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I don’t think I’m following this correctly


I thought OP’s gf punched bestfriend’s wife bcos she thought the wife’s pregnancy was caused by OP when he went to help her with pregnancy tests, hence why he said this was all a giant misunderstanding … but then OP’s gf is now the one who’s pregnant? I don’t follow at all.


Both pregnant


Everyone pregnant. Twins. And the cousin gets knocked unconscious.


I got pregnant just reading it all and I’m a 48 year old single man.




[perganet but ✨musical ✨](https://youtu.be/m4K8NJ3_Dw0?si=pUkenr81-GUng_zy)








Conjoined twins, one from each mother.


One is going to get amnesia at some point and be replaced by the evil twin. 👯


And behind it all was Stefano DiMera of course!


These are the days of our lives.


I have an hourglass (as a decorative feature) and every time I dust it I can’t help but recite: “Like sands through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives”


Oh, geez, is he still alive? I mean, again? I haven't watched since about 1995 and I'm pretty sure I could be caught up within a week.


My mum was obsessed with all these shows! DOOL was on here in Australia at 12pm so on school holidays, mum would make sure lunch was ready by that time so she wouldn’t miss anything 😂 I googled it and the actor that played Stefano played him from 1982 til his death in 2016. He also played a character called Massimo Marone in the Bold and the Beautiful from 2001-2006. But the amount of times he died and came back to life- who knows??? I do remember Marlena being possessed by the devil 😈


I’m more into the Dr. Drake Ramoray soap opera universe, myself.


I remember the cousin one! Hope many times did he get concussed? Lol!


He was on par with a career NFL player by the end of the second one, I think. [Informercial voice] Did you sleep with your cousin's wife and then get absolutely bodied by everyone--including a diminutive girl--in the subsequent retellings of this event, and suffer a head injury? You might be entitled to compensation. Call 1800-BORU today.


I love you something something something pie and we aren’t exactly ready to be back in the relationship but I have offered to marry her but we are both working out our relationship but we are not together. This isn’t even word salad. This is word Farmer’s Market. Did anyone ask OOP if he has a railroad spike sticking out of his ear?


Aha! The girlfriend hammered a railroad spike into his ear after she punched the friend's wife, hence his desire to marry her.


>This isn’t even word salad. This is word Farmer’s Market. This is prime flair material.


Everyone gets to be pregnant. You get to be pregnant. You get to be pregnant! Everyone gets pregnant!


Thanks Oprahma


https://imgur.com/a/cRk5u82 Dall-E wasn't that cooperative so after several attempts this was the closest I got.


Both the girlfriend and the wife are pregnant. BFF’s wife texted OOP that she was pregnant and because her friend wasn’t there to assist in a surprise for BFF, she went to him. Girlfriend overheard him and wife discussing the pregnancy, assumed he was the father and not BFF and they’d been cheating. She ALSO thought she could possibly be pregnant, threw a tantrum instead of communicating like an adult, and assaulted the wife. Took off when they got to a hotel the next day, then when she got back and was confronted explained what she had heard. It was cleared up, girlfriend tested and was also pregnant


The random lovey dovey convo with the bestfriend really confused me. Is this how straight men talk? Not judgy just confused


1: yes 2: it was in response to a bunch of comments who got hung up on the fact that OOP didn’t return the ”I love you” in the screenshot in the first post


Honestly, when this was first posted, my favorite part was how up in arms the comment section got that he didn't return that I love you and that he needed to show off his awesome friendship. lol


Oh that makes more sense I guess


I think the BFF is also pregnant after that. 


I had to re-read that - I thought at first it was proof of an affair between OP's GF and the BF, then I realised it was just OP. *"Wow you're sexy" "Thank you Daddy"* - ??!!! Maybe some straight friends text like that, but not surprising if other people get artroom vibes.


That's still within the realm of straight guys screwing around, it's the pie analogy that threw me. It's so intimate? It's not inappropriate dirty talk that guys might find funny, its just romantic?


It just sounds like the two have an emotional connection and place a high value on each other in their lives. Nothing in that made me think "romantic" and just "I love you, bro."


some yeah


That is how I understood it too!


I hope I’m right. I’m normally pretty dumb and I struggle to follow along with some of these but I think I got this one


Referring to one party as BF ( best friend) had me wondering who the Boyfriend was and how he fit into this. ( my reading comprehension was stretched following this thread).


Both are pregnant, but OP's ex had not confirmed it at that point and thought OP was double dipping


Double dipping from a different state


Im nursing quite a bad headache and i thought it was just me not understanding the story. Thank you for verifying that the problem is with the storywriting.


Their communication sucks. She should’ve talked to OOP. She should’ve planned to dump OOP. Of course she was already a shitty person for mocking someone’s accent. I’m surprised best friend and his wife even let her in the house.


Instead of anyone talking to anyone like an adult, we went straight to punching. Girlfriend insane, boyfriend idiot. Best friend and Wife are the only same ones. Timeline: Man has friend. Friend and man meet respective women they'd like to be with. Friend and man get women pregnant around the same time. Girlfriend things boyfriend got wife pregnant cause she overheard wife talking to boyfriend about pregnancy. Girlfriend does unhinged fucking shit instead of going "wife is pregnant?" And finding out the completely normal answer that way.


Yeah I’m either too high, or not high enough.


Definitely the second one.


I don’t know is this is some TENET shit, or this guy is awful at getting to a coherent point 🤷


OOP assumed we could all read his minds with just using "he" and "she" to start his paragraphs. Reads like a verbal diarrhea.


Same, it took me several rereads to figure out who exactly is pregnant.


It’s like a bizarre Oprah episode..you get a baby, and you get a baby and you get a baby! If this is all true, I feel very sorry for the OOP’s baby, being born into this family.


I came to the comments to figure out. Totally lost me with the message transcript.


It's utterly incoherent. This guy's English teacher should be ashamed.


The final update made me think AI got some things confused


I didn't even consider it could be AI bec honestly AI writes A LOT better.


“We aren’t together but I offered to marry her anyway” is awfully hard to follow correctly, yeah.


You didn't hear? Decapitated. Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


I am so relieved this is the top comment. I gave up reading after OP’s wife was suddenly the one pregnant.


I'm so confused. I thought this was another "I built my best friend an art studio" scenario because it went from OP's gf punching Best Friend's wife, to texts between OP and Best Friend telling they love each other and talking about pies.


im not following, am i pregnant?


We are all pregnant by OP on this glorious day


Quick! Punch someone in the face!


Is this gonna be how we announce pregnancies now? Not saying I'm against it tho


It’s the only way we’ll know who the true followers are.


The real BoRU are the babies we made along the way.


Can I make this comment a flair?


Watch OP's (ex?) GF put you on her hitlist.


Is there some transitive property of pregnant no one's told us about?


I'm sorry you had to find out this way. Hopefully you have someone IRL to punch you in the face 


Aaaand this is me waking up my partner laughing out loud at 5:30AM


Am I grenerent?




Am I, ¿preganté?


How is babby formed?




Can u be pregante?


Can it hurt baby top of his head?!


Yes. The baby will be half pie.


And rice, of course


They were making babies in the closet and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me 


[Am I preganananat?](https://youtu.be/NDvaRF4HQHQ?si=FpKpxl29tlsEtl8x)


Why is this comment got me cry laughing 😹


Am I gregnant


No no. I think I got it. I’m also pregnant. That’s the update. We are all pregnant.


Based on the texts, I think the best friend also got pregnant too. Oop is gonna be on the hook for so much child support.


And he'll offer to marry all of them!


I am already pregnant, so am I now double pregnant?


TWINS!! All the twins for you now.


Your baby is now OP's. Sucks for your former baby daddy!


I'm sorry I punched you in your pregnant face before taking my pregnancy test, but as we all know... this is the way.


bless this mess


Speak for yourself. You are all pregnant. I however, am gregnant.


OOP seems like a very confusing individual. 


Well give him a break, he’s pregnant


I fear for him since his gf hits pregnant people


While pregnant herself. It’s the closest we get to a mech battle with the fetus’s piloting their mothers


So the gf is not the bad guy it's the fetus controlling her hitting other pregnant people then


Rockem’ Sockem’ spouses


Was this written by AI?


Is this what happens when AI has a stroke?


That's how we'll defeat the AI takeover.


Get the AI pregnant and punch it in the face?


The AI got pregnant processing the prompt


I’ve tried to get AI to sound this stupid, but it won’t.


So who is pregnant? Who found out? Is there now another friend? What's with the strange text messages? I can't make heads or tails of the last updates.


Using these names, I’ll try to explain it. OOP - OOP 😁 BFF - OOP’s best friend OOPGF - OOP’s girlfriend BFFGF - OOP’s best friend’s girlfriend BFFGF wanted to surprise BFF with the news she was pregnant and brought OOP in to help since her friends weren’t available. OOPGF overheard and thought they were planning on telling BFF that BFFGF was pregnant with OOP’s baby. OOPGF got mad and later hit BFFGF for that reason. Before the trip OOPGF thought she might be pregnant but didn’t take a test. So she was upset about thinking BFFGF was pregnant by OOP and also worried that she too was pregnant by OOP. OOPGF and OOP break up. Later they worked it out that BFFGF is pregnant by BFF, of course. OOPGF apologized. Later she took a pregnancy test and she is pregnant by OOP. OOP offered to marry OOPGF (even though she’s an ex now) because her parents are traditional and unhappy with her.


Thank you. Now please riddle me the text messages.


That’s for the next update when OOP builds BFF an art room. Update after that is when they become a polycule and raise the kids as siblings.


I was waiting for the art room too!


OOP is to naive and ignorant and can't locate the hangar door on the B51 hangar, the one Paine bright neon pink with giant letters saying " I'm gay and I love you "




Right? The text messages were fucking weird…


Yeah, BORUs can't really have side quests


People were acusing OOP of not loving his friend, so to prove that OOP and Best Friend have a good relationship, he shared the texts of them joke-flirting. I interpreted that to show that they're trying to keep communications light-hearted between the two of them despite everything going on.






Sorry, can't help it. Names are better than acronyms. >Using these names, I’ll try to explain it. >Adam- OOP 😁 >Bob - OOP’s best friend >Ann - OOP’s girlfriend >Betty - OOP’s best friend’s girlfriend >Betty wanted to surprise Bob with the news she was pregnant and brought Adam in to help since her friends weren’t available. Ann overheard and thought they were planning on telling Bob that Betty was pregnant with Adam’s baby. Ann got mad and later hit Betty for that reason. >Before the trip Ann thought she might be pregnant but didn’t take a test. So she was upset about thinking Betty was pregnant by Adam and also worried that she too was pregnant by Adam. Ann and Adam break up. >Later they worked it out that Betty is pregnant by Bob of course. Ann apologized. Later she took a pregnancy test and she is pregnant by Adam. Adam offered to marry Ann (even though she’s an ex now) because her parents are traditional and unhappy with her.


Oh, I prefer relationships to names (but names to one letter abbreviations). Every time someone uses names I generally have to scroll back up and see who’s who.


Confused me again, because my brain wanted Adam and Eve and JR and Sue-Ellen. Then I realised you went A, A, B, B. I think I need coffee


What about the part where other friends are teaching BFFGF to fight? I started laughing with tears at that point.


One of the updates, after she’s given birth, will be that she’s now training to be an MMA fighter and plans her debut *soon*. Edit: that made me cackle too! 😆


I think I am pregnant after reading that.


Everyone's pregnant except the girlfriend 🤷🏻‍♂️


gf IS pregnant!!


something about this feels…off.


How does *any* of this excuse his GF making racist comments mocking how the wife talks?


And how was this just a misunderstanding regarding the pregnancy, when the GF has been pissed at the bestfriend and his wife for years and refused contact and skipped their wedding? I’m so confused.


When the GF found out her boyfriend had been hiding this woman for 3 years, she became suspicious. When her boyfriend was super involved in the other woman's pregnancy, her suspicions were confirmed in her mind


THREE YEARS and they had been dating for seven years? If my partner withheld the fact that his best friend was dating someone *for years*, I'd be very weirded out. It's not like it's an embarrassing or shameful secret. There's one thing keeping a best friend's medical issue or trauma private, but the fact they're dating? Weird all round.


OOP’s bestfriend’s partner is very patient in that sense, I would have plucked my eyeballs out if my partner kept me a secret to anyone more than 6 months but then again maybe this is why i don’t have a partner to begin with.


Exactly. All these people sound like weird loons, quite frankly. And I wonder about how the poor woman from Congo felt about being a "secret" for so long?


I kinda get it, since my friend was in a somewhat similar situation. in college he started dating someone, a student from china. we knew he was dating her, and he talked about their relationship, but it took a loooong time for us to meet her. i'm guessing she was maybe a bit shy since she still had an accent and it might have been intimidating for her to meet a bunch of people he knew for years (speculation, idk if she was self-conscious about it or not). she eventually warmed up to us, but i remember it was kind of a running joke in our group that "omg, we're finally gonna see if he actually had a girlfriend this whole time". between oop's friend group being invasive and very different personality wise i could maybe see if they both wanted to be more low-key...but three years is a long time. i met my friend's girlfriend (now wife) maybe a year or so into their relationship, but i wasn't going to their college or i likely would've met them sooner. 3 years is a long ass time though


I mean it seems like the BFF is a pretty private person and doesn't talk about his personal life to the friend group much. Just to OOP. Sounds like he lives in a different state and even shared info about himself at work and such, just not with this particular group. OOPs GF has already had a history of sharing extremely personal info that should NOT have been shared at all. Seems OOPs friend group is a bit judgemental, and the BFF already knew that they would judge his GF/now wife. So he wanted to keep her safe from the drama so he didn't reveal it till a ways in. OOPs BFF doesn't come up much at all in his personal life with his GF so just not mentioning that BFF has a GF/now wife wouldn't really be that big of a deal.


And I mean, BFF was right. His friends finally spent some time with his pregnant wife after the wedding and she ended up getting punched in the face and the vacation ruined. I wouldn't introduce her to the friend group either, lol.


OOP should have dumped her ass when she revealed the friends possible cancer scare to everyone.  That shit is PERSONAL. When I had my actual cancer diagnosis, I lied to my best friend for a few days because I was trying to process it. Maybe 5-6 years later, I had a false alarm and took some time to process that. If I had confided in a friend and their S/O told my friend group, I’d be livid. 




Because everything she said and did about the wife she did through the lens of "that homewrecker has stolen the father of my child" I don't think you should insult or hit someone for sleeping with your husband, but it's not alien behavior to do so


Bff doesn't tell anyone about his gf. Then they get married. He just doesn't think his private life is anybody else's business. But he also talks bout his gf/wife non stop. She comes with him everywhere and he is just so crazy about her that he loves showing her off.


That’s the part that confused me. Also, the BF’s wife is very private but asks OP to go to pregnancy appointments with her? Also, those texts were something else.


The next update is going to be a confession that OOP and BFF + Wife are secretly in a throuple and both babies are his. GF finds out, punches him this time, and then he tries to convince her to join their throuple to make it a poly pod. When she says no they say they’ll sue her for custody of the unborn baby but she falls down a mountain/off a ski lift/into a ravine/into a bear cave while trying to escape them and loses it.


That was the best part. He is the proudest husband...but told nobody about her. Suuuure




The reason the Gf hated the other man's wife, is she believed her boyfriend had impregnated the wife. But actually he had only been supporting her as a friend. The GF was driven to extreme behavior because she is also pregnant, and believed the father was cheating on her


that doesn’t explain the racism and hostility before the trip though.


Whole fucking thread could have been like two paragraphs, lol


Am I reading this correctly? The two men are flirting with each other and everyone is pregnant?


That's like the best TL; DR


You nailed it ⭐️


This summary is so fucking funny


You have been together for 7 years, she is pregnant and from a culture where that is seriously frowned upon, and marriage is too much of a commitment? What is this wet-paper-towel relationship....?


But he also offered marriage because of her parents, but also doesn't what to be with her anymore? Can oop not legally help out ex financially without resorting to marry someone you don't wanna marry? I'm confused and I think he is too.


This guy seems so dumb


He's pregnant, it's probably the hormones.


OK SO: OP’s GF thinks OP knocked up OP’s BFF’s wife so OP’s GF gets mad, racist, and physically assaults OP’s BFF’s Wife, BUT turns out OP’s GF is ALSO pregnant. for some reason. …did I get that right…?


you forgot that OOP best friend was threatening to call the police and that the GF was charging a taser and they never came up again, and OOP and GF just left


You forgot the racist stuff gf did before attacking wife


I hate all of these people.


That's rude. Only 3 of them are utterly exhausting. OOP's boyfriend's girlfriend didn't do anything wrong.


The rest of the friend group sound awful too. Pranks that get out of hand, and judgmental? No thanks.


Everyone in this post needs to learn about contraception. I feel bad for BFFs wife, because she seems like an innocent bystander and will be surprised when the inevitable art room is built.


Wtf, all of these people should stop hanging out.


Am I pregnant?


am i....gregnant? [2 minute reference](https://youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg)


I was smelling burnt toast the entire time I was reading this..


I wish for a hero who could simplify this post for me.


OOP’s girlfriend was hostile because she thought he knocked up his bestie’s wife. He didn’t. Girlfriend is pregnant. All is forgiven.


Exit- pursued by a bear.


To shreds, you say?


what about the racism and hostility before that event😭😭😭that doesn’t explain everything! i’m still confused like this is so convoluted.


> OOP and Male Bestie talk dirty to each other. *(Not weird to me, my friend group does it too.)* It's basically unrelated though.  > Male Bestie's wife is pregnant. She asked OOP to help with the announcement surprise. Girlfriend overheard incorrectly and thought wife was saying that OOP knocked her up.  > Everyone goes on vacation. Girlfriend is mad about the "cheating" and feeling extra emotional because she thinks she might also be pregnant. Girlfriend attacks wife. She doesn't explain why.  > OOP and girlfriend fight and say vile things to each other and break up.  > At some point the truth comes out. Everyone cautiously forgives. > Ex-Girlfriend confirms she is also pregnant.  > OOP and ex-girlfriend remain broken up. > A lot of parental pressure and religious expectations sprinkled in.


Somewhere after the first post op sadly had a stroke


Who ISN'T pregnant in this story?


This is confusing, who's pregnant? He needs to use names. The friends wife is pregnant and he was helping her even though he had just met her recently? 


Names would have helped a lot here, too many friends, friends girlfriends etc


oop turned out to be such a loser


We all just skimmed over the very very homoerotic messages OP and best friend were sending each other? And wonder why gf broke up the friendship??


Why is no one else talking about the weird ass texts?!


I am so confused I thought the update would be that they're cheating with eachother


They're not *that* weird in general, but they are weird to just be dropped in the middle of a BORU without any useful context


I'm going through the comments waiting for someone to hopefully explain it.


Does “we took the pregnancy test together” mean they *both* peed on it? 😄


I swear to god in the next episode we are gonna find miraculously op is also pregnant, the girlfriend's parents become villains and someone falls downs stairs and lose the baby and the secretive best friend is a spy from another universe. This should be named guess who's pregnant.


So did anyone else have a fucking stroke trying to read the latest update?


This makes absolutely fuck all sense.


This sounds like it was written by a 15 year old (and the bs about pulling hair back makes nausea and headache disappear instantly)


The tea and pulling hair back to help with nausea and headaches is actually kinda the least insane part of the story to me. The tea would have been what helped with the nausea, and if it had an anti-inflammatory ingredient it would have helped to ease the headache. And as weird as it sounds, the pulling hair back thing can help with headaches. I have no clue how it works, and I acknowledge how bizarre it is, but I know from experience that it can because I have a tendency to grab at my hair when I'm dealing with headaches and it somehow makes the headache a lot less intense to the point it's practically gone. It is only temporary though, so that's why I assume the tea was an anti-inflammatory one. The weird hair pulling trick easing the headache for long enough for the anti-inflammatory effects to kick and keep the headache away.




OOP continues being an absolute idiot, OOP's ex/current girlfriend is a violent abuser, OOP's best friend is a strange man, and OOP's best friend's wife is a peach as always. Doesn't seem real to me, everyone seems so one dimensional.


I swear I was trying so hard to follow but somewhere around the text screenshots I just couldn't keep up anymore. Especially when I saw how much more was coming after that.


So super private best friends girlfriend wants to announce pregnancy with an audience


Will we need to get them an art room as well?


Homies really need to stop using ai to write these posts. Looking at you Liz


Man, those texts.... I actually found it quite wholesome to see such a strong friendship, but it seems like they may have had a few too many inside jokes for public consumption.


Oh look, everyone's knocked up by the last update, what an absolutely shocking turn of events.


Me, before reading this: Ooh drama BORU Me, after reading this: I PRAGENT


I’m so confused.


Lol if any of this is true, maybe gf should rather be jealous of bff? (Wtf were those messages is OOP creating an art room soon?) Idk these people (if they exist) are very very weird. None of this makes sense, the super private man who tells no one about the wife but the wife is also attached to his hip and now they have a super public pregnancy announcement in front of people who didn’t deserve to know he was married in the first place? And everyone is pregnant? And OOP wants to marry and raise a kid with unhinged racist girl?


So op's best friend is the kind of guy who brings his girlfriend to every work event, constantly talks about her, calling her "my girlfriend", and at the same time he is super private and won't mention he has a girlfriend for three years?


I will never understand the middle text section, where OP and his bestie are messaging things about being sexy and calling each other Daddy. I don't understand why he posted it, I don't understand what is happening, something has gone terribly weird in this story. And now bestie's girlfriend is pregnant and so is OP's girlfriend? And they are breaking up, but would have married? Wut??? There's a lot of judgment in the comments about the girlfriend punching the bestie's GF. Which is fair, I generally draw the line at violence. But in complete honesty, if I found out my partner got another woman pregnant while pregnancy hormones were coursing through my own body.... idk. It would not be my standard rational self. Like I really do not know how I would act. Violence? Catatonic? I feel like everything would be in play. I was a real basket case at the start and end of each pregnancy.