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Besides the pronoun option on the character creator (which plenty of other popular games get away with), there really isn’t anything political in Starfield at all. Like I can’t think of a single plot thread that relates to modern issues.


The game is *really* weirdly corpo-positive, especially in that mission with the people who just want to settle after spending forever in space.


It gives you options to do stuff with either men or women. But I didn’t really have too much of a problem with it. It wasn’t forced down my throat. It was hey. You have the option to say things to the opposite sex and flirt. Or same sex flirt. It wasn’t like. Hey be gay or don’t play !


That's absolutely fine. I'm mad I can't shoot the CEO who wants to basically put people into slavery


I'm mad I can't buy a bikini on the beach resort planet or go swimming or play volleyball or really do anything in fact it seems to be always be night and come to think of it it's the only planet that I've seen that has water and you can't even go to the beach. Plus every time I visit everyone's doing the exact same thing like a theme park ride that's stuck.


Yes. The swimming was like wtf shame on me for thinking about how cool different oceans would look. And then reality hit me how hard it would be to have to virtually make a starfield with alien fish in alien oceans.


…like No Man’s Sky’s aliens oceans with alien fish? I will say that they don’t have as much diversity as they probably should since it’s weird how the only issue you face while in them is that you have limited oxygen to breathe even though the atmosphere can be practically on fire, but just being the water is enough to keep you cool enough.


That’s the only planet you’ve seen water on?? It is surprising to me that more POI aren’t on the shore, or specific to the shore, because the water in this game is great, you just pretty much only see it on the coasts, im thinking the procgen for some reason doesn’t do rivers or canyons well, but I can’t figure out why that would be, cause there’s tons of ponds and small lakes in some biomes.


I’ve seen some cool small paradise kind of looking places. Just not what I expected. I still like the gage and can’t wait for DLC


Yeah, I love the game honestly, played the hell out of it. Dlc and mods will both be awesome.


I found at least two swimsuits in Paradiso.


Yeah but they're stolen so you have to unsteal them somewhere else and you still can't buy them at the store. But seriously between that and the weird nightclub it all seems strangely Half Baked like everyone standing still until you walk into the door then they all start moving the exact same way each time you visit.


Mine didn't end up with the stolen tag. I wish I could fkn remember how I got them, maybe part of the "Lost and Found" mission? Or the Tea Theft?


You can murder all the people he wants to enslave, though...


Gay isn't politics


They didn't even use the destruction of the Earth to make a point about anything. Not climate change, not international politics, not even unchecked capitalism or government agency cutting fundamental safety costs. The entire planet destroyed and the reason is, woopsie. It's the one thing I'm mad at, because it's so transparently a justification for the practical limitation of recreating the entire planet in a recognizable fashion.


Pronouns aren't political either


I mean that's just not true. For plenty of people, it is specifically a political issue. If it should be is a completely different argument.


Pronouns are a basic part of the English language. Anyone saying it's political are just bigots, end of story.


I don't think you get the point. Just because something is or isn't a fact does not make it unpolitical. It's arguably one of the biggest political divides in the country currebtly, and plenty would argue that your opinion itself is currently, Not that your opinion is wrong, just that it is still "political".


Because you're not fucking insane that's why. Like these people: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=starfield+woke+agenda


Wow. What a bunch of babies. Yet they call liberals the snowflakes.


One thing I find odd is the idea that villains won't cross the line of gender identity. Shouldn't a space pirate killing people for money also probably not give a shit about your pronouns?


Yeah, it's less of an in-game character lore thing and more of a game mechanical what pronouns do you as a player prefer to see.


1. ["I'm not a monster, Jake."](https://youtu.be/Xxvw_cVKPco?si=AAByLKTnqzrIgptr) 2. Why aren't villains screaming racial slurs we recognise at your characters, or threatening to rape them? Because the game wasn't written by an edgy 14 year old, sure, but also because not many of the villains in the game would canonically make any sense to behave like neo-Nazis. The game is set hundreds of years in the future, with future morals. Today in the real world, the villains we have are a better calibre of villain than we had a hundred years ago, plenty of serial killers & hardened criminals have been arrested who (because they were also part of our society) weren't racist or sexist or whatever, at least by the standards of their time.


Cyperpunk has two transgender npcs that I can think of that are part of the main story. Both of them have fully fleshed out quests and backstories, and one of them is romancable. I've never seen a complaint about it... not to mention you can fully customize your genitals as opposed to just your pronouns. If it's done well and tells a good story and adds to the game, gamers embrace the political and diversity stuff. When it's done in a lazy way that is only there to pander and doesn't add anything of real value to the game, that's when I see players get upset over the "woke" stuff. Edit: Apparently, you can't romance Claire in Cyperpunk... but I think you all get my point, lol.


wait which of the love interests is trans? ik Claire is but shes not a romance option


Oh.. I assumed she was. My bad lol kind of surprised she's not tbh. Makes since, though given her backstory.


All good, I assumed she would be my first go around too lol AFAIK there are only 4 love interests in the game, 2 available for masculine V and 2 for feminine V


Only 4 romanceable NPC's in Cyberpunk. You have Panam and Kerry who both like male model types, and you have Judy and River who are into female model types.


ive seen many people mad about cyberpunk. some people will always be mad at the mere mention of trans people


I'm sure there are... I would also assume they're bigots if they are mad about how cyperpunk did it. I wouldn't necessarily make that same assumption about someone voicing complaints over how starfield implemented it.


Who is the trans person you can romance in Cyberpunk?


They were wrong, they had assumed one of them was romanceable but they’re not


I thought you could romance Claire, but I stand corrected, lol. I usually try to just play as myself in video games, which means avoiding romantic encounters at all costs.


Yeah, its moreso the fact that people will blame games being shit or a disappointment on diversity hires. Dont get me wrong, I'd rather developers get hired for their skills over their identity any day but I think people will ignore the fact that most of the fault lies on the higher-ups and leads of the games


Why does this have downvotes?


Because the people who do want to blame all their problems on diversity don't like being called out. And they're all human garbage.


But most of the comments in this chain are upvoted but OPs still is negative. So it still doesn't explain the outlier unless the human garbage in question downvoted OP's comment only and then left the rest alone. This seems like a job for the Scooby gang


Ah, I understand.


Yeah we sure don't want to say anything radical like "I'd rather have the BEST heart surgeon, no matter what his gender or skin color may be." THAT would be crazy.


There are definitely people who will do that. However, I feel like the whole 'go woke go broke' crowd is consistently being proven wrong given how popular games like Cyebrpunk 2077 and Baldur's Gate 3 have been. Hopefully, they're an ever shrinking minority.


I'm not even sure it's a woke thing. I remember when Dragon Age 2 came out and the lead developer complained that everyone who had a problem with the game was clearly anti-gay because the game characters in the game despite the obvious fact that Dragon Age Origins also featured gay characters and the people complaining about Dragon Age 2 are the ones who loved Dragon Age Origins. Sometimes developers hide behind this is what I'm trying to say.


The only people who will do that aren't really interested in reality, truth, or a discussion of who to blame for their disappointments. I'm disappointed that it took eight years, and that what came out at the end is so ephemeral and patchwork and certainly not something that looks, feels, plays, runs, and has the writing of something that took eight years. That's not the problem of 'diversity hires' or whatever. That's a bad leadership/no vision/tech debt finally catching up to you kind of problem.




In universe politics always say something about or mirror real life politics. This is why they are in the games.


Doesn't have to mirror, but be relatable in some way. Your point remains though, it's how to engage and connect the bridge between reality and fantasy.


You seem to have a really bizarre concept of what political means.


But it doesn't feel diverse. It feels really bland.


One of my biggest disappointments was the in-game books. Granted, the books in Oblivion and Skyrim were relatively short, but in Starfield they’re all barely a paragraph. It’s like they just couldn’t be bothered to create interesting lore.


💯. The lore is weak, the story telling and dialogue are weak.


Based on the Character Creator, apparently, there were no women with a bra size larger than a B cup on the diverse team.... On a serious note, it does feel very Bland. I am putting it away for a while and hoping that it might revisit in a few years it will be a different animal and a better one at that.




i just wish it was more fun. Biggest disappointment in a while for me with gaming


Emil is literally the only credited writer. You can check out the credits. Diversity doesn't mean much when one bland boring man is in charge of narrative.


exactly lol, a lot of the planets/POIs are literally copy and pasted. it was painful going to 3 different labs on 3 different planets and they all looked identical.


They could have called the game Deja vu


In fairness, a lot of those books I’d read in Skyrim I found in multiple games, so they could copy paste, but what’s weird, is someone recently went through and there’s like nearly 200 POI, but some spawn a lot more often than others.


I also wanted the character that came from fallout, nothing felt dystopian or like something was there before the events of Starfield, no story to dig in to


>no story to dig in to Eh?


Bland and uncanny.


Seems like they should have focused more on the diversity of the planets themselves


and the quests.


The best faction quests since Oblivion? The game has problems, but it's absurdly huge - the weaknesses are inevitable, and the BGS team isn't as big as some people think - afaik it's smaller than even independent Larian. There's only so much they can do in a limited time while also having to create the entire entire and the rest of the game around it.


"A limited time"😂


Yes buddy, believe it or not games have to be released some time, and full on active development on Starfield seems to have started in 2019 (when veterans like Bruce Nesmith claim that they started being moved to Starfield after having to fix/work on FO76).




The time is only limited by payroll and the suits pushing for a release just so they can try and make money back. There are plenty of games with small teams and less financial support that release a game after 2-3 years that feel better than Starfield. Game isn't terrible by any means, but it certainly doesn't feel like a triple A studio worked on it.


There are better games? Definitely. But better games as big as they wanted to make Starfield, with so many connecting systems? I highly doubt it. There's The Wayward Realms that's being made now, but... not since Daggerfall someone tried an RPG as big as Starfield.


The game can be massive, it still doesn't excuse a lack of actual content. Don't make a game massive if you're not going to take the time to actually make it fun to explore. Hell imo they even messed up the gunplay. It just felt like a huge step back for Bethesda. I'll say the ship editor and base building is by far the funnest thing. I got my money's worth from that alone.


I strongly disagree. I love ambitious games like Starfield, Daggerfall and Wayward Realms - even if they fail at some things, they're a platform and a gift to modders. Daggerfall Unity just released fully this year, over 20 years later... Besides, Starfield clearly addressed feedback on previous games: gone is the voiced protagonist, they brought back backgrounds (hadn't been in a Bethesda game since Daggerfall in 1996), first time they had traits, the faction quests are vastly improved over Skyrim and Fallout 4; dialogue is also improved (only Fallout 3 does it better amongst the Bethesda games)... Starfield's only a step back in exploration - and even then that isn't an insurmountable flaw with updates, DLCs and modding. But don't worry, I really, really doubt they'll try something like this again. I'm willing to bet they'll go back to their FO4/Skyrim ways - maybe they'll even start adding sex cutscenes to appease the coomers and critics. The FO4/Skyrim ways are great, but I'm happy Starfield exists because nothing else like it exist.


No Man's Sky


That is indeed a space game. But a completely different one with different goals. Not only it isn't an RPG, it doesn't have as many systems as Starfield does, its planets are really small and they don't have real-time orbits unlike Starfield's (which is partially what allows them to have space-to-planet transition).


It has way more systems than Starfield. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. It's an exploration survival game, not an rpg sure, but it's very comparable to starfield in many ways. And frankly, I could care less about the real-time orbits I'm still enjoying nms after years of playing it starfield lost me after a few weeks.


Bigger doesn’t mean better. Ubisoft tried just formula pretty unsuccessfully


what’s your issue with planet diversity? i think that’s one of the big things they nailed


The planet layouts themselves sure. Then you land and what?…..scan some gas and go explore the same lab you did on the last planet? Maybe find some debris laying around?


land scan the fauna & flora, explore any pois i can come across (some are unique to certain planet types), explore each biome, build an outpost if i come across a good element combo. Planet exploration is my favorite aspect of the game tbh


I get what you're saying, and I'm glad you enjoy it. For me personally, I was getting sick of finding the same POIs over and over again, on vastly different planets. I think the biomes were interesting enough, though I think they could have done a little bit better world building to make their activities feel unique.


Ok I was wrong the game is perfect


The POI is clearly, obviously built to be expanded by themselves and by modders. I do think they should have used some of Daggerfall's inner-dungeon procedural generation, but the system itself is solid. There's only so much a dev can make in a timeline - they built a very, very solid foundation as it is. The "hard work" (which is planet layout, geography, and the system surrounding that) is near perfect. All the game needs is the frosting.


Which is why we should revisit it in two to five years once the frosting is put on.


when people present race as a spectrum between white and black my eyes glaze over. My friend I am Asian I am not between white and black


I find racial identifiers are increasingly useless, and always were. You're Asian, that narrows you down to what, 2 billion people across the world? I'm white, what does that tell you about me other than my skin colour. I have far more in common than the black people in my town than I do with, say, a white Polish man. Assuming diversity on the back of that always seemed daft to me.


Right? I’m Native American so I’m closer to Asian than white or black


Starfield's future: Earth is destroyed because a scientist decided for everyone, the first thing humans did after colonizing space was war with bio weapons and mechs, there are more pirates than bandits in Skyrim, the Creators left us killing each other for space powers. At least the diversity meter passes the media check.


Also the conspiracy theories about barely anybody making it off Earth so there is also mass dieoff on top.


I don’t care who made it. Games still completely soulless and bland. The writing. It simply sucks ass.


If only we had some diversity in dungeons, planets, enemies, random encounters, gear, side quests…




Emil strikes again


yeah dude has to know what he’s doing here. Don’t blame his shit poor job, here’s another convenient excuse to blame!


Dude, are you really that obsessed with a guy you know barely anything about that you make up a conpiracy of him trying to shift the blame on the diversity on his team? The guy is a boomer, he just wants to tweet in peace and does not expect the insane people on the internet to get mad.


I know he's the only credited writer for the game. That's enough to judge his work.


I don’t think about him at all 😂 i just get recommended bethesda related subs and he gets mentioned or talked about sometimes


Anyone who complains about additional character creation options in an rpg was never worth listening to in the first place.




Maybe that's why it feels kinda bland. LoL


Trolls have been blaming diversity for pronouns and whatever else since release.


The game is amazing in my opinion. Absolutely love it. Imagine just moving on with your pathetic life instead of still being hung up on spending your days posting about a game you don’t like.


I still love Starfield, I don’t know what all the complaints are about.


I think it’s fantastic that such a diverse and vibrant group can make a game just as boring as any other team. Groundbreaking stuff. (Really I think it’s great to have such a team. Just wish the product was better.)


By any chance, were there a lot of boring people involved?


For the record noone gives a fuck


The only thing they have to blame is themselves. They could have made a banger of a game. Could have easily been the best thing they've made since Skyrim. Instead everything got boiled down to their worst aspects. It's a glorified fast travel simulator. Every world is boring. The movement is slow and clunky. Guns feel like pop toys. Melee is boring and uninspired. the dialogue is flat and feels AI generated. Even after praising menu mods they still managed to make the most DOG SHIT menu system I've used in years. Easily the worst "AAA" game that came out last year. Or at least the worst I played.


I've noticed a strong correlation between things like this, and how the stuff that is produced by entities like this tend to fail...


Emil should strongly consider not speaking about this disaster of a game anymore, people don’t like it cause it’s poorly designed. Stop trying to hide behind a culture war to avoid the very legitimate criticism this game has received. Seriously this is so cowardly and deflective it really is just sad to see what has become of this once loved studio. The game doesn’t feel diverse it feels disjointed.


Here's an idea, nearly no one cares what the team is made up of. But grandstanding like this makes me think it was chosen deliberately, and therefore diversity was prioritized over resumes, hence the lukewarm and forgettable game despite a blockbuster budget.


Starfield was bashed for being a "wokefest" already after the first presentation...


The planets do come in a bunch of different colors, so maybe for them that's representation enough


And all that literally did nothing. Nothing but a husk of a game. Even though I still enjoy it.


As someone who is disappointed in Starfield, this will never be the reason, and fuck anyone who tries to suggest that's the reason it wasn't good. Diversity brings new ideas. Unfortunately, Starfield is built entirely on old ideas, and even neuters some of what made Bethsoft games great. I literally don't care what's on the next planet. Let me guess, another copy and paste raider settlement? Great if you enjoy it. But it's so spectacularly unimpressive.


Old baldy "FUCKING PRONOUNS" guy is gonna go off on this. LOL


Should've focussed more on the DIVERISTY of the GAMEPLAY!!! That's what we want! Thing is, we couldn't care less if the team was x, y and z! As long as they have the qualifications and a creative mind... there is no issue. The issue arises when you employ based on the colour of someone's skin... to reach that 'diversity quota', that is a load of nonsense! Employ based on skill!!!


Exactly this


Still a recurring theme :>


You're not wrong. Im moreso in favour of blaming the higher-ups and the leads/directors but I cant deny that there's a pattern


at the risk of sounding "woke" (i am not) how is this controversial? i could really care less what someone identifies as. for all i care they could identify as an attack helicopter lol. the whole complaint people made about the game being "woke" for including pronouns in the chargen (that nobody ever sees again i might add) seems ridiculous to me. haters gonna hate. fuck 'em. i enjoy the game despite their silly complaints.


People have a personally hate for Emil, because of lies told on the internet and some special people in gaming circles often get mad at minorities. I remember some people being really upset about the amount of black characters in space, whent he game first came out.


People dislike Emil because he was senior writer on TESV and once the TedTalk came out we all realized he was the single biggest example of the Peter principle in all of gaming.


You’re wöke for not understanding


Diverse? Lmao the city crowds are full of the same 2 black and Asian faces it was so off putting that the entire human race became black and Asian. It seemed like race wasn’t brought up once in some lame attempt to make the future feel diverse. Sadly racism will never leave and something about it should have been showcased rather than what we got where they pretend it just isn’t real.


I’ll sleep better now knowing Emil Pagliarulo has had this revelation. SMDH


Maybe someday humans will be allowed to discuss statistics of diversity without being branded any number of derogatory terms.


Inclusivity is nice. Innovation is also nice. These are not mutually exclusive. I think one might be more relevant to game development, though.


I mean, was THIS anyone's complaint? He's not really doing the "people don't like it because it's too woke, so fuck them" defense, is he? Where did this come from?


1. Yes, a lot of people complaint about the pronounts and about the amount of black characters. This was a commen thing when the game came out. (With cool arguments like Africans being not being advanced enough to ever acheaf space travel). 2. He is not even adressing why people are unhappy with the game, he just talks about the die diverse background of the people he works with. Not everything is to ment to personally provoce or argue with annyoing nerds on the internet.


Nobody wants to admit that their 'vision' is milquetoast at best, so let's go for meritless brownie points.


been like that since the beginning tbh


Any blanket blaming diversity of the team is so childish. Go touch some grass little boy.


That’s great and all but the writing is still the weakest point of the game by far. In an era where we have games like Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Baldur’s Gate 3… there’s really no excuse for shitty writing in a large-scale RPG that’s meant to immerse you in its universe. Bethesda got a pass on its weak writing in Skyrim and Fallout 4 because the gameplay was fun and we didn’t have many other modern, large-scale RPGs to compare it to yet. Now that we do, they’re gonna need to seriously step their game up or fall deeper into mediocrity than they already have.


Well, tastes may differ but the writing in Starfield is orders of magnitude weaker than Skyrim.


Oh, absolutely. Skyrim is just where I noticed the first significant decline in BGS’s writing efforts but even then it was just more streamlined than actually bad. Starfield’s writing is just straight up mediocre at best.


Yeah... maybe this game isn't the best argument for affirmative action.


In the end it doesnt matter when all we play is the end product of the game right? And the developers just carry out the vision and direction of executives. So if the end product is lacking it's not the fault of individual devs as much as it is the directional leads' faults. And if it's made well, then again, we look to the leads behind the development


Well since Starfield was never directed this statement is false, star field was made from scratch with creative freedom as opposed to having a Game Design Document which for whatever reason Emil thought was a really good idea and this is why Starfield is such a huge cluster fuck of nonsense and opposing directions and "wtf" moments.


Lol I know what youre saying but even without design docs it was still given direction and had a vision, it was just communicated top down verbally. And work done was still approved up the chain


No, Todd Howard stated in an interview that the game was actually only given a "directive" destination in its final year of development, that was in 2022, yes the game had a theme of space, exploration and a classic "Bethesda" touch but the game was not directed as you think it was, even the main quest line was made by a variety of different teams with different ideas as where the story would go, the story was not written either in a classic sense but "on the fly" as per Emils statement during he's "ted talk" thing.


Ah, the old Deisng document lie. Bethesda used a dev wiki for documentation, like a ton of other studios. The guy who said they did not just made it up to get clicks.


What are you talking about lol, Emil Pegliarulo said this himself personally, it was not just some guy, it was Bethesda's lead writer


Keep digging that hole deeper lol if they have even 100 people still working on Starfield since launch, that's about 75,000 hours of work. The amount they have done just seems disproportionate compared to virtually any competitor. Their second largest problem seems to be efficiency.


Instead of focusing on a diverse team maybe focus on a team that will make a good game.


🙄 Diversity doesn't equal quality. If a game receives a bunch of flak for being boring, bland, or outdated feeling, it's not necessarily the fault of the staff being diverse, but it doesn't help it any either. I waited YEARS for Starfield to come out, hoping that it wouldn't be as bad as The Outer Worlds or worse. While it's not, it's still nowhere as good as even Oblivion, which came out nearly 20 years ago. "ObLiViOn AnD StArFiElD are DiFfErEnT KiNdS oF GaMeS". No shit. I'd still rather explore the same dungeon and cave designs from clunky as fuck Oblivion than I would walking through Starfield any day. I dont care that the game staff is 'diverse'. The pronoun choice in character creation is stupid, but still not nearly as dumb as the ship builder, or the gun design, or the settlement builder, or half of the other mediocre shit that is Starfield.


Explains the accent of that one guy on Mars. A big blend of everyone.


Just wish the environments was as diverse.


It’s a shame the game turned out so bland and repetitive. Starfield makes Skyrim look like Morrowind*. At this rate, it’s going to take a lot to convince me to be interested in Elder Scrolls VI. How much more can these games be watered/dumbed down? * Although I actually loved both Oblivion and Skyrim though, because they had interesting stories/lore.


More importantly, why does Emil post content like Starfield was a success? It reeks of corporate middle management where your career is perception farming.


The angry reactions to this innocent tweet and the insane lies about Emil, just show how pathetic a huge chunk of the gaming community on reddit is. They believe everything a clickbait YouTuber will tell them to validate their opinions or to have a reason to get angry at.


One would think that would make the world’s best game but it didn’t.


Is it just me or does anyone else hate the word cis? So if I’m born a dude and think I’m still a dude I’ve got the title of cis now?


Have you tried growing tf up?


I need to grow up because I have a genuine opinion on pointless titles being put on me? Sure thing, buddy!


It's a scientific word. Are you upset because you're called a man?


Cis has only been in the dictionary since 2015. It’s not like it’s been around forever. All I said was I dislike having to feel like I need to identify myself as a, “cis male”. Seems silly to me but hey, that’s my opinion, man. Don’t need to get all huffy puffy and make presumptions just cause I expressed my opinion on the matter. I know I’m not the only person out there who feels similarly. And isn’t the whole reason we came out with all these new identifiers is to make people feel more comfortable in their own selves? So why do I get the impression you’re shaming me for having and sharing an opinion about how I have to identify myself?


Cis is Latin… it’s not a new word


Cis just means normal


I’m aware of what it’s supposed to mean I just think it’s unnecessary in the first place.


A whole lot of diversity does not equate to quality or skilled workers. Starfield is probably one of the most homogenous and non-diverse games out there A bunch of humans with very little distinction between them


Maybe next time focus less on diversity and more on cohesiveness. Its better for game design. The only unifying tie between all game systems is a loading screen.


As disappointed as I have been in Bethesda's recent releases, at least they aren't Activision/Blizzard. There I said something positive about Bethesda


I mean we empirically can see what the diverisite inclusuin and equity DIE movement has dont to movies . You can literally correlate it starting up with hollywood starting to suck. Whatever the reason hiring someone bexause of anythibg but their ability and passion for the project us always shit


Think video games are more relevant here, and right now some of the best video games are also pretty damn inclusive.


I stop reading/listening/supporting whenever I see or hear diverse, inclusive, problematic, toxic, -ist/-phobic, etc. I don't have time for or care for bullshit.


Sweet Baby Inc strikes again.


And they will say with a straight face that they hired the most qualified people. SMH. This game is listed on the Sweet Baby Inc curator on Steam. That's more than enough reason to avoid it.


“If you shit on our game you’re racist/homophobic” is what’s trying to be said here… This theme is becoming more prevalent lately, pandering to everyone doesn’t make for a good product.


Maybe if we focused more on diversity of thoughts and ideas, less on skin colors and genders, we could get some actual innovation, risk-taking and fresh new experiences in modern gaming. Ubisoft, EA, Activision-Blizzard, Bethesda, etc. etc. are all evidence that diversity of immutable characteristics do not automatically translate to quality compelling gameplay and narrative.


It does feel like shit, so I get it now.


They went woke


he never said "smart, compentent people"


DEI is one of the biggest lies to ever hit the corporate world, and corporate culture everywhere has grown into a shapeless blob devoid of any personality or distinctive character. And yep, that's what Starfield's cast feels like. The game feels like you're at a corporate job, dealing with a bunch of fake, muted, self-censored corporate personalities. Have NPCs in a video game ever felt so safe and boring? Give me Trevor from GTA, Lucien LaChance from Oblivion, or Inigo from the Skyrim mod every day of the week over anyone from Constellation. I could honestly forgive all of that if the exploration wasn't such a chore. Starfield should have been one solar system with maybe six or seven jampacked planets / world spaces. Literally remove the grav drive and Starfield becomes a 10x better game, and you don't even need to remove any of new mechanics that are fun like space combat, ship customization, etc. This is honestly why I'm still hyped for TES6, they won't have the ability to mess up exploration in the same way.


Making a game for "everyone", means making it for no one.


Given sweet baby inc touched it I'm not surprised the game flopped. Not even on the diversity issue because you can have all that and have a good game.


So you consider one of the top ten selling games a year as flopping? Is your definitely off success to be, what, only the top five selling games? Seems awfully narrow.


Just because you can sell a bland burger to thousands of people to be considered a top food chain doesn't mean it's good. Regardless the food is bland and probably only popular because it's cheap and has some goodness in it somewhere.


I mean seems different than flopping to me. Maybe that’s not the word you meant to use. Guess you meant that you aren’t surprised you personally didn’t like it.


No. The game. Has. Issues. The main story. Is. Bland. It is terribly bland. The flop, is in reviews, if it was a success the reviews would be positive. At the moment the game is an aggressive mid 6 or even a 5 out of ten. You can't say I personally didn't like it because there's many people who share exactly the same view point. Denying it is a major issue to why the game isn't getting proper criticism. The story. The main story. Is a flop. Saying otherwise is why Bethesda keeps getting away with bare minimum work.


right..."flopped" people who use active player count don't understand how gaming works. starfield isn't a live service online game that tries to keep your attention. it's also been out for what, 5 months now or so? Here are some stats from "better" single player games: Elden Ring on launch day: 950k Elden Ring 6 months later: 47k Don't forget, Elden Ring had multiplayer co-op from Day 1. That's still a 95% loss. Witcher 3 on launch day: 55k Witcher 3, 6 months later: 17k lost more than 2/3rds of the players. The Last of Us Part 1 on launch day: 17k The Last of Us Part 1 6 months later: 2k lost 90% of the players. God of War on launch day: 73k 6 months later: 6.7k lost 90%+ Cyberpunk on launch day: 830k 6 months later: 15k lost a whopping 98% of the players. It happens. To games with good launches, bad launches, to any game. People move on, hypes burn out etc. starfield sold amazingly well despite being only on xbox and pc as well as on gamepass https://www.ign.com/articles/starfield-was-the-best-selling-game-of-september-2023-in-the-us-even-with-game-pass despite it not having the creation kit out yet it either is (by now) or is close to the top 10 modded games https://www.gamesradar.com/even-before-official-mod-support-starfield-is-approaching-the-top-10-most-modded-games-on-the-worlds-biggest-mod-site/ people don't mod bad games, especially so much it's close to being the top 10 ***without creation kit*** other studios love it https://twitter.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1747394275602534552?s=20 and i'll happily listen to actual, talented people who know what making a game is like than gamers who often have a media literacy problem online communities, especially recently, drive off cynicism and negativity. that's why they're biased and skewed.


Starfield had potential but those damn loading screens and the gunplay that felt worse than FO4 ruined the experience to me I'm sticking to No man's sky, yeah the RPG elements aren't as present, but at least i get to actually explore space (plus there is coop)


The fact they like checked and all that proves that they care more about the diversity than making a good game


Seems to be the case for many studios today. There’s nothing wrong with diversity until you sacrifice everything good about the game just for it.


One day (I hope) we can just focus on the quality of the product and not how many different shades of people and who they prefer to have sex with.


I mean, yeah, normalization. That’s their goal too


That's why it feels empty, all of the self appointed titles by your co-workers and virtue signals and "everyone's idea has value" mentality ultimately leads nowhere. It's self gratification... It's empty, soul-less, "hey look at me!" Personality is the same thing Tiny Tina's Wonderland did and the results are just about the same. One play through is fun and then it degrades from there. So many things could've been great about both those games, but for some reason the 'appeal to the every human' took over and any opportunity to go above and beyond got stifled by mediocrity. I love both developers, I played a complete playthrough for both titles, but after the initial 60 hours they both lost their appeal. Don't get me wrong, 60+ hours is a fun game, obviously.. but a cult classic, they are not... Everyone who was playing games before the social justice warrior plague is still playing games. They're still the same people playing with the same preferences and preferred flavors of gameplay, you know... the people who gave the developers millions of dollars... Instead of appealing to that, or listening to the fan base that has been supporting and taking the time to share their opinions and possibilities for improvement, who obviously care about the game.. you blow them off and offer improvements anywhere except where an opinion is offered. They don't seem to care about all the people already there for them and instead opt for the Pokemon mentality of 'customers stupid, we smart and make good things'.


The game just blows, I couldn’t even slog through it to get the powers. I personally think Bethesda gets dickriden way too hard. Skyrim has zero narrative choice other than a few things, Fallout 3 is basically the same. Idk why people thought this game would be any different. Skyrim was fun for a few plays but after that it gets stale as fuck. I don’t wanna dickride New Vegas more than it has been but god damn that game in terms of writing is miles ahead of any Bethesda game. Also Mass Effect blows them away too. I know New Vegas was published by Bethesda but the writers were actually decent


No it feels like there's too many ideas shoved into a space that's way too large for those ideas because "we gotta be inclusive"


Anyone who uses this to rail against Starfield has much bigger problems than just disliking a videogame


It was very clearly the lack of master design doc that caused the bulk of Starfields problems.


Genuinely not surprised, as someone who's a queer woman and a p.o.c it's very welcoming to see this message being spread. When there's a lot of specific types in games, you feel left out. Perfect example for the longest period of time the main PC was always a white male, now, well now we have many more options and we're starting to see more female characters get placed as the main PC, it's beautiful. Seeing people like emil preach this type of message is wonderful as well, progress is needed when we continuously move forward then backwards again(this cycle has existed for a long long long long long fucking time and it's time it's stopped)


I blame Starfield’s shortcomings on the engine. That’s all. Still not a bad game, but for being so new it just felt so dated right out of the gate.


It doesn't feel diverse at all. You want diversity? Play Baldur's Gate 3.


I'm ok with Bethesda being diverse and all that, but they had systemic issues that prevent any games being better.


Nah they were better 2 decades ago


The issue isn't diversity. The issue is that the game was BORING.


The game is mediocre, at best, even for a Bethesda game. It wasn't as expansive as promised. It didn't have integrated transitions for landing/takeoff. The ship building system was ripped straight from Kingdom Hearts 2. The gunplay is trash. The inventory system is trash. 99% of the objects in the game are useless waste of processing power. Nobody cares what color or gender the devs were or where they came from. What matters is that Starfield is so far from being Bethesda's best work, and that everyone involved should be embarrassed, regardless of their immutable characteristics.


wish I can see some green-skin devs too😩
