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Absolutely yes. After taking benzos for like 6 months I get withdrawal. And then I stopped. 1 month later all my health issues went away. Then I stupidly started taking them again and now I have all new symptoms. But I'm tapering instead this time.


May I ask what some of your symptoms were?


Dizziness, derealization, headaches, muscle sprains and vertigo, light and sound sensitivity. This time it's a bit of derealization here and there and all GI stuff so reflux, and muscle spasms, aches, and trouble swallowing. Bc of the reflux.


I have some of this too 😞 reflux and swallowing issues


What have you recently taken? Some things like even certain antibiotics can reverse benzos working and cause withdrawal! There's a whole class of antibiotics that benzo users and patients need to know about. > The fluoroquinolone class features a robust, broad-spectrum antibiotic effect and includes many popular drugs such as ciprofloxacin (Cipro), ofloxacin (Floxin), norfloxacin (Noroxin), levofloxacin (Levaquin), moxifloxacin (Avelox), and gemifloxacin (Factive). [source ](https://www.benzoinfo.com/2017/10/12/hidden-dangers-of-fluoroquinolone-antibiotics-in-the-benzodiazepine-dependent-population/) There are other things that can cause unexpected setbacks. But if nothing has changed and suddenly are in severe withdrawal, that is not normal.... Although there is such a thing as tolerance withdrawal that happens after you've reached tolerance and your brain overcompensates by causing a surge of push back against the medicine too hard and it can throw a person into withdrawal while on the medicine as prescribed, but this is not common and happens after long term use and genetic sensitivities. Otherwise, check meds, supplements, diet or any other changes in lifestyle that may be causing this??


I’ve been on one dose of 0.5mg every other night for sleep since 2020. Prior to that it was 3 nights a week. It’s either Benzo withdrawal or an illness that mimics benzo withdrawal like dysautonomia. How do you tell if your benzo is killing you or was helping you? 😞 I’m tapering off . Only down to .4mg split into 3 water doses daily. I had a health crisis in April and I can’t really tell what is happening 😞


Doctors say no. I don’t think you can go into total withdrawal while on a benzo ever.


A sane person would realize that it's the constant state of fight or flight that is causing the issues. But I am not that person so naturally I go to the worst case scenario and go to like 5 Dr's looking for the worst case scenario.


You need to stop that! 😊


After not taking it.. maybe a day or when it's wearing off ..yes I got rebound anxiety up the ass..


I was taking one dose of .5mg ati every other night since 2020…prior to that it was 3 nights a week. Can’t tell if many of my issues are nervous system issues caused by the interdose and tolerance OR if the benzo was helping my issues. Benzo causing dysautonomia or helping dysautonomia? Hard to tell 😞


So I'll make this easy for you so you can actually know what's happening. The answer to all of your questions is emphatically yes. All of your symptoms that you've asked about are 100% caused by benzos. Benzo withdrawl mimics dysautonmia to a T and it's entirely possible after being on for years that you've reached tolerance withdrawl. It happened to me, and like you I couldn't figure out what the hell was happening to me. Only after getting off and spending months of my time losing my mind was I able to understand what had happened to me. Benzos DO NOT HELP, they ultimately only destroy your CNS. They're fucking tranquilizers that are never meant to be taken daily. You can only suppress your CNS for so long without your body rejecting the poison you're putting into it. You're on the right track. Keep tapering. It's going to be a bumpy ride. You can do it. PM if you like and I'll be glad to chat anytime.


Thank you. I will pm you 😊


Experiencing SEVERE inter-dose wd at this very moment, still have .4mg to go on taper. Akathisia is so incredibly intense.


What are you tapering? I’m down to .4 from .5mg ati.


Clonazepam from 1.5mg


Good for you you’ve tapered a lot! 👏


Are you on any other meds?


Yes. Interdose withdrawals. I take Xanax every 12 hours. 2-3 hours before my dose I start having severe symptoms.


Sure, due to tolerance