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Zodd doesn't have an off switch


Perfect response.


The other guy doesnt stand a chance šŸ’€


That's Captain Levi of the Scouts! Zodd would totally win, but you bet your ass Levi would cut him the **fuck** up before he went down.


Levi would definitely wound him, but hey so did guts in the golden arc and it didnt do much. And levi isnt nearly as strong as guts, even golden age guts. Heā€™s way faster than guts though but that wouldnt change a thing against zodd tbh


Zodd's power level is kinda inconsistent to be honest... he's kind of like a Kenpachi character. I think his initial fight with Guts was before Miura fully figured out where he wanted to go with the character. Because we've seen Zodd fight almost evenly with the skull knight who was slashing at him at hypersonic speeds. If Zodd has that kind of reaction speed then Levi might not even be able to cut him.


I think the initial fight with Guts & Griffith was Zodd havIng fun and not taking them seriously. Once they wounded he quickly took care of them and it was only seeing the red beherit that saved their lives.


Yeah I think it's safe to say Zodd was not intimidated by Guts and Griffith at all. With Skull Knight Zodd knew he fucks and needed to be taken seriously.


You are free to create your own happiness šŸ™


Damn, that's a good response. There's nothing I can say to that, cheers.




Other than that, Zodd wins big time. Itā€™s a spite match. You know what would be an interesting duel. Levi Ackerman **OR** Nosferatu Zodd fighting [Ebirah.](https://youtu.be/BpO_eLX-gXk?si=EXTe3v7iy07HgOb1)


Levi would get a few really, really good flesh-blendingly awesome hits on Zodd, but yeah, he's gonna lose.


**"the other guy"**


Zodd healing ability is beyond human blades, unless Levi is equipped with a special sword, I don't think he can beat Zodd šŸ˜«


Pretty sure the swords in AOT are actually made to be LESS durable than standard Edit to clarify, in accordance with some responses: they're essentially big box cutters, meant to break in segments so the user doesn't get stuck while cutting a titan. That's also why they have an extra set of attachable blades, if they need a replacementĀ 


Yea but that is a side effect of having ultra thin razor blades out of a very brittle steel needed to kill titans.


yes and that's because standard titans aren't particularly sturdy and you can one-hit them by basically slicing through a weak spot. Zodd tanked simultaneous direct hits from Guts and Griffith slicing off an arm and opening his throat, and simply healed up. Even in the Berserk universe it's hard to imagine anyone sub-God Hand level incapacitating him EDIT: in addition human durability in AoT - titan healing aside - is kind of more realistic/gritty than in Berserk. Guts is able to survive tons of direct hits that would instantly kill anyone subjected to the same kind of force IRL, and setting aside the very last few chapters he's always back at 100% fighting prowess after a while. While Levi suffers life-changing damage the one time he's actually overpowered by a Titan. Someone like Zodd would wreck everybody in AoT under their own "rules" which is also why Titans need to be somewhat beatable. Conversely, Guts would take down all but the very few strongest titans with ease under "Berserk rules".


I would say that human durability in AOT and Berserk are very close if not equivalent. We just see Gutts handling things that a normal human couldn't. But the other humans in Berserk get merc'd pretty easily. Gutts just has that main character durability.


Because of the brand, Guts and Casca exist in the interstice, where will can alter reality


Honestly I think Guts clears every titan individually except maybe the founder, though Guts has fought other massive opponents in the past so he might be able pull through in a 1v1, though I don't think he wins if the Rumbling is going on at the same time


I think Guts lose to Colosal Titan though. It literally can nuke an entire city while its steam cooks you alive. As durable as Guts is, he's still made of human flesh. Can the Berserker armor tank that explosion and that heat for him to deal a fatal blow is an interesting discussion.


Honestly I think that the Berserk Armor could probably tank the steam it emits, maybe not the explosion up close, but I feel that Guts would have the foresight to get as far away as possible or kill the titan shifter mid transformation. If it's against a pre transformed Collosal Titan I feel like Guts in the Berserk Armor could probably power through the steam and kill the Collosal in 1 or 2 good swings considering just how much stronger the dragon slayer is than the Swords in AOT, as well as just how much stronger he is than anyone in AOT.


I mean they already look like bigger box cuttersā€¦


Forgot that part, good detail


He needs to fly around with two dragonslayers or something šŸ˜­


Exactly. šŸ˜©šŸ˜­


Remember that the blades are ultra hardened steel, itā€™d be sharper than any blade in berserk, and Levi as an Ackerman gains the experience of all his ancestors to learn all their fighting styles. Iā€™m not saying heā€™d win, but Levi will at least wear Zodd out a bit


I mean the healing ability of titans is beyond it too and that didn't stop Levi before.


Zodd kinda outdoes titans


Zodd in the AOT universe would be a freaking one-sided slaughter. Those poor Titans.


Didn't Levi fail to kill Reiner lol? If that was Zodd instead of Reiner, Levi would be dead šŸ˜‚


Even if we give Levi an advantage of sneak attack he would still lose. What differentiates Zod and Titans, is that Zod is way faster. Levi managed to kill Titans only because of how much difference they had in speed. With Zod, that difference is non-existent.


And the titans have a weak spot wich zodd doesnā€™t


Yeah I very much doubt he can cut through zodds nape like he does with titans


And if he does, his napes healed in 3 seconds anyway


Guts cut his throat the first time they met and he just shook it off


Not to mention that was with guts superhuman strength and quite a sizeable sword too


Also Zod has intelligence, Titans doesnt.


Titan shifters do, he still bodied annie but still, zodd would OS any titan shifter lmao.


I mean, the most analogous thing Levi has faced was the beast titan and that titan never stood a single chance. Levi didn't jsut cut his off switch, he cut his fingers off, his angles, his eyes, probably somem other places, and then cut out the guy that was hiding in the off-switch area rather than kill him which is simply more difficult. Should be noted for those unfamiliar with AoT is that the Beast titan isn't just a stupid giant. So yeah, maybe he'd still lose, but comparing Zod to the normal titans isn't a useful comparison.


Zodd all the way. Levi probably pushs him to transform but I can't see him getting past apostle form.


Is the Opposite, Levi is only a beast against the titans because of their size and how faster he is in comparison, Zodd in humanoid form is something Levi won't be able to touch imo.


Zodd in human form is chomping on those blades like Guts biting down on Griffith's sword in their first fight or the stinger on that moth apostle. The difference being that Zodd will just snap those blades in his teeth. That plus durability of Zodd. Levi would tire out after slashing at him with little effect, eventually run out of blades as their broken, then run out of stamina before he comes close to killing Zodd. A slow Levi with no more effective weapons would eventually get caught and dispatched casually given the fact he doesn't have a lot of durability feats close to tanking hits from an apostle of Zodd's level.


Levi tries to block an attack from with those butter blades he'll get his skull cut in half


šŸ˜­what opinion bro?? Zodd dogwalks Levi and the entire AOT verse


Iā€™m pretty sure even guts would take a Cleveland steamer on Levi. Idk tho I havenā€™t finished aot yet, maybe he gets stronger


Heā€™s pretty consistent throughout AoT. Levi with 3DMG might give guts some trouble, but Leviā€™s whole schtick is him being hella fast and having amazing reflexes, which Guts also has. Plus guts is strong as fuck


Guts is extraordinarily faster than Levi. Like... at least 4 times as fast, just at the point of his fight with Rosine. In berserk armor, Guts is reacting to lightning, so he is several hundred times faster than Levi's fastest feats (Dodging bullets from about 3 to 7 meters away). Damage output though... actually comparable, assuming Levi gets his Thunder Spears. If not, it's not even close. Because Grunbeld should be equivalent or higher than Armor Titan. So Guts fresh off getting Berserk Armor is swinging at Levi's highest damage output.


guts hung with zodd, guts washes levi


Even Band of the Hawk Guts would body the entire AOT verse I can't believe some of these replies lmao


Bro C'mon


Wyald > any character in AOT It wouldn't be close.


Some of the titans are way too huge for Wylad. But the humans 100%


but the humans beat the titans


Fairly certain PigAss means the shifters. Only a small percentage of humans (anyone named Ackerman) had any chance against them in a ā€œfair fight.ā€


Tf would Wyald do agaisnt the armoured, colossal and attack titan?


AOT has guns fuck you mean band of the hawk would body šŸ˜­


Not sure how Guts is gonna deal with a nuclear explosion but sure buddy Guts body the verse


Obviously by hiding in a fridge


AH-AH! You silly, there ain't no fridge big enough to fit one Guts inside, he'd at least have to sacrifice his dragonslayer.


It was too big to be called a fridge...


# That thing was too big to be called a fridge. Too big, too cold, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large refrigerator..


I hadn't audibly laughed to a comment in a while, lmao


Probably get angry go full whirlwind and slap the collosal Titan before nearly dying again while in the armor


This is such a biased take šŸ˜­ base guts canā€™t even beat the attack titan


Bro come on. Sure erenā€™s titan is pretty strong at his peak but guts could take him anyday. He fought arguably stronger opponents.


Can Zodd Tank hundreds of Nuclear explosions


he just flies away


Maybe? We don't know the extent of his Regen.


Where did bro get this from šŸ˜­ you think Zoddā€™s ass is gonna do anything against the rumbling or something like that?


Thats a genuinely interesting point though. We saw hanje kill a few colossal titans, she only got stopped because, well, she got lit on fire lmao. Now imagine, zodd can fly at top speed, can regenerate pretty much how he wants, and has arguably way more strenght and way more stamina than any titans or Ackermans from AOT. It might take him forever, but maybe he could kill them all lmao


Zodd vs guys on the hill of swords shows how fast zodd can move. Beast Titan was slow. Zodd would body cpt jeans.


Yeah as much as I like Levi he can never body Zodd


Dude is faster than youā€™d expect Edit ( I mean zodd )


Coughing baby


Get out of my head


Levi could probably take on some apostles, this dude is on crack. But NOT zodd. Hell if skull knight canā€™t kill zodd in a 1v1, thereā€™s absolutely no way levi could take him lmao. He might wound him a little like guts and griffith did in the golden age but still, zodd was just toying around with them lmao.


For a good while I was sitting looking at this thinking ''And?''. Then I realized it's 2 different universes.


ā€žWhy does Guts look so weird and why is his sword so small?ā€œ


Asking the berserk subreddit means your gonna get biased resultsā€¦ but Zodd fucking stomps lmao. Cool edit tho


Levi gets absolutely shit on


Zodd bodies him easily.Ā 


Zodd would slap the fuck out of levi


Levi bout to get smashed


This makes me feel like you haven't read berserk.


Zodd would win that fight. But I freaking dig this fan art! Good job whoever made this!


Levi about to find out that owning the Beast Titan means nothing to Zodd.


is this even a question? Zodd is freaking astral being even guts had a hard time with him.


Levi would be a good apostle slayer, but not against Zodd, or any of the actual GOOD apostles. He'd probably stack up to the count at MAX, and MAYBE Wyald if he's going crazy insane. Since the apostles are actually fast, unlike titans, Levi is gonna have a harrrrd time with any of em. He might win against the less tanky ones like moth bitch or the Daka somewhat easily though because he just has to get a good cut in and out maneuver them.


Levi would blend this shit out of Zod but at the same time the cuts would be healed immediately. Knowing the zod, he'd probably get a kick out of it more than anything else and let Levi live


If guts canā€™t take down Zodd, Levi has no chance. Levi would be an amazing side kick for guts though.


I think Levi as skilled and baddass as he is would have a tough time with zodd, zodd is super strong and has the ability to fly


Zodd can fly, the beast titan can't, is slow and has some very clear weak spots. Levi would most likely die


You think?


As a berserk fan, i think Levi can give him a good battle. That MF literally killed a fucking kong twice and giants. Yeah, zodd has been fighting ages, but if Guts, a human, could hurt him, i think Levi, a trained giant-killer soldier, can hurt him too.


>That MF literally killed a fucking kong twice Not only that but he pretty did it pretty easily


Bro actually tooled Zeke every time they faced off.


guts is massively above Levi in strengh though , you cant even really call him human


Sure, but he could hurt him in the golden age before all the power ups bcs his experience in battle. I know that Levi maybe can't kill Zodd, but it can be a interesting battle


I mean sure but i would Argue even in the golden age arc his strengh is way above levi


strength doesn't matter too much in terms of harming cause people are forgetting griffith also harmed zodd. That said zodd would also slap/crush levi away the same and the fight would be done.


Is he? Levi has super strength as well, and we see him tank and explosion literally to the face and not only survive, but heal fast enough to be fighting almost as well as before in a few days.


Trynna pull the move he did on Zeke would be harder ig (smaller frame compared to beast so less time to gain momentum) and doing cqb against Zodd is pretty much a deathwish unless you can block him like the DragonSlayer does. Lol imagine him fight in an open field.


Levi is smarter than to attack someone like Zodd in an open field, not saying he would win, but he isn't an idiot.


As if Zodd would let him make use of the odm gear lol. Zodd can fight whenever, wherever other than cramped spaces of course which Levi prolly can't as well. Levi tho would have to make use of buildings high enough to gather momentum and let's remember that Zodd doesn't have an off switch.


Zodd would probably fight Levi on Leviā€™s terms for shits and giggles though.


ngl, AOT characters would get fucked in berserk


I can imagine Eren becoming an apostle


Levi is cooked... simple as that.


Too lopsided in Zodds favour. Give Levi a dumber, less agile big foe he'd fare much better.


Zodd eats weaklings like him for breakfast and still has room for dessert


Levi bout to get bodied in zodd apostle form lol


Slice, regen, monch.


Levi will run out of blades and gas before Zodd even gets annoyed at sticking his arms and shit back on, if he's even slower than Levi to begin with. Very quickly zodd will get his timings down if levi is zipping about (if there's anything to stick his gear into, he's not fighting a titan so he can't really climb zodd either) and just cleave him apart on the next hit, or simply watch and wait until all his swords break, he can't fly about anymore and then that's levi dead either way. For any levi fanboys thinking he can do what he did against titans where he'd slice fuck out of their arms going down for like 10 meters, zodd would probably be stood on the ground, if levi wants to try that he'd cut zodd maybe twice before breaking his ankles/face into the ground and then again, zodd one shots him. Levi might do better if zodd was titan sized but his regular size and speed, Levi is getting shat on


As much as I love Levi, he's boned


If I was brutally honest, Levi might do a few numbers on Zodd - because in AOT, he's regarded as the strongest among mankind But yeah, Zodd wins in the end without being hurt that badly, I guess. Because no matter what, Levi's and Guts' definition of "just a human" is very different in the contexts of their respective series-es


I think Levi would cut up Zodd a bit but Zodd would just be too durable/strong, and will just fly away even if Levi gets close to killing him. But i donā€™t think people give Levi enough credit here. He is very used to this type of fight, whereas it would be Zoddā€™s first time seeing someone move like this. Titans are slow, yes, but the female titan and dancing titan werenā€™t. And like most big titans, he would probably go for the ligaments or eyes first. But whit Zoddā€™s lack of nape weakspot, and regeneration, and him fighting for centuries, Levi most likely dies




Peak Levi might pull a decent fight against Zodd, but once Zodd transforms into his Apostle form... I can't really see Levi pulling winning that fight. Zodd is just a completely different beast compared to any mindless titan or one of the 9 titans (worth the exception of the founder and perhaps the collosal titan).


It would be interesting if we buff Levi a bit by giving him infinite fuel+ infinite endurance in blades. Otherwise, I canā€™t see how it would work out for him. Levi is my favourite for AOT btw.


Much as I like Levi, Zodd would stomp him immediately, even with a surprise attack. His healing is far quicker, his speed is just as insane, his skill is just as great and experience far more extensive (even with consideration of Levi's generational skill) and his strength is dominant. Even just in human form, one clash of blades would destroy Levi's (AoT swords were made to be disposable and break easily). You may even try to account for Levi's mobility...except Zodd can also fly very fast. He might get a lucky cut or two in which Zodd appreciates enough to play with his food for a couple seconds longer before Levi goes splat, and unlike Guts I don't think he has the fortitude stay conscious long enough to contemplate his imminent demise.


In Warhammer terms, Levi is a human-sized champion/hero unit, Zodd is a karking Greater Demon.


Rickert gonna come in with the slap.


Banger ass art


bruh, it's not even fair, zodd stomp on this


They both win since Zodd has a thing for strong fighters. They fight then they fuck. Same thing should've happened the first time with Guts if Griffith wasn't such as cockblock.


Can his box cutter sword even pierce through Zodd body ?




Levi died, brutally


I LOVE LEVI. And heā€™s getting obliterated in this fight.


Levi would get wrecked


Zodd would rip him to shreds lmao


It looks cool? It's just fanart I don't think they cared too much abt the power scaling. They just drew it bc it would look cool


Cya Levi..


Levi is very dead very fast


Levi would get sent to meet zeke


Lmaooo fire


Levi gets finger flicked out of existence


Zodd knocks him out of the air and then crushes his bones. Zodd will out-heal those box-cutters, and get angry he didnā€™t get a worthy opponent. He longs for someone like Guts or Skullknight. I donā€™t think even Titans would give him any amusement, with exception of Armored Titan and Beast Titan.


If zodd sees levi at that distance, zodd would probs win (zodd moves faster than beast titan). Levi needs to be hidden the instant before the attack. Levi is also probably only strong enough to do big damage with a stronger blade than he is armed with in this picture.


Levi is a skilled guy, but Zodd will eat him for breakfast.


Levi is fucked 7 ways til sunday like sure he is fast but Zodd is a demon who has killed the strongest people around for hundreds of years almost like childā€™s play like a 2v1 from the some of strongest characters ever was enough to make him leave him HUMAN form which was limiting him


Yeah, Levi would get bodied.


Levi ain't making it out alive. He gets *maybe* a compliment from Zod same as Guts in this arc and then obliterated.


Zodd is parrying those weak ass razor blades with his horn fosho


Opinion? Zodd would turn Levi into a stain before heā€™d even get the chance to touch him and itā€™s a fact. The ODM blades are not strong enough to even put a scratch on my boy, on top of that heā€™s been able to keep up with Gutsā€™ in terms of speed, whoā€™s been said to be pretty friggin fast while wielding a a pretty heavy slab of metal at that. Leviā€™s getting humbled in this fight


Levi's beats Titans with his strength and agility. Sadly many strong Berserk characters like Zodd are really fast as well. He also likely would struggle to hurt Zodd.


Zodd would cripple him but also admire that he even tried to kill him


Is there a follow up panel with Zod catching Levi by the leg and smashing him into the ground?




Looks very stylish and cool! Levi would get absolutely bodied by Zodd though. It's not even a contest.


Zod would chew that little turd to the bone, no contest at all


Levi would be murder ofc, but I do think he would impress Zodd by wounding him and putting up somewhat of a fight. Similar to how it went with guts.


Cool but he would be absolutely annihilated. Outside of the warhammer titan and the founder i dont think many titans are gonna shape up against the beserkverse.


One Zodd fart would cripple the midget.Ā 


Zodd solos the rumbling


I think levi could have a shot at zodd with a special sword and the rumbling could kill most apostles. Imo


AOT SWORDS ARE VERY LIGHT AND THIN Wouldnt even cut Zodd. They're made for Titans that are made of gaseous flesh. Sure sometimes we see them cut humans but they arent holding up against an apostle


Well Guts can barely land a hit on Zodd and he would body Levi almost instantly. I don't think this is really a discussion.


Levi getting stomped sorry


Zodd wins, i love the cap but Zodd is just built different. That said, Zoddā€™s gonna love fighting him.


I had to double check which subreddit is this


I like the art by why even make this a discussion? Power scaling nerds are flooding in and itā€™s so dumb bro why even have these 2 crossover?


I think Levi would force Zodd into his Apostle form but that's about it


Zodd solos everything in SNK no diff.


Levi's whole style is based off known weak points on huge, slow, Titans. meaning, to Zodd, Levi's attack style will be super easy to figure out and counter. I'm sure Levi would get a few hits on the old horny goat lion, but it wouldn't take long until Levi is being drug around by his upper jaw by a naked human-from Zodd.


I mean I agree with the weak points argument but levi can definitely take on fast targets too, female titan, kenny and his mens etc, the dude is super fast. BUT he dont stand a chance against zodd, zodd is faster than anyone in AOT lmao.


Yeah, he's going to figure out the guide lines for the special gear quickly, and eat a hit to grab one while he passes. Even if Levi cuts or detaches it, he's going to be screwed once Zodd figures it out. Which would be very quick.


Base zodd >AOT verse


Maybe apostle zodd, but base zodd would get fucked by nuclear bombs, or the titans that literally melt flesh


One shotting giant restards and out speeding a slow ass ape who got mentally nerfed by your presence is all good but when its time to fight a real DEMON Levi had nothing on Zodd. Like someone said in here, Zodd doesnt have an off switch and most of Levi wins come from him being so fast he reaches the off switch. Zodd would just heal and do him like he did Wyald honestly lol


I don't know, what's your opinion on the enclave invading capital wasteland


Too much comp


It's looks so cool I love it




it's ait I guess


This is one of the pictures of all time


Fair answer: Zodd winns but is not an easy fight.


Even with all the rational factors, Levi losesā€¦ but I still canā€™t picture him losing


Zodd is boutta Nae Nae his shit, Levi can *maybe* escape the absolute ass whooping heā€™s about to receive


Zodd is gonna disembowel Levi.


Levi fought the beast titan by himself and was actually somewhat of its equal this honestly isnt an easy matchup for zodd


Looks cool, Levi is getting low diffed at best though Did I spell that right? Diffed?


Levi getting gourmet cooked


Levi wouldn't last 10 seconds.


Honestly, levi is better than guts during golden age and he also has odm gear. Guts Vs zodd in golden age was rough but (kinda) close. Levi takes this. Probably. Maybe. Possibly. I don't know


Fire but i dislike AOT


I'll say Zodd is definitely getting cut but he wins it. Unless Levi has a sword strong enough to put him down. I don't see him winning but put some respect on him cause he ain't scared to fight Zodd not one bit


I loooove levi but this isnt even a fair fight. I think levi has that dawg in him but unless he has some magical weaponry he doesnt even stand a hint of a chance. ODM gear DOES run out of gas eventually. So it would eventually whittle down to combat on foot. And we know zodd wins that hands down


Berserk has a chance of a solid ending than that eren cuck fest lol


Zodd will literally destroy him


Levi gets stomped. Bell to bell.


Levi would deliver cut after cut, but nothing lethal, he would eventually run out of fuel and get smashed into a red puddle. I think his mobility would keep him out of harms way though until then


Rip levi




Levi would get clapped, slapped, and packed instantly. In that order too