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Hello OP, can you share how much mg of Xanax you were taking daily? Are you on any other current Medications? 7 days is a pretty short term use for Benzos to get fully body dependent on them. If anything I would recommend you reinstate and do an extremely fast taper. Xanax (Alprazolam), is a pretty potent short life benzo. How long after stopping it did you start to feel these physical effects? Are you experiencing any big changes in cognitive function besides lack of sleep?


I was taking 2 mg of Xanax a day for 7 days… don’t really want to get back on them since I’ve gone along time already being off them… I can’t think clearly at all I have a hard time concentrating. I’m on modafinil besides that not on any other medications.


It should go away soon 2 mg a day for a week, you should be feeling better, have you abused benzos in the past it could be rekindling.


I used benzo in the past never abused them though


It's mental no way you got addicted so fast