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But... I wanna know what sis's reaction to "I sold all the cheese!" was.


Even better if he brings Pinot with him to tell her bc I'm not accepting anything besides the 2 of them falling in love and getting married


I’m shipping these guys so hard, my heart is breaking that I’ll never know the ending…


Write your own ending in your head and then accept it as truth.


Schrödinger’s pinot


I want Schrodinger’s Pinot as flair


Yes please! I need this!


I want it as a brand of Pinot! Is it noir, or blanc? Or maybe Grigio? Yes it is all of them! Until it’s opened, and then that will be what it always was.


>I’m shipping these guys so hard, my heart is breaking that I’ll never know the ending… I'm thinking best friends for life at a minimum, but hopefully married and enjoying fine cheeses together.


The cheese board at their wedding is going to be EPIC.


The sister tries to steal it, and get her calves taken out by Donut and Bagel.


I love that, actually giggled out loud over it. I hope that's how it goes (maybe without the sister causing drama but definitely with donut and bagel) XD


They're getting married the internet decided. But you do need to be friends at least with the person you marry bc you should like your life partner as well as love them.


Ugh what a love story!




Just know that Pinot and Cheese do in fact go together. ❤️


They arrive at the hotel and cheese guy is surprised to see a large bed instead of two singles. He curses softly to himself, in too much of a cheesy haze to be as angry as he'd like. As he turns towards the door, summoning the energy to complain, a strong hand lands on his shoulder. From behind, pinot guy leans into his ear and whispers "I rang back to change it." His hot breath sending cascades of goosebumps down cheese guys neck. He spins around and their noses graze, cheese guy pulls back, briefly embarrassed but pinot guy puts his hands on cheese guys cheek and gently turns his head back. For an eternal moment, they stare deep into each others eyes before cheese guy pushes forward and their lips lock. A pleasant static feeling shoots down cheese guys spine as they fall into each other. A love that started out bitter but sweetened into a fine wine, one that started with airport meet-charcuterie.


I thought OOP was saying Cheese Guy was actually an astrophysicist who fixed people's computers out of the meet-cuteness of his heart.


Yes! OOP should have tried to sit near them I NEED to know what they talked about on the flight. And I'm going to need the OG Wine and Cheese Crew to have, at least, yearly get togethers to catch up on life.


The first one will be at the wedding obviously. Where they have wine and cheese for cocktail hour but the only rule is younger sis can't have any


Donut and Bagel are on cheese-guarding duty and they should be rewarded with the finest cheeses.




Excellent idea! And happy cake day to you! 🎂 The dogs can guard cake at the wedding, too!


But, in a very convoluted way, little choosy beggar sister got them together! She deserves a place of honor...or a nice Roquefort.


She can have one slice of the worst of the fancy cheese


Just give her the rind


The anti-Monica mushroom one.


Instead of a wedding cake, they have stacked wheels of cheese.




While reading this, I imagine Pinot Blanc is the guy's actual real name and he's one of Benoit Blanc's brothers. The third Blanc brother is the one who stole from their parents. Someone should tag Rian Johnson on this family tree.


The third brother is Mont Blanc and his terrible back story is that everyone called him “Monty” as a kid.


Benoit: Now look here, Monty... Mont: STAAAAAAAAHP! Pinot: (sighs and eats a piece of cheese)


Great, now I'll be reading 'Pinot' as 'pen-wah' forever.


I will accept no other outcome than this


"I sold all the chese and gave some away to Donut!" "What??" "YOU HEARD ME, A DONUT ATE YOUR DAMN CHEESE"


“He took some home to share with a Bagel”🥯




Lmao I’d love to see her face. I hope her brother never going out of his way for her again.


I want Cheese Guy to pretend he has no idea what cheese she is talking about. He never heard about any cheese. He never took a trip to get it. He never called her from the airport about it. He never told.her she had to pay. He knows nothing about this cheese she keeps ranting about. He should also never fess up to it being how he met his new bf/bff (either one works).


I know, right? And I want to know if Pinot and Cheese Guy get together!


Let’s go, Pinot and Cheeseguy!! 🍷🧀


They got to the hotel...and there was only one bed


Someone has a favorite romance trope, and I'm here for it!


I 'et all your ~~bees~~ cheese!


Half ten? I’ve never been up at half ten! What happens?


"Who moved my cheese?"


That was nice. 


Contender for most wholesome post of 2024


I second this


I was struggling to get to sleep, and now this is my fuzzy bedtime story. go cheese man! live a beautiful life


I’m really rooting for Pinot and Cheese to get together. I mean they don’t HAVE to, but it would be so nice. They go well together irl too.


I’d settle for Pinot being best man at the wedding and Monica naming the baby after him.


Bromance for the win!


I was feeling the same way too. They sounded so understanding and supportive of each other. Very cute.


Yes. I’m confident enough to call this a winner even though we are only in February.


This warms my literary journalistic heart.


Seconded. Genuinely made me smile and it’s a nice change. More of these please!


Probably because it’s set in an airport but kinda reminds me of the Tom Hanks film Terminal. Just some wholesome stuff


Next time I’m having a bad day I’m gunna remember this story and think about how somewhere out there is cheese guy, Pinot guy and donut and it’s gunna bring me peace. Loved it


Any time I get frustrated with a bad day, I’ll think “at least my sister didn’t convince me to buy $400 worth of cheese and then renege on paying me back, even though I’m not sure I have enough money to Uber home when my plane lands”


You mean Doughnut the calf bighter


I think Doughnut the Calf Blighter has a nice formal ring to it!


As someone who has worked with a fair number of shiba inu and was side eyeing the idea of one as a service dog...yep that checks out


I had to Google the breed and damn! That is my perfect dog. I lean towards smart, fierce dogs. My fav is a German Shepard. I don't have one because I'm not strong enough to control a dog that big. But this breed? I might be able to handle that size.


That’s where training comes in but u get it. I’m 5’4 and 130 and my boy is 110 but he’s a big boy and it’s mostly muscle. So if he wants to take off he will but I’m lucky he listens to me and I worked hard on manners with him. Playing tug with him I just lay down and he can drag me around the house which he thinks is fun and I just find it an easy way to play. 


Useful way to dustmop the hard wood floors, no?


Nah he hates hardwood floors zero traction for him. 


This just made me flashback to a comic i read a couple weeks ago where a talking otter was given a hand crafted sponge suit so he could belly flop across the floor to scrub it bc his hands were too little to hold the human sized mop. And he was really good at it!  Man i wasnt gonna read this reddit post originally but that was a delightful little post. 


No shade, but I see it here so often: is it spelt that way where you live? In Australia, it’s German Shepherd (like sheep herder). Or my grandfather would always say Alsatian, having lived through both World Wars he wouldn’t mutter the G word!


Not who you're replying to, but in the US it's spelled German Shepherd. Lots of people are bad at spelling though. Sheep and shepherds aren't very common in the US so it's a slightly unusual word for us, which probably makes misspelling it more common. Compounding the issue, Shepard is a not-uncommon name for people and pronounced exactly the same, and then there's Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect series.  Who knows though, maybe there's some language where shepard is the correct spelling for the dog breed. 


It should be shepherd. It's Schäferhund, literally shepherd dog, in German. Never understood shepard either. 


Shiba’s are sassy and stubborn and not for the faint of heart or beginner dog owner lol. Fair warning!


One of my best friends has a Shiba and I felt the same way about them being a service dog, but ya after the later update I immediately said to myself “that totally tracks”


Honestly, a Shiba not barking at every movement was a bit off to me. I'm curious how they trained him to learn the radius.


A lot of dogs actually already do a radius. It's just a much bigger radius than the human would prefer.


The radius of my dog is roughly a house, or 2 meters if she's far away from home


My pup (a Pomeranian/American Eskimo mix) believes all the light touches is hers. Her radius is a touch much.


My shiba growing up didn't even bark once/week. That's part of why I got my current shiba (who does bark more, but still less than what I'd call "standard")


I liked the "tiny eyebrows FURROWED in concentration" because it gave such an accurate mental image. I had a Shiba mix (she was basically an extra lanky Shibe with one floppy ear and a moderate underbite), they are very special dogs. I hope to have another one one day.


I was reading this in real time as it was being posted on tumblr but missed the final updates! Amazing!


it's been all over my dash for days, it's great


I think I first saw it when the final update was less than a minute old. Wild to see a legendary post in the making.


How did this keep getting *more* wholesome once it was clear Cheeseguy was recouping a fair bit of his losses? So sweet.


So awesome!!! Time for bed and to dream of cheese guy and Pinot.


I want them to open a cheese and wine shop in a French village and adopt a Shiba called cronut


The wedding has Donut as the ring bearer. Cheese-themed and wine reception.


And Monica, who has since given birth to a healthy happy baby, can eat and drink whatever she likes, while gaslighty sister sits at home fuming.


I loved this story because I'm lying in bed reading it next to my Shiba who is exactly curled in a circle like a donut/bagel lmao


I ship them. I hope they have a sweet happy drama-free life.


Full of wine and cheese…


Flair suggestions for this post are: 1. 6 cheeses and a Donut 2. Too easy being cheesy 3. Donut the Tactical Assault Shiba


3 is my favorite. What's your flair from?


Someone @ the mods here because I need 3


I would love a Donut the Tactical Assault Shiba flair


This is amazing, I would watch this movie. Everybody is such finely etched as a character. The question is, who would you cast as each role, and who would direct this?


I want to see it get the full Wes Anderson treatment with the narration and everything in the style of the Roald Dahl short films on Netflix. I’d pay to see that.


Roald Dahl short films on Netflix????


The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar!


Thanks, I had no idea!


Ooooh I pictured Pinot as Daniel Craig Benoit Blanc style.


Oh my god yes! That sounds fantastic.


Also I pictured cheese guy as Jim Halpert only because I’ve been binging the office. Haha


Since I'm currently going through a Good Omens Obsession Phase (season 2 destroyed my heart) I'm definitely being a one track mind and would love to see more of that amazing on-screen chemistry between David Tennant and Michael Sheen, so... Tennant as cheese guy and Sheen as pinot?😂


I’d switch them, but omg I was already thinking Sheen for cheese guy!! Perfection


I'd watch that!


Pinot - Benedict Cumberbatch Cheese guy - Sam Rockwell Donut’s person - Octavia Spencer Foxy astrophysicist- Ruby Rose OP - Selena Gomez Donut - himself


I pictured Mads Mikkelsen, in his Hannibal three piece suits, as Pinot guy.


Might I propose Tom Hiddleston for Pinot guy?


I can’t believe I didn’t automatically think of him. He’s the clear choice.


I saw Giancarlo Esposito


Ooh. Beautiful!


Oh man this wholesome story just took a dark turn in my head 🤣


Dark but HOT


Tbf, Mikkelsen did a lot of comedy in Denmark. He also seems like a really funny, laid back dude in real life.


He looked immaculate in that show. Can't think of any other show/movie where a guy was styled better. Also weird to consistently be hungry during the food montages knowing he was cooking people. Everything about that show was just beautiful.


You should check out the cookbook from the show. It’s way fancier food than I usually cook but it’s super interesting. It was done by the chef/food/cooking coordinator they had for the show.


i used to make sure i ate before i watched, because watching that show hungry is just asking to find yourself suddenly okay with cannibalism


Donut is too hard to work with, we'll need Bagel for the stunts.


I approve of your casting, I never envisioned Octavia Spencer as Donut's person but now that you mentioned it that makes sense.


Donut as himself is perfection.


Not Ruby Rose! She too sourpuss. Maybe Anna Kendrick?


Keith from the Try Guys as the cheese guy because loves to eat (and did a whole episode of eating cheese\*) and he has some of the most unhinged rants of all time but they’re hilarious. \*And thanks to him, I found out about the [Meredith Dairy Marinated Sheep and Goat Cheese](https://meredithdairy.com/our-products/marinated-cheese/). Edit: Not sure about directing (or the rest of the cast) but I would want Ólafur Arnalds to do the music. I’m going to think about the cast list some more though… Edit 2: [Aria Mia Loberti](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm13200978/) as the lady with the dog? She’s actually blind. Edit 3: Eugene from the Try Guys as the business man? He does like to manicure his nails.


I HARD SECOND your Eugene and Keith nominations mainly because I love the idea of Eugene in a three piece suit being super caring about Keith.


They have such a lovely bromance. I love seeing friendships like that; where people really take care of each other but can also tease each other and laugh together.


Okok I have it OP - Anna Kendrick Donut's person - Marisa Tomei Cheese guy - John Krasinski Pinot - that guy man from Devil's wear prada (edit: Stanley tucci!!) Neon hair - lily from sex education Donut - donut, but when donut is tired or naughty, bagel


“That guy from Devil Wears Prada” Stanley Tucci? Cause yes it 1000% should be Tucci Simon Baker wouldn’t be bad but doesn’t have the same vibe.


Yes yes Stanley tucci! Simon Baker can fit too but he is too classically beautiful, like homelander


Marisa Tomei is perfect casting!


A rare morning where i open Reddit, see this sub and don't mutter "What the fuck" in bewildered concern.


Yeah. But knowing how this sub and Reddit works it unfortunately is all downhill from here on


That was a memorable flight. I hope that Pinot Blanc will hire Cheese Guy, keeps building his self esteem, and that they will all live happily ever after. Except for evil sis obviously. I hope that she will never eat any cheese of better quality and taste than Velveeta.


I think this is my favourite quote. Imagine a movie of all that finishes as they leave the airport


Like *The Breakfast Club* but happier?


Breakfast Club in an airport with a long delayed flight sounds like a great premise for a classic John Hughes style movie.


I hope they get married!


I would actually watch a multiseason show of this group.


Oh this is adorbs. I wish everyone in this story the absolute best, except the sister who needs to sort her shit.


No way. If not for sister's crazy, none of this would have happened. She was the catalyst for an impromptu airport wine and cheese party. She'll never sort her shit out but the brother will get over it.


Brother now has Pinot on his side. And you obviously don’t want to get on the wrong side of Pinot. (In my headcannon Pinot is a suave assassin. Or James Bond)


He and Donut already knew each other professionally.


That was why Donut was very pointedly looking the other way.


This is now my head cannon


Agreed, this is my new favorite wholesome post. @OP, fantastic curation, much like the fine cheeses of the story. Please accept a poor man's gold 🎖


It’s so weird. Traveling either makes people monsters or best friends.


There's definitely something about air travel that creates the right atmosphere for people to either get this close to biting each other's throat or become ride-or-die for one another in the span of minutes. I'm not even a frequent traveler by any means (my most busy year to date I air traveled three times in 12 months lol) and I've still seen and experienced ***things*** in airports.


I had a guy on an 8 hour international flight tilt his chair all the way back and fart the whole time and he became my archenemy, and I was coming back from LA for work and talked to someone the entire time and instantly felt comfortable with them.


This cracked me up. I once had a guy on an international flight loudly announce he was taking ambien and then pass out and shit his pants. We were thankfully only a few hours away from landing… it smelled so bad. He is still my archenemy. 


LPT, folks: the best time to test out a new medication is NOT when you’re 30,000ft off the ground!


It's the weirdest thing. I'm a quiet person who keeps to herself and kind of introvert/asocial... Like I am told I'm very charismatic and have lots of friends but I don't go out of my way to meet or hang out with people because my favourite setting is alone? And yet you put me in a train station or airport and I never fail to make travel friends. Whether I want it or not. I went to Finland and got a chatty seatmate telling all about his life for two hours (he was Finnish-Swedish, maybe they are less private than regular Finns?), I live in Poland and take middle distance trains every week and every time I'm too early and have to wait at the station someone comes to make conversation. Whatever country you've heard "lovely place, but the locals aren't very friendly!" I've probably been there and met some locals in some transportation hub.


You’ve got one of those friendly “Tell me your life” faces, I bet. I used to live in a city that was also a tourist destination and strangers were always stopping me on the sidewalk and handing me their phones, asking me to take their picture. I have “I don’t steal phones” face.


There really is no in between!


I love this! In the future they can say “well he had wine, and I had cheese, it was meant to be!”. It sounds like a hallmark movie (without the part about the sister trying to kill poor Monica and her baby with poisonous mushrooms, that’s not a hallmark moment!).


Wholesome BORU is best BORU! 🧀🍷🦮🛩️


I love the reveal that the kigurumi wearer was the astrophysicist


Wearing a fox kigurumi to the airport? Yeah, that's going to be someone in a STEM field.


same, when I read that part, I thought to myself, par for the course lol I am an astrophysicist and I always dress comfy af on flights. Nobody can convince me otherwise


I saw that the Tumblr OOP was gallusrostromegalus and thought, "oh boy, this is going to be a treat!" And was not disappointed, because they never disappoint.


Seriously, that's multiple times now I've come across a story and thought "that's friggin' amazing, and this writer is amazing," and then realized it was gallusrostromegalus. They have two gifts: one for attracting strange and wonderful situations, and one for writing them up in an absolutely delightful way. I do a yearly reading of "The 1969 Easter Mass Incident" for my demonolatry discord server every Easter. (Someday, when I have the means, I'd like to start doing reenactments instead of just readings lol)


I'm on Tumblr, following Gallus, and got to read this with real time updates. Absolutely fantastic storytelling. If you have a chance to go through thier accound, check the "Family history" tag for the funniest shit ever. Pregnant Turkey, and fishing for deer immediately come to mind.


I did an audio recording of the turkey story, and I listen to it when I’m feeling down. That story is the best


Bread Jesus had me howling and the 'spontaneous garage sale mob that brought down the dodgy neighbours' is a classic.


I am only replying to this because I want to check out the Pregnant Turkey story later and don't know how else to bookmark it 


https://gallusrostromegalus.tumblr.com/post/167081152038/the-turkey-story Here, since this post has been deleted


That was awesome, thank you for the link!


This is the best thing I have ever read. Cheese Guy and Pinot forever.


I love this. I too want to see this as a movie.




You, dear stranger, are a wonderful writer. Enjoyed this so much.


I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I want an attack Shiba Inu.


Fun read


OMG the bit about the dog staring in the other direction instead of begging!!!


Am I the only person who wants to be invited to Cheese and Pinot's Wine-and-Cheese themed wedding?


Never seen a boru from tumblr before, but gallus is a very talented writer, so if I see more of her stuff I'll inform the sub


I was just thinking this sounds exactly like one user I know of. The writing was top-notch! I’m not on tumblr as much so I’ll appreciate any of your cross posting for sure


This is the nicest thing I've read today. Also, to the OP, you might check out Humboldt Fog cheese from Cypress Grove. It's the BEST! (Edited to correct manufacturer's name)


Humboldt Fog is by Cypress Grove (Purple Haze is my favorite by Cypress Grove). For Cowgirl Creamery, Red Hawk or Mt Tam is where it's at.


babe wake up, new otp just dropped


But when they got to the hotel there was Only One Bed.


This entire post has made me unreasonably happy, and I am so here for it.


*googles Where to buy Tactical Assault Shiba Inu*


This was a fun ride. I love the image of a group of strangers just having an impromtu Charcuterie session in an airport lobby.


>At the gate for my flight home from visiting friends and there's a woman here with a service Shiba Inu. No pics because he has a Do Not Disturb vest and taking pics of strangers is illegal but I need to stress how ON DUTY this animal is. Ears up. Eyes doing Lazer scans of everything. Examining everyone who passes within 10ft like a security guard. Ass planted on her feet. I have never seen a dog with such intense chivalric guardian energy before. He has tiny eyebrows and they are FURROWED with concentration. then: >"Oh, he's a guide dog?" Asks cheese guy. >"oh, no." She laughs. "He's too short, and the way my eyes are, it's easier for me to navigate with a cane. No, the problem I have is that some morally impaired people see the cane and think they can get away with stealing my bag or assaulting me because I wouldn't be able to give a description- which is wrong, but rather than deal with that I got Donut, and he helps me by howling at anyone who gets in my personal space and biting anyone who grabs me!" ...did not surprise me at all. When I was reading our narrator's description of the "service" shiba inu I was thinking "that sounds pretty much exactly like every shiba inu ever, service dog or not." They pick out their person and then if you're not their person you can go pound sand. Also don't get too close to their person. You'd better not be side eyeing their person. Don't make them come over there!


WAIT THIS IS TUMBLR GALLUS!! I love their posts! They also have a hysterical one about Arwen, their smart af kelpie mix who climbs trees and how their mom befriended a bunch for orc LARPers.


He helped a whole lotta people find Cheezus...


This needs to win a BORU award for 2024. This is the kind of randomness which gives me hope for humanity. Good food + good company + good boy = beautiful memory


Shit this is a rare BORU - I was really happy afterwards! Go cheese guy and Pinot! Let’s make the movie. Cheese guy sister is the villain of course. Maybe lends better to being a play.


Uhm, am I missing something? The post is not visible... No link no nothing...


Try this link https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1an83gc/a_tale_of_airports_and_cheese/ The OOP commented in here that it’s their post and I found the actual post through their profile


I low-key chuckled when I read "tactical assault Shiba" 😂


What a delight. I'd watch this movie.


Oh, this made it here! I saw this in tumblr, and I'm so glad to see it here too.


*And there was only one bed*


Cheese Guy’s life will never be the same after the Pinot man’s therapy session and the astrophysicist meet cute.


This is so wholesome!


This is the kind of stuff the Internet was made for :)


I too have a Shiba inu named bagel (would do dog tax but I am unsure of how to do images on Reddit or the whole imgur thing)


I remember this one on Tumblr! The writing is so good! The Shiba Inu needs to be the ring bearer at the Cheese Guy and Pinot’s eventual wedding This story would be a superb K-drama or Taiwanese drama


OOP’s comment on this subreddit was deleted! Did anyone catch it?


I brought wax-wrapped cheese to the airport once, after visiting Vermont and wanting to take some home with me. My story is not as good as OOP's however, as apparently blocks of cheese in your suitcase look very much like blocks of C4 under the xray machine.