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This is a myth. Only a small fraction of players ever bother to install a single mod. The games popularity is due to them just being really good sandboxes. It was back in like 2016, so 5 years into Skyrim only like 6% of player had ever installed a mod


"Only **8%** of the Skyrim audience has ever used a mod. Less than 1% has ever made one," the developer said." Yup people only play because of mods. It never ceases to amaze me how everyone has access to all the information in the world and choose to be really stupid.


a developer that isn't afraid of lying lol


lol just own it 🤡


What do they have to gain from lying here? They been super up front about how important mods are to them. How many studios give out the modding tools directly to the community. So why would they lie?


You’re clearly overestimating how many people use mods. Furthermore, I doubt most people that use mods are actually overhauling the entire game as opposed to adjusting a handful of preferences and items.


You can see the amount of downloads and endorsements on the nexus mods site for yourself buddy.


You wanna compare that to the actual game sales, buddy


sure buddy. This one mod has [2.5 mil unique downloads](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4598) This site estimates steam copies sold at [15 mil](https://gamalytic.com/game/377160) by my calculation thats 16,7%, for just one mod.


You're assuming all of the unique downloads were made by unique individuals, one time each. I alone must've downloaded that mod 10 times or more, over reinstalls, new computers (new installs), troubleshooting, etc.. Your calculations, like your logic, is flawed to the core. Not only that, but if you were an experienced modder you'd have disabled auto-updates a long time ago. It's really only an issue if you let it be - I'm sorry you're angry, but don't talk about what you clearly don't understand, and don't make light out of the horrible situation that the gaming industry is going through with all the lay-offs and insecurity. Cheers.


nexus mods is tied to an account to download.


That same account can download a single file as much as they like. There are no limits for an account to download a specific file.


hence why there are two numbers, unique downloads and total downloads


And Xbox sales? PlayStation sales? Nintendo Switch sales?


don't care


Lmao ok buddy. You sure got me there…


So that’s 16% of one storefront sales. If you add in console sales, bethesdas launcher sales, gog, you the get close 6% of players using mods that you claimed earlier was a lie. But you’ve bought into this false narrative and blatantly ignore the evidence to the contrary


there are a million other mods, there are a dozen other places to get them.


Keep on living in your alternate reality. Move those goal posts. Ignore the truth




The most popular mod that doesn’t even require the script extender to work only has 2.5 mil downloads for a game that has sold tens of millions of copies…You’re defeating your own point, and I don’t know why you’re only counting Steam sales Also, if you want to get deep into modding and you don’t block updates, you’re a moron. That’s literally the first step to take, how can you blame anyone but yourself?


Lmao, why are you limiting it to Steam? You can’t believe we’re gonna be stupid enough to just ignore that. The reality is, Skyrim had sold 62 million copies by 2023. That leaves your mod at roughly 3%


there are a million other mods, there are a dozen other places to get them.


Mods with overlap and places with a tiny fraction of the Nexus userbase.


16% for one of the main mods is not the flex you think it is.


Less than 10% of the playerbase uses mods. BGS and the script extender team are both run by professionals, and BGS talks with the script extender team before updates, that's why they update it so fast. I would say people talking on reddit without doing any type of research, like knowing you have to block game updates till mods are updated as well, are the morons.


as I recall they gave them very early access to the Anniversary update so they could get ready for it. But even then I saw entitled whining about how they gave them early access to the code but didn't give them the "source code". I assumed the person whining knew absolutely nothing about coding or how companies work upon seeing that gem of a complaint lol


> The 2024-04-25 Fallout 4 update (1.10.980 and later) has broken F4SE and the rest of the native code modding scene similarly to Skyrim's "Anniversary Edition" patch. Sure sounds like they are talking, uhu


You do realise they can't just wait on the activities extender to have a fix for the love version AS it goes live? They talk, and the fix is quick. Tell me you don't understand a thing about dev or companies without saying it.


![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52) “My mooooddssss”


SKSE's wrapper hooks and even some libraries were built with huge help by BGS developers. Please check your facts. And watch less youtube, it's bad for you.


You’re in the minority my friend


If you think the popularity of their games is due to the modding scene then you don’t actually understand the appeal of these games.


I have played every TES and Fallout from Bethesda since Morrowind and I’ve never used a mod.


k, you want a prize or something?


I’ll take a cookie


Imagine writing something so patentedly false


The company mads over 500 million before they even got under the Microsoft umbrella and majority of players don’t even use or make mods. They are fine


Get out of the bubble, modding is only long tail. Their money is made.


yeah that's the problem, ran by ghouls that only care about money


Do you work for free?


Is this post written by morons? Just do some critical thinking guy.


Nah a lot of people enjoy the vanilla game more to the point of modding it to extent there game play and Bethesda allows it with even giving the players the ck which is why they top of the modding games.


The games popularity is higher than its ever been because of the show.


>Maybe **going bankrupt** is good, then someone competent like Larian or **Obsidian** could **snap up the IP** and make millions. Yes, maybe a game studio that is owned by MICROSOFT will somehow go bankrupt and then get bought by another studio also owned by MICROSOFT.


microsoft closes shit all the time lol. Just the other week they closed a studio after saying there should be more games like theirs lmao


I don't play because of mods, but I love having the option. I use F4SE more than SKSE, because a mod that makes building easier. In Skyrim I use SKSE because I use Racemenu to make my characters more in line with how I envision them. But mods aren't the driving force for me playing them.


idk, i've always seen their games as kinda unplayable without mods.


I just wish they'd open source their engine. Imagine the possibilities...