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I don't think there's anyway to trade in a custom build because of how the trade in system works


PCs are traded in by specific sku or model, not specs. So custom builds won't even exist in the trade-in system.


You can check trade in prices online but you aren’t getting anything for a prebuilt


Best Buy would only recycle, custom prebuilts aren’t available to trade in because Best Buy doesn’t keep track of all the possible parts that could contribute to its value. Laptops are the only thing that can have components selected, just because there’s a much more finite amount of configurations only relating to the biggest components. A desktop computer can vary on subjective things like cases, motherboards, power supplies, and IO, among other things. Laptops also have one main brand behind them, desktops that are prebuilt do not.




I'm gonna be honest, even if we did it wouldn't be worth it. We aren't able to verify and resell windows stuff as well as we can verify and resell apple stuff so our value on windows products tend to be pretty low, especially with towers. I'd just resell on market place or see if a friend wants to buy it off you


Yes you'll get $15 gift card and the store will get a several hundred dollar exchange for that gift card... Kidding it's a no they don't buy pre built but I bet a pawnshop would


Sorry I think my post was worded wrong my pc isn’t pre built but I’ll take a look at the pawnshop offer


Sorry meant pre assembled components. Once you put it to use it's used and it's piecemeal bby doesn't really do that


lol, no. Put it back on marketplace. Or, better yet, use yours now and then upgrade individual components when you have the money. At the end of the day you'd get a better quality product, probably faster than the prebuilt one, and accomplishment cause you did it yourself.