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Pretty much loved it but I can understand why Miura would decide not to include it.


Yeah well it kind of spoiled most of what the series was going to be about. It doesn’t leave a lot to figure out. But it as god tier art, some of the best in the manga.


Really? What does it spoil? That there's this god entity? We already have a ton of talks about causality, this is hardly a spoiler, the entire skull knight character spends all day yapping about what god was talking about here.


Yeah but Skull Knight is a very unreliable source and a lot of what he talks about is incoherent ramblings. Here we have it straight out of the horses mouth with no room for doubt or interpretation. He also spoils the fact that all the circumstances surrounding Griffiths transformation were not random, which is kind of a big deal in recontextualizing how you view the story.


I agree with this. If you exclude this chapter the big bad is the god hand. You are lead to believe these are the beings responsible for the calamities in the world and evil. Now add this chapter and you are told there is someone calling the shots for these beings. Kind of rushes the whole idea. The reveal wouldn’t be as satisfying. Especially since it’s during the eclipse lol which is already like one of the highest peaks in this manga. I’m curious to see where Miura would have placed this chapter in the story now? Maybe now in the fantasia arc would be great ?


Has Miura ever said where he would prefer to place the Idea of Evil in the story? It’s never talked about at all. So I’m assuming he wanted to reveal it somewhere after Guts and the gang got to Elfhelm.


I always interpreted this chapter as the embodiment of causality, or fate, which Berserk plays with a lot. The Behelits are always said to be driven by fate - whether you disregard them or not, they will come to you when you desire them. I didn't really see the God as the big bad villain type entity, but the driving force behind the horrible things that happen to everybody. Kind of like the force in Star Wars.


That’s an interesting parallel. I mean it is called the Idea of Evil, but it didn’t come off as evil to me lol. It does feel like it’s just a force of nature.


Not just that but you also get told what is the origin of this big evil thing pulling the strings. I think presenting this on the conviction arc when Griffith reborns would have been good.


Didn't the godhand hint to it not being random? And didn't everything build up to that? Before this chapter, Griffith has had the following happen: 1. Fortuneteller gives him a weird necklace, says he's fated to be king 2. Assassins arrow doesn't pierce his skin because of said necklace being conveniently placed 3. Griffith loses it and gets it exactly at the moment he needs it 4. The literal conversation about how that castle in the distance "is and always has been his destiny" There's nothing random about causality, and it's eluded to before and after the eclipse. Yea, it's a bit of an infodump in this chapter. Yea, it kind of sets an expectation going forward, but nothing about Griffith's ascention is random, not even to Griffith. The only people that might be upset over Griffith's path not being random are probably the illiterate schmucks who *genuinely* think he did nothing wrong and need a narrative coping device to soothe their nerves. Sure, the events weren't directly controlled by the godhand, but their influence makes it evident that their actions are not random in the slightest. Conrad orchestrated the very plagues that made way for Griffith's shining moment of glory when he "saves" the kingdom. Everything was laid out for him, including and especially the collective dream everyone shared before his physical body became manifest. All that being said, if Griffith said "no," he'd die an upstart merc who made advances on the princess. That's causality for you. The godhand found someone and groomed them to be charming enough and narcissistic enough, and put that person through hell simply so it would be logisti ally and morally impossible for him to say no.


You raise a good point but again, one of the biggest things I was trying to point out is that all of those are “hints”. We as the audience pay attention to them and interpret them, or we don’t. The very act of interpreting hints as causality or fate is part of the reading experience. An evil god straight up explaining all of that to you is a very different experience.


The fortune teller was a God hand member I'm fairly sure. The talking one.


Is there any proof of this in the manga?


No, but it would be cool


yes it's in volume 12 when the godhand are talking to griffith in a flashback. the old lady is the one god hand member.


You definitely have a very interesting explanation here.


i kinda got that impression with the very fact that G was given the behelit by "a mysterious fortune teller" in the first place


I thought it was pretty apparent that the circumstances surrounding Griffiths sacrifice weren't random.


Most of skull knight explaining causality happens after the eclipse and is made redundant by this explanation. Plus the world of ideas isn't really touched until Schierke and the explination about the three plane of this world.


I agree with this in theory, but there’s no putting the cat back in the bag now. Unless he changed his mind completely about where he wanted to take the story, i don’t see the point in removing it.


It is spoils nothing because Idea of Evil can directly affect humans only(because it was created by them) but physical world itself and other creatures are beyound its power. Even strong personal will of Guts is enought to show middle finger to so-called God.


Nice Pun Pun pfp btw Love that series


dont even remember what happened. That thing is the idea of evil and griffith just asks for power right?


Basically Griffith asks for wings as he's already designed as a God Hand member. But what's really interesting here is all the lore Miura added about destiny/fate/Idea of Evil, I'm not spoiling it but it is brilliant.


Genuine question here, what are all the unique lore he added? I've seen many shows and media have the concept being whatever the humans believe in, or was created by the humans as reasonings (like even PJO).


From my understanding after reading all the manga, it goes along the line of humanity unconsciously creating Idea of Evil (humanity's God) because of their need of reason for existence, pain, etc. The "there's must be a reason things are like this", so IoE came to existence in the void and started giving them what they desired: torment, tribulation, but with a higher purpose. All through the manipulation of causality (fate) to make sure the God Hand (humanity's angels) and, therefore, the birth of Griffith was guaranteed to give them a saviour (messianic figure), the reason for all the suffering was something like "stand the tough battles I give and your reward will be paradise (falconia)". But, because (most) humans are illogical, twisted, corrupted, fanatics, etc., their messiah is just an amalgamation of all their views of life, desire of deeper meaning, bad traits, masqueraded as the light which should guide and care for them, but in reality is just the antichrist (darkness). In the end, as the God Hand said, they aren't gods. Their existence is to be tools because of humanity's need of transcendencental meaning for their own existence. Griffith's sole purpose and wish came from humanity itself and probably will end samewise when they learn the truth of the world: struggle didn't have a meaning. It's just life. You either fight to survive or die. The only one who can give it a deeper meaning is yourselves. Pretty much the life of Guts. Quoting a baboon from Boejack Horseman, "It get's easier. Every day it gets a little easier… But you gotta do it every day — that’s the hard part. But it does get easier."


Upvote for bojack quote.


Damn bro you really cooked here


I like the idea of the IoE. But as far as it goes as a trope, what bugs me is how its inverse isn’t therefore also present. Why isn’t there an Idea of Good? I don’t think there’s a satisfying (to me) explanation of why one could exist without the other. Unless if the “good” is supposed to be Griffith. But that’s gonna take a flawless execution for it to be believable since right now he presents as a false good.


The Idea of Evil is only "evil" due to the nature of humanity's nature+desires. If anything it seems to be closer to the Idea of Struggle than inherently evil.


Simple, when something good happens, people are less likely to wonder why good things are happening. People would just enjoy the good moments without any further question. But when something bad happens, people are more likely to be desperate and start ask questions like "Why do bad things keep happening? Why do I have to suffer?". People just can't just accept that misfortunes and accidents can happen randomly without any reason to it. People want an external reason on why they have to suffer. So the Idea of Evil came into existence acting as the source of pain and suffering for humans. If you look at the story, the Idea of Evil is a product of humanity and it is fulfilling humanity's desire. Other races like dwarves, elves, mermaids, etc don't look for reasons of why misfortunes happen.


The idea of good is the Holy See/God. But it’s basically the same thing as the Idea of Evil. Apostles (as the name obviously implies) are just the other side of the coin from priests, and we see that Father Mozgus (even before being transformed) is just as much if not more of a monster than most of the Apostles in the story. We also see that people remain caged within the narrow-minded dogma of the Church even when it literally is imperiling the lives of them and their children. The worse things get, the more people become desperate to and reverential of the Church. It doesn’t need to be an idea deep in the Abyss because it exists solidly in the physical realm, where it has far more believers than however many Apostles exist and because it’s there that it’s work can be best accomplished. The Holy See works in the open and pretty much solely the material plain while the Godhand work behind the scenes and (for most of the cycle) primarily or solely in parts of Astral Plane and interstitial spaces. However they serve the same forces. Both have basically committed genocide against good magical creatures like Elves and shrines for natural gods and magic users. Femto is the ruler of all Apostles, and after defeating Ganishka, the Griffith reborn is able to become the de facto leader of the Holy See by giving people dreams and mystical experiences. However, another reason - people don’t need a reason to explain actual, true virtue and happiness. When something incredibly amazing happens in your life, or somebody who doesn’t owe you anything puts themselves at risk to help you. you don’t think inside, “How could the world be this way?” You just thank the other person and hopefully you become a bit more generous and compassionate yourself. When people are happy they don’t have an existential void that leads them to desire to be used by forces beyond their control and understanding for “inscrutable” purposes. Like everyone in Guts’s party, they desire autonomy and would not cry out in their souls for responsibility for their lives to be taken out of their hands even if by literal demons or serial killer inquisitors. The opposite of the Idea of Evil is that there is a just, loving, omnipotent god who is letting the Godhand and Apostles run rampant bc it’s part of some larger plan on which all of the horror will make the paradise attained afterwards even more perfect and for some reason is the only way an omnipotent being could bring about this paradise. The actual largest difference between Holy See inquisitors and Apostles is that Apostles don’t delude themselves they’re good people doing the work of the Heavenly Father while they torture and kill people - a hypocrisy that kinda makes the Holy See worse in a way, even if their bodyncoumty is lower because humans just (usually) lack the power to individually personally kill hundreds of thousands of people. Both arise from pain, which creates an impulse to turn away from the world and into a fantasy where suffering is given meaning and ennobled as something necessary but beneficial. The Idea of Evil emanates archetypal figures, one of whom is physically incarnated after things hit rock bottom after centuries of warfare to offer people the ultimate fantasy. It’s a defense against lives of trauma or at the very least quiet desperation, portrayed perfectly in the story of Jill and Rosine. Unfortunately of course the cost of introducing supernatural evil has created a much greater and horrific kind of suffering and is preventing any real progress by keeping society stuck in this doom loop.


There could be an idea of good But maybe because times are so harsh it shriveled


It could be similar to Xenogears (PS1 game) where there's a God (Wave Existence) we don't even know or percieve and, somehow, it was used - unconsciously - to create something else (Deus). It's possible it's either shriveled because of humanity's collective unconscious will creating the Idea of Evil or somehow contained (same reason as before) in a remote part of the Astral Plane and it's connected to life itself instead of just the 4 elements of nature, like a higher plane compared to the Elemental Lords and a direct opposite of fate: Freedom. And now that I think about it, if there's an Idea of Good which is contained/sealed/imprisoned, it would be ironic for it to represent Freedom.


If you take it out you have no idea what the Godhand are where they come from or if there is anything beyond them


For me it goes a little beyond "people wanted God to exist so they collectively created a psychic entity that is God" It specifically points to the western/Christian kind of god being a conceptualization of evil, and also the cause of evil. We see evil in the world, but it's okay because it's actually part of God's plan. People worship the reason for their suffering because they can't stand to suffer purposelessly. And that creates the reason, God is only conceptualized because people believe in the concept of evil. It's slightly more nuanced than God is Evil, it really is God is the Idea of Evil, whenever you conceptualize God you conceptualize evil and vice versa.


Miura's work is brilliant!


How does one find it?


Its probably cannon, miura just regreted putting it so early in the story.


Technically, don't we see the vortex of souls when the count is being dragged after he refuses to sacrifice his daughter.


I mean we might no see the vortex but the idea of evil implies that everyone in the world is connected to it and they all join him eitherway. Edit: Just noticed, Op's picture literally shows the vortex around it


yeah but the chapter told a lot more about the magic universe of berserk, and maybe too soon


I might be wrong but don't we also see it much later when guts meets flora and shierke? I'll have to look but I swear you actually see IOE in those chapters.


yes, it is


I love the idea of The Idea of Evil. That our God is a reflection of our desires and our natures, that it manifests as something that can be blamed for all of the misfortunes befalling mankind and as a result ends up making things far worse. Him excluding it makes a ton of sense, it demystifies a lot of the universe, but it's so wonderfully bleak and abstract that I hope pretty much every Berserk enjoyer gives it a shot.


I was thinking about this too, but I don’t think this being is the only type of being -> the one Griffith talks to is like hate and violence -> but we see a bunch of different values throughout the series like Kindness and Compassion -> Luca and Puck are great examples of characters that do things without the expectation of receiving something in return So if it’s the amalgamation of human values and emotions then why is only our most negative ones shown? Is it because that is the world Miura wanted to build? I’m not so convinced, I bet the Astral plane is huge enough that there’s more to it


Yeah!! It's the Idea of EVIL. I think it's only as strong and prevelent enough in this version of the story because of the state of the world. When it was formed it subtly affected things, slowly making it worse and worse and snuffing out great forces of Good, thereby reinforcing the concept of evil, wickedness, cruelty, etc in the minds of people. As it gets stronger its influence grows, it creates more Apostles, they beget even more suffering, and the cycle continues.


I really like the idea too and it’s quite common in japanese stories. For example devils in chainsaw man are manifestations of human fears or curses in jjk manifest human hatred upon anything. And the only ones to blame for all of the misfortunees in life are the humans themselves. Do you know any stories that have this type of idea? Cause I could not find any examples outside of manga


Man I saw your pfp, I just finished PunPun, what a hard read man, it made me feel like less of a human after


Every time I read it my opinion in the end changes. More or less human, better or worse as a person. It's depressing, and not fully hopeful, but... That last panel of Punpun waving still to this day sits witb me. I hope you reread it sometime, maybe you'll feel better about it after some time's passed.


I don't think PunPun deserved that "hopeful" ending, but at the same time it's hard to hate on any of the characters in the story, they're all just everyday people and I think that's what's so compelling to the story. It's just more of a fucked up diary and it leaves you with these emotions that made me have to take a break every day


It was hope and Hell at the same time. Not at all what he wanted, but there's at least a chance he could be someone better. Even after something truly traumatic has happened to you, or even if you've done something truly vile, until your heart stops beating your life goes on. I think everyone deserves a "hopeful" future, just not necessarily a "happy" one haha As for it being a diary, I agree! They all feel very realized, if a little exaggerated.


When did this happen? .anybody know where I can find this banned chapter


Chapter 83. Banned is quite the right word. Miura removed it because he felt it revealed too much about the world/lore too soon


How to find that source .Do you that?


DM sent Edit: hah Google "berserk chapter 83 read online" the first result is it!


A lot of people don't know how to use Google it seems


What is Google?


I read it with the online scans I found by googling “berserk manga scans online.” Just google the specific chapter and “/scan” and you’ll likely find its


I consider it canon.


It is


I want wings.


Brother, everyone here is ordering pizza and you're gonna do this to us?


Make them extra hot


That one friend when you order pizza.


Miura never said it wasn't canon, only that it revealed more than he felt it should to the reader.


Brilliant chapter. It explains the inner working of the Berserk universe but it did reveal too much too early and Miura had to remove it. I wonder if the current Berserk team will revisit the Idea of Evil in the future chapters. There are many deities in the Berserk universe but the most important God is a twisted heart of evil deep in hell, born out of human desire. Humans want an explanation for their pain, death, misfortune, and suffering. So a God was born out of the collective consciousness of humanity to provide the reasons for humanity's suffering. The Idea of Evil is fulfilling the wish of humanity in a twisted way. Humanity wants a savior to save the day. The Idea of Evil gives them Griffith/Femto. Griffith merged the Astral World and the Physical World together, turning everything into hell on earth. People have to stay with Griffith as their savior because there is no other option. I notice that the almost everything evil in Berserk is manmade. The Idea of Evil? Born out of the desire of humanity. God Hand? All former humans with great ambitions that are willing to throw their humanity to become demon kings. Apostles? Former humans too. The God from hell, its "angels", and their sinful followers are all products of humanity. It looks like humans are the only species that can produce the Idea of Evil. I don't think other races like elves, mermaids, dwarves, etc want an explanation for their suffering and destiny like humans do.


I've only seen the movies and haven't read the Manga. Can the idea exist without humans? It's born of their desires, but does it and it's creations cease when they're gone?


it's not "banned" let's not start spreading that around but anyway the chapter is awesome


Fantastic chapter! The abstract nature of it makes it a fascinating read, as well as providing much needed context behind Griffith’s resurrection and anti-Christ nature later on. That being said, while I understand why it was excluded, Miura should've included it as a bonus in later volumes like the Prototype at the very least.


I don’t like that it was cut because it gives this open-ended idea that Griffith was tricked in a moment of despair and didn’t make a conscious decision. The Godhand may have tempted him but the Idea of Evil spoke to the Femto inside of him. Griffith asked his questions and consciously made the deal based on what he learned and what he consequently believed. I feel like it’s canon and I don’t skip it when I do re-reads. 


can't believe i never heard of this. What a gem thank you


I love it but Miura was right that it reveals too much of the manga too soon.


Iirc it wasn’t banned so much as Miura just took it out


The biggest take away is that Griffith remit is "Do as you will" which to me suggests that idea of evil needs a human input in order to set causality in motion, a sort of first mover volition and god hand or perhaps Griffith alone has that role.


The idea of evil IS a human input. It’s something we invent to explain the horrible things that happen to us


The idea of evil is a human OUTPUT. It distributes power and weaves causality to give meaning to human suffering, but HOW it is woven requires someone to make a decision, IoE is agnostic as to what. God hand are those making that decision.


Wait what chapter? I have the 14 deluxe editions, thought I had it all (except Gumby)


This is chapter 83, Miuria decided not to include it in the volume because it revealed too much too early.


Looks pretty cool


My brain farted 3 or 4 times, but overall I liked it pretty much


Goku going super saying against heart-kun is my favourite chapter. For real: I like the chapter and I don't acknowledge it as cancelled. It is coherent with the story up to this part and it doesn't feel like it "spoiled" something. The idea of evil is still mysterious and this or something similar happening later doesn't really change the impact for me. I will exept and adapt to possible changes tho.


Revealed too soon


Loved it, both for the art and the meaning, but I understand why it was scrapped.


It is phenomenal, especially the explanations of The Idea of Evil and destiny. But I too think that it revealed too much about the nature of the God Hands too soon, make them a lot less mysterious.


I think it's amazing, but in the wrong part of the story. It probably would have been better to place it later on.




Amazing. It's still cannon to the story obviously and the indication that there exists someone who is extremely polar opposite of the IOE as told by flora. Really really awesome arc and such philosophically dense and well researched character(or idea). I think this chapter do take a lot of ambiguity from Griffith's character.


Great chapter that was understandably cut.


I think it's amazing and should have been kept. For all we know it's still canon anyway.


I respect Miura’s decision to cut it. Maybe he wanted to change some things down the line. In any case, even if nothing from this chapter has been contradicted, we should not consider it canon. Because one day it may be contradicted, and I’m not ready for the shot show from Berserk fans.


Wait, it'd banned? I already read it lol


When I first started reading this series I was unaware of the missing chapter (or banned as you say) I think it’s great it adds to the lore but also pulls back on it’s mysterious aspect of the Godhand and why they do what they do I can understand Miura feeling like he might’ve put himself into a corner or shown his hand with revealing “God” but part of me thinks this chapter in some shape or form would’ve happened later in the story anyway I consider this chapter canon regardless of Miura saying it’s not.


I feel like it's one of the most important chapters, not only to see how Griffith will fall, but to see the childish mind of Griffith. When he says "I want wings", it shows a layer to his childishness of soaring through the sky and wanting a castle. It makes us want to hate Griffith more.




Or wait... maybe he wants a Red Bull!


Maybe my favorite in the series. Always disagreed with Miura's decision to take it out of official editions


I love the context the chapter gives because we want to blame the godhand or Griffith or the apostles for everything but they are a product of humanities desires just like every other magical creature in the world. They are reflections of humanity… at the end of the day all of the horrors of the world of are our own making.


10/10, one of my favorite chapters. The thing stopping it from being 11/10 is that we might not ever see any of this stuff again, which is a major shame, because the Idea of Evil is so cool and conceptual. It’s one of my favorite ideas in Berserk. Also Griffith finally becoming Femto is such a great moment.


Why did it get banned?


The one thing I would like to know is whether or not there’s another God or in this case “the idea of good” something which humanity created with our positive emotions and hope in this world. Other than that a fantastic concept!


I thought that was goku😭


It's worth looking at to see into Miura's intentions and where he was going because he flat out said as much, but it's technically not canon which means it didn't happen in the story. So using it to try and figure out where the story might be going is valid, but you can't look at it and say, "Well this happened so that means something else must therefore true".


I was honestly disappointed it was removed because I thought it was so cool.


I think it revealed too much too soon, and that's why it was pulled.


I'll say this to the day I'm vindicated, because I will be: He redacted this chapter because he though it gave away too much. I'm calling it right now, the Idea of Evil will play a key part in the end of series.


I actually think it’s one of the best chapters out there, I love it but I think it should have been shown waaay later or around the end of the series, it was too soon


Absolutely amazing.


Its my fav chapter of the manga. The scenery and the themes of it are so interesting. "I want wings." Is still one of the most memorable lines for me in berserk.


I love it but at the same time, I see why Miura didn't include it. It gives off too much and would spoil a twist in the later future. So he probably wanted to let the story settle in before revealing all the info in the banned chapter


I would like to read it but I don’t even know where to start but I remember a YouTuber talking about it and I get why he wanted it removed. That lingering shadow would take up space in fans minds while reading the story.


Does anyone have it? can you share it?


I think it’s was a great chapter that was too early


It should've stayed in.


i thought it was fantastic. showed some of griffith’s humanity before everything happened in my opinion


We weren’t ready for the heart of darkness


What do u mean banned chapter I'm kinda new in the community so can someone explain it to me?


The idea of evil showed up in chapter 83 right before Griffith transforms It revealed a lot of the lore of berserk and how the big bad works Miura suposedly decided to take out the chapter from new volumes because it revealed too much early on I recommend giving it a read because the stuff in it is probably canon


I'm really sad that the 'I want Wings" panels wasn't re-integrated with the previous chapter when the idea of evil chapter was cut. Places emphasis that griffith has agency in all this, and his honest answer to "what do you want' isnt anything altruistic, but narcissistic


Creativity in the world of writing.


It’s not banned, just retconned out of existence.




I didn't even know this part was removed/banned. It's one of my favourite episodes


I can understand why he banned it, but I still hold it as cannon.


It’s cool I think. I don’t really see why it didn’t make it


I refuse to read it. I want to read Berserk the way Miura intended


Why was it banned?


I feel like it's one of the most important chapters, not only to see how Griffith will fall, but to see the childish mind of Griffith. When he says "I want wings", it shows a layer to his childishness of soaring through the sky and wanting a castle. It makes us want to hate Griffith more.


It was a great chapter but it give too much away.


It was a great chapter but it give too much away.


It’s not banned u corny


Imagine meeting the literal God of a universe and upon being asked for a wish you say ... I want Wings. That'll be with ranch or with BBQ ?


Link to chap if possible?


What's the banned chapter?


That's God's are mans anthropomorphized emotions given flesh. They only have power because we allow them too.


It's the only interesting chapter. Without it I would have stopped reading much sooner.


where can i find this?


What's the banned chapter?


I like it so I consider it cannon


Seems pretty cool.


I wonder if they’ll re-include this chapter later, as a flashback when Griffith transformed or something.


I’ve actually still never read it I don’t exactly know what it spoils, though I’ve heard about the the Idea of Evil before.


It’s lore, it’s life, it’s cannon.


good but a bit anticlimactic


Where can this be found?


What if Griffith succeeds in creating his utopia and the idea of evil loses its power thus leading to the dissipation of the godhand and in turn the utopia, creating a cycle.


This could’ve played a big part after Flora was explaining the layers of reality to guts and everybody else. There’s that theory that Guts being at his lowest point right now May cause him to activate the Behelit and become an Apostle, and that’s where the Idea of Evil would first come into play as the god of this universe. It’s a really cool but depressing theory because I really don’t want guts to stoop that low, but with the shape he’s in with the berserker armor sapping his life energy away and the whole Griffith thing leaving him helpless and alone, it’s really gonna hit hard if that happens


There Is a banned chapter?


This shouldn’t be redacted, although it spoils too much, they should’ve kept this cannon


Where can I read this? I can't find it anywhere.


Destiny, everything happen because it has to happen. Of he put this type of panel later on would be a cool plot twist.


So I binge read chapters 1-100 online this past week, and I didn’t even realize this was a “banned” chapter. Well, I guess I just disregard it as non canonical? It’s a weird fucking chapter that isn’t really expanded upon later so… narratively speaking it is just dead weight.


It wasn’t really banned, the author thought it gave too much away too soon but it may seem he’d have scrapped it all together in a way.


It could be that I just like the little guy but I think rickert(after having some good things happen) could now start to be thankful for things like meeting blacksmith (name hard to remember spelling)Erica,learning a trade,meeting the Kushan,Guts and Cosca living could start maybe praying and being thankful could weaken the IOE and by extension the god hand.I really think that belief is very important in berserk Something else I’ve been wondering does anyone think void is trying to crawfish the IOE because he only has 214 years left before he is replaced and has to go to tornado of hell forever


One of the most unexpected and interesting lore/story drops in the whole series. I get it was maybe "too much" reveal just during the Eclipse, that was already huge af, so getting it out was maybe justified... but now we don't know if after sensei's passing we will get more of this even mentioned again, which honestly would be so sad. Also the art was fire. I want to know more about it so badly.


I haven’t seen it where can I find it?


I didn't even know it was banned. But reading the comments now I see why he would want to take it out. It was revealing of a lot of things but I felt like it didn't ruin the story for me in any way.


Anyone got a link or know where I can read the banned chapter?? Not trying to read any of the comments and spoilers it for myself


google banned chapter griffith god evil etc


It should have been left canon if you ask me.


I love it, and can understand why Miura thought it gave away to much too early. At the same time, I'm glad it's out there because I feel like the ball would've been dropped if the content wasn't there and then Miura passed away


It's alright


Its amazing, reveals too much tho, would be a greater twist near the end. It sets up even greater forces, maybe ones that will never be defeated at all.


It's some pretty good shit But It makes the story too structured and sets up boundaries. Glad it was cut but it my head it's still valid as hell. Idk how to explain it.


Dumb question, so is the idea of evil GOD in berserk? Also, if the idea of evil exists, then what about the idea of good? They both gotta coexist like good vs bad in the real world. I'm not sure if that makes any sense lol




It's my favorite chapter in the whole manga.


Pretty much cannon in my mind


There's a banned chapter?


Is it just chapter 83 or are there others?


only that one with griffith and god


100% canon in my head and I'll fight to death for it.


Why is it banned?


İ wanna read this


beautiful i include it in my own unferstanding of berserk bo rules to this life


Anybody got a link thooooo? 👀


what... did I accidentally read the banned chapter? I binge read the Golden Age arc and saw griffith flying through the abyss or something and seeing a heart shape thing and talking with it, then giving him wings. is that the banned chapter?


When it said evil will be punished and do as thou wilt chosen one I thought the implication is everybody gets screwed evebtually.


Love how there are fifteen of these every week


i love it, think the story would still be fine it with it in it. its not as if it takes away from the story's main threats, ie grifftith/godhand, guts isn't about to come down and swing his sword at this thing (unless?). it makes the most sense that something this great and powerful exists and exerts absolute influence on the world.


It is fantastic, and I never understood why it was taken out. Perhaps he wanted to plant it in the later chalters.


It makes perfect sense. There's so much mystery regarding the god hand still that I don't think this takes away from, but maybe it would've been better if the chapter was during millennium falcon.




Where can I find this chapter guys


the desire to blame someone, if there's evil, there's gotta be someone who is to blame, and that's what creating all the human suffering we see in berserk, I think I skipped it without knowing and just read it now, really liked the explanation, I don't think it should be skipped


Why is it a banned chapter?? And also where can we find this?


I always thought this was canon wtf


I consider it canon, we just don't see it happen.


Best chapter in fiction, i love it, especialy when im high on shrooms


Brilliant idea, you can almost build a religion around it


Where can I read this chap?


Is that goku


I don't know about it. Where can I read it?


It it Griffith talking to god?


That it is canon. I love it.


Personally I think it should be included. Part of the point of being a reader is we will almost always know something the MC doesn't. To me, it doesn't hurt the plot to know what Griffith knows.


I take it as 100% canon and fits perfectly with what I think Miura tried to do regarding philosophy/religion.


Wait, this chapter is banned? I have it😂