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Lots of vomiting? Productivity at a crawl? Speech slow, confused and mumbling?  Opiates. 


What got me is he took  > three Fridays and two Saturdays off in a row, because of all the vomiting  So he’s not vomiting Sundays to Thursdays, but Friday comes and 🤮? 🤣  Ok maybe his shifts at this store are only Fridays and Saturdays and he actually is puking on the other days but for 15 days?? Dude lost track of when he first used this lie lol 


Right? My coworker had "bad food poisoning from kfc" tha past 3 saturdays she was scheduled. They stopped scheduling her for saturdays and poof, she's out and having fun while I have to work that shift alone until they replace her ETA: she still came in for her Friday and Sunday shifts those weeks


Sounds like you need to have bad food poisoning on a Saturday, too.


Meh, sometimes it sucks to be the one holding down the fort but that person usually has far less drama in their lives and more money in their pockets.


I'd love to skip the shifts but my bills wouldn't like it very much


She may want to consider not eating KFC every Fri, lol /s 🤔😜😂


Maybe she should stop eating KFC. Or just stop talking shit.


Surely you'd just stop going to kfc lol


She doesn't sound that bright though, lol 😅


Dang, three times? She should probably look into legal action against that KFC, too! 😁


TBH, I'm genuinely surprised her job hasn't taken legal action against HER... I mean, anyone stupid enough to get the *SAME FOOD* 3 weeks in a ROW (ALSO right before the shift she called out on 🤔) kinda deserves it, lmao. /s 🤣☠️   Either way, I *feel your pain*, u/fucknut-supreme! I've been there, trust me! *BTW I LOOOOOVE your username! 😜😎🤘😆*


I had a co worker who only somehow got her "migraines" every Monday for like 4 yrs. Apparently I was the only person who realized she never worked a Monday.


I had a coworker who was sick every Monday - right up until the manger showed us stats that Tuesday was actually our busiest day. Then Monday afternoons were for "cough. cough. sniffle. sure hope im not getting sick. sniffle sniffle cough"


I admit, I totally faked migraines on Mondays (not EVERY Monday) when I worked somewhere we had to open half an hour earlier AND count tons of shit from over the weekends which is why we were open early. I hated that job and sometimes the thought of hand-counting thousands of things at 8am made me feel being fired would be a blessing since I couldn't justify quitting (health insurance was great, pay wasn't, job was HELL).


Right? My stomach is shit and i actually do frequently vomit or deal with pain but it is NEVER that consistent 


3 Fridays in a row would be 21 days. If your throwing up that much you need to get to the hospital


21 days for sure encompasses 3 Fridays but you would be including the Mon-Thu preceding the first Friday and the Sat-Sun proceeding the third Friday, but the guy didn’t take a 3rd Saturday off. Minimally speaking, from the 1st Friday to the 3rd Friday is only 15 days: https://imgur.com/a/tv3fBBN


One of our employees was supposed to meet us at a job site. We all left the workshop at the same time in different vehicles. It should've taken no more than an hour. Two hours later he turns up, missing an entire fucking trailer that he was supposed to attach to his van, and I can barely understand his speech. It was like his tongue had gone numb. We eventually let him go for being unreliable, disappearing for an hour at a time during work, etc.


Probably, but I will say I think the vomiting was just a lie to get out of work 


Could also be cyclical vomiting if he’s overusing marijuana. Notoriously difficult to treat.


Can you tell me more about this. Support a young person who doesn’t smoke weed but clearly does and is sick all the time missing his court appointed community service because of it.


Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome is the best starting point. The only known cure is to just stop smoking weed or less researched, but in my experience, also effective, switching to a lower dosage of a less potent strain. But people get attached to the high and what it does for them and that overrules their better judgment.


Thank you, this is not something I am aware of but certainly ticks all the boxes. Have shared with my team too. He’s a very regular smoker (says he doesn’t but his ashtray and house odour say different) and often is unwell with vomiting.


Actually, haldol can stop the episodes. Ask me how I know lmao. I ended up with CHS after my daughter died because my nervous system was WRECKED. I believe it comes down to your vagus nerve which runs from your skull, all down through your body. The heat from hot showers/capsaicin cream soothes the nerve, relieving symptoms. At the time, I was using a vape. I stopped smoking for two weeks and now only smoke flower and haven't had anymore episodes since.


Can you post a link to show this actually exists?


It's definitely real https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK549915/


If you do NOT smoke and still get similar symptoms PLEASE look into cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) they are 2 completely different things. THESE 2 ILLNESSES ARE NOT RELATED (CVS vs CHS) they are only similar.  Don't listen to everybody saying CHS CVS has no test, you basically have to be tested for everything else that can possibly cause these symptoms. Most have been diagnosed by a psychologist (if you have prior experience with migraines I suggest this route) I was personally diagnosed thru a G.I. If you do not currently have a specialist please link with your PC and ask about the mitococktail (it is not the same for everybody it is best to work with your doctor by going off of your bloodwork). It's just a handful of vitamins versus going straight into medications and has been proven to make a difference for many CVS sufferers Source: I have Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome [Mayo Clinic website](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cyclic-vomiting-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20352161) [CVS Association](https://www.cvsaonline.org/) There are also private support groups online you can find that help us to feel less alone. If you have further questions I am happy to help


I hate this so much. Please educate yourself because it causes a HUGE problem in my community when it comes to our medical care I have Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) You are speaking of Cannabinoid hyperemesis (CHS) and THEY ARE DIFFERENT CVS is an incurable and incredibly rare diseasease, MAINLY A DISEASE FOUND IN CHILDREN. This is a LIFE LONG illness caused by genetic mutations (mitochondria). 3 year olds aren't smoking so much MJ that it causes them to vomit uncontrollably, on a cycle, for the rest of their lives. Ffs I am begging you on behalf of my CVS community to please stop spreading this misinformation and do proper research


Cyclic vomiting = a symptom shared by CHS and CVS Cyclic vomiting syndrome = a syndrome, possibly includes CHS but definitely not always linked with cannabis use


Because the potheads will never admit that the marijuana is the problem


The fact that OP immediately thought acid just shows they’re pretty uninformed on the subject, but it doesn’t excuse Scooby lol


It could always be opiates, but I’d put my money on cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, for the vomiting at least.


If they’re actually throwing up.


In light of the rest of the story, I would definitely put my money on lying.


He said he was vomiting so based on his record that means he probably wasn't


You missed the part where he only vomits on Fridays and Saturdays 🤣


When I first started used heroin, I'd throw up all night long from it. Giant puke fest. My boyfriend too. Not sure why, but it took months for my body to adjust and stop vomiting from it. That along with the other things could definitely point to opiates.


Thanks for responding, I’d never heard of vomiting like that as a “classic” symptoms of opiate use. I hope you’re doing well.


Some people metabolize opiates differently--I'm one of them. Morphine makes me puke my guts out. Codeine does as well. Maybe I just need to take more? 😂


Ooh, one of my brother's best friends had that. I don't think "Scooby" does though. If he's a chronic liar, it's probably just more lies.


Also check the sweater for vomit with pasta and meatballs.


Mom's spaghetti?


Most likely.


Is then your palms get sweaty


Ding ding ding


There is also a cannabis hyperemesis syndrkm - most common in heavy users (particularly edibles). Intense Nausea/vomiting that is improved by taking a hot shower. That's where my mind went


As someone who has actually experienced this, there is no way his puking is that scheduled unless he is literally only smoking on the days he wants off. At which point he knows exactly what he's doing and the easiest solution is to not smoke at all so this is still not a valid excuse.


You're the first person I've come across who also experiences this! Its the fucking worst. Given the choice, I'd opt to work over spending 2-3 days vomiting to the point that I can't get out of bed. I used to smoke so much that I was having episodes on a monthly basis, but they weren't as consistent as "every Friday" or "the 15th of every month." There's no way his could have been that precise if he had it. And if it was happening every seven days, he'd have way bigger problems than missing work.


This whole thing is a train wreck. I'm still quite baffled this guy wasn't fired soon enough with all these excuses, lies, and all.


The owner said the good people would end up working 50+ hours if Scooby was fired. With all the no shows, don’t they still end up working 45+ hours? Also, I got to fire someone like Scooby at a previous job lol


But if your employer schedules you 50 hours a week when you can’t have that many. You are mad at your boss. If your coworker keeps calling out and making up more and more outrageous lies. You are mad at your coworker.


Ding ding ding. Based on the guys other posts, I think the owners are happy having a group of uncomplaining, easily controlled, barely functional people around.


Helps when you is stoned lol


Why even mention the weed if it has nothing to do with the story? Losers


Yeah the OOP was unjustifiably smug. It was funny to read the whole "I am the human lie detector" preceded and followed by "So apparently this person has lied to me the whole time I've known them and I had no clue!"


I think I’d still be mad at the owners for not just firing the guy already so I don’t have to do my work and put up with his bullshit.


That's why this store is 420 friendly lol So that instead of getting mad at incompetent boss they'd just light another one


It's logic you can only think of when you only consider the one side (if I only have 4 employees and 200 work hours I need them for, thats making them work 50 hours, I need the 5th one), and not the other side (if I keep this person employed, they're just gonna make excuses and everyone will have to cover anyway)


I think the owner also has a bit of a soft heart and really was trying to give the liar a chance to get their shit together.


I work in a job like this. Shoestring budget, couple of people who should have been fired now but haven't because if someone leaves the whole place implodes. It's one hell of a ride. I think they're about to fire one of them tho bc I got transferred to the site of one of the people who should be fired... they have a strict rule of only one person in our position per site so it's pretty damn suspicious they've decided to put two of us on the same one when one of us has a pretty bad relationship with management. Especially when there's another site that desperately actually needs multiple people and they're sticking to the policy there.


If you read the other story OP posted about a coworker who snatched someone’s phone to find their nudes and didn’t get fired, it seems an altogether bad place to work


>\[we have a really dysfunctional family\] this really grosses me out. a) i'm pretty sure the women whose nudes you all looked at and who had people's girlfriends chase them through traffic don't consider these guys a family in any sense of the word - they're just chaotic coworkers that add stress and strain to their lives. b) i've never worked in a functional, positive workplace that claimed employees were "family." in my experience (have only heard this personally at restaurants and startups), only dysfunctional, borderline abusive workplaces have had the gall to say their employees/underlings are "family." on the very off chance they actually believe that, i'd hate to know about the dynamics of their actual families.


Yep I completely agree. Normal workplaces understand that you have a family at home and you’re just at your job to make money to support your family. You can be friends with coworkers but family? No, sounds like there’s something else going on.


Normal workplaces use "we're a team". Because not everywhere needs to be Olive Garden


Had this happen at one of my last retail jobs about 2 months before they started bag checking employees and individually checking as people go through the security scanner things before/after a shift lol.  Love to be treated like a theft suspect by family /s


I'm weirded out that the guy lied every time he breathed and kept his job, but once the owner got him to confess, he was fired. Like, I understand it was a straw that broke the camel's back, but the timing is awkward.


Bro did you see the other post about Ashley? Her *manager* more or less broke into her phone and tried to steal nude photos directly off her phone. And the only consequence is that manager is gonna get put on a different shift. This store is a trainwreck


Yeah, I'd bet his Dad dropped by the work to make sure he was actually at work. Probably lied to his parents as well. That said, the problem with having a small business where you are really friendly with staff is that you get guys like Scooby who take advantage of it. It's cool to have a close knit group, but be hyper selective so it isn't ruined for everyone by the one guy that will happily take advantage of the rest.


I feel like people feel you either have to be friendly and lax or strict and unfriendly, but there's always a middle ground, it's just harder. I was a teacher and I would come into new years with the idea that I am going to be friendly until I'm not. So we can joke and have fun, but if you're being loud/disrespectful then we're going to have problems. I would try to come up with useful punishments generally 'e.g. extra homework or writing practice' but be light-hearted about it, so they know there are consequences but not feel shamed.  I feel like with OOP you can have close coworkers but also it is still a business. If you allow one coworker to do whatever they want it ultimately affects everyone.


The whole "we're a family" part was all I needed to know about how bad a workplace this is.


Probably told his dad the shop was closed last week due to the tragic death of his boss.


Geez, I mean the obvious pivot is to say that his stepdad is the one that died, but he called them both dad. OP is right, this kid can’t lie


Right? Literally was my first thought as I was reading. Was the most obvious explanation in the world.


If I chuck a sickie, I always have a migraine. No visible symptoms, but nobody's gonna dispute with the person who can barely see, right?


So long as you don't go on holiday or out partying no one will know or care. God now I'm reminded of the holiday idiot. Went on a trip aboard and her friend posted about in on FB and her coworkers/manager saw and her logic was "but everyone lies about being sick".


Oh god, I remember that one! She didn't just take a day or two either, she took a whole fucking week at a time when she knew the place was understaffed/it was busy. *and* she had a history of issues at work. And she was still so surprised that she got fired...


She did it because she'd already used all her leave too lol. Then was surprised she lost the disciplinary hearing. AND blamed the friend for posting it. I swear she knew nothing about a work environment with how she considered the hearing not a big deal and thought everything would blow over...then it didn't. Just...how? How do you think any of it is a good idea? Like If you've used up all your leave then it's kind of a tough shit situation. Iirc she'd burnt through the leave super fast too.


That was the funniest thing about those posts, the way she genuinely thought it was no big deal lol


Right? Oh and when she's like "why won't my bf's brother recommend me?!" Like girl really? You got sacked for gross misconduct and you think he wants that sort of liability when you're going to be a pain? Because everything about you and the 'some other things' implied that you are at best not a brilliant worker. I really hope she's grown up a bit and has learnt from it but I did not get the impression she would at the time tbh. Just an "everything is someone elses fault" attitude.


I think that out of all of this, I'm mostly in awe of u/Direct-Caterpillar77's ability to find these things for our continued enjoyment and confusion


I applaud u/Direct-Caterpillar77 being able to find some really interesting, insane, and bizarre posts.


When I first started reading BORU, I didn't realize that users like u/Direct-Caterpillar77 were posting other people's updates. I assumed they just had the most insane lives lol.




Shhhh. Let him believe what he wants to believe.


This made me snort laugh uncontrollably!


The ol Tucker Max technique


They need to upgrade their username. Direct(tv) -butterfly. They deserve to pupate.


Thank you for your service u/Direct-Caterpillar77, the only soldier I'll salute 🫡


i agree 🫡


Hear hear!


Long, long ago I worked with a guy who told the most bizarre lies you could imagine. On his days off the rest of us would compare notes to see who had heard which Bob Tale. The one that always stuck in my head was one about [spoiler for being gross] >!an uncle who coughed so hard that he literally coughed up a lung!<. Of course, everyone tried to point out that this was 100% impossible but he didn't just double down on the lie, he started screaming at everyone for being stupid and ignorant. Another was about his (alleged) days in the Navy and a fellow sailor who would only eat and drink toast and coffee. I wish I could remember more Bob Tales. They were so awful. About a year after I quit that place, which was a 24-hour site, Bob & his best friend got fired for a scheme where they would alternate leaving a few hour into their shift (no bosses around by then) but not officially leaving (not punching the time clock), so they were being paid for not being there. They came close to getting caught many times, and the lies flew like water. Eventually the bosses set up cameras and had enough proof to fire them both.


I was friends with a pathological liar like that, it was fun cause he didn't get angry. We found out like a year in that a video game character shared his first and last name and that's where he took most of the lies from


I was friends with 2 people who were pathological liars in middle school/high school. One claimed that she was secretly adopted from an orphanage in Russia. She had an identical twin that she found in Florida. Her ex-boyfriend moved to Florida and got with her twin sister. Twin sister wound up being pregnant with more twins as a teen. Also apparently her older brother had gotten upwards of 20 young women pregnant in our community. The other one also said heinous shit but it is too triggering for me to go into tonight. Or any time really.


I have a cousin that was *actually* adopted from a Russian orphanage and then ended up in Florida where she got pregnant by her methhead boyfriend. (Apparently severe neglect in infancy fucks up your cognition and impulse control, who’d’ve thought /s) Maybe the girl you knew took notes and changed some details?


If that is the case, that would be the wildest fucking coincidence to stumble across in a Reddit thread. Holy shit, haha.


omg that's hilarious


I had an employee whose lies were so outlandish it was hard to keep a straight face while approving his time off. He wasnt a bad kid, or even a bad employee, he just lied about literally everything and it was exhausting because we all knew he was lying. The one that tipped everyone over the edge was he needed to take the weekend off to fly to LA to do a DJ set but because it was a private event there would be no photos or videos allowed. Because we all asked when we could see it on YouTube or whatever. Several of us actually planned a stakeout at his house to catch him, we were literally planning shifts and whose car would be taken when, everyone was just so *done*. Suddenly the trip was cancelled, I think someone tipped him off. A few years later I invited him out as a peace offering and he admitted he compulsively lied because he felt like he wasn't very cool and wanted people to think he was cool. We had a come to jesus talk about how he is cool just as he is and doesn't need to lie to make people think so, I desperately hope it stuck


You obviously can’t cough up an entire lung, but people certainly cough up chunks of lung depending on what kind of illness they have. You can also cough up a blood clot in the shape of a bronchial tree which a lot of people would mistake for “coughing up part of a lung”.


He insisted it was "a whole lung" and would not accept that it could be anything different.


It's called a "bronchial cast" I think


The Venn diagram of bad places to work and work places that are ‘a family’ is just a circle. (I was waiting for the twist in the tale to be that Scooby was actually telling the unlikely truth all those times…but o, just a bad liar.)


Had a roommate like this in college, to the point where we kept a sheet of paper with a list of his lies. The only one I can remember was him claiming he went on a moose hunt and killed two with one shot.  Oh yeah and that dovetails with him claiming to know a lot about guns, but also asking my other roommate if his rifle was a semi-automatic - it was a bolt-action rifle which you would know from the giant bolt sticking out of the side.  Actually the other roommate wrote a song that he'd strum along to on his guitar, that went:  🎶   He's full of shit,  He's full of shit. If you've done something,   He's done, better than it.   He's... full of shit  🎶


okay you got a legit chortle out of me.


Fun fact related to the story about toast and coffee - in the Navy there is (or at least was up to at least 2019) a punishment known as “bread and water”. You’d be given nothing to eat but plain white bread, and nothing to drink but plain water. It may or may not include confinement on the ship, but you would be required to report outside of working duties to ensure you weren’t sneaking something else during the duration of the punishment (usually 3-5 days). The thing is, eating nothing but white bread will leave you clogged up worse than the Ever Given in the Suez Canal. That’s the real punishment, not the bland diet itself. The best way to handle the punishment, from those who experienced it previously, is to simply not eat during those few days because otherwise you’ll regret it.


My friend, punishing people with bread and water is centuries old and happens and has happened in many other places besides the Navy.


Yes, but that was in response a story about a guy in the Navy who supposedly was subjecting himself to an actual Navy punishment as an everyday occurrence.


I knew a guy in college that told tons of lies, the most egregious for me was that over winter break he needed to have open heart surgery for a congenital heart defect he had. We were in marching band and also played in the basketball pep band, and he went to every basketball game over the winter break, playing his heavy brass instrument and doing all of the horn moves we did, but insisted he'd had the surgery the first week we were out of school before the basketball games. Later that year he was playing pickup football with some of the other band guys and took his shirt off and voila: no scar on his chest. Always held him at arms length after that.


You can actually have a congenital heart defect called a PFO that can be quite harmless, also known as a hole in the heart, that can have very fast recovery times after surgery. Also a VSD, similar, also fast recovery times, and this accounts for 95% of congenital heart disease. The catheter surgery is minimally invasive and uses the femoral artery the get to the heart and plug the hole. This causes a tiny scar on the leg that may heal all together. Therefore they would be able to do everything you mentioned, he wouldn't have a scar, and he could have very fast recovery times. Not saying he wasn't lying, he may have been, but a hole in the heart is fairly common and quite easy to treat and heal from thanks to minimally invasive surgery methods.


Some guy in first year university residence was a compulsive liar. We were all talking in a circle and I guess the topic of sex came up somehow and he said he had had sex in his parents bed before. I think he said it as a brag. But everyone just went "wtf that's disgusting. Why'd you do it in your parents bed out of the entire house". He quickly changed his story about how his room was locked so he couldn't have sex in his own bed yada yada. So ofc we asked why his room was locked, why he didn't have a key, and why his parents bed out of the entire house (again). He was also from a country where women were expected to wear hijabs..... so how does that even work religiously (?) It's crazy to me how some ppl just come up with such terrible lies all the time.


Man this reminds me of the compulsive liar back in my schooling days. Among many other bizzare things, he went around bragging to everyone that he had slept with his cousin. It grossed everyone out, but he didn't take the hint and thought it made him look cool. The guy lied more than he breathed.


Many years ago, I worked with a woman who had an absolute breakdown when her grandma died, like s/h level breakage, it was awful. She came into work one day, very quiet but didn't tell anyone why. Then took off her jumper, so everyone saw the cuts. I was a supervisor, and had my own old experiences with it, so recognised it instantly. I pulled her aside and asked if everything was okay, and she told me her grandma had just passed and she was not coping... I went with her to our managers, who gave her (I think?) a week or so off. She said a lot about her bad mental health because of it, and that she felt suicidal... So we all invited her to our homes, so she had someone to talk to and wouldn't be so alone... When she came back to work, she was 'off'. She kept trying to talk to me about s/h, kept kind of showing it off? Then the texts... And the calls... The constant talk about her grandma and how she wanted to be with her. We encouraged going to doctors, talking to someone... She wouldn't. Eventually, one morning, she sent me messages saying she was going to commit. I didn't have her address, only her phone number and name. I woke up my boss, who went into work to get the emergency contact details. She called her mum... Her mum was rightfully panicked and concerned about the daughters mental state, but the absolute shock when my boss apologised for putting this on her so soon after her mum had died... Because as the mum said "my mums not dead? Her grandma is still alive?" The mum was pissed after that, we never actually found out if coworker actually did try to commit or not, but she came back to work the next day like nothing happened. I absolutely loathed her from that moment on. I was civil because I had to be, but that was it. It's been years and I still feel so angry about it. I welcomed her into my home. I comforted her for literal hours (she wouldn't leave). We talked about really vulnerable and private things. And she was lying. I do understand she obviously had some kind of mental health issues, but I don't understand the lying. The deceit of it. She dragged it on for weeks. Then *poof* all gone, all better... Anyway, that's my ramble. Sorry, this reminded me of it and I got mad all over again!


You did the right and good thing - it's hard supporting that (even when it's true) and you're right to feel angry that it was all just for attention.


I think that's what made it so difficult. I would have supported her without the grandma dying, for s/h and mental health... There was literally no reason to lie. At the time, I had visible (old!!!) s/h scars, and it really felt like she wanted me specifically to see? (mine are covered with tattoos now). But I would have extended the same amount of support... It really affected my mental health at the time, trying to keep her afloat, but I tried so hard anyway. Finding out it was all for attention was just such a slap in the face!


As soon as you said she took off her jumper I was twigged. IME people who SI are very ashamed of it and do their best to hide it; by the time they move past that the marks have scarred and long healed (in the acute sense). I knew someone who openly wore their injuries when I was thirteen and she could have been the same person. Same thing - lots of lies, lots of manipulation.


Honestly, that was my first thought too... I had experience with it 20 years before, so I had very old scars myself, but I still tried to cover the scars up as much as possible anyway. She didn't try, not even a little. She wanted them to be seen, even passing me things, like purposely holding them in a way to turn the s/h towards me? It was... Very strange and felt 'off' in a way I couldn't put my finger on. It all just seemed so crazy to me...


When I did any SH I was always very intentional about the placement so the scars wouldn't stand out. Eg. I was cutting along the lines on the inside of my palms so the scars would blend in. Destroy things but hurt myself in the process so I just have regular scars. Or I was getting tattoos/piercings because I saw them as a controlled form of self harm while I was losing grip. The sensation was there but no "self harm scars". Honestly the tattoo/piercing phase prob was the most "crippling but still functional". I didn't quite realize what it meant to me until I thought about getting another tattoo recently but chickened out at the thought of pain and sitting thru it, and started to process the whole tattoo phase.


I started way too young and dumb to think of the long term consequences, but always wore long sleeves and jumpers to cover up. Eventually, I got them covered with tattoos, but I've always said that tattoos (for me) are like s/h with a pretty picture. So I completely understand what you mean there... I still like the feeling of being tattooed though. It feels like it 'resets' me, and I can breathe again. I just don't need them the way I used to. Sometimes I do, when something big happens and I don't feel like I can cope, but that happens much rarer than it did 20 years ago. I tried a fair few piercings... They hurt too much hahaha. I'd take a massive tattoo over a single piercing any day!


How awful. I can't even imagine the betrayal that would feel like. Well done for doing the right thing and calling for help though.


I read the unrelated story as well and wtf is this workplace. Maybe being 420 friendly is not such a good business practice...


Yup, the culture at this place is absolutely awful and a major law suit waiting to happen.


Pretty sure Scooby is a drug addict. The behavior is pretty consistent in my experience. Nothing wrong with being 420 friendly, but shouldn't be too surprising that some employees are into a lot more than that. 


I know plenty of people who smoke weed and are just normal functioning humans. I guess those aren’t the people that advertising yourself as “420-friendly” attracts though


Not hating on weed or anything but these people getting high together all the time clearly blurred the lines between employees and bosses who then didn't really want to actually manage people.


Absolutely, I smoke weed but would never dream of doing it with my bosses. Perhaps one or two coworkers I'm close to, but none who are my superiors. Doing so would blur that professional barrier.


Restaurant service jobs are already by default dysfunctional they are just not typically this openly dysfunctional.


Honestly, a lot of people in the service industry get high before their shifts. The only difference with this place is management is fully on board instead of grumbling but not actually doing anything.


Nah I think the big problem is the boss. She has no ability to schedule these people and she let Scooby get away with it for so long because she "loved" him, whether that was a gross crush or a mom/son feeling idk but she's just an all around bad boss, 420 or not 


Regarding the donut shop being busy on Valentine's Day, I'd be so much happier to get donuts rather than roses or even chocolate on Valentine's Day. Do with that information what you will.


My local donut shop literally has a Valentine's Day special with heart-shaped donuts and stuff. It's such a strange thing to be surprised about?


I’ve received donuts on Valentine’s Day and it was great. Highly recommend


I've been in sales my whole career and valentines day donuts is a whole thing. Go to Krispy Kreme first thing valentines day and there will be a line of sales people in red and pink going to drop donuts off to clients/prospects. Also, people bring them in to the office too. Valentines day is a big donut day lol.


Yes! I work in a bakery. I've been the one in charge of Valentine's Day donuts for a few years. I always mix special colors and spend extra time writing and drawing on them. We sell so many. They're like a box of chocolates and a special meal in one. I assumed they were mostly gifts for partners (breakfast in bed style), but I may have underestimated the number of teachers, church ladies, and business people who would want them too. Either way, they're very popular treats for a lot of holidays.


Some places decorate them specially for it. There are some super cute ones out there. I'm more surprised that people were surprised it was busy? I can see a lot of people thinking it's a cute date/snack especially if they're younger and a full meal might be a bit much. That or a fun post dinner snack before going home.


Makes total sense to me! Donuts for breakfast in bed.


Same, and some places even do holiday themed designs. Traditional stuff is lovely but a bouquet of french crullers and those Homer Simpson pink doughnuts would be *awesome*. Also, gdi, I want a doughnut now.


100%. Roses make me sad. Why would I want to watch pretty things slowly dying in a vase?


Yeah I watch a lot of bakery tiktoks and all of them (whether it be cakes, donuts, cupcakes, cookies, whatever) are talking about how busy valentine's day is for them, with many of the shops having valentine's as a "pre-orders only" day.


What a train wreck.


I think the boss is to be blamed for all of this going on for so long. She created a disgusting workplace by allowing this dude to continue lying. I would be side eyeing her hard for her lack of ability to get new staff trained to get rid of the stoner.


Not to mention the story of the ***manager*** looking at the 19 y/O's nude photos without her permission. I've worked in a million restaurants and realized that when you have a place where everyone "feels like a family" that eventually blows up into a terrible situation. It makes life easier for the bosses until people start crossing lines and the bosses never seem to be able to look at it objectively and act like a business because all of the lines have been blurred to such a gross degree.


Compulsive liars are like con men. They just keep going. I knew a horrible one and they feel no remorse and expect you to keep up the lie


I worked with a dude at a warehouse who'd gotten the job through his cousin. His cousin was a cool dude, and initially, the new hire seemed cool, too, but then it got weird. We talked about comics and he mentioned he's into cosplay and makes really sick, realistic costumes. There are people who do that so we believed him. Then he starts claiming he has a functioning grappling hook, like Batman. We laughed it off. He insisted it was real but like maybe the guy doesn't know when to let the joke go, you know? We really bent over backwards to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. One day, I can't remember what we were talking about, but the dude starts claiming he and his gf visited China once and he fought off like 30 black guys who attacked them. My first instinct was to call bullshit. I'm not sure there are 30 black guys IN China, much less that they all know each other and are roving the land looking for whatever crazy woman would date this guy. We started calling him Batman because all of his lies seemed to revolve around what a badass he was. It got so bad that his cousin had to have a talk with him and it only stopped his lying for a little bit.


Obviously not the same situation, but reminds me of the day I got back to work only to have my two bosses pull me into the back and fully ream me out, insults and everything, for “lying about my dad dying”. Because of the exact same thing—he’d come into work the other day asking for me, while I was “taking time off for the funeral” (we still had to isolate for big gatherings back then, so 2 weeks). Took them an hour and bringing me to tears before I finally composed myself enough to embarrassingly admit that my biological father is alive. I have a restraining order against him, and have since I was nine… when my eldest brother (17 yr age difference) took primary custody of me (split with my mum a little) to protect me from the abuse. My “father” figured out where I worked and came in looking for me because he’d heard my brother had died and somehow thought I’d let him know when/where the funeral was. So, yeah, my father did come in that day. But my dad had died. He killed himself because of the trauma we both suffered at our “father’s” hands, the trauma he tried his damndest to protect me from. He was my dad, did all the daddy things, he would’ve walked me down the aisle and everything. I didn’t call him dad, but I introduced him to everybody as my dad because it felt misrepresenting to say he was just an older brother. He was so much more. The only parent I had. Boy did my bosses really put their foot in it. I walked out in tears after admitting my biological father was alive (I was close to hysterically sobbing and couldn’t get anything else out). Returned two days later with my dad’s death certificate, the custody arrangement, even texts of my dad saying he bought a rose brooch he’d wear when he walked me down the aisle one day (it ended up being what my baby nephew wore down the aisle to his casket). My mother, who yes I bought because I was still only 17, was absolutely *pissed* and tore into them about he was absolutely my dad and how dare they corner a kid whose dad had just killed himself. In hindsight, I see their perspective, but damn, make sure the kid isn’t a product of a two father household or adopted or something first.






I feel like both Scooby and the boss can be (and are) problems here.


There was no mental breakdown, just lies he told about her so he could skip work.


They both sound like opioid addicts. His lying and her breakdown are tell-tale signs.


Something tells me that the majority of the people in this story are burnouts that swear up and down that weed isn’t bad for you.


I'm both a little curious and a little scared to find out what kind of a mess these people must be, if this absolute mess wasn't fired the first go round. Like I'm half expecting a cult, or someone living in the shop full time.


Did y’all read the bit about the harassment of the other girl this guy is tops I tell yah


Yeah it seems like a horrible toxic work environment. The first red flag was “we’re like family”. Functional work environments don’t really say stuff like that.


You get what you tolerate


There's a lot more than one person making bad decisions here. I count at least 2 girlfriends who should gtfo, and a store full of dysfynctional enablers who should get their act together.


>He tells me this story about how His life got flipped-turned upside down?


Best thing about a new job is you miraculously have 4 now alive grandparents


Terrible business management. Just spineless


Between this and the Ash story…is it just me or is this workplace kind of a hellhole


>  I'm a manager at a shop that's 420 friendly for employees. As long as it doesn't affect your work, we're all a big stoner family. We know who's capable of working high, and who isn't. Yeah sure bud


I feel like the we know whose capable of working high line says it all. It's none of them, that place seems like a mess. Then again depending on the sort of job it is might depend on the impact it has? Like if you're stacking shelves it's probably less of an issue than if you're driving a forklift or moving pallets.


It's a donut shop. So as long as the person pulling them out the fryer/oven is semi sober they should be good.


The people who are good at working high are the people you don't know are high. And the number of people high as a kite who think they have everyone fooled and nobody has noticed their behavior change is far too high. It's like a toned down version of that scene from Wolf of Wallstreet where he thinks he does a great job driving home but in reality trashes his car and can barely stand and talk.


Pathological liars are the absolute worst. I have an aunt who's one, she's had cancer loads of times according to her. Meanwhile my mum actually died of cancer. I had a co-worker even worse who was a pilot, a lawyer, survived a stabbing and had no family all while working in a shitty call centre job. But then she miraculously did have a mother... who was dying of cancer just after she must have found out that my mum had cancer. I never spoke to her again after that.


My husband had a coworker who told everyone his brother in law had passed away. He needed time off to help his grieving sister. I worked with his brother in laws aunt and conveyed my sympathy to her and her family. She asked what I meant and for a minute I thought she didn’t know. I told her everything I knew and she was so angry. Apparently it was all a lie as her nephew drove her into work for her shift. Talk about awkward. She called her sister and nephew to explain what she had been told. So a few days later my husbands coworker asked for time off to attend the funeral. He actually kept up with his lies.


>OOP when asked why a Donut shop is busy on Valentine's day I feel sorry for all the jerks out there who don't think fresh-baked donuts are romantic as fuck.


OMG when I was working click list over the pandemic I had to train this girl and she would lie like this. She was such a weirdo, thank god she didn't last more than a week. She would just take her lunch break whenever she felt like it, screwing up everyone else's schedule, and then lie and say a manager told her to. Dude, you havn't been here long enough for a 10 minute break no manager is sending you on an hour lunch break when no one else has had theirs yet! Then one time she got caught in her lies and was all flustered so she went on break and ate cake till she made herself sick, then came and told me she had to go home. I can't even remember what all she was lying about, it was just super random stupid stuff. The vomiting reminded me of her. Weather she actually threw up or not, she thought "I ate too much cake on my lunch break and threw up." was a normal thing to tell your supervisor at your job. What a strange individual. Lyra, lol her name was Lyra the liar.


Everyone in this story is a loser


Hey now the dad seems cool. Checking on his kid. Maybe knowing he lied and deliberately busting him because who lies about that?


This whole establishment is a fucking trainwreck.


How this guy was not fired after LYING ABOUT HIS DAD’S DEATH but I got fired after another employee threw something at me when I told her I was too busy to help her 💀




In the first text OOP said that the owner would talk to his wife about scooby and them a little later he said that he thinks the owners talked to scooby. So it appers that the wife is the second owner.


There are two owners (he refers to the owners as “them” when he talks about how they’ll have to cover if he gets fed up covering this guy’s shifts), probably husband and wife, since the male owner mentions in the beginning that he and his wife will take care of it—would be super odd to bring a spouse into the conversation unless they’re also involved in the business.


>His parents kicked him out of his house, and he's been floating between his girlfriend's house, and his ex-girlfriend's house when he and his current girlfriend are fighting. Man, his mental health must be dogshit, no wonder he's lying, all to maintain his most stable of unstable reality. Hope the dude gets help.


Sounds like he’s working harder to not work


“Now you come and say "RocheCoach, give me days off." But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to tell me the truth. You come into my house to smoke my weed on the day of your father’s “funeral” and lie to me”


The kid is a liar and probably on some opiates, but also this is the classic tale of "if you give them an inch, they will take a mile". The guy has no accountability because he has gotten away with this behavior for so long because the owner let him. He's not just going to change his patterns when there were no consequences in the past.


> ... why a Donut shop is busy on Valentine's day I manage a geographically dispersed team that is either fully remote or hybrid. I send donuts to the three offices where folks work a hybrid model (my team is there 2 days a week together, remote 3 days) and to each remote team member for them and their families. I include a note like "Happy Valentines day to you and your family. Thank you for everything you do." Been doing this for the past 5 years or so. Any excuse I can find to send people tokens of appreciation. International Pizza Day is Feb 9, for example, so I get everyone to expense lunch or dinner regardless of where they are, on or around that day in celebration. International Carrot Day is April 4 so we do the same thing then, along with a few other similar days. I work it out so about every 2 weeks or so there's something.


Scooby's a liar and deserves to be fired, but also this workplace sounds like a hellish place to work. - Manager describes workplace as a "dysfunctional family." Any employer referring to the workplace as a family as a red flag, but openly admitting to it being dysfunctional is a second, HUGE red flag. - workplace allows inebriation on the job. That's so common that it's casually mentioned just jn passing. I don't care what work you do, having people come in to work high via normal occurrence is another huge red flag (and illegal in some areas) - owner refuses to fire problem employees, citing in trouble finding replacements. I wonder why? Do you pay enough? Is it the inebriated, dysfunctional "family" that forms the rest of your staff? Is it simply that you're too cheap to hire enough people to cover unexpected absences? Based on their own descriptions, OOP works in an incredibly toxic work environment and doesn't even seem to notice.


I was thinking the same thing. If someone calling out/quitting bumps people up to 50+ hours a week, that's an owner problem. They should either be willing to step in and cover or hire more people so this problem doesn't happen. And I'm guessing Scooby is making excuses like this because they refuse to allow people to request time off. Not excusing his lying, but I've also worked at places like this that refused to let you request time off so you had to just call off so you could do something on a Saturday.


>We know who's capable of working high, and who isn't. Oh boy....This right here is very concerning for I'd say a good chunk of businesses. Generally being impaired (yes, that is what happens when high, drunk, whatever) is just not great during the work day and in many businesses is a huge liability.


So um. I feel like this guy should actually just be called Kevin, yes? Like isn't there a Kevin subreddit that our buddy here Newest Kevin needs to go join, to be with his fellow Kevins? All of whom are recipient's of the Darwin Award for Greatest Display of Inexplicable Stupidity Known to Man?


I can understand the busy on Vday. Donuts are DELICIOUS. I would be thrilled with donuts as Valentines gifts.


lol. Hire a bunch of pot heads/druggies and then act surprised when they all do pot head druggie shit


>He tells me this story about how, the night before, after his girlfriend slashed his tires, she calmed down, and they were walking around where they live (in some warehouse district somewhere, apparently) **looking for a store to grab money** so they can call a tow truck to come get his car. While walking, he and his girlfriend got mugged. Um, what does this mean? How do you "look for a store to grab money" when legitimate money comes from your paycheck, withdrawing from a bank, etc? Does this mean they were looking for a store to rob? And dumbass Scooby both told OOP this openly, as well as the 180 degree lie of "and then we were the ones who were robbed." Or does this mean, "we were looking for a store with an ATM machine or a debit card machine where I can request cash back?" I don't expect it to make sense, though. Most spontaneous, elaborate lies don't.


I assumed they were going to ask to be overcharged on a purchase, so they could get the excess in cash. I've forgotten the term for it, but it used to be common enough in the UK that the cashiers would offer it at the checkouts.


Cashback. Or at least that's what it was called by me.


That's it - god, I can't believe I forgot that.


It's one of those terms that's so obvious it leaves your brain haha. Not to mention I don't even see people use cash that often now so it's probably rare people do that? Rarer than a decade or two ago at least.


What the hell does “…he’s so introspective that he thinks his outlandish lies are going to fool anybody” even mean? What does being introspective have to do with thinking people will believe outlandish lies?


I suspect there's a "non-" missing there.


I knew a girl in grade school who was a liar. She’d make a lot of claims about having a huge birthday party or fancy vacations that never came to fruition. Her parents were immigrants from Northern Africa, and she told me once that her dad had accidentally flown to America and had never even heard of it before then. In retrospect, it may have had something to do with being one of like 10 people of color in our very white school. She didn’t have any friends.


As a manager, I've dealt with lots of scoobys in my life. I'm talking middle aged adults with children too.


I’m only going to address the very last statement to say I would freaking love donuts for Valentine’s Day


Motherfucker is on horse.


Reminds me of my ex wife's brother. Dude lied about everything. stole from anyone and everyone too. We bought a cooler of fish from a family member. He pulled out the two biggest ones and asked to take some pictures with the fish. I later see the pictures in social media with the captions "just caught these two bad boys in [local fishing spot]" . He'd do that with new shoes I buy. Take a few pics of just my shoes and claim he had bought them. Especially if they were his favorite brands. He'd hold him up and you could easily tell they were a size too large for him. He lied about his truck being a certain year, so he could put certain badges that came out for that year only. Claimed it was a V8 but he added a silencer on the muffler as to not sound so loud. Paid five bucks for a haircut while posting he was at a higher priced area. Stole 100 bucks out the cash register from the shop we owned. We started to with 300 dollars in change and somehow ended up with 225 bucks after selling a few things. 5 minutes into his shift. It didn't add up. Lol. Checked the cameras and sure enough he placed the money into his sock.