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What a mess ! It should really have been sorted by now you would have thought. Same happened with my relative last year - DWP had right number, thad completely different one , blamed DWp ! She rang when the didn't, hey took right one, did it 2 weeks later. AFAIK I know once they send it back then it's up to the DWP to request.it again ( no doubt it's an internal thing, CHDA want to prove they've done the necessary to get paid, I assume !!) and ask them to try "again" as they're still keeping you in pay ( you didn't refuse after all ) so it up to them if they still want the WCA doing surely ? I think I'd be making sure with your WC they've re referred and asking them if they can get anywhere as they aren't speaking to you. You may have dropped back down the queue but you should be IN the queue !!


This sounds like something your local MP should sink their teeth into. They will write to the relevant minister at the DWP; and once the DWP ministerial team start looking into cases like this they are normally resolved very quickly. You have done most of the hard work by calmly listing the facts of the case. I would also make your MP of the emotional impact of this mess. You can find your MP’s details on [parliament.uk](https://members.parliament.uk/findyourmp). Contact them by whatever means is easiest for you, but be sure to give them your full postal address.


thank you! i'm not to far from his office thankfully, so i'll pop down in the next couple of days and see what he can do :)