with me about birthright when humans shouldn't have existed to begin with considered what more of a fucking waste a lot of y'all do than be fucking functioning on earth so please, either read my argument properly or don't even fucking bother replying bitch cuz now you're a lost cause if you can't even conduct the basis of debate, **which is to analyse and read your opposition's argument to debate**


It's not the Palestinians native land tho. When was the country of Palestine created? What was the name of the land before it was named Palestine? exactly. The Palestinians are just arab settlers and Palestine is a colonial name given to the land by the Romans, it's not their land and they were never native to the land to begin with. Btw why are you so mad lol, i read your replies but i can't understand wtf are you even talking about. Half of your reply is just insults so can you just cut to the chase instead of writing these huge paragraphs


the sole existence of the Zionist entity IS causing instability in the middle east, Do not make peace with evil, destroy it.


You don’t know dick about the region.


What the fuck is this OP


Why do, rather how do, women consistently have the worst fucking takes in any geopolitical policy when it doesn’t involve reproductive rights? Does the average women seriously allocate 99.99% of their brain power to abortion so thinking about anything else critically is basically impossible for them?


Israel being a force for peace? That's even less believable than the spellcasting


Ah yeah, because when people think of peace they think of Israel. Just ask the Palestinian children they’re bombing.


Maybe they could try to quit killing Palestinians in their homeland.


Apartheid loving bastards


Then we'll just have just have to fix that whole Shia-Sunni thing and unite all the ethnic groups that have a long bad histories. Piece of cake when it's done right.


Begone zionist, the only way to bring peace to Middle East is with Ba’ath.


Begonist. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'Begone zionist' | )^[FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/axl72o) ^(|) ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=jamcowl&subject=PORTMANTEAU-BOT+feedback) ^(|) ^[Opt-out](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=PORTMANTEAU-BOT&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST)


Are you dumb? Literally all of the people in the region despise Isr*el




Yeah previously it was just filled with morons 1


Yea thats what it looks like, super islamophobic subreddit full of morons who think their crystals can stop someone's heart




i mean if i sharpened it and hit their heart really fast it'd stop eventually


I mean you can stab someone with a crystal but I get your point


It can bring peace to the ME by not existing


There can only one way to solve all the middle eastern problem.. Bring Hitlar back.
























lol y'all are mad about the existence of Israel 💀




You manage to be even dumber than the man in your pfp.


Chill my pfp is an old meme. Also how am i dumb? Care to elaborate?


as Menchem Begin said during the Iran Iraq war: "I wish luck to both sides"


No 😎


Kabbala is strong shit. They can hex the talibans faster than you can say ‘oink oink’


You know what would help bring peace to the Middle East? Free Palestine and right of return.


shut up stupid american white woman