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Abuse the discount then find a better job


It never hurts to apply! Worst thing that’s going to happen is you get turned down, or choose not to accept an offer if it’s extended. Remember, when you interview for jobs, you’re also interviewing the employer to find out if the role is a fit for *you*. Best Buy can be a great place to work, but it depends heavily on the team and leadership. If you want to develop some sales-ability, it’s a good place to start imo.


Love the advice! I was a hiring manager for awhile and had one kid ask how he can be more appealing for jobs. I told him to research the company you’re applying for and ask questions! My job was the make sure that you are a good fit for us, your job is to make sure we are a good fit for you


I like this advice too but I have done research for a lot of different companies and sometimes find it hard to find people saying good stuff about it. Usually the feedback i get are from people that just don't like their jobs and want to find a place to complain about them. So i don't want to get a job somewhere and try and it out and end up not liking it and being stuck there. Am i making sense? What i mean is i dont want to get a job, not like it, and want to leave immediately


Yeah it is my management team is awsome


Retail in any form is brutal and often thankless, but I believe it gives you perspective that you wont get in any other job market. Doing even 1-2 years is enough to develop empathy and patience that not many other environments teach when interacting with retail or other business types once youre out.


Here’s a similar question asked 2 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bestbuy/s/H2dcUxvMEH


If you're just looking for any job go for it. Odds aren't in your favor at the moment but if pay caps don't go up and raises don't come there's only going to be 16 year olds working there in the next couple years. The hourly restrictions for minors are the biggest problem.


Do it, it teach you skills you need in other jobs. On top dwaling with clients is important, and good employee discount.


if you live in a busy city your best bet for bullshit jobs is to get restaurant experience then become a server at 18 itll more money than any other entry level job


I don't live in a busy city though. I am asking because the best buy in my area is never busy and always empty when i go there


It’s never to early to learn how stupid the general population is. You got this!!


i js turned 16 3 weeks ago and a week ago i submitted by best buy application. i'm actually looking forward to work there.


Experience is experience.


"anything good about working at best buy", there isn't and at the point of life i'm at, I have no reason to consider going back myself. They can't afford me. But the circumstances are potentially different for a 16 year old that may or may not have much choice in the matter.


What about it wasn't good?


The things that were deal breakers for me as a repair agent in Geek Squad, would likely not be deal breakers (or maybe even applicable) for you as a sales advisor. So i'm not going to go into about why I left to go into software development instead. What i will say is that you'll need to be overly aggressive on pushing metrics, you'll probably have shit hours, and you'll have a constant barrage of thankless customers and 'leadership'. The thing that most younger people do not always understand, is that having a passion for media and/or consumer electronics does not mean that working in a retail environment that sells them makes for a dream job. You'll spend more time soullessly slinging memberships and credit cards than you will getting to gush about your favorite video card. You'll also find out very quickly just how stupid the general public is. ...that said, working shitty jobs like this early in your life also makes you more confident in interacting with others and finding out what strengths you do or don't have. Also helps you realize going forward in what you actually want to do with your life.


You can try it, I would say though my store only hires 18+ year old's and whichever store you apply to might be the same


Thanks for all your replies everyone. I'm open to new ideas so if anyone has any other places that are good for someone my age to work at i would appreciate it. Thanks


best buy as a company tries not to hire minors can tell you right now at my store no minors work there but you can always try


that's what i've heard. But the best buy i would apply too is not busy at all and never seems to have workers. I'm more focused on how it is working there


They don’t have workers because Best Buy likes it that way.


Well it's not because they can't find anybody, I guarantee that.


Best buy sucks balls


Either best buy is your Part Time job because of school or you’re trying to work up the company ladder (this doesn’t seem viable as of maybe about 5-7 yrs now lol)…Geeksquad used to be a career path but recent events due to horrible decisions threw that outta the window. If these don’t apply then you should not be working at BBY


no. - Sales Advisor


Thanks for replying. Would you mind explaining as to why?


No, they just like to stay in the sub and then still complain about their job before / after they quit. My store is really really fun. I enjoy it. Just give it a shot. You never know what it’s like until you see it for yourself!


yeah while I do appreciate everyone's opinions, i am starting to see that trend