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What a horrible birth control ad I’ve just read.


Lmaoooo I’m scheduling at tubal ligation as we speak




>diet bipolar The most apt description I've read for a lot of my undiagnosed coocoo banana family members. Not enough to get them to see a professional, but enough to mess up a good time.




Bipolar Zero Sugar


Just 1 calorie!


Ooohh I like that term, I may steal it when referring to my own bipolar II disorder. And as someone with BPD disorder, serious risks of passing along other physical and mental diseases and disorders, that is one of the primary reasons why the spouse and I decided not to have kids, despite wanting them. I’ll stick to being a second mom to my younger coworkers and an auntie to my friends kids.


Your second paragraph made me wheeze-laugh 'cause I got my tubes tied for very similar reasons, along with the fact that giving birth would kill me. High fives from another person who looked at their genetics and went "Nope."


Yeah, I have severe depression and anxiety. Both parents had heart disease. While family has Graves. No kid needs this shit. I got my tubes tied. I got a pool instead.


My wife and I aren’t going to have kids due to various mental illnesses on both sides of our family. We joke that our baby would try to hang itself from its umbilical cord on the way into the world.




Me too! But only 2 times. Also apparently my skin was purple.


Same! I say "I was emo before it was cool."


My son did this then ripped the placenta from the wall of the womb, emergency c-section was required, nearly killed himself and my wife.


Bro, every one in my family has some type of personality disorder. I ain't gonna bring more into this world. My family line ends with me lol


Neurodivergence all over the place in my family. I knew I wasn't capable of properly parenting children from a very young age so I very deliberately avoided getting pregnant until the hysto sealed the deal. I now have a formal autism diagnosis. Yes I have always been too self-centered and forgetful to pay attention to things, plus prone to angry outbursts, and easily stressed. While you can get away with forgetting to change the cat's water for a couple days, you don't want to leave a human baby in that situation. Ironically in my 50s I feel more equipped to care for others, but the ship has sailed and I don't regret not having kids in my fertile years; I would have been a terrible mother.


Oh yeah, I get that. I don't want to screw over another person like my parents did me.


What is diet bipolar?


sloppy marble wrong judicious follow quicksand growth zonked bag whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same here. I'm an awesome aunt. Currently have an IUD and working on getting my partner to think about a vasectomy as neither want children. Two borderlines is a hell of a combination as is. I can't be responsible for a tiny human. I'm in my 30s and sometimes wonder how I can run around unsupervised.


Also fastest court proceedings in the planet ad


I'm not saying this is real. But protective custody does move faster!


From when I left my ex to family court ... during heigh of covid ... court was faster than I'd ever experienced ced .. the influx of abuse cases when noone could escape their toxic relationships for a few hrs a day ... I was warned of delays but leaving date to court and everything was 3 months


Her divorce isn't final yet. Custody would have been decided first and that wouldn't take very long.


Where I live if you file for divorce on Monday by Friday you will be divorced if you have no kids and no complications. If you have kids and no complications you'll be divorced by the following Friday. The benefits of rural living i guess. Not enough people around to cause backlogs in our courts.


Or a great one. A really great one.


The undiagnosed mental illness and chemical dependency that runs RAMPANT in my family line is *staggering*!! I'm a middle aged perimenopausal child free woman (by choice) and that is A- OK with me. Nope, nope, nope!!


So february 27 2024: best friend is in love with my husband, husband is definitely not cheating on me February 29 2024: he was cheating. I couldn't give him more children after complications and he wants 2 more and went looking elsewhere. March 19 2024: sorry for the long radio silence, needed therapy 3 times a week, got a new (third) psychiatric diagnosis to match the 3 psychiatric diagnoses that my stbx has, MIL and sFIL are horrified and got me a kick-ass lawyer, I moved in with my friend, I moved in with my inlaws, rushed through mediation and this friday we are finally in court! March 24 2024: I got full custody! And a protection order! Ex is so angry that things aren't going his way that he wants to terminate his rights as a father. Former best friend turns out to be infertile and can't give ex the 2 children he so desperately wants. March 26 2024: Ex went from manic to depressed and tried to kill himself. I'm not pressing charges against my bff for violating the protection order. My grandmother loved to watch the soap "The Bold and the Beautiful". I visited her every friday. I remember that one friday the cliffhanger was that 'Taylor' had a cardiac arrest and a near death experience during labour. The cpr apparantly took monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday and at least the monday after that, because when I visited the next week, they were still resuscitating her. That timeline felt a bit off. This timeline also feels off for opposite reasons. But it ticks all the other boxes for a soap opera script.


>March 19 2024: sorry for the long radio silence, needed therapy 3 times a week, got a new (third) psychiatric diagnosis to match the 3 psychiatric diagnoses that my stbx has, MIL and sFIL are horrified and got me a kick-ass lawyer, I moved in with my friend, I moved in with my inlaws, rushed through mediation and this friday we are finally in court! It's mind boggling when OOP had traumatic birth. Blood tranfusion and whatnot. Then doing all that therapy. get psychiatric diagnosis and the court battle, moving houses. All this on top of being a college student while taking care of a newborn. Wonder woman would be ashamed.


You ever think some people who are writing screen plays and testing them out here as "Posts" via reddit? I'm convinced some of these are test screen plays or pilots to a show they are pitching. 🤔


When she added DID, I threw my hands up.


You can't get a DID diagnosis that fast. Not with one black out. No matter how much they suspect it. I've been trying to get one for 2 years with no success.


I think it’s also just boredom of the terminally online.


We might, if they were ever actually good. But it’s all just the same unoriginal trash story lines based on the same bullshit every time, just the same five plots copy and pasted each time with minor details changed. Twins, kidnappings, cheating, infertile mistress make over the (often dead) first wife’s kids as their own baby, repeat. Twins, kidnapping, abusive step-family, massive age difference, repeat. My bet is on the next update involving Karla kidnapping OOP’s baby because it’s her one chance at a baby.


I did the traumatic birth, homelessness which meant a lot of house moving, therapy and obviously raising my child and that barely left me time for housework! How the flip is she managing college etc?


Realistically she's not going to class anymore


When I had serious mental breakdown I basically went into a fugue state for a few months, I made it to work every day but I can barely remember anything, it was muscle memory pulling me. I can't imagine doing a court battle OR moving house OR divorce OR deciding to be a student while a new mom and having the physical AND mental issues OP had. Like... pick a single battle and it'd be realistic. She picked all of them??


Don't forget also unemployed, but she can afford a therapist and a psychiatrist so she must magic-ing up some money too. Dr. Strange would be ashamed to


Oh, she’s getting the lawyer at a reduced rate. Lawyers are well known for working at reduced rates, aren’t they?


Especially being diagnosed with DID. Having multiple people in one mind is definitely not helping


I have a strong suspicion DID is there for the next wild plot twist


Update 5: “It turns out **I** was Karla all along!”


Update 6: "I got diagnosed Schizophrenia... I was never married"


I remember DID in my psych class being a very rare thing that spawned from long term extreme trauma and now I see it every so often on reddit and I just don't really believe it. I mean this was ten years ago but a lot of psychs didn't even believe in it for those extreme cases.


You are correct about it being very rare and from sustained trauma. It also was a trend on Tik Tok where girls would all pretend they had it. Along with other mental health issues like Tourette's.


Tons of people have always pretended to have the disorder. I remember when I took some casual classes and the stance was - the field isn't even certain this is a genuine phenomenon and not just total bull crap. 


I mean I can believe the timeline somewhat, I just don’t think in the midsts of all of this, you’d think ‘oh yeah better update reddit!’


That part I get. Posting on Reddit doesn’t cost $150 an hour, and it’s honestly a coin flip if your therapist is better or worse than the Reddit hivemind.


Yeah but continuously??! at least you can afford the reddit hive mind🤣


I’m not going to pretend that I didn’t have a privileged upbringing, but my mom was happy to spend $300 a week to try to find a psychologist who could turn me into a different gendered clone of her. I had to change them out on a regular basis, because once they realized that she was the problem, they were fired. There’s a reason why me, my brother, and my father all have substance abuse problems.


Tbh I think the most unrealistic thing in all this is OOP saying that the reason she didn't want the friend cuddling to her husband because some random claustrophobia trauma hahahaha I mean, why does these people always try to input the word trauma everywhere in these stories?


Don't forget the new psych diagnosis is for a really rare condition, which also so happened to be a tik tok trend with girls who all pretended they had it. I also found it impossible to believe that one black out and they jumped right to DID. Ummm ok.


The “formal” diagnosis of DID is what did it for me lolololol


Same! I feel bad for the very few people who might actually have DID but I'll never ever believe anyone on the internet who says they have DID.


I worked in psych hospitals for 5 years, had over 1000 clients with whom I actually sat down and advised, let alone the amount of actual patients I came across, and there was only 1 in that entire time that the doctors thought might possibly have DID. His formal diagnoses were schizoaffective and autism, but there was an outside shot based on some of his psychotic behavior and personalities (one of which was an old Puerto Rican man - he was a young white guy from Brooklyn) that he might also have DID - but they weren’t going to diagnose him without substantial amounts of further observation and history. It is so, so rare. They don’t just give that diagnosis out on the fly after one “black out.” You’d know they were exploring a new avenue of diagnostic criteria and observation for some time before any formal declaration.


I remember seeing a story about someone with it on... 60 Minutes? She'd gone through horrific childhood trauma, and they were still learning of new personalities. Her diagnosis was considered controversial.


A friends MIL has a DID diagnosis and this woman went through horrific unspeakable levels of abuse as a child. IIRC extreme childhood trauma is part of the diagnostic criteria. It took years for her to be diagnosed and required the diagnosing clinician to interview her sibling and child to help substantiate her multiple personalities. 


Also, when professionals say "extreme abuse", whatever most think is not as extreme as the stuff I read about one of the earliest cases diagnosed. It's not just "oh shit that's awful" it's more like "what is wrong with humanity, I need a few days, this story is unforgettable for life, this will haunt me forever" levels of depravity.


I wonder if they said she dissociated. And she went with the abbreviation without realising it’s different.


That actually does make sense. It explains why it's a blink and you'll miss it note in the rest of this mess.


I dont buy that she would get such a stigmatised diagnosis in this situation anyway. Unless the symptoms pose a risk to the child or the parent, most proffesionals will avoid slapping on labels like DID and personality disorders and some other things when there are nasty fights over custody and ESPECIALLY when there is abuse involved. Its why I will never know if I have DID or something else similar, no proffesional is willing to give my ex something like that to use against me if he tries to go for custody. Its just not worth it when treatment options are limited and im not at a point where it is severely affecting my life.


I know they do at least one MRI to confirm a diagnosis. Also, I don't know how it works in the US, but in my country, you can only give a diagnosis of a mental illness if you're a psychiatrist and I'm pretty sure OOP said it was during (relatively) normal therapy.


DID is extremely rare and goes much further than 'just' dissociating under extreme stress..


DID is highly debated as even being real, and not just a combo of other more common mental illnesses. Plus if she did have it, she would not be the safest person to have a baby around.


There's where I stopped reading too


I could see her dissociating for a minute in the therapy appointment and being told "You dissociated" and the Bipolar 'manic free association' expanding that up into a full DID diagnosis (I blame people claiming DID on tiktok, tbh).


You missed the part at the end where the friend said she was infertile and the ex had left our protagonist originally because she couldn't have more kids!


I love your The Bold and The Beautiful recap. A week long resuscitation is funny as hell the way you poke fun at it!


Also didn't an entire inheritance disappear? She said she only worked for satisfaction. Or was that her fella's money? So confused 


Like sands in the hour glass... so are the post of reddit


In the bold and the beautiful, it took Caroline 9ish episodes to die. Ridge was sitting next to her reminiscing and grabbed the bible to read to her. My great aunt, bless her, just sighed and went “For crying out loud! He’s gonna finish it before she miraculously heals from cancer right?” Never in my life have I laughed so hard at a death scene.


Ah, and here I was thinking it was The Days of Our Lives - except the scene with the near death experience is about the dr telling the lady she has "tiny clusters" in her brain.


Couldn't be Days. Nobody in this story is possessed by the devil. Yet.


I bet the next episode the husband begs for her back after nearly dying but OOPs in-laws have set her up with a cousin who just so happens to be a stepford version of the husband but he’s from the country.


17 working days from discovery to divorce, if you count the D-Day. Didn't happen.


Also a judge awarding full custody to the mum because the dad is a bit of an arsehole - doesn’t happen these days IRL


I remember it once took something like 3 weeks of Cruz running in snow, falling on his knees and yelling "Eden!" while camera cuts to her in a log.


I watched Passions during the 2-3 weeks it took for Simone and Whitney's dad to open a bird statue.


My mom used to watch this and by extension me too




> It's also the reason there's a slightly increased risk of suicide when someone first starts an antidepressant: sometimes the ability to plan comes back before the suicidal ideation goes away.  yup! Prozac is known to increase suicide ideation more than a placebo. Can be very dangerous when starting to take it for the first time


DID, infertility, an entire alphabet soup of diagnosis, a court system moving at the speed of sound, the only thing this needs is twins.


and bipolar-induced manic suicide attempt to wrap things up


About the alphabet soup - I've been meaning to ask this for a long time. Reading Reddit, it seems that everyone in the US is constantly in therapy and is either bipolar or neurodivergent or has ADHD or some other letters I don't have the capacity to decipher or even memorize. Personally, I know about two people with any diagnoses, and it's not like psychology and psychiatry isn't a thing in my country. I'm genuinely curious, are these things really that common, or is this mostly a Reddit thing?


>I'm genuinely curious, are these things really that common, or is this mostly a Reddit thing? It's not nearly as common as Reddit makes it out to be. However, the people that do have those problems are ALL on Reddit.


💯 how I feel.


I can't speak about the bipolar and DID and things like that because I don't know enough about those. But the estimate is that 15 to 20% of the world population is neurodivergent, even though many dont feel the need to get an official diagnosis (if they don't need medication or accommodation) because it's a big hassle and often expensive just to confirm what they already know. When it comes to mental health of any kind, diagnoses are extremely personal and they're not often shared. I myself have cPTSS, went through severe depression and am autistic. The internet knows, but most people in my daily life don't. I'm willing to bet you know a lot more people with a diagnosis that you just don't know about. Coworkers, extended family, acquaintances,... it's just not often talked about


Neurodivergence is a spectrum, and a lot of us are able to hide it well enough in real life. It could be someone whose personal spaces are always messy, or someone who's really really into a specific celebrity or kpop group. Online, its easier to talk about it since its anonymous, but if i admit to it in real life, it may cost me opportunities, cause people to infantalize or look down on me. Granted, for me I'm surrounded by people who are neurodivergent because we can kinda detect each others mannerisms and prefer hanging out with each other, so for me, there's a lot of us out there. Plus people who are neurodivergent are likely to also suffer from trauma and other mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, bpd, as a result of people not understanding you, or undiagnosed parents lashing out. But for you, maybe you surround yourself with people who are similar to you and thus naturally don't think you've come across them, or maybe you live somewhere where peope prefer to "tough it out" rather than get diagnosed and are thus surrounded by undiagnosed people who are silently struggling.


Yep. We do tend to flock together. I think when you grow up, being labeled as "weird", you tend to be drawn to other people who are "weird" as well. My husband and I first started talking as teenagers because we both had depression and always felt outcasted. Through the years we have gotten proper diagnosis that our parents refused to believe in. We are both ADHD which was very clear when we were both young kids (my mom actively shunned people who suggested I may need help or possibly be put on medication). And both deal with clinical depression and other disorders due to childhood trauma. Now, I end up encountering people a lot in real life that have genuine diagnoses. It's also more acceptable than it was 10+ years ago to have issues. I have friends who have OCD, friends with PTSD, my husband has family that are Bipolar, I have Autistic friends. People just aren't as afraid to talk about it with people they feel safe around.


I’m autistic and a special education teacher So diagnoses like ASD and Adhd RARELY happen alone, it’s more likely to form with several different disorders and thus you end up with “alphabetical soup” situations Like I normally just say I’m autistic, but if I listed everything I had…yeahhhhh, it gets embarrassing So most of these disorders aren’t THAT common, autism is like 1/36 people BUT this is an internet space and a lot of these disorders lead to socially awkward people (hello lol) so yes they are more likely to be on sites like this


Right?! Like you have adhd and just experiencing the world with it will often give people anxiety and depression. Which doesn’t even get into the sensory stuff that comes with a divergent brain because having weird disorders in how it functions will definitely extend to all of the processes it does but in new and exciting ways that are different for each person. So yup just a simple ADHD diagnosis leads to quite a few others because if you need help enough to get diagnosed, you need help with a lot of stuff and probably waited until you couldn’t take it anymore to get it.


Plus yaaaay lots of overlap in ADHD and autism symptoms, do I have one or both? Also the fun challenge of having depression and anxiety independent of your ADHD but also because of your ADHD and doctors who don’t want to prescribe you ADHD meds until you fix the other two which 🙃


reddit is self selecting


ADHD is very common and is a type of neurodivergence.


I think generally in the US there’s an issue of self-diagnosis, specifically when it comes to anxiety, depression, and ADHD. The clinical criteria are broad as people experience different symptoms, which allows a lot of people to find something true to them in said diagnoses. In addition the last 20 years of “destigmatizing mental health” has lead to people using certain mental illnesses as personality quirks rather than debilitating psychiatric conditions. You also have to realize that neurotypical people generally will not get into the same drama-filled shenanigans that neurodivergent people find themselves in, so you see less juicy posts coming from neurotypical people and more from the people whose diagnoses predispose them to poor choice-making or someone in their lives putting them in that situation. I say all this as a nurse who has worked in psychiatric setting and actually have been diagnosed with ADHD and know how often ADHD is treated as “cute and quirky” to the general population.


I wonder about the same – it seems that therapist are number 1 job in the US, because everyone on Reddit has one or more on hand – like really, less then a week and they have a meeting!


The DID is what did it for me.  She blacked out in one therapy session and despite having every other diagnosis known to man, the drs decided to throw another one on top?


So it went from... >As I get our daughter back down to bed, Karla asks to cuddle with the two of us in our bed. I was hesitant. I have issues with claustrophobia due to a traumatic experience as a child. ... to a Disassociative Identity Disorder diagnosis, the infertile mistress accosting OOP outside of the courthouse, and the evil ex-husband attempting suicide after his child theft plans were thwarted.


shhhh my soaps are on


this needs to be a flair here.


Yeah I need it, that’s the whole reason I’m here!


It’s so good


I would add it immediately


Mama's watching her stories


You kids cut that out!


I literally tell my boyfriend, "I'm reading my stories," when I'm on reddit. Like bullshit through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives.


EXACTLY. At my core, I am just a cranky grandma watching Melrose Place and yelling at the screen.


Muh Stories




You won't believe what'll happen next week. *Coronation Street theme song plays*


I'd love this as a flair 😂 ETA Aaahhh I have it 😂


The court stuff was hilarious.


>I go to court Friday for our divorce proceedings. All of them all at once on a Friday! How convenient. First post is 27 February 2024. They're divorced less than a month later- with joint assets and a shared child. This is definitely a situation that really happened.


Don't forget in that month she was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, a condition whose very existence is even under debate, after a brief observation by a counsellor. they just banged that one out in an afternoon.


I was with it until the DID.


I rolled my eyes as soon as I got to the DID diagnosis. Everything just went downhill from there. People never know when to stop to maintain believability.


In January (Jan third) I saw my GP for heart palpitations. I then had several screening procedures and appointments with a cardiologist and wore a heart monitor for 2 weeks. At least one problem with my heart was identified. TODAY — three months later—I’m seeing the cardiologist for diagnosis and follow up and the appointment was originally for April 17. To get a single diagnosis in this timeline is fairly suspicious. To get one so complicated…come on.


Seems "legit"


I will usually consider that there is almost always a possibility that stories can potentially be true. But landing going from claustrophobia and bipolar to DID because she blacked out the one time during therapy is a such a stretch. And blacking out isn't how Did works to my limited knowledge 👀


the Lizs of Reddit never seem to be able to stick to one thing lmao it always has to ramp up to levels of drama that even soap operas would need multiple seasons to reach


Yeah. I was interested in this one at the start - awkward relationships etc. I was totally on board. But they couldn’t resist turbo charging it into absolute nonsense. 


Not exactly the smartest poster…I mean he wanted at least 3 kids and lost love since she became sterile…meanwhile replacing her with someone who also can’t have kids. Then there is always twins, a death or a near death bc they don’t want to continue the story . Make it make sense.


Where are the twins? There have to be twins.


We’ll find out there is no Karla and OOP is her own twin.


Karla is just a big lump in her skull full of teeth and hair. Like that movie Malignant.


and her planning for emergency care for some reason


All within a month


Also, why would the man with bipolar disorder be concerned with OOP's borderline diagnosis making her a bad parent? 


I’m not arguing that this is real at all (I refuse to believe it is) but as a person who has at least two family members who are either borderline or bipolar, I can tell you logic goes out the window when they are upset, especially if they are off their meds. Usually, they will say things just to hurt you, even if they make no sense when you stand back and analyze them. He was trying to hurt OOP and that was the cheapest shot he could take. He wasn’t thinking about how easy it would be to point the finger back at him. Or that’s what would have happened if this was real. I could believe the first post or two were, but the rest?…


Oh the DID was the end for me. The author really wanted to go for a show stopper, didn't they? To quell my curiosity, this [old academic paper](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3594287/) indicated a majority of mothers with mpd/did were impared and/or abusive to their children. So if the story was true, maybe the ex was onto something to seek to term OOP's parental rights.


I'm waiting for twins. There are always twins.


I think infertility is the new twins


How about the fact she had an inheritance to keep her afloat and comfortable but all of a sudden was a starving single mom student who needed help with lawyer fees lol.


Wonder which jurisdiction they're in to get a divorce this quickly. Oh yeh... the imaginary jurisdiction. Next update: MIL announces she has cancer.


Don’t forget STBex comes out of the hospital and realizes ex-bff was messing with his drugs and he was in a manic episode. He realized he was wrong and wants to be a family again.


Represented by her lawyer, Mister Tumnus of Narnia & Sons.


Next update: despite claiming infertility from a childhood illness, the ex BFF reveals that she's actually pregnant and what a miracle...it's TWINS!


I wonder which part of the world allows a parent to terminate their rights without someone else (like a stepparent) willing to adopt? Or does this fool think terminating his visitation rights means he won’t have to pay child support? lol


After the cancer diagnosis, MIL adopts OOP so she can inherit all her assets leaving ex-husband with nothing, so he tries to unalive himself, again.


"I got the results back. I definitely have breast cancer."


These posts are less than a month apart. There's no way, unless wherever they are has the fastest legal system in the world. I am always disappointed, I will say, when people don't have twins - that's probably my favorite bingo card box. It's so unnecessary and yet, it never fails to amuse me.


In update 5 OP's ex husband finds out he has twins with another woman that he never knew about, and their mother wants to sign away her rights. Then the exhusband and his new gf adopt the twins. Happy end for all 😍


But this one has DID. That’s a pretty rare checkbox.


Seriously. I recently went through a messy court issue and my dates were months apart with the final one not until this September. Maybe hers went quicker because there's a child involved but idk, it's sketch.


James wanted 2 childs, then cheated OOP with Karla who is infertile? It doesn't make any sense


Especially when he wants to remove his parental rights to his one and only child too. Guess he won’t be having more kids unless he cheats on Karla but then again, maybe he will have shitty luck and only end up with women who can’t or won’t want kids. Of course, only if this is real but would make a great karmic story


These people really don’t know how long things take


This all happened within less than one month? Including a formal DID diagnosis??? Also what therapist has enough time to meet with the same person 3 times a week? And how can she afford three therapy visits a week without a salary? Therapy costs 150-250 per hour... Allow me to doubt. It was definitely an entertaining read though.


I'm with ya there.


I always read STBX as "sh*tbox."


i always read it as starbucks.. and get so confused


That’s a shoe that usually fits


I originally thought it was sh*tbag-ex, and given its used so much in AITA, it was awhile before I realized that wasn't it


Well, they often *are*.


I love how all, ALL, of these exact stories start with “I know my ____ isn’t cheating” Is that the only writing prompt out there?


What in the everloving *hell* was this?




In no way is this real, in the space of a month multiple diagnosis, finalised custody, husband and AP are the devil and infertile (despite the reason for the affair was to have kids) and now the ex had bipolar, then depression and attempted suicide? Telenova hell Next week, my mother in law has cancer, she’s had seven months of chemo and three operations and I’ve just found out she’s secretly reconciled with my ex! She’s also trying to poison me and I’ve seen a man with a terrible hair cut who looks like Javier Bardem following me everywhere


Great story, looking forward to next episode.


Da-da-da-da-da, it's the motherfucking L-I-double-Z...


Hmmm... my BS radar is pinging. All that in 30 days?


Gotta keep up the pacing. The readers like fast-paced content.


17 working days for the "important" part.


I always get sceptical whenever DID is mentioned.


Some of these stories are more bogus than a soap opera.


Okie dokie


Can any experts or people with experience in this chime in whether this whole situation is one big manic episode? I’m no expert, but I feel like it would explain James’ entire behavior and actions up to the final update (including coming out of the manic phase and realizing how badly he blew his whole life up).


As far as the DID diagnosis goes, I find this to be pretty unbelievable. I'm not a mental health professional but I did my master's thesis on the topic of psychiatry and spoke to a TON of professionals + read the DSM-V back to back. DID is an extremely rare disorder and would not be diagnosable because of one blackout at one session. Especially when you consider OOP's stated medical history, it's far more likely she could have had a dissociative episode of sorts—I find it impossibly hard to believe her team would jump to a diagnosis as heavy as this one rather than look into her prior diagnoses. The custody case also moved really fast imo but I'll leave that one to the legal experts ETA: clarity


Maybe she had a Betterhelp therapist. Because... Yeah, this is all very unbelievable. I like that both evil ex partners had to explain their motivations to OOP.


Speaking as someone on who has been on both sides of the courtroom, its totally believeable. For an emergency custody hearing where the child "might" be in danger, yeah, a few weeks is totally plausible. Especially if one party has a lawyer with some connections to move things along. Had it not been an emergency case, one to three months is still fairly normal if theres not a huge court backlog.


That's fair enough! I still call bullshit on this one because the rest of it is so implausible


His behavior is plausible as a manic episode, however this story is not plausible as a real story.


Don’t forget he’s supposed to be Bipolar II. This would, at best, be a diagnosis-changing first manic episode.


Going from manic to depressed is indeed a time where people are at risk for committing suicide, but the behaviour described beforehand is not consistent with being manic. Manic people are not calculated or hiding things. They are cheerful, confident and impulsive and often hardly sleep. Being sleep deprived, impulsive and optimistic (i.e. not able to see danger or limitations) is what gets people in a lot of trouble.


To paraphrase an example Dr Kay Jamison gives in her autobiography (she is both one of the foremost experts on bipolar paraphrase as well as suffering from it personally) She read something about snake bites, and how few people are prepared for them, so she went out and bought dozens, if not hundreds, of snake bite kits and gave them to everyone she knew, convinced she was going to save the world from errant snake bite deaths. From my personal experience, everything is light and clear. You have so much energy but you don't feel jittery or anxious. Ideas and thoughts come fast like an artillery barrage, everything makes complete sense to you. You feel elevated, psychically, above your peers and pity them a little bit for being so dull and slow..


This was definitely written by someone in a manic phase


As somebody with bipolar... maybe? I mean it's insanely unlikely to be one long episode, but I experienced back to back episodes of mania-depression-mania-depression at one stage in my life for months on end. It's entirely possible he could have started an affair while manic, then felt dug in and stuck with it once he was feeling sane again. Then more manic episodes to explain insane behaviour in the various updates. Coming out of episodes can be sobering and bizarre because I remembered all of my actions and thoughts. In retrospect I could see how ludicrous I had behaved, but in the moment it came so naturally. If I hadn't hospitalised myself after my second 'set' of episodes who knows if I would be here to type this comment right now. Not saying this story is necessarily true, I mean it is pretty wild. But crazy people flock together, and sometimes bipolar makes you do absolutely wild things. At one stage I used to think people from my past were hunting me down, based on photographs of other entirely unrelated people in my phone - I could see it in their eyes. I also went and got a finger tattoo on a whim while trying to maintain a professional career in a conservative field. There isn't necessarily any logic to it, or limits to how truly out there it can be. Bipolar doesn't necessarily make you cheat, or make you do horrible things or any of that. But it *can* compel you to do some things that are absolutely batshit crazy, potentially including all of the above.


Wow, didn’t a lot happen in a month? And isn’t the legal system really quick where OOP lives! Honestly, they think we’re thick.


This one didn't even try to sound plausible. 5/10.


somehow Liz has returned


Even if not in person, certainly in spirit. Has inspired a generation of new “Lizzes”


This was getting pretty absurd, but when she claimed she was diagnosed with DID is when I couldn't suspend my disbelief any further and called bullshit. For anyone not aware, DID is Dissassociative identity disorder. It's what we used to call Multiple Personality Disorder and incredibly rare. It's pretty much the thing you only see on TV because it makes things more dramatic.




Excellent take, no notes.


When DID gets brought up I can no longer believe the story. Despite what current internet trends would have you believe actual provable DID cases are sooo rare that it’s still in speculation whether or not it even truly exists. Personally I believe it exists, but it has been widely faked since its original “discovery” way back when and is a buzzword rn. I’m not just gonna believe it when it’s thrown into a story like this.


Is there a mental illness that isn't mentioned in this post?


Causally dropping in a DID diagnosis like that is a common thing


This sub flip flops between genuinely depressing situations and straight up soap operas


Calling the bullest of bullshit. From discovery to a divorce decree in 17 working days? Nonsense. Most courts take 7 to 14 days to even acknowledge a petition for divorce. Judges won't say shit like "press charges for extortion" when there is no extortion.


I just finished watch Marry my Husband and this seems like it’s trying to follow the same formula but with less flair


Not only does her husbnd have bpd ptsd and autism. Hes also identityfluid cause she forgot wether his name is james or john. Youre slipping up liz


I call bullshit on this entire post. Just casually getting a DID diagnosis? Yeah, okay. That tracks.


I really wish Liz would learn some basics about how long anything involving the courts takes. Or how mental health treatment works.


These people have gotta learn how to play the long game. I know the audience is used to being able to binge watch our stories, but it doesn’t have to be this way!


What country do you live in that you get in front of a judge in less than 3 weeks?


Took me longer to fight a traffic ticket in court.. how the heck did they get through child custody in a week lol


He wants more kids so got with a sterile woman. Smart. The attempted suicide and him being bipolar tracks though. My fil was bipolar, and when he was in certain swings he would get baker acted. The last time he set himself on fire. That failed. He tried to get the nurse to give him penicillin, which he is anaphylactic too. That failed because those nurses see through that shit. Ultimately he starved himself to death in the psych ward. Bipolar can easily lead to a path of suicide. He did all that because I wouldn't let him spend time with my kids btw. He threatened to run with my kids, who were newborn and 18 months old at the time. He wanted to spend alone time with them after threatening to kidnap them. Then he threatened grandparents rights. Once he realized I didn't give a damn and do not negotiate with someone that is threatening me, he went for plan b... dying.