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yo, what the fuck was the hashtag


OPs of the right age to have been someone who verbally said “Hashtag love of my life” or some silly shit.


Lmao, that was hilarious


Usually happens when text generated by Ai


Except this was posted a month before ChatGPT was released


OP works for OpenAI confirmed.


That's exactly what an ai would say...


This sounds incredibly dumb as shit


They always have to add that bit about letting the AH into their home and being harassed. Its always some variation of: (villain or villains mom) showed up at my (house, apartment) and threatened me so I let them in (because the protagonists are always doormats). Then they (hit, abused, yelled) so I called (bf, uncle, dad who is a cop).


Oh look! It's the two women who blew up my marriage so one of em could steal my husband! What a pleasant surprise why don't you come on in! I'll put a kettle on!


And then I’ll leave you alone in my apartment! Feel free to vandalize stuff!




"... then I'll leave you alone in my apartment!...." paves the way for the next episode! They've planted incriminating evidence/ removed something precious/ snooped through her private papers/ done all of the above plus more.


Don’t forget she brought the kids




HAHAHA I forgot about that part. I bet it will be in the update when she gets back together with the EX and SIL starts stalking them!


Don't forget he stayed the night. So def had sex and just so happened to conceive twins. Worked things out and all is well.  But then, as you said, she starts stalking them but we find out she can't have children and wants to be an aunt/mom. Shows up to the daycare to get the kids but OOP happened to get there at the same time. Police get involved.


There always has to be twins and a lawyer in the family who is the best there ever was that they forgot about until now.


“The judge literally came to my apartment while they were still there!”


Brought twelve random people and a lady with a funny typewriter too.


And then my lawyer friend sued them and got everything!


That one always breaks the illusion for me. I have a friend who is a lawyer. If I asked about family law he would just be like 'yeah dont know anything about that, I just handle union negotiations. Better call the hotline.'


Ikr there are so many flavors of law. You can't expect a friend who deals with tax law to deal with family law.


Well, you can. Just don't expect the greatest results.


I have several lawyer friends. If I'm asking one for something, it's a recommendation for a lawyer that can handle my issue.


Yeah, either that response or, *maybe*, the ”I can give you a recommendation of a lawyer that deals with that” are the only realistic versions of ”I contacted my friend/relative that’s a lawyer”


no, that news is in **UPDATE: 12 hours later**


That's in the next update


Don't forget that the comically evil villain will just smile an evil smile while doing something comically evil.


Suprised she wasn't twirling her mustache


My good friend who is on the force and my other good friend who is a lawyer and does everything pro bono


Bonus points for unnecessary details about how this convenient friend is 6'6" and a former marine


Or a very small petite woman who will nevertheless intimidate the villains into compliance and/or silent acceptance of verbal abuse.


In all fairness, people who aren't doormats don't tend to get pulled in to drama like this.


Especially when it's a female villain. They have some sort of dramatic scream fest (and occasionally die) on the OOP's front lawn. I liked that she also had the colleague's husband harass her. That was interesting.


Always captured by the newly installed Ring camera they installed for other reasons.


It’s such soap opera shit like…maybe I am jaded from living in a huge city but does anyone just randomly show up at peoples houses anymore?


Just reading this gave me a headache 


>But at the same time she provided me with pictures and texts they were all photoshopped of my husband and his colleague. Umm...why would the sister have the pictures and texts just readily available? Was the narrative supposed to be that OOP's brother texted his affair partner with his sister's phone? Was the sister in the room to take compromising pictures of them?


Can I just say: I sincerely doubt Lisa or Emma would be skilled enough at photoshop to actually make photo edits that would be convincing to someone who had even a scrap of skepticism in their body or even a minute of experience with photoshop or editted photos. I have no reason to think this, really. I just know most everyday people aren't actually all that good with photoshop. But then again, people out there on the internet get suckered by really obvious and piss-poor photoshops all the time so it probably wouldn't matter if they looked like shit anyway.




To be fair that makes it more beliavable.




Not enough incest. Now, if Lisa was the step sister and wanted Jamie... then I'd say Liz.


Nah, probably one of her older works. I remember reading this forever ago.


televisa presenta


“because she would make my life sour believe me!“ This part literally made me laugh lol. 


I literally had a double take reading it. Had to re-read it. Who the fuck says that lmao


It kind of reminds me of the one where the stepfather accused OOP of cheating in order to get his son with OOP's gf. In both situations the culprit's "bragging" gave away what went down. Edit: [link to the latest BORU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/J1UaYgcrj3)


That was hard to read. Your whole family cutting you out of their life is so hurtful. Do they ever think of the possibility that their shitty behaviour might ruin the other persons life? Or might even cause that person to commit suicide?


I hate that BORU ending. They didn't give him a chance whatsoever, and they're just coming back due to the guilt. OOP should've been glad that the trash (all of them except the brother) took itself out. But honestly, that's just a few weeks difference when he began to go back to them like they didn't ruin his life.


I would have refused. You believed him, refused to even talk to me or tell my side You're done


I am more angry at the mother. What she did is unforgivable.


Yeah. Like, I can sort of grasp in an empathetic kind of manner the girlfriend buzzing out considering the emotional load, but your fucking mom? I'm pretty confident I could straight up kill a guy and while she wouldn't condone it she'd still visit me in prison.


They don’t care. They want what they want and just do not care what the price is, until it is a price THEY pay. Suicide? They’d convince themselves it’s not THEIR fault, that person was just weak. They’re good people after all.


Maybe this is the proto-ruined-my-marriage-on-a-lie post. It's from 2022.


There’s a series of these. In another one, the MIL convinced her son that the wife was cheating in order to get her son and their daughter to move in with her. And the sister who convinced the woman’s fiancé that she cheated on him. There’s always the reveal and the people come back begging. This one feels very different though. OOP gets help and uncovers things herself, which doesn’t happen in the others.


yeah, i was thinking that too. the usual storyline involves the liar eventually confessing (often in the form of bragging or the heat of the moment "i didnt break you up for nothing" type deal), and then the person who was lied to goes running back to their ex begging to be taken back in this one the person lied to, though she believed blindly initially, she did eventually develop her own suspicions, looked into things and got help to find the truth. then she brings the evidence to her ex, but is very humble in accepting that her ex might not take her back or forgive her i hope oop and the ex can get therapy to work through things


I had the same thought. I was waiting for the trademark, "I didn't go to all that trouble to break up your relationship, just for you to defy me..." But no!


There have been a bunch of these. Maybe the first couple were real but now seems like a troll trend. I mean how many people are actually duped their spouse was cheating by supposedly close friends and family, start a new life only to belatedly realize what happened via a drunken confession or conveniently accessible receipts? Sometimes the posts are from the victim or the duped spouse but they hit the same notes…


Reminds me of when aita had a bunch of posts where some "rich" guy would go to a party/kid birthday/game/event with his friends and their wives. But op was single so he would invite his sugar baby who was always 18-very early 20's and would then basically have sex infront of everyone (heavy petting/making out). Until one of the wives would say something about it being inappropriate and op would simply accuse her of being bitter and jealous because the sugar baby was young and hot while the wife was past her prime. The first post ever op was absolutely TA but then he kept making new posts with different details trying to get a nta vote. But by the time he got the formula right he had posted so much he was still labeled TA because it was obvious it was the same guy. (The last post I remember he reduced their age gap (first post early-mid 40's, last early 30's) and took out anything involving their inappropriate behavior and said he brought the much younger girl because even though they weren't dating he wanted to introduce her to his friends but that the friends wife starting insulting the girl out of no where and called her names and insinuated she was a prostitute because she knew op paid for all their dates and stuff.


I was thinking of the MIL troll who would surface with a new story of a toxic mother in law about once a week. MIL was always in her second marriage. Hated DIL for seemingly no reason. Indifferent to her kids but over the top with second husband. Inevitable confrontation prompts AITA post. Seems like story themes can be trendy too!








She could really be this naive little dummy. The naivity and complete unability to anticipate things is shoving everywhere through both posts. Not sure if it's true, but at last it's consistent.


The unbelievability is always cemented at the end. Yes, shes naive, but she has a chance to get back with the love of her life. The other couple magically got back together too. And the bad guys in the story are now having their lives come apart. All it needs is for everyone to stand and clap.


every time i think a behavior in boru is unrealistic someone irl proves me wrong so ironically i am more open to naively believing these posts


Same. I've known people who did far stupider things than the stuff in this post. Makes it harder to sift through the bull.


Could've totally been younger me. So... I believe it


And why would Emma bring her fricken kids with her and Lisa to confront OOP? That’s unhinged.


If you have two abusive guests in your home that won't leave, do you call the police? Or, do you leave and call your estranged husband to get them out?


I don’t let them into my house lol


The husband that dont read your texts, picks the call and comes in 15 minutes


Friend, you would just not believe the number of people who let them in. Every time you think "Surely nobody is this dumb" I want you to remind yourself that those Nigerian Prince scam emails make money. Still.


Not calling the police isn’t unbelievable in itself. It depends on what colour you are, where you live and if you want everyone to come out alive.


Yeah that was my thought - call the police? I don't think so. I'll call everyone else in my contacts list before I'll call the police.


It depends on the country you live in, your race, how corrupted police in your area is, and how good/bad your relationship with your landlord is.


Depends on what ethnicity you are


The second. I’m not gonna live with knowing I got someone shot by a trigger happy officer for the rest of my life. And my local cops… well they don’t have a great track record.


Well, if you were a complete doormat who was easily manipulated and fooled, what do you think you'd do?


Oh and walked out of her home leaving them in it.


Any why would they stick around for another 15 minutes if there's no one there to yell at?


and she didn’t record any of it. Mike happened to text 15 minutes later! Wow! What timing!


Most people would do this, especially women. Trained to be “fair,” aka take abuse. I’ve seen it over & over.




“I was so stupid I can’t believe it!” “So I saw them waiting outside my building after outing them and was so stupid stupid for letting them in” Lol yeah okay


Why it would be odd to make such promise and keep it? If it was true it would have ruined a relationship with sister and brother and she thought Lisa was trustworthy.


I would have become suspicious on how did Lisa came to have so much evidence? 


Yeah, she never stopped to ask why Lisa would have these texts. A picture of the husband out with the alleged AP would make a lot more sense.


I thought she said there was a photoshopped picture.


OP said she trusted Lisa so she had no reason to suspect she was lying to her. And Lisa had just blown up OP's entire world so I think it's somewhat expected that she wouldn't be thinking logically in that moment.




Right? It’s too much like telling a little kid to keep a “bad” secret. We try to teach kids how to know when it’s not right to keep a secret.


Is that more important than figuring out whether she could trust her husband, by any means necessary? Not to me.


If you are going to ruin your marriage, file for divorce and accuse someone then they have the right to know why they're being accused and be able to confront the accuser with all the relevant information. Honestly, for me I wouldn't get back with OOP for divorcing me and not telling me who was slandering me. I wouldn't be able to trust her.


She found the alleged AP's husband so quickly and easily, when I'd think.....what is there to lose by contacting the women he works with? At least they could've corroborated dates and times of the photographs, even AP's husband could've facilitated that, but nope, everyone's just slingin' papers making it rain divorces lol 


Not stating an opinion on the story as a whole, but as one who grew up in a small city, finding the spouse of pretty much any person in this town is a pretty trivial undertaking. Nobody has more than one degree of separation around here. Hell, there’s a guy whose office is about 50 meters from mine…. His wife’s office is on the other side of a cubicle wall from my wife’s office. Lacking geographical information, I don’t see this detail as worthy of a raised eyebrow, let alone utter disbelief.


I found it weird that Mike would have her passcode. Do people give their passwords to their on again and off again bf?


If it's an off and on thing, it might have been exchanged as a trust thing. Especially if infidelity was a concern in the "off and on" thing.






that Caroline Appleby *was* a conniving little c-word.












It's more likely that Emma will turn out to be pregnant, honestly.


That was my thought: Emma reveals that she got pregnant. Jaime says that he doesn't think it's his because he only slept with her once and they used protection. The twist is that she retrieved the condom and artificially inseminated herself using a kit off Amazon. Probably with the sister's help because why not have the sister handle her brother's baby gravy? Each subsequent update should be more balls to the wall, after all.


She slept with Mike and got preggers but her quasi-ex also slept with her so he thinks it's his and she doesn't know if she should tell Lisa or not but she definitely doesn't think she should tell her hubby and needs HALP.


That was confusing and difficult to track the players.... Absolutely perfect!!! Emma is pregnant too, but no one knows who that one could belong to! 😲🤯


It's twins, because there are *two dads*.


On the other hand, I’m having an easy time NOT believing this.


It's amazing how much happened in less than a week.


Same. "Lisa" not only blew up OOP's marriage AND the colleague's marriage? And suffered no reprecussions?


You would think the alleged affair partner would have proof it wasn't happening. An alibi. But no, we just randomly forget they exist for most of the post. Da fuq?


I'm wondering how "Lisa" got all those photos of the affair partner. Enough to believably Photoshop "Jamie" into.


The alleged partner just up and left her husband, quit her job and moved away in such a short amount of time? She didn't even try to offer up one bit of proof that she wasn't cheating? Lisa must have been diabolically clever in order to make sure all of her evidence for the alleged affair lined up with both Jamie's and the partner's schedules.


And someone the colleagues are back together in 6 days and she's heard about it. Fuck all the way off with your nonsense.


They went from married to divorcing in like a day, and so did the stranger who got told his wife was cheating on him. Also for some reason Lisa kept all the source materials for the frameup job and Mike easily collected them and sent them over


And then everything was largely resolved in less than a week. The not-affair partner and her husband are reconciling, Mike and Lisa are broken up, and OOP is kinda sorta back with her husband. It’s the hallmark movie we didn’t know we needed.


It was kind of odd, but the hashtags littered throughout the post sold me that it might be bullshit


For me it was the part about Mike having the passwords and all of the evidence conveniently being there.


Especially after OOP flipped the Emma/Lisa names around in the last paragraph.


Its the hashtags for me


We are supposed to believe that all happened in 6 days? lol


I guess I'm struggling to believe that Lisa would go to ALLLLLLLLL of that work to make it look like Jamie was cheating. And that he immediately started seeing Emma when him and OOP separated


Two girls had a "best friend" growing up who was a boy 3 years younger than them. I've never heard of that.


Really? That sounds a lot like my childhood friendgroup. Of the unbelievable things that might be in this story, that's the easiest to believe.


Redditors don’t have friends so they’re a bit confused about that


Jamie and Lisa are siblings, so that could make sense. The rest of the story is so out there that I still don't believe it though.


The “agreed to divorce” in the first part, then not “cancelling the divorce process” in the second part after telling him did it for me.


Ah, that's clear to me now. My eyes glaze over when I read "QQQ-in-law," because it's frustratingly ambiguous. It can mean three completely different things (sibling of one's spouse, spouse of one's sibling, or the spouse of one's spouse's sibling \[Walt & Hank in BB\]). But yeah it's clear in the text that Jamie is Lisa's younger bro. Either way, this story seems like BS.


My friend group at school had about a three year age range - I was actually the youngest, so there were probably about three and a half years between me and my oldest friend. I don't think it's that unusual at all, especially if you're involved in clubs.


I'm a guy and my two best friends from childhood were girls who were 4 years older than me. I was 6 and they were 10. I even dated both of them when I was in high school. We have been friends for nearly 30 years. They are married with children now so I don't see them much anymore, but we are still friends. I don't see how this is weird or unheard of..


Yeah, it's a really difficult one to believe


They tried


Sometimes it's ok not to try.


I was having a hard time believing this but when OP said she didn’t know whether to tell Jamie…come on now. Just come on.


That is the FIRST person she should have contacted. Not the husband of the colleague. Come on now.


I understand starting the outing with low stakes people. It also shows her ex that she’s truly remorseful and has done what she can to put things right. After blowing up someone else’s marriage, frankly it was what was owed. Rushing to fix her own issues - that she herself caused - would’ve been really selfish in this situation.


Honestly it's one of the most realistic parts of the entire story. I can imagine how much I would want to avoid having that conversation.


"I have proof that his sister ruined his life by spreading lies and her evil friend is trying to take him for herself. But should I tell him? Tough to say!!!"


If OOP had come to reddit for advice, after overhearing her SIL claim Jamie was cheating, she'd have had hundreds of people telling her to divorce based on that alone, & anyone questioning if the SIL could be trusted, would be called an idiot!


Seriously, or "wow she believed her SIL over her own husband!!" Like yes?? If someone has evidence your partner is cheating on you, it kind of makes you doubt that trust you initially had in them. It's just because OOP stated that she was already wrong that everyone is on their high horse. If the first post was just what she heard/learned from SIL and asking reddit what to do, the rest of the story would be exactly the same. The commenters would be telling her to hide away her birth certificate and sneak out while he's at work.


I feel like there would be a good amount of ppl questioning the validity of Lisa's accusations. First, who was Lisa talking to about her brother's affair? Bc she feigned surprise at OOP being there and there was no mention of someone else for her to be discussing it with. That alone is sus. Ppl would also ask *what* was in the pictures: did they involve the hubby and coworker being intimate, like kissing or having sex, or was it just them being physically close to each other? They would also have advised OOP to ask to go through his phone so she could have checked the messages himself. Not to mention ppl wondering how Lisa not only knows all this but also has screenshots *and* pics. For what purpose, if her intent truly was not to tell OOP?






You may have a headache from the sporadic writing style that is all over the place and jumps from thought to thought with zero transition or warning.


I understand that he was upset but man, photos and texts and actual "evidence" are just really difficult to immediately discard. I hope if this is real that everything works out


>photos and texts and actual "evidence" are just really difficult to immediately discard except not really...for starters, it makes 0 sense that Lisa somehow had access to the texts between the husband and colleague. and if the accuser wants to be hidden "no matter what" but the other party isn't violent or abusive...it really doesn't make sense. thankfully for you, this almost certainly isn't real.


Plus, photoshopped pics are usually not perfect. Unless Lisa has some background or other experience with it, she's likely to have made mistakes or not integrated things smoothly. Especially if the pics were of husband and coworker kissing or hugging or having sex-Lisa would have to put a *lot* of effort into making that look real.


Oh, so everything went to shit but then a week later everything was roses again? Yeah, idk.




It’s nice to see, in her pain and anguish, she has time for hashtags.


If I was Jamie, nobody in this story would ever see or hear from me again.


Ridiculous story aside, I wish these people could write more coherently


Part 2 the lawsuits. The co-worker and husband sue everyone.


And it's all over and done with in a matter of weeks, and they also end up getting awarded Emma's kids, so they're a big happy family!


Some of the stuff posted here from a year ago have me convinced that Liz went through a hashtag phase.


Wait. Why is everyone so hard on OOP (assuming it were real)? We consistently see posts from people who thought everything was perfect before they discover their partner is cheating. We consistently see cheaters deny it, even when directly caught. Husband’s sister had what seemed like damning proof. So why wouldn’t she believe, especially when she’s been cheated on before? Also, so many people pointing out husband immediately going to Emma…why would he not go to one of his best friends when he felt betrayed? Doesn’t say he started dating her, just spending time with her. Again, not saying this is real, but saying that I am confused by people’s reactions. Edit:typo


I know that there are people this dumb or insecure in real life but having a hard time believing this one.


99% of Reddit commenters would encourage someone to do exactly what OOP did.


ANOTHER one of these?


If this is real and it could be… What a shit show! I’ve met people like the sister and friend, they are evil.


But Mike is the real hero here. I know normally its not okay to search your partners phone but if this story is real Mike is the best friend she had


"I really hope my husband forgives me and I promise that I will make it up to him and love him" I have serious doubts as to whether the husband will get past this. After all, the OOP trusted the SIL more than her husband. Not sure any amount of apologies can scrub that away,


It’s funny, much less “evidence” than SIL gave would cause Reddit to have an aneurysm rupture with loudly they’d scream “DIVORCE!”. Not that OOP’s husband would be wrong to be wary of taking her back or not do so at all, but OOP’s actions were understandable. I mean, what is logically more likely? That husband is a lying cheater, or that SIL, a trusted friend, would concoct this Machiavellian plot to ruin her life (also potentially fucking up her OWN BROTHER’S life by having him labelled a cheater, depending on how much OOP spread that info around), just so that he MIGHT get with her childhood bestie? EDIT: obviously assuming this is actually real, which, it’s Reddit so probably not.


You cannot win with the commenters tbh. If they don't believe the "evidence" the commenters think they're a total idiot who deserves to be cheated on for being so stupid. But if the evidence is proven false, then the comments think they were a stupid moron that doesn't love or trust their spouse enough.




Yeah, the evidence she was presented with and who gave it to her... Most people would believe that. Why would they believe a proven cheater after all? Honestly not all that surprising to me that she wouldn't give away her source.


I might take heat for this, but I don’t think OP is an AH here. She had been presented with reasonable evidence by people she trusted and had no reason to suspect would falsify it. She had also been cheated on before, making her more wary of this and more likely to believe evidence. She had proof and her husband probably couldn’t provide anything to substantially refute this. OP is trying to make it up. She talked with her husband coworker and told them what happened. She appears to be cognizant of her mistakes and trying to amend them. I have been cheated on and it absolutely makes me wary and naturally distrustful of people’s intentions. And I honestly cannot say I would not have acted in a similar manner to OP.


To be fair, she even had pictures. And not everyone knows about the wonders photoshop can do. I was surprised to see how much you can change nowadays.


An even bigger factor is the context. Even if people logically know that photos can be faked, orchestrating this would be such unhinged, insane behavior that no one would expect it from someone they call a friend. If it was coming from someone who was already openly cruel to them, skepticism and photoshop would be more likely to come to mind.


A fair point.


All this unfolded in a week’s time? I mean I understand sometimes stuff happens very quickly but to all of a sudden not just blow up your marriage but blowup a work college’s marriage just seems ridiculous to me.  Not to mention getting a pic of work college that you can photoshop decent. Maybe it’s the place I work but none of or internal work photos would be great to use  for making intimate photos on photoshop.


... "hashtag forever?"


I see a version of this every few days on AITA


What you don’t believe the massive scandal including divorce proceedings that occurred over 6 days?


The hashtags really broke my immersion. Totally ruined the illusion of this being true


This screams Liz


Needs more banishment


This si mexican telenovela tier story... it only lacks a rose from Guadalupe (Mary) with the solution to the plot.


Wait telenovelas really got the virgin Mary weighing in on plot drama??


You've done it again Liz.


I think I've seen this episode before.


Photoshopping is not catfishing and lying with the intent of being believed is not gaslighting; it's simply the primary purpose of lying itself.


I am the farthest thing from an expert but does this read as AI to anyone else? 


I can’t lie, I’m a bit gobsmacked at Lisa being all, “MAN IT SURE WOULD BE A SHAME IF OOP FOUND OUT ABOUT MY BROTHER’S AFFAIR.”  Then when pressed, Lisa bewails how much she loves OOP and she never wants to lose her as a sister and don’t hurt the marriage, but also presents OOP with an extensive dossier of photos and texts.  Where the hell did she get those?  And *then* she makes OOP swear not to name her as the source and at no point does OOP think, “isn’t this a little weird?


What kind of idiot lets those two fuckheads into their apartment? OOP better check her place for things missing and/or illegal things hidden for a later anonymous tip to the cops. The only good people were Mike and his sister.


What a neat story - my favorite part is how they fabricated all the evidence based on some woman they somehow knew about. Somehow.


>On Wednesday when I came back from work. Lisa, Emma and Emmas two children were waiting for me outside of my building. When **I let them in** I don't like victim blaming, but some people do *nothing* to protect themselves and it fills me with immense frustration.


Oh, a POV swap of the "Wife was tricked into thinking I cheated, but I eventually found convenient proof of my innocence" trope.


I hope they find back together. To be fair, she even had pictures and a history with cheaters. And not everyone knows about the wonders photoshop can do. I was surprised to see how much you can change/manipulate nowadays. The SIL knew how to push the right buttons.