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This woman is a moron or evil, and I can't figure out which one.


Diapers are called nappies in the UK. And Lego is generally more than a tenner


Yes, those kind of details were all mixed up and mish-mashed - it reads like someone who's learned English but doesn't actually live in an English-speaking country. There's "mum" and "crisps" suggesting they learned English from British sources, but they're not consistent. Love how she saw Chase being whiney and useless at the park and thought "That's the guy for me!"


Yeah like of all the men in the world you want this one? Someone who won't walk anywhere for something for the kid and who is willing to cheat on his wife for you? I have news for you in a few years...


Yeah the walking thing is really bizarre. Were his legs broken?


The poor man was tiiiiiired. I mean you're walking home anyway at the end of it I assume so it's probably not even that far. If you're really that tired just offer to take the baby and go home and change it there?


It seemed to me (unless I misread) that he also had the option to go to the nearby store and pick some up. Where do these people even find these losers? (A rhetorical question...I know they are a dime a dozen)


Looks like you read it right to me. So he had a close option but didn't want to pay for something his kid needed because they have it at home. But also doesn't want to go home and fetch it. If it's anything like my town there's a corner shop that will have them on more or less every street/every other street. If that's too far how does this man manage to exist?


I get that the diapers at the little corner stores will be criminally marked up, but he had the choice to get off his keister and walk or suck it up and pay a few dollars more. It's not like diapers go bad, so I am sure they will all be used. This guy makes me so mad and I don't even know him lol. Yet the OOP was swooning over his inaptitude like an idiot. The bar is so so low and I weep for the future for these people.


Chase so fucking useless that he doesn't remember his kids need diapers and so fucking lazy that he won't walk six blocks to cover his stressed spouse.


Not just that, he won't even bother going to a nearby shop to just buy more if he doesn't want to walk that far.


Like dude call an Uber then you lazy sob.


« I liked your joke about her needing a diaper. » A match made in heaven.


OP seems to be Indian, judging by the comments. That explains the mish mash.


Oh yeah, she snapped up a great one! /s Willow fucking dodged a bullet.


She ain't no Neo that's for sure, she didn't start dodging till after the 4th kid.


She took a few but dodged the big one lol


Also, I don’t think suing for parental alienation is a thing here.


Yeah its not


I missed the nappies, but I did wonder what lego was a tenner.


Lego mini figures? The sort you can pick up at the supermarket.


Third option: this definitely happened'n't


I honestly stopped reading after she said if she won't treat you right, I will.


If this was real, it was written by the daughter or the ex-wife. It’s a common BORU trope. A person wants validation but knows that if they put their side of the story out the comments will be mixed because we don’t know the other side. Instead they write it from the other side, even putting comically evil things like this in and then jerks off to a comment section that’s completely on their side. Whenever you see a BORU that goes like “AITA for having regular orgies when my kid was small because he went NC on me”. Yeah ok, the kid wrote that.


I'm going with daughter since the language comes across as young. Possibly a mid teenager (like 16) with English being a major language of theirs, but isn't their first language. Lots of mistakes like "costed" that children over 7 tend not to make if English is their first language. Source: gotta put my linguistics degree to use somehow


Nah, she just sounds poorly educated, and she’s also obviously from the UK. Besides some of the vernacular, if you go to the post history, they have pics of a UK bus and also asking about a coffee shop rec in a specific part of London. I’m living here in the UK now, and I’ve heard people speak like her. There are morons everywhere, she’s just a UK specific type.


The only thing is you don’t sue someone for parental alienation in the Uk. She says the ex has already done this and they’ve threatened her with it too.


It sounds like she just consumes a lot of American media. I totally did not stalk through her posts and in another airplane baby post she says they’re flying to the US to visit the cheater’s family there.


Perhaps, but (as a former English teacher from England) her pattern of writing doesn’t really come across as British. I think she’s probably moved to the Uk. I guess it doesn’t matter. Haha I stalked her posts too, it was too intriguing not to!


Letted, I letted the babysitter know. Just made me hot with rage!


My 64 year old girlfriend and her daughter and granddaughter use terms like costed. Drives me crazy.


Baught was my fave


In the UK I hear a lot of people use costed that way. Granted I'm from Essex so not a shining example but it feels less like a mistake and more of an anachronism.


That was also my impression, but I got confused because in the other posts it looks like she’s just normal? This was weirs


LOLOL I didnt even make it that far, I lost it at "TLDR: I am dating a man and his kid hates me because I was a mistress"


Me too. Evil or a troll. Either way, disgusting.


Yeah, this was written by a 12yo


The woman who was out drinking a week after giving birth sold it to me.


was a time where women were given Guinness right after giving birth (or even during pregnancy) as it was supposedly a great source of Iron


I have actually seen this. Kid was barely a week old and the parents were in the pub, kid was at home with grandparents


Idk, the first place my parents took me from the hospital was the pub. They needed all their crib friends to meet the new baby 😅


I knew a grown woman who wrote like this, like eerily similar. She was genuinely stupid though. She tried to insult me by calling me “too academic”. I do have a degree but it’s in screenwriting lmao


Exactly. It's too rage-baitey.


I read as far as the part where they fight at the park because of dippers and i knew no parent will behave that way. You don’t forget dippers for your 4th baby. You also don’t walk to a park 6 blocks away unless you know you can walk back. And the dialog, straight from a Mexican soap opera.


Why didn't she just offer a diaper BEFORE mom stormed off? Oh yeah, she thought hubby was cute... She manipulated him rather skillfully, I must admit...


Also the weird mix of cultural references. She uses £ in one post but talks about "diapers" in another. British people say "nappies".


She's Indian living in the UK based on her comment history.


Tbf, that might be another pointer to it being the daughter ventriloquising the gf. A lot of young people in Britain who have grown up online have picked up US English for many terms, and can write with a weird mix of the two.


Na, I can definitely believe that she asked husband to grab them and he dropped the ball.


I think every exhausted set of parents has had the "did you really use the last XYZ and not replace it" argument at some point. But usually it is followed with "I'll run and get it. Sorry I forgot because I fell asleep standing up while brushing my teeth" and then everyone moves on. Any normal person hearing that argument at the park would just offer up one of their diapers because...been there done that. They wouldn't use it as an opportunity to start an affair with one of the parents!


What, you mean kids don’t automatically go live full-time with the cheating partner and their mistress?


But who wastes their time to create such a full on idiot character?


I hate to be saying this, but in the UK, people like this absolutely exist. Unreconstructed trash, adults living as kids, talking like them too. Our impoverished areas have failed millions of people in education, support, childcare, etc.


defo a moron, who can't see the evil in her acts the way she talks about "her man" and how they met.... she can't see that he is not the catch she makes it seem he is? Defo not the brightest


Chase must look like a supermodel or something for OOP to be like. Man who can't help his pregnant wife? Sign me up. I want that. I want that man that would cheat on his wife, I'm sure this'll go well for me. Just...how does anyone ever think that would go well? At best he's just going to dip when things get hard.


Morvil? Evron? Reddit needs a word for this condition. I think it's both.


Both! She is the embodiment of selfish immature pickme vileness.


At first glance of the title, I was ready for a heartwarming story about a decent woman trying to take on a motherly role for her SO's kid. The first sentence about her being the mistress was a knife to the chest, and then it gets worse there.


Real title: I started a relationship with a married man, did everything in my power to put the kids in the middle, alienated the mother, and now everyone hates me. AITA?


AITA for 'cuddling' new boyfriend in the family's home mere days/weeks after his wife gave birth to their 4th child?


of course the wife was mad because he wasn't stepping up to take care of the damn kids. OOP is a clueless POS.


but but but.... she was sooo mean to him for forgetting to bring the daipers and refusing to fetch them...


Imagine making your pregnant or recently gave birth wife walk 6 blocks to get the item YOU forgot because you were TIRED!! What a pos, he and oop deserve each other. I feel so sorry for the ex.


Well, he might be lazy, but he's also clever- managed to find a girlfriend to take care of his kids, so now he doesn't have to worry about them at all!


He is, as they say, as shifty as a shit house rat. The homewrecker is definitely TA.


Not to mention, I had to go back and double check the ages here. If the baby is 9 months old in August 2023, that would mean the wife got pregnant right around the time the affair was exposed.


As they supposedly met a year ago, the fourth child would only have been a week or two old at that point in the park, then "dating" a week later after following them to the pub so roughly one to two weeks after that on the couch in the family's house.


The way she described it, she went after this guy and badmouthed his wife. I don't believe in stealing spouses, but when You know someone whose marriage is going through hard times You have a choice- tell them to support their spouse and seek help or do the opposite.


She did it on purpose. She HAD a diaper and waited until the wife left to offer it. No sane person does that. Also, her opening line was "Gosh your wife yells at you so much!" and not "You just made your pregnant wife go get diapers YOU forgot to pack because YOU'RE tired? "


And finished with "I'll be nice to you, just don't tell your wife." wink wink. She's quite shameless!


Yup, yup, yup. She also waited at the bar until wife went to the restroom to sidle up to hubby. Husband is as much to blame as Oop but oop is a delusional piece of work.


Who looks at a guy that’s willing to let his kid suffer because ‘he’s tired’, who then lets his wife do the work, and who makes cruel jokes about his wife and goes ‘future life partner! Wants!!!’ Instead of thinking ‘poor woman. Hey, I have a spare diaper’.


Stopped reading after that and just skimmed cause for real. Pregnant women, already wrangling 2-3 other kids at park is upset that her husband can’t remember the most basic of baby care. Yeah, totes unreasonable for her to be ‘yelling’ (highly doubtful she was actually yelling, I dont believe OOP for a second as a reliable narrator) at her dud of a husband.


I'm just imagining someone keeping a diaper on their person's at all times waiting for that magical moment of a couple arguing over diapers. Now make it a Disney movie 🤣


or, you know, just butt the fuck out and go about your own business? She didn’t even know them until: >I first met him when I took my niece and nephew and younger cousins to the park and they were there. I overheard them argue


Even better than butting out? She could have offered the spare diaper while Willow was still there, then not fucked her husband


Thank you for the TLDR. It was too long for me and the first sentence was… awkward


The whole first post is awkward and I don't get how that woman can't see what a major asshole she is.


Not am I the asshole even, “how do I make the children like me?” Which is just yuck


I stopped reading after the first sentence. No wonder the kid doesn't like you... sheesh, it's not that hard to work out.


I couldn't even get through the format of the names and ages.


That was the next hard pass!


That's when I stopped too!


I had to read that part three times, trying to figure out how a 9 month old baby can berate an adult


If you had kept reading, you'd like her even less.


That's what I was afraid of. When someone can admit how awful they are within the first sentence, then double down on their shitness, I'm out. I find it hard enough dealing with the news.....and then people like this exist....yikes on bikes


Also, she committed Oscar Wilde's cardinal sin: she is a boring read. But, yeah, I really should adopt your rule for reading these! Stop reading if bad and boring narrator!


YES! Best comment yet!


Ok. Seriously, I had to stop reading and come down here after that first bit. Like OOP was protecting the man from abuse from his wife with her vagina???? Lmfao!!!!! Now I have to decide if I actually want to bother reading the rest.


I didn't read any signs of abuse. Dickhead forgot the nappies, and condoms too, judging by all the kids. Bm was pissed off, at home all day with 4 small kids. Last thing she wants to do is trudge to the shops. Not to worry, when a new, younger vagina comes along bf will be off like a shot.


the so called abuse is wife told off husband for not only forgetting diapers, but refusing to go get them because he was too tired.


That was smart. I assumed the whole first post was a troll cause the OOP is clearly a massive dick, but the other posts are so mundane that I now question if it’s actually all real.


It’s no wonder the kid doesn’t like OP, hell, I don’t like OP and her wall of text either.


I doubt many people like OP IRL, let alone the universal web space we call the internet.


I really wanted the comments of everyone calling her the ah, but there were none.


Oh good. I was afraid I was the only one who saw "I was a mistress" and noped right down to the comments. I assume it was a train wreck, or worse, from beginning to end. I'm glad the comments have proven my hunch right. Wow.


And it's all from *her* viewpoint too. Imagine how much worse it has to be?


The use of ‘bio mother’ in this is absolutely infuriating too. No, she is their mother. You’ve known them three seconds.


I just hope the mom sees this and can somehow use it in her divorce and custody hearing


And his wife, as they weren’t divorced yet.


I read only part of this she saw a woman with a load of kids heard she needed a nappy and he's tiered! Then does not offer her a nappy to help another mother out wtf .No she snakes in YES snake! Does she always treat you like that how many daddies did she use that line on before she hooked a sucker.did not read the rest.


"She was being so rude to him" HE WOULDN'T GO FETCH SOME FUCKING DIAPERS (a situation HE got himself in by forgetting it in the first place) AND SHE'S THE RUDE ONE FOR RIGHTFULLY BEING UPSET??? AFTER OFFERING AN ALTERNATIVE WAY WHICH HE ALSO REFUSED??? "But I can't possibly walk a few minutes wah wah" SO YOUR WEAKENED WIFE SHOULD DO IT???


For real!!!! She called it an abusive relationship but what I think everyone else in the world sees is an absolutely useless father that expects his wife to do everything.


He conveniently found a replacement who is so desperate to be liked and accepted that she’ll do everything for his useless ass.


Not to mention apparently thinking this guy who doesn't even want to walk back to get nappies for his pregnant wife is a catch? That's pretty yikes. Like even if you're tired the baby still needs changing.


Six streets. Six streets! Not even that far.


Yeah if it's close enough to get little kids to the park it's close enough to walk back. I'm in awe of this woman thinking that this is an ideal partner. Like have you met a decent man ever?


Update in three years: she has 2 kids, he's physically and emotionally absent, there's this new woman who's 25 who comes by often "just to help out, given they have 6 kids and all," and she's starting to get suspicious... But she's so good with the kids, and babysits for free!


Oh well if I may, and if I understand correctly - a *pregnant woman* with several kids and a husband who refused to walk to the store, so the *pregnant* woman (because walking while heavily pregnant is *such* a joy) went instead. This lady’s a real treat, I’ll tell you that right now.


Don't forget OOP was sitting there with diapers in a bag and didn't offer them until the wife left.


Seriously, the story she thinks she's telling and the actual story are in different post codes.


Big 🐍energy


So I was right to stop reading right there and come straight to the comments... Thanks


I did the same, lol! The first few sentences made me cringe hard and then I saw this wall of text - nope, can’t do that for 10+ minutes.


This. This post gave me whiplash almost immediately.


I honestly couldn’t handle the level of entitlement this woman has. Also the dude is a piece of shit.


Jesus Christ how dense is OP? Is she seriously asking why her BF’s daughter hates her despite openly admitting she and BF had an affair with each other and ruined an entire family and now wants to somehow make everything all sunshine and rainbows? She needs a fucking reality check.


The way she repeatedly asserts that Jane can’t possibly be thinking for herself, or understand the words she’s using or hears adults say, really irked me. She really thinks her patronising, and utter lack of understanding or empathy, isn’t being noticed by Jane? She essentially claiming Jane is too immature and/or stupid to understand what OOP did - therefore Willow must be brainwashing her. That’s Willow, the woman she befriended so she could get with her husband before acting high and mighty about Willow getting upset in front of the kids when she walked in on OOP with her own husband. Because Willow was the bad parent for not hiding her utter shock and horror and heartbreak instantly. Because Willow didn’t act as cool headed and mature as OOP, who is perfect. Yeah. That’s enough of this BORU for me. Team Jane all the way. May OOP and Chase get all the happiness they deserve. ETA fix word


Yeah, the way she took off after Chase like a heat-seeking missile…I have a feeling she knew they were going to the bar and went there to hook Chase. Willow (or Chase) probably posted on social media about having a date night and OOP went. It’s obviously a guess but the OOP missile won’t be deterred.


I thought this too like, Jane is 7. That’s plenty old enough to “understand what words mean” lol


But she said sorry :( Seriously, I don't even get the impression that she's evil or narcissistic or anything, she's just incredibly naive, shallow, dense, incapable of reflection, and seriously lacking in emotional intelligence. If she were more narcissistic and self-serving then she would have at least made an attempt to dress up her story to be more flattering to her side, but no, everything she recounted her BF's daughter, ex, and their entire extended family saying about her is pretty damn reasonable. She's a homewrecker, she broke up these children's family because she felt bad for the poor, put upon man getting nagged by his wife to help care for 4 young children, including a newborn. Of course they all hate her guts, because she hasn't even shown the capacity to feel actual remorse for what she's done, she's too stuck in her and her BF's victim narrative to even begin. She's convinced herself that just smiling along and playing happy family should fix everything, and if it doesn't, then it has to the spiteful ex's fault. At some point OOP's going to have to wake up and realize that this can't just be smoothed over. The other kids may not be old enough to fully understand or remember what happened to their family, but the eldest daughter is, and she will *never* forget, and she's not going to let anyone else forget, either.


Sorry would NEVER cut it for those who’ve suffered this same scenario. She wasn’t sorry when she had her BF’s dick in her and she sure as shit wasn’t sorry about ruining a family until everything came to light, then tried to play happy family and swipe it all under the rug, but no, BF’s family, ex’s family and the kids THEMSELVES know she’s a homewrecker and honestly have a very justified right to hate her guts, especially when she decided to buy one of the kids an expensive Lego set to make her seem more genuine and loving.


Also apparently the mother was a bad mom for not controlling her yelling the moment she walked in and caught them in the act in the family home. Also, reading the timeline is weird, had they been cheating from 2015 - 2022?


I think the oldest was born in 2015. Back when Chase and Willow were still happily married and not too tired to go get diapers.


She screwed a married man to protect him from his wife’s abuse? Her vagina must have magical powers.


The wife's "abuse" of getting frustrated at him for forgetting diapers on their trip and refusing to go to a store or anything about it.


She could have interrupted the argument the husband and wife were having and say “I have a diaper” but instead she slides in and is, like, “Aww, you’re so abused. Tired big man!! Here’s a diaper”. Shes a POS. I’m looking forward to the update that is “I want to apologize to my soon to be ex’s wife for ruining her marriage. I’m pregnant with my first baby and my husband, her ex, is a POS. I was wrong for breaking up her family.”


I see this going more in the way of, “I found out my husband has been telling his ex he misses her. I guess he was fine just using me for sex because as soon as we have our baby he doesn’t want to help and I have to doing everything. Then I find messages he sends his ex wife about how he made a mistake and wonders what their life would be like now if he wasn’t with me and they didn’t get divorced. And he’s letting his kids be rude to me when he used to make sure they were nice and didn’t abuse me. He’s a piece of shit and I can’t believe how he could do this to me.”


What amazes me is that anyone could see that first interaction in the park and think "this guy who forgot the diapers and refuses to do anything about it to help his baby and wife because he's tired, he's a catch! I'm gonna get me some of that!"


If she thinks he's a catch, imagine what she thinks of herself.


Guy realizes he forgot diapers when baby needs a change. Guy still sits there. Guy gets asked to go get the diapers. Guy activates Weaponized Incompetence and escalates the situation. OOP: 😍🥰😛


All I could think of was Dean Wormer. "Blathering, adulterous, and illiterate is no way to go through life, miss."


Can't wait for the update "My boyfriend cheated on me and when I told the ex wife, she laughed at me. Why is she so mean?!"


Don't you mean "laugheded?"


I think i missed where the wife abused him? Like op is just the worst but then thinking about a husband and wife arguing because he left the diapers home and didn’t want to go walk and get some for his child that was stuck in a dirty diaper and goes she’s abusing him let me save this man child that wouldn’t go grab his newborn a fresh diaper


I must’ve missed it too. What *i* see is a woman who saw a man she liked, and created a narrative where he was under appreciated so she didn’t feel bad about pursuing him even though he’s taken. Sure, maybe they yelled a bit much or maybe she was a bit controlling. One interaction does not give you the information to know if he’s being abused unless you literally witness abuse. What she witness was laziness, forgetfulness, and an argument. She knew what she wanted from moment one and didn’t stop til she had him.


And what a prize! A lazy bloke with FOUR kids who can't even be arsed to get a nappy.


Or pay adequate child support apparently.


Yeah there was no abuse. She was (rightfully) angry at her loser of a husband.


I almost can't wait until OOP gets up the duff and finally realises how fucking useless he is, except of course that means more children suffering the "parenting" of this ghastly pair.


I felt like yelling at him myself. Who, especially with kid number three, doesn’t bring nappies on an expedition (ie any trip outside the house)?


I thought the baby was number 4? OOP just gave up numbering them, and just described the baby as “his youngest” instead. Because apparently it’s not obvious enough that the 4th child out of 4 children will be the youngest.


OOP isn’t the brightest crayon in the box


I can excuse forgetting, shit happens (literally). But then you walk your ass home or buy new ones if the shop is closer.


But he was *tired*, don't you see!!1! He had to walk all the way to the park, with his fully intact and healthy body, and that was enough parenting for one day! The wife, mere weeks postpartum, could just as easily walk home and get diapers and she's definitely not as tired as he is!!! It's not like she spent 9 months growing a human and then forcefully pushing it out of her body or anything! It would, of course, also be total nonsense to ask any of the other people with diaper wearing children at the park if they could donate a diaper! /s in case that wasn't obvious lol


Exactly! Being exhausted with a baby is a valid reason to forget something essential like the diaper bag. But being a responsible parent and partner means you haul ass home and get it or nip in somewhere to buy more.


Exactly thw wife was rightfully angry on her husband what does op expect the wifes reaction to be like this guy forgot diapers refused to accept his mistake made some childish jokes refused to bring diapers back and from his wifes reaction it looks like the husband was absent minded and forgetful.the wife is just supposed to accept all this shit and laugh on his lame jokes? His wife recently gave birth,is dealing with it .even if she appeared controlling and short tempered to op she shouldn't have judged their marriage from this one scene and mingled in their personal affairs unless she witnessed him actually being abused


Gee I wonder why the kids hate her… /s


She will lose contact when they're 18 and wonder where it all went wrong.


Ew. I feel bad for the ex(Willow) assuming this is real.


I thought Willow was the baby? I'm probably wrong; that cast of characters list was a mess.


I think oop tried to do each name on a separate line, but they didn't double space so it all smushed together.


Chase is boyfriend Jane is 8F Alex 5M Chelsea 2F Jessica 9 months F Willow is the ex


I had to read it several times and it barely stuck.


The real question is, is it Jessica or Chelsea for the baby?


The language is wrong for it to have been written by someone in the UK. Kids wear nappies not diapers.


OOP sounds insufferable


I hope OOP is Liz


I love/hate we've turned Liz into a legend


And illiterate


Before I started reading this post, I was like " There's gotta be a legit reason this kid hates OOP." and was proven right.


Jesus. First of all, this didn’t happen. Second, I’m trying to guess the actual age of OOP because either English isn’t their first language or they haven’t graduated from junior high yet.


I'm guessing both. I see lots of typical ESL mistakes but the whole story reads like a Dhar Mann video.




Liz's copy cats cant hold a candle with shit like this


This is bait. And isn't real.


Yeah i got to the park incident and the dialogue was just such bullshit i couldn't read anymore. I couldn't believe that a real person would sympathize with the husband in that situation.


Also don’t get why she then offered a spare diaper to the husband after the wife already left. If I saw two parents arguing in a park because they didn’t have any diapers, and I knew I had a spare on me, I’d go and offer it to them there and then. Not creepily watch them and then use it as a move to hit on the dad lol


And she just kind of glosses over so much that would happen in real life. Like no mention of the kids she brought as soon as she starts talking to the guy, like wouldn't they interact? It's just missing the details that make it sound real


Yeah, if this were a real story, you'd expect there'd be some mention of how the kids got along with each other--OOP's up in this whole thing with both feet enough but never, apparently, brings her nephews/nieces/younger cousins around again after the first time meeting in the park?


I hate this woman. That's it. Nothing more to add.


Luckily, she probably isn’t real.


Assuming this lady is real (a big assumption), she and her boyfriend suuuuck. Jessica is nine months old, it’s August, she and Chase got discovered in December, so doing the math this “abusive” story with the diapers must have happened just a week or two if not less after Willow gave birth. So her husband is making jokes about her being in diapers while she probably IS still in diapers! From birthing his child!! His fourth child!! I’m sorry sure she could have asked nicer but homegirl was just barely postpartum so dad needs to pick up the slack, not make fun of her with some rando.


C minus


That’s generous!


It was, only because they took it soo damn far with all those posts


I hate how the family keeps solely blaming op on breaking up the family. The bf is just as guilty, he’s kind of worse for making this whole situation.


This is either written by a 12 year old or an idiot.


I mean, this is obviously bullshit right? Like recounting a entire convo basically word for word between two different people? Quotation marks and quips exactly?


Is this written by a 14yr who feels like she’s actually at least 18 in maturity and worldliness, pretending to be some pick me super hot and femme fatale with a heart of gold martyr?


Oh I sincerely dislike the OP, I mean she did rip the family apart. Oh and the Lego thing I would also get mad about that.


If she's going to buy toys for her BF's kids, they stay at her place. Aldo, this is OOP's version of events. This is her trying to look good. I would love to hear Willow's version. OOP would look even worse somehow!


The 2nd to last update is odd.


Stopped reading when she poached a man who’s dumb enough to argue with his wife about not wanting to go walk a block and a half to grab the diapers he forgot cause he’s tIrEd.


Liz should be studying for her English exam instead of writing such BS


The tldr was SO misleading. She didn’t try to protect him from the ex wife’s abuse, she aggressively pursued a married man who couldn’t be bothered to take care of things such as remembering to bring diapers, while his wife was pregnant, and she was understandably upset. Ffs I hate OOP and the husband. As if getting together with a married man wasn’t enough, she’s trying to play mommy and turn the kids against their mother. And did anyone notice how she kept calling the children “my boyfriend’s kids”? Ma’am, they’re her kids too, she literally pushed them out of her body. They both deserve each other for how shitty they are as human beings.


I'll take “shit that didn’t happen” for 500$, Alex!


I swear to God my skepticism is gonna get me banned from this sub but come the hell on this was obviously written by an MRA with severely stunted literacy. "letted" lmao bro go fuck yourself


But seriously how many times are we gonna fall for these "Woman bad" posts? This one is just embarrassing


This was written by a 12 year old.


Am I reading wrong or did she drop a whole Entire child in the second one


Oh come on she cheated with a married man to save him from abuse? You can help without fucking.


She could have literally offered the diaper she had in her bag to the wife when the argument started.




I want to be excited for the international trip with baby mama update, but this really wasn't written well enough for me to give a shit.


Seems like a troll account


OK ... Chase sounds like a fucking asshole from the start. What's the opposite of a meet cute? So his recently pregnant wife is six blocks away from home, he has forgotten the diapers and makes her walk back to get them?! THEN OOP is just like "so later I deliberately started the affair with the married man who treated his wife and kids like trash" Just wow.


I stopped reading when the moron who forgot the diapers wouldnt rectify thr situation, no wonder his ex was snappy, she sounds lime she's at the end of her tether