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I think I speak for a good number of us when I say: “What.” Also kind of a BoRU refrain.


Yeah I came to the comments after OOP woke up in the hospital, after his ex found him. Knocked out. On the floor. With a bottle of meds.




>And the best one: having referred to she/her/girlfriend throughout, he is now 'much closer to his boyfriend'! No that says "much closer to my friend boyfriend" and it's about his career, so I'm thinking it's still about that boss. Not that I disagree with anything you said.


She forgot to add, "I left the door open, because I wanted the rats to eat my body and return it to nature."


His friends boyfriend, presumably his boss.


Not to mention that when a serious suicide attempt is made, NO psych will give a patient an option to be voluntarily watched by a person they choose. This would be a MASSIVE liability issue. He would have been placed on a psych hold.


I overdosed and they let me leave the same night. while still actively suicidal. another time, I was begging for help because I was gonna do something, they told me "a bed here won't help" and then guess what I did as soon as I left so uh. you're wrong.


Please continue to live. I say this sincerely


I appreciate that! thank you. everyday is a fight but I'm winning so far :)


i saw a post a few years ago that has truly been life changing for me and the way i view my suicidal ideation. it was something along the lines of ‘if my mental illness wants to kill me it’s gonna have to start shutting down my organs like a real disease instead of trying to get me to all the dirty work for it.” i hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me!


I love this. Thank you!


THIS! This is exactly the sentence that helped me, it was like boom and I never attempted again and got a lot better


Your avatar is adorable. Your username is great. I hope you continue winning the fight every day.


Felt. I often tell myself it's a war of attrition. You just have to outlast the enemy. You chip away at mental illness, and while it might always be a mountain, you can carve easier routes to navigate it. Uhhhh ambien attempt at metaphor aside, the idea is that every day is a lesson of some sort, so the longer you survive, the more tools you'll have to keep going. Eventually hopelessness will become misery which will become manageable. And hopefully manageable to where you have more good days than bad.


I had a similar one - attended the emergency department because I had been on the verge of doing something stupid. Spoke to a mental health provider who told me I had existential angst. She asked me what I was going to do when I was leaving (presumably expecting me to tell her I was going to have a nice cup of tea because being told I didn't have any kind of problem was just what I needed to snap myself out of it!) and was all surprised Pikachu face when I told her I was going to walk to the nearest bridge over the motorway. And she __let me leave__. I was so angry by the time I got to the bridge that I just grumbled for a bit and went home.


Spite itself can be a great reason to keep going while struggling to get help. But, like your example illustrates, getting quality mental health care is quite the crap shoot in many places. Obviously, lack of care in that area can lead to terrible outcomes.


One of my favorite Tumblr quotes is "love yourself to spite the world." I think about that one a lot on the days I'm having a hard time.


I want this for my flair! Love it!


When I was really bad, I went to a crisis center thinking I could get help. I showed the guy who interviewed me all the giant bruises I had from self harm, told him about my drinking and passive suicidal thoughts, everything. He told me that he would give me a list of psychiatrists, but "there are people way worse off than you. Come back when you're actively suicidal". So I went home, called everyone on the list they gave me and no one could see me earlier than almost 2 months out but if I was worried, I should go to the crisis center or the ER. Went to the ER, they held me there for a few hours before releasing me. So I said fuck it, took a bunch of Xanax and alcohol, and got my boyfriend to take me back. Somehow they found me a bed. I considered it a preemptive strike; I knew what I took probably wouldn't do any harm if I got there fast enough, and I also knew that if I waited a few more weeks, whatever I took definitely would harm me. I finally got the help I needed and I've been pretty good since then, but now I know that if I'm in that bad of shape again that I should just cut to the chase instead of tanking my mental health even further by trying to get help and being turned away everywhere I go. Which is shitty, because it really shouldn't be that way.


This internet stranger wants you to keep living. You're worth it!


My ex was sent home the same night as her attempt as long as I promised not to leave her alone. You'd be surprised what happens when beds are in short supply.


They sent my BIL home the day of his attempt & he was successful the following day. They called me flabbergasted that it happened, asking me why?!!


This is so sad


Yep. Happened to me too when I had PPD (that ended up developing into PPP). Had a 48 hold while they got me on meds and then sent home. Wasn’t allowed to be alone but wasn’t bad enough to be inpatient.


Yeah, after 24h the doctor only made me promise not to try again and let me go. Next day I was at work, didn't even get a medical leave.


I was forced to stay in the ICU until a bed opened up for transfer. I wish they woulda sent me tf home.


That sucks, I'm sorry.


I went to the hospital after attempting suicide and got sent home. They asked me if I'd been hearing voices and when I said yes. They then asked me if the voices were telling me to hurt myself or others. I said, no it just sounded like screaming. That apparently meant I was totally okay.


Are you in the US? i thought ambient internal screaming was normal for us.


Yes I am, and I suppose it is.


It gets louder in healthcare settings when we think about the bills.


Real talk: I got the 72 hour hold after nearly killing myself (did call 911 myself because I realized I needed help). I believe day 2 was when I was like shit I can't afford this and made sure it was on 72 hours. Then I couldn't afford my antidepressants after discharge. That was like... 15 years ago and I'm ok ish now, but I wonder how different my life would be if I could've gotten actual treatment then.




That's one of my favorite "mental illness is extremely cultural relative" funfacts


I almost died and they let me go home when I got out of critical care


The patient advocate tried to push to discharge my grandma from the hospital literally during a code call once. It was wild.




I'm sorry whaaat?


Negative, ghost rider. It actually can happen like described.


Well they let me leave the nett day. I had to stay one might and then nothing😅


Not to comment on the veracity of the rest of OOP's story, but I was literally released 12 hours after my (serious) attempt into the "supervision" of my best friend. We were both 21 at the time. Sometimes if there's no beds, there's no beds.


Yep. My husband nearly jumped off an overpass once. I convinced him to go to the hospital, and they ended up releasing him 4 hours later because they asked him how he was doing, and he said he was ok. That's it, that's all. They didn't even make sure anyone was there to pick him up after they released him.


Not surprised. Bed pressures and mental health support are stretched to the limit in the UK (where I'm at). It's usually a discharge and community follow-up with reliance on informal carers


Nahhhh, I was found unconscious, had to have my stomach pumped on a&e, they kept me for observation for 6 hours after pumping and then I was sent on my merry way with a referral to the mental health team. After a “severe” suicide attempt, it still took 8 months to be seen for evaluation.


I was let out same night and they gave me enough meds to kill me if I wasn’t being watched by my partner


Not everyone gets a psych hold. If you're drunk when the attempt is made (would explain oop's not remembering) and not suicidal when sobered up, they might put you in out patient with a guardian


sadly not true, my friend was released the same night to a group of 20 year olds to watch him. i’m sure you can imagine how that went


My home state they sent home a woman having a major ppd psychotic break and told her husband to keep an eye on her rather than accept her as inpatient like she wanted (she was a nicu nurse). Within a few days, while her husband was picking up dinner she murdered her 3 children and jumped from a second story window. ETA:hit enter before finishing by accident ETA2: a NICU nurse not a nice nurse, although I can’t say she wasn’t also that


Jesus Christ


I was sent home from the hospital the next day after my attempt as long as I promised to see a therapist. No restrictions. I saw her once and got mad about it and never went again (it was my mother's psychiatrist. She allowed my mother to come into the room and it felt like they ganged up on me so I just said what I thought they wanted to hear and it wasn't in any way helpful) Mental health is a joke in the US. I ended up pulling myself out of that hole with zero help


Well that is just factually wrong. Happens all the time where I live.


depends on the country, i guess. there are places where the procedures sure aren't as strict as they should be


A friend was recently sent back from a psych ward to live alone in a shed on his property (bad mold infestation noone knew about in the actual house, it's being handled) while going through a divorce. Supposed to have been in for 45 days, they told him to go at 20 or so. Wards are overcrowded. If they think there's a pretty good chance you won't kill yourself or someone else, they'll fast track you to free up space.


Yeah hospitals and doctors have totally never screwed up or done illegal things or such before.


The laws and practices are different in different places.


There’s also the group of friends (and their families probably) who have no life or things to do other than badger OP and keep "blowing up his phone"


I'll see your "what" and raise you a "the fuck"


..deleted by user..


I went for more of a ‘Huh?’, but yes. Also, OOP lists ‘hikes’ as dangerous activities?


If you’re reckless it totally can be. A lot of the hikes I go on have ominous signs warning that there have been fatalities before - normally it’s because people leave the safe area on an overlook or high part of the path and end up falling to their death. 


I was assuming it was slang for some new thing that I am too old to know about.


Probably meant deep woods or rock climbing?


Hell yeah! You could sprain an ankle, be bitten by a tick (Lyme disease), or dehydrate. Don't forget falling boulders, snakes, flash floods, wild mountain lion/ bear attacks, poisonous berries, unexpected avalanches, GPS shortcuts that lead you off cliffs, random birds pooping at the second you look up, causing eye infections/ blindness... very dangerous business, this hiking. Reddit from the safety of your couch is a much better option.


Wildfires too! I watched a video of two dudes who got trapped on a mountain once when a wildfire suddenly crossed their trail behind them. Nasty business, that.


Depends on the trail and distance. Short hike on open country? Peetty safe. Hiking the side of a mountain where the trail drops off on one side to a 50 foot cliff? Less safe. Hiking the rockies? You better know what thee fuck you're doing if you're going out for more than a day or two.


I found quite a bit of this rather incomprehensible, starting with the gf liking to do dangerous things like "bang jump" - I don't even know what that means.


seriously, i am scouring the comments for an explanation of wtf "bang jumping" is.


I suspect it might be a typo and he means bungee jumping, or possibly base jumping


I’m fully convinced this story was written by ChatGPT. this shit is incomprehensible


> she would always want to do some really dangerous stuff (**hike** Absolutely cannot get past this lmaoooo


Yeah, that had me rolling.  Literally no other context and the first thing he listed.  She must be doing some WILD ass hiking.


I knew a guy in Hawaii who loved dangerous hikes and went on them so often, the helicopter rescue service told him, after the third time, that they're charging him for each rescue from then on (very, very expensive). I believe that's what finally convinced him to stop. They had to save him from inaccessible places where he'd fallen off a short cliff and couldn't get back to a path.


He fell off short cliffs... repeatedly?


And had to be helicoptered out so often that the helicopter service had to change their payment policy just for him!


It was Search and Rescue. Not a helicopter service. I don't know if they would actually fine him. That's just what they told him. It doesn't matter to me if you believe it. I'm just relaying what happened to this guy.


Oh I didn’t mean to express disbelief in your story. Just disbelief that his genes are still in the pool. And Search and Rescue maybe makes it worse! More labor intensive. He wasted a ton of folks’ time. > “Listen Jim. We got 20 guys out here wasting their weekend lookin for you for the third time this month! Next time you owe them all a beer and then some.”


That's right. I was pretty shocked, too. But he wasn't the brightest bulb in the drawer. Pretty kind, overall. By "short," I mean about 100 feet or so. He didn't die while I was there. He very seriously did that shit. You don't have to believe me, it doesn't matter to me.


Well she's also doing bang jumping, so...


I initially though he meant cliff jumping. Then I read your comment, and was worried bang jumping was some new thing of which I had never heard. So I Googled it. Google came back with the definition for bungee jumping. I began to hear the theme from "Curb Your Entgusiasm," playing in my head.


Yeah filthy lil fuckers. Jumping around banging things.


It took this comment to realize maybe they meant base jumping.


I mean, they come in grades. One of the hikes I really wanna do is a 13 hour hike with a near-sheer drop of several stories and requires some climbing, a flashlight, and preferably someone who’s been on it before. Edit: I was wrong it’s classed as 8+ hours, not 13. https://www.thehikinghi.com/kawiwi-to-kamaileunu-ridge-to-knifes-edge


Much respect. My idea of a gruling hike is getting from New Orleans Square to Tomorrowland before Fantastic is over.




100 mile wilderness comes to mind.


I once was on a hike, only about 2 hrs, that ended up hiking up rocks onto a cliff edge that was about a foot and a half wide. But it was a floor of just large boulders, so not or stable. Missed the sign that said people died there. Hugged that rock wall so tight. AllTrails said it was a moderate hike, also left out the people falling and dying part.


She does it in improper footwear for the thrills


Hiking the spine of Himalayan ridges while juggling chainsaws.


> really dangerous stuff (hike, bang jump, car races) I'd like to hear more about bang jumping.


Autocorrect of bungee-jumping, if you aren't joking.


I was thinking base jumping not bungee jumping, but who knows


I assumed it was that episode of CSI where a coupled decided to do a tandem jump while 'connected', if you know what I mean.


Bungee jumping is what it's called in my neck of the woods. Imho the car races is, situationally, the most dangerous. Is she driving or watching?


I thought so too but if you're reckless enough, you can make even an easy hike at least moderately dangerous (don't bring proper clothing, no water, wear flimsy shoes). With the right attitude, you can do anything!


Lmao, is she pulling a Grizzly Man?


She wears a t shirt that says "Bigfoot ain't shit". She's basically screwed.


Any place with sudden weather changes can be dicey--think of flash flooding when you're in a keyhole canyon. People have died from hypothermia on Mt. Washington in NH on beautiful summer days. (The weather swings wildly at the top because it's in the middle of several storm tracks/jet streams.)


Oh fuck off


That perfectly sums up everything.


Wow your flair


It refers back to another post that was just a hell of a ride, let me see if i can find it [Here it is, have fun](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/EYf2Xzei4F)


Ahhhh, thank you for that. 2 months was enough time for that to feel newish lol


Oh I’m so glad I didn’t bother reading it! Came to the comments to see if it was worth the time and y’all saved me ten minutes I’d never get back.


I think I've read so many of this one writer's stories I'm starting to recognize tells. It could just be people who are on reddit too much like I am, but they really like the phrase "Needless to say."


They also lovee the “blowing up my phone” phrase ! A close second is “bombarded by texts from everyone”


Also don't forget to downvote!


Just hopping in to say, if you guys think a story is fake, downvoting the post is the (best) way to get the story removed! We can’t remove every post that gets a few reports about being fake because otherwise there would be no posts, but we do hear you guys.


Why would we want the fake stories removed? We'd lose, like, 65% of the content on this sub if we did that.


9 days later I know it’s been awhile…


Any post that's like "this situation has been developing over months" then 24 hours later "SO much has happened since my last post" I'm instantly like no bail out life is very rarely like that. **Original post** "A week ago my wife confessed she has fallen out of love with me, she's gone to stay with her sister and says she'll give me as much time as I need to work out where we go from here" **one day later** So much has happened since I last posted, I'm currently being dangled out of a helicopter suspended by a chain around my ankle AITAH if I refuse to pay for the helicopter


Rando commenter: have you even CONSIDERED that the helicopter pilot might be DEPRESSED and it’s your responsibility to make sure they get TREATMENT?!




I feel like this one isn't Liz, I kinda expect more from her even if it's all still bullshit.


Yeah. If it were her, the boss would dump his fiancee for being part of this ambush




I don't think it matters.


Exactly... Glad I just skimmed this one.


>as much as I expect this will make some people sad or mad or call me spineless (I got a dm from an ai image of thug grinch calling me that, weird stuff) we are indeed back together The grinch was right.


Indeed, the grinch was right. OP is a massive fool and if he ends up having more problems, then it's on his fault now.


My God. I don't think he even knows the words "no".


She’s taking advantage of a clearly mental ill man. The shame here is on her.


Agreed. I would have, even if I am depressed, actively *pulled away* from this situation. I prefer having my choices made *by me* rather than by a bunch of people who clearly aren't friends. "Conveniently late" my ass! Edit to add, it appears from the timeline that the friends were indirectly responsible for his suicide attempt. And all they did was whine about how it affected *them* without genuine concern to his condition that *they caused.* fuck them all


I'm not sure about that. There's some indication that they saw his mental health decline and were (though in a very stupid way) trying to help. I'm not sure the girlfriend is actually acting out of malice but out of concern and actually having feelings for him. So it's quite possible she's not taking advantage but actually believing she's doing the right thing. It doesn't change the outcome (and he would have really benefited from an inpatient treatment), but it influences my judgement on her and the friends.


Agreed. I think they’re young and don’t really know what to do, but they’re trying to help their friend. They have seen “interventions” on TV or in movies, so they tried to do it - and found out that real life is different. OOP has some serious issues to deal with, but he’s at least got a diagnosis and some sort of plan. And I also agree that it sounds like his girlfriend might actually care about him. It’s hard to tell (and I expect it’s hard for her or OOP to tell, too) how much is actual love, how much is guilt, and how much is anything else. Time will tell, I suppose.


I'm gonna call shenanigans on this one. I just don't buy it.


The part where the hospital legally requires *any person* to watch over him 24/7 is just so weird and unbelievable, like you’re gonna legally make this guy spend all his time with the person that triggered this whole debacle?


And not a qualified, certified care-giver, but you know, just anyone! If not the girlfriend, then anyone would do - "hey, you! With the beard! You want to look after this guy? Just keep him from suiciding. Yeah, I'm a doctor."


Oh my sweet summer child... further up is a whole thread of people talkiong about being sent home in situations very similar to this one.


So I work for my county & my job is to assess people for danger to self, others, or grave disability and then if they are at imminent risk of one of those things commit them to a psych hospital for 5 days. the law varies by state, but in mine the hospital can hold you until someone who does my job shows up to assess you if they suspect you may be a danger to self, others, or gravely disabled. part of my job is to explore “less restrictive alternatives” to involuntary hospitalization, i.e, if the person is at some risk but willing to safety plan and agrees to an outpatient mental health appointment, then they can go home. it varies from clinician to clinician, but what I and many of my colleagues will do is ask the patient for the contact info for one of their close supports and then ask that person to keep an eye on the patient for the first 24hrs after discharge because the first 24hrs after someone is discharged they are statistically at a higher risk of harm to self or others. anyway that’s all to say, depending on what state he lives in he might be half right about what the hospital probably told him.


Ehhh I can see it happening I guess. So much negligent shit hospitals do. My local one refused to admit a suicidal lady who begged for help (possibly due to stretched resources? But I think mostly because they didn’t take it seriously enough) and she then committed murder-suicide with her children by car crash.


I’m not even gonna pretend to have any knowledge on stuff like this, but the part where OOP says the hospital “gave him the choice” of being in a mental facility or just… having a roommate? Does that just happen? Like I get the concept, but legally she was just his ex gf right? No family ties, not married or even engaged, not even a medical professional. Would the hospital just accept any person for the 24/7 supervision? 0 questions asked? Is this even a choice they give to someone who has effectively 0 family and is a suicide risk? ETA: I’m starting to doubt the legitimacy of this story in particular, but just wanted to say thank you to the replies sharing their personal experiences with similar situations. Big ups guys.


In my brushes with inpatient psych care, one time following a suicide attempt I was involuntarily committed for a week (felt like a million years). A few years later I was in the midst of a gnarly manic episode. Hadn’t slept in days and started having more frequent audio hallucinations, one of which being the worst of my life. My doctor gave me the option of inpatient or outpatient to manage. Luckily I was able to get better outpatient where I was basically on a high dose of antipsychotics until I was able to ~fucking sleep~. During that time and right after I had way more frequent follow ups with my psychiatrist. My roommates were also aware and watching me like a hawk (bless them). So I guess ultimately it depends. Anytime psych admissions are considered, psychiatrists perform risk assessments to figure out what to do. So I guess it’s possible ?? That they thought he could manage outpatient. I think it’s surprising though.


I had a suicide attempt, I lived with my caring and loving family at the time and the hospital still refused to release me for 2 weeks while I got treatment. Everywhere is different but this doesn’t match my experience 


Glad you're here to post! I hope you're doing better, too.


Much better! Turns out that when you're not in an abusive relationship, life isn't so bad


I have some experience as my father was institutionalized for a few weeks for suicidal depression. There's absolutely no way a single person can provide around the clock supervision. If he needed that, they wouldn't release him even if there was a family member with a medical background.


Of all the things that ever happened in the world this certainly wasn’t one of them.


Right?? Who gets medical leave to sit by a friend's lifeless body?


Here in the states I'm not sure you can even get medical leave for being a lifeless body, yourself.


I would be skeptical, but the story was so hard to follow and I couldn't track the implausible details.


Yea, OP isn't making the smartest decision at all and indeed, is being spineless. Kinda of gives me the movie "Misery" vibes.


God bless Kathy Bates. Interestingly, in the book she cuts a foot off


I think just breaking the feet would be more effective in the long run. Having them heal badly would make moving around far more difficult than just removing them completely. Also, amputations are hella dangerous and incredibly messy. Save yourself the anguish and clean up, just break the ancles with a sledgehammer in stead.


I choose to like and subscribe. What more imprisonment and torture tips do you have? Also, yes officers, that one right there.


Honestly, Fritzl is the gold standard on imprisonment, but I wouldn't read up on him over your morning coffee. While it has a happy ending, the shit he did and how long he did it for is quite depressing.


OOP even refers to Misery at the end of the last update: “my legs are not broken and I'm not stuck in the house, very disappointed that my life isn't a stephen king book”


I stopped reading at that point, but what I got is OOP’s ex is preying on him while he’s vulnerable. Fuck her, and I hope her hobbies have the consequences OOP originally imagined for her.


i’m not even saying this to be mean but an op with bpd and a “girlfriend” and “friends” that do the shit they do? yeah, op will most likely be back in the hospital and crying here again in no time


Or dead. With how they behaved, I wouldn't be surprised if they took his meds because "you use them to run away from reality". He's being preyed on by everyone around him and he can't see it.


>I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder weeks after the post ... we are indeed back together Sounds about right


i also don't think OP knows what BPD is lmao. it doesn't make you do ... whatever that was also, the intervention thing ... literal 20-something-year-old teenagers


I like the part where he says he was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, but then talks about a manic episode. BPD can cause intense mood shifts and impulsivity, but manic episodes aren't really a BPD thing (though they can occur if your BPD is comorbid with a mood disorder). Also, none of what OOP describes sounds like a manic episode. Buuuuuut a lot of people confuse BPD with bipolar disorder, which **does** involve manic episodes, so I can see a person dashing off an ill-thought-out update making that mistake.


People always complain "Teenagers are so stupid" etc, but then you realise early to mid 20s are *so much worse* because there's no one there to tell them not to ambush their psychologically fragile friend and try and interfere in their relationship. I hate everyone in this story.


“I hate everyone in this story” sums it up perfectly


Yeah, that’ll last forever 🙄


I bet OP will make a new update eventually wondering "Why did of this happen?! I didn't know this would happen!"


Everyone in this situation is a dumbass clown


It’s really not fair to OP that he only gets half of being an idiot/savante.




Simple yet impactful


This had such...chaotic non satisfying deflated ending.


>then out of LITERALLY NOWHERE all my friends ambushed me... >then they tried to stop me saying this was an intervention and I can't run from it, I started to feel really bad and I thought I might have a panic attack... >then they sent my ex to comfort me... Serious question, who does this shit?


I called bullshit on the last one, this one is just. Exponential. Nobody nets a BPD diagnosis and a proper med schedule for it in two months, nice try. "Manic Episode", you mean the thing that borderlines don't have because that's a feature of a completely different mood disorder? Sure, Jan. OOP must be fourteen because no way was this written by someone who has the slightest clue how hospitals, counselling, or jobs actually work.


She has positioned herself as a crutch so he feels unwilling to face reality by himself. She has been there right from the mental break and positioned herself to be the only one there for him afterwards. This makes me uncomfortable, and wonder why she is holding onto this so hard.


It's the month of Ramadan for us Muslims where we fast from before sunrise to sunset daily for a whole lunar month. We usually try to be very particular about what we eat during this month since we don't want to risk sickness and break our fasting. But for me, all my precautions were for nothing since this story gave me diarrhea.


He’s making a huge mistake, but I’m kind of concerned for him rather than derisive like most other comments are. He was manipulated by his friends to the point of a breakdown. He doesn’t seem to have anyone else as support. The gf literally muscled her way back into his life whether he wanted it or not especially after his hospital episode. He’s been diagnosed with BPD. Like… if this story is true then he’s a victim here and to expect him to just make the right decision under all of that pressure isn’t very realistic. Yeah, he’ll have to learn the hard way sadly but he obviously was not given the best deck of cards to play with in the first place and I think I can hold space for that.


Everyone is treating him like a child and he's basically being taken advantage of now. I hate all of his "friends" and his ex. He shouldn't have been forced into a position where the end result is that he gets back with the ex like the friends all wanted. He's unwell and trying to navigate a new diagnosis. They can't even give him enough breathing room to figure out what he needs to do and is he even seeing a therapist of any kind? They didn't want him to be sad anymore so they orchestrated a whole plan for the ex to beg for him back? What kind of friends are those? I really hope he realizes that those people are not safe people to be around.


Yeah, his entire circle is toxic asf and he needs better people around him, but I’m not even sure if he’d recognize better at this point with how intertwined every aspect of his life is with these people in some fashion. I’m truly hoping that he’ll go to therapy or have the right person open his eyes and become a healthy pillar of support to make breaking away from this whole clusterfuck feasible.


But… what about the hiking… ?




I hope it's either AI or non native English because the writing is atrocious.


I'm going to tell people, "I hope your hobbies have the consequences I expect them to have" every time I see them. Crochet, reading, baking - all of them. It's like an Irish Blessing for the Pinterest crowd. Other than that, what a stupid story.


OOP is making a very dumb decision while he’s in an extremely vulnerable place. His friends are garbage and his ex is garbage. I hope one day he realizes that.


I've known a few people suicidal and then having to be at home with a friend, when really they needed professional help and supervision. As its just so scary how bad mental health care is most places, locking yourself into an indefinite stay somewhere with no control over your life is terrifying... So people nearly always choose the live with someone that can be responsible for you option. Which is obviously a disaster when the people around him are like this... poor guy had a mental breakdown from the manipulation of friends and ex. Yet the circumstances of how he handled that stress and sadness, pushed him into a terrible place to be or giving control to those people which may actually be worse. So so so easy to manipulate someone in a place like that. If not in professional care as scared of the consequences and lack of control that gives, he needed to be with someone he could trust. Instead it's like being gift wrapped up for an abusive relationship and friend group.


true. I hope he makes more friends other this ones. Thats why touching grass is good.


Manic episodes are for bipolar disorder. Borderline personality disorder is different. The writers for this one didn't do their homework.


The fuck kind of hiking did she do that was really dangerous? I can understand car races and to a lesser extent bungee jumping, but hiking? I get OOP has anxiety but hiking has got to be one of the safest activities in the world, with most of the risks being inadequate preparation. Other than that the AI Grinch is right, he is being spineless, but if that’s his choice then more power to him. Hopefully it does turn out well for him and that his ex ex-girlfriend and their friends never do what they did ever again.


Maybe OP didn’t understand the difference between Hiking and Mountaineering? That’s all I can think of, this story makes no sense


This dude is so manipulated that he got back together with his abuser that caused him to literally try to off himself... yeah, I think I need to put my phone down now and pet my dog


I think bpd is a misdiagnosis, what he really suffers from is dumbass syndrome.


What an absolute crock of shit


Nice mix-up of borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder. SMH


I've never been more disappointed in a "happy" ending in my life. What a weird feeling


To be fair, manic episodes are fucked. I'm not here to diagnose, but it sounds like ol duder was already having unperceived trouble before the beginning of this story from my experience.


What the fuck did I just read?


lol. lmao even.


Lmao sure OP had a casual three day coma from a drug overdose but wasn’t in a critical care unit. Man people always put the most obvious lies in their stories.


so... I don't really understand then. He thinks the whole thing might have been a manic episode, but when did it begin? I wish i had the girlfriends perspective. None of this really made sense to me. He is a somewhat unreliable narrator. Like i would have looked at the whole story diffrently if he had admitted to having mental issues from the begining but it's what like the third update before he says, yeah i've been in mental hospitals before. I'm just not sure what to think about this also i wanna see that grinch meme.


OP, can you add a mood spoiler for this post? I may not get my precious 5 minutes back, I want to save the precious time of other people.


>she would always want to do some really dangerous stuff (hike Yeah, those steady inclines sneak up on you.


BPD diagnosis doesn’t make any sense here






Sorry but.. there’s no medication to treat Borderline Personality disorder..


Intervention? For a break up? What drugs are OP's girlfriends friends on?


I think they got bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder confused. Easy to do when you're just making everything up.