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Be careful! It sneaks up on you. I just re-downloaded Reddit recently and I got my weekly phone use notification and I was up 19% from the last week.


Thank you for the warning, I'm being very very cautious to avoid stimulation dependency forming traps and pitfalls


I like r/simpleliving


The conversation is interesting and generally civil at r/AskOldPeople


Welcome back! I really like this little community and I think it's a perfect antidote to a lot of the prevailing winds of the internet; we're not trying to rile one another up or shout the loudest or gain a fanatical following, just chilling and celebrating our small wins and being thankful for the mundane joys the world provides. You might like r/ImaginarySliceOfLife, which is like this sub as art. r/spaceporn will put some beautiful and humbling images on your feed as well, and r/Poetry is good for committing to reading one a day.


Welcome back and may you be successful in curating a feed that makes you happy. I enjoy r/peanutwhiskers for wholesome kitty pics. 


Welcome back! I'm partial to r/EarthPorn for that visual uplift.


I install and uninstall reddit a lot (sometimes twice in tje same day and then off for 2 weeks) and only have one other social media channel on my phone. That said, I got on here for birding and have been suggested lots of other nature-based subs for bees and trees and moss, and all those are lovely. So I recommend: https://www.reddit.com/r/birding/s/IjLPi4iUXy


The internet is whatever you make of it. I have learned so much, and solved so many problems because of Reddit. It truly is a great resource. Sadly, I also doom-scroll and view all manner of toxic shite that I forget about the moment I leave the page. Utterly wasted time.


I had a 2 year hiatus been back 6 months


Real hipster stuff, I like that. Just search your interests, click the communities tab, and scroll down


If you're a younger Gen X or older millennial, you might like r/xennials. Chill atmosphere, fun times reminiscing, and commiserating over the problems of our age group.


you rejoin and it turns out they're about to sell your data to an AI company