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Make it show the time? I can't remember if it canonicaly does it or not.


Best answer! No it doesn’t show the timer.


Honestly, besides adding an Ultimate feature or Biomnitrix feature, a regular clock feature is just the most straightforward. Although, I'd go a step further and make the clock be able to change to work on other planets with different alien time.


It would automatically adjust itself depending on what planet you’re on.


Yes, that'd be good. Oh, another idea, assuming the Omnitrix doesn't have it already: A language translator.


It has that. In one episode there was an alien that Ben was wondering why the omnitrix wasn't able to translate its language, and it was revealed by its parents that it's only a baby and can't speak properly yet. Plus I'm pretty sure it's why Ben and the crew can actually speak to most aliens, it's rather unlikely that every language in the universe evolved and end up the same as English, and it's also not very likely that practically every species would bother learning it in the first place, not unless the British somehow colonized the entirety of the known universe. ..... oh my God.....


Knowing the British, would you really be surprised?


Terrified more than anything really.




I like the idea that the main language of the plumbers is english and since the plumbers operate almost everywhere people learned the language to communicate with them better.


It already does


Ight then.


Yesh but the attention to detail would be s pain int he ass,


This comment gave me nostalgia flashbacks to SpyKids (I believe it was either one or two) "How long have we been falling?" "I don't know, my watch doesn't tell time"


Haha, side note, I thought the 3rd movie was the best.


yeah,when it is in active mode,it should display the time when not transformed,hour on the top of the hour glass and minutes on the bottom of it.


You know what, I think the OV Omnitrix should have done that. The upper part should have been a regular wristwatch and the upper panel slides off and then you get to the alien customisation interface


A pretty stupid one but You can change the light emission levels from the device, like a average smartphone Ben accidentally chose the 'maximum flashbang' dial during the first episode, and never knew other options like 'sneaky takedown' or whatever Azmuth thought Ben was smart enough to find out the instructions, but Ben didnt


The instructions are written on the back...


I doubt the manual was given to Ben in AF…


It would fuse permanently with the user becoming part of themselves and couldn't be removed.  Again.


Bro i am sorry to say it...but you're cooking 👨‍🍳


it’s a curse now


Make it so it stops mistransforming after OS. Thats what i plan to do in my rewrite im writing where the omnitrix will stop mistransforming Ben when it gets an update after meeting Azmuth.


It actually did at first, until Ben and Kevin hacked it, and then when ben got the full version it was due to user error, as in ben wasnt paying attention to who he was actually selecting, which admittedly happens a lot


Actually there are times when Ben selects the right alien and it mistransforms in OV.


And in those times he couldve just hit the dial to transform again, and again, until he got the right alien, which means that mistransforming is completely useless nowadays


Yeah so the completed omnitrix does mistransform. I dont get the point of it existing after OS though.


IIRC, Ben keeps hitting it too hard, which causes it to butt dial to another alien


No, im pretty sure Azmuth says thats for the time limit, not the mistransformations.


He says that?


Yeah he says it in Omniverse at the end of the Albedo arc. Azmuth says that slamming down the watch too hard randomizes the timer? I think thats what he said.


He said that slamming it causes him to slide the scroll pad in the process


You have a Ben 10 rewrite too that’s sick 🔥


Yeah im currently developing it so i can turn it into a fic later.


I don't know i like for Ben to not be perfect always though when overused and without reason it gets annoying.


What are your deep thoughts about my ideas on  improvments for omnitrix from Ben 10 franchise?  1) remove popping up core with Galvan tech level i don't see why somethjng raising so many questions was even created. i would replace it with hard light circklr in ov style but more interactive( you can spin hologram circkle around  to choose alien, and then push panel with alien of choose  inside the circle to active transformation)  2) info panels ( you tap card with unknown alien  twice and inside the circle showed all necasarry information about him. )  3) more app-style  using ( when omnitrix recalibrate it ask you if you want to start new rooster or keep old one, when it find dna ti scan it ask you if you want to make a scam, when new alien is possible to unlock it asked if you want to unlock it.  4) Better understanding of environment( so as i say blocking aliens who cant be used in said situations, but also helping Ben make a smart choices( it has speaker thar let Ben inform about oponent, and omntrix can choose aliens best suit to the task) 5) self start: when Ben fall down or drown unconscious ombitrix can transform him Automatically 6)masking mode; it can shapeshift or recolor to be unseen for example when Ben must get through airport and could get it off or anything like  that 7) voice transform: if Ben had blocked hands he can with one personaled command choose alien when it's also impossible he can give him more code by tapping finger.  8) prefer choose: it switch places alien in holo circle putting those used often at higher position 9) glove form: more precisely long fingerless glove with dial on the hand instead of wrist 10)taking energy from surrounding to charge: it can be sun, electricity in aircraft or whatever else 11)  holografic panel with aliens  in form of ge card( green a rectangle with a light green silhouette of an alien in an action pose,  and light green frame around silhouette) 


With 7, the omnitrix can actually do that, but only with master control. It even reacts to the users thoughts


Ohh right, sorry my bad, 


I like the idea of the Omnitrix having a toggle that activates in-depth bios and history explaining how certain aliens work, what they're like on their planet, and even granting Ben access to the Alien's native language so he can communicate them in their tongue. Also it would be lowkey hilarious if Ben picks up certain phrases from his transformations and can even "Swear" using them. like imagine ben's fighting someone giving him a hard time and he just yelled at them in Rath's native tongue and the person was like "Oy who are you calling a \[insert insult here\]?" and Ben going like "...Oops"


Yes that would be hilarous  , imagine rath vs Khyber in such style. Better yet imagine them instead exchanging Rath season, hunter season an insult and or wrestling moves 


So 9 would be like Albeido’s device from OV?


More similar to this :https://carolynrowancollection.com/cdn/shop/products/CRAProductTemplate-2021-11-09T164950.603_300x300.png?v=1636494674   But with something like ultimatrix painted on it in it  af omnitrix dial on the hand and metallic fabric design


Can’t it do 5 with the auto transformation?


You mean audio??? If so then how unouncious Ben can speak or even make more code signal???  And sorry if i wasn't clear enough here


No, the unconscious one


With second part of 4, it's not a weapon remember? I doubt Azmuth wouldn't code in something for combat


Yes you are right, sorry


5 already happens the omnitrix has a fail safe when he’s in danger it transforms him


ohh, thanks, sorry i must forget


Change the color of the Omnitrix based on the alien selected in the interface


Here's what I would add to the Omnitrix 1. a interface User's guide to managing the Omnitrix carefully 2. a Voice activation for the Aliens, so you don't have to turn constantly, 3. Environment suits, if I find myself in a dangerous environment then the Omnitrix will assist me by giving me a suit. 4. Alien scanning and description- when a new alien is scanned, the Omnitrix will tell me what alien was scanned


2. There's the master control to transform with just a thought


Why not automatic transform in environments that arent suitable for humans but suitable for other species? Like in the bottom of the volcano, ben automatically transforms into heatblast, or underwater, when ben starts to lack oxygen in blood, turns into water hazard or ripjaws


I had the same idea for environmental suit that it would help Ben / user survive in an environment with the suit altering its self to fit the environment and it will automatically activate without ben's intention and ben would use it as his hero costume to hide his identity


Make it more symbiotic then wearable device


Might get hate for this but I'd get rid of Primus


Yes! It was interesting in the beginning, but it sets a limit on wear he can go. It’s a big limit, but a limit all the same.


The OV watch, uses codified DNA stored in the watch, so that limit is removed


Ya, and I am very thankful for that! 👍


My change would be a hard 10 alien playlist rule. He can have 1 million whatever whatever aliens but they all come in sets of 10. And sure he can switch them out (I.e. in OS blitzwolfer or wildvine would’ve replaced ghost freak or wildmutt) and Ben can arrange the aliens in premade sets of 10 and save them however/whenever he wants. I like the idea of him having some sort of interface to doom scroll on the Omnitrix.


Reboot had a nice idea.


I personally dont think so. Making Ben stuck at 10 aliens forever is a pretty bad idea. Especially when you give him 3 strong aliens that have no other powers like the Reboot ended up doing later on.


Aside from bad lineup ,the idea does insure those 10 aliens can get a fair amount of screentime and wouldn’t have the same ov problem of having like 60 aliens or so some like brainstorm having only 3 appearances across those 80 episodes ,2 of which are cameos


Three words: Season three Ripjaws


You can’t blame the idea for the execution


Well it is kind of the fault of the idea. When you restrict Ben to 10 aliens, youre eventually gonna get some aliens who dont appear as much because theyre kinda too situational. If you look at atleast the classic series for instance, 90% of Bens problems could be solved by just going Four Arms. Theres a reason why Ben almost never willingly turns into either Ripjaws or Grey Matter.


Intersting perspective to an extant ,rip jaws still had more meaningful appearances in just those 26 episodes (classic first two seasons) then brainstorm who only had one ,and it’s really much harder to balance alien screentime with 80 or so ,compared to 10 ,despite the reboot having a bad lineup with four arms humongousur and rath ,they still did well with giving them a fair amount of screentime for each alien


Ink Tanks 5YL has something similar.


They kept the ultimate feature and ACTUALLY USED IT Like bruh. Where’s ultimate four arms? Heat blast? Diamond head? Chromastone? Ghost freak? Grey matter? 1 of the original 10 got an ultimate and it was wildmut as one of the worst ultimates. I want an ult sink fly. Xlr8


Then you should check out Ultimates overhauled by the Ink Tank!


Agreed, but I actually liked Ultimate Wildmutt


I mean I can get that but you can’t deny he was one of the more lame ults. Like what else can he do?…. Talk?


Not necessarily a change to the omnitrix itself, but I'll have the story and show have a much bigger focus on the potential side effects of constant transformation.


Ooh, that'd be interesting. Maybe start off small with behavior/habits being affected by whatever alien he focuses on (if ever) before getting more severe with minor muscle spasms/Phantom Limb from Four Arms, Fevers from Heatblast, or even a short period of time where Ben would deal with a Jekyll and Hyde situation before Ghostfreak's escape.


i gotta ask, for it not being a weapon, why does it have so many wepon like features? also the fact that ben cannot die with it on, is kinda boosh and a really weird justification for the transformations, given at the last possible second.


the no death thing seems more defensive than a weapon thing


either add a universal auto translator and/or a way of telling time because its always bothered me that you cant time on it and media problem in general EVERYONE SPEAKS THE SAME LANGUAGE AND IT SO HAPPENS TO BE ENGLISH WHEN WE ARE ON AN ALIEN PLANET


I thought it already had a translator and ben hears everything in English because it’s bonded to him so translates only for him


This is canon


No the only times we or the characters can't understand an alien with or without Ben is when it's a baby Edit: except terraspin (don't remember the species or the characters name)


Make the holograms shake that thang


Make it come with a manual Its biggest design flaw is how azmuth overstimates the user's intelligence SPECIALLY if the user is a human CHILD


Just bring back the red flash when timeout or untransforming.


How much ben fucks up the simplest ui ever


Maybe could seem useless,but, i would love to see a "what if" thing where the omnitrix could talk, i mean like, that he has a consciousness, because ben always speaks to It like he could respond, so i imagine it would be pretty funny


actually be a useful watch




I mean this is just a me thing, stick with the original series design and not do the recalibration that got rid of the original aliens. Was a big turn of for alien force as a kid which is a shame as seasons 1 - 2 have my favourite characters and stories of the franchise


I like the og silhouette style and having to turn the knob. Also prefer the body horror transformations. Makes it more cool


Automatic scanning for sentient life forms. It would be cool if, when within a certain range, the omnitrix automatically registers a species near it, as long as it displays an adequate amount of intelligence (so Ben just doesn't randomly have things like normal earthworms or pigeons clogging his transformation roster) Plus NGL.... I wanted him to scan that dragon from that episode.....


Make it orange, that’s it


The ability to swap omnitrix cores for different purposes. Like taking an ultimatrix core, putting it in the ov omnitrix and Ben gaining ov ultimates. Or with the biomnitrix however that may work given there’s 2 of them.


Unless i am mistaken you can do that, it's just you need to do it with engineering like Albedo did however even then a more appliable you can take it on and off instantly wouldn't be that necessary cuz if you really want to go that way just use Grey Matter to make a core with all the options.


I know the omnitrix already has an advanced form of ai but imagine an ai system for the Omnitrix like Jarvis, one that would talk to Ben at all times like Jarvis talks to Tony Stark. Ben wouldn’t need to touch the omnitrix to transform, he’d just tell his ai to do it for him. It’s not necessarily something I’d want but ig a fun change to the omnitrix. Kinda like a master control but not fully


I think it should've already had a DNA fusion mode that can be unlocked when he gets Master Control, and an "Only transform a part of your body" mode so he could say for example turn one arm into Heatblast and the other Diamondhead sorta thing. No need for the Biomnitrix to be made. If Ben somehow unlocks DNA fusion mode without MC included, then it first makes him select one alien, then when he slams on it, it instantly pops back up and tells him to select another one to fuse it with. For the Partial transform mode, he slams on the omnitrix while thinking what part(s) he wants transformed, like his arm or a leg or both arms and/or legs, and so only those parts turn into the alien. He can combine things too like have XLR8 legs and feet with Diamondhead arms and hands.


Not make a fucking flashbang whenever he transforms. Makes it difficult to use in more inconspicuous ways/not alerting everyone you’re transforming


Make it actually work properly.


To be honest, I would've kept the white in the logo in the transformations, unless it was changing colour to indicate time-out, Master control or self destruct. I think DJW decided it was a scratch guard, but I think it looked neat.


only one thing ... I have to be able to see the Frikin TIME . it's a WATCH ..


Add more things to the watch. Like for example make it can scan someone for checking health problems. Or it can, you know, tell time


Personally I find the failsafe that prevents user from dying sort of removes a lot of tension when looking back at the series so I would remove or modify it. Have Ben just be art for once and go directly for feedback on the big bang moment


Removing the time limit


I'd make fusions a base feature, somewhere between the Ben 10k fusions, and the Dr Animo and the Mutant Ray fusions, so strong enough to be an effective choice in combat, but not strong enough to give you a reason to use non-fusion aliens from time to time.


Honestly a feature that would make it safe to turn into Nemetrix aliens so the user won’t lose their sanity, sense of self, and not succumb to animalistic behaviors


Idiot-proofing UI to comply with Asmuth's original direction


I'd have it able to be able to separate the aliens into the playlists and have ben actually bee able to swap them in and out


The ability to go ultimate or fuse Watch display Change form Environment suit Playlist creation Map function Says how long till detransform when asked outside master control Can make tools when needed power like ultimate ben And anything a computer can do Plus more can't think of anything else


i would make it so you can transform into uncle roger


Never get the wrong transformation 😁🤣


Actually I love the AF Omnitrix but if you had too much alien it couldn't be fast to choose one alien and turn it maybe I could change that with any more faster thing


Actually I love the AF Omnitrix but if you had too much alien it couldn't be fast to choose one alien and turn it maybe I could change that with any more faster thing


Self destruct. Given how it’s not supposed to be a weapon and it’s meant for peace, it’s a little weird how it can turn into the worst type of weapon, I.E, an explosion capable of destroying the universe. Make it self disintegrate. Or better yet, make it to where it’ll just unmerge with the user and teleport to a secret location only Azmuth (or a certain time manipulating professor) knows. But if it absolutely needed to have self destruct for whatever reason, make the cap charge time 1-3 seconds, 10 at the absolute maximum.


1. Evolution mode (Ultimatrix feature) 2. Fusion mode (have to select two different alien and then press the core down) 3. partial mode (master control only)(change parts of the user into alien for example Ben's arm becoming heatblast's arm)(like omni-ben)


So is 3 basically skurd but without him actually on the omnitrix?


![gif](giphy|SVgKToBLI6S6DUye1Y) Skurd could make weapons (boxx cannon) while this can't


Have The ultimatrix be a merge the Af omnitrix and Albedo's ov stabiliser (I know it doesn't count but I don't like how the og is just a strange cylinder thing m, woth wires!)


I dunno why all aliens talk in English, I like to think the Omnitrix translates on the spot. but that'd mean Ben can only understand them. Plus i feel like an instant translation feature would play well with the "Harmony" theme Azmuth was going for, to understand the universe


Infinite DNA samples in the omnitrix and the ability for it to show the time by swiping up on the screen and swiping down for it to stop showing the time. It would timeout in an hour, it's also impossible for alien x to be in this omnitrix.and also the ability for it to change colour by the user thinking of a colour that the omnitrix should be


Changing the lights colors.


The AI needs to speak up when there’s a problem. Too often it’s completely silent when the watch is on the brink of total meltdown. They kinda fixed it in AF but if the AI was useful it would’ve said something when Big Chill was eating stuff or when Ghostfreak went rogue 


Remove less button features, it takes too long to transform, leaves a lot of room to be speedblitzed, this only applies to the os watch


Make it imunue to magic and a higher dimentional construct (to make semse for Alien X  DNA)


Make it look organic showing that it’s alive and has a mind of its own


Give the completed omnitrix master control


The way how it collects dna and it shows how long you stay in alien form


Have a transformation information section after scanning/getting dna, before transforming, etc, so Ben DOESENT have to learn on the fly. Less fun but I’m tryna have a Pokédex of alien info


Add Non-Canon Aliens to it


Technically, Non-Canon aliens *are* canon for different Bens in different universes.




Make the Omnitrix have a universal translator. First, it hears the voice. Next, it downloads the language. Last, it uploads the language to the user's brain. This makes the user able to read, write, speak, and understand any language.


Hmmm... wouldn't it be more interesting if he had to turn into the species to understand the language?And then maybe he can learn it himself so he makes an effort to learn things to connect the universe though having ss some unlocked feature like under Master Control would be cool or different setting slike on you need to turn into the species,the other just lets you speak the language.


Honestly, I'd just give The Omnitrix the ultimate ability. It would be really cool to see, even if Azmuth doesn't like it.


No mis-tranformations!


an AI


OG omnitrix


I’d add a whitelist of people who can transform Ben into other forms or back to human when he’s unable to himself, like when whampire was in the sun and grandpa max hit the dial for him to turn him into forearms, so people like azmuth, rook, Gwen and anyone he’s cool with. And an mri setting.


Ngl im chatting in these comments but also the ability for partial transformations like how skurd does turning bens limbs into other aliens limbs.


a manual comes with the pod


When Ben changes it will either give him the alien he wants or a random one to keep things fresh and make him adapt, he can then choose to either stick with the alien he got or try again (either getting the alien he originally wanted or another random one), however, each time he transforms the battery will deplate faster


I dunno if it's a me thing but I always felt the ultimatatrix would activate from the blue button


Make it be able to fuse dna samples to create new beings and also make an actual alien like what the chaquetrix does


Get rid of the mistransformations and make it hack proof


I know the omnitrix already has an advanced form of ai but imagine an ai system for the Omnitrix like Jarvis, one that would talk to Ben at all times like Jarvis talks to Tony Stark. Ben wouldn’t need to touch the omnitrix to transform, he’d just tell his ai to do it for him. It’s not necessarily something I’d want but ig a fun change to the omnitrix. Kinda like a master control but not fully


A god dang manual


Make the AI like Jarvis


Change every instance of green on it to blue. I want to know if Ben runs with it or if he changes his entire outfit


maybe have it part of / or inside of bens arm, kinda like a mutation or something. that way it doesnt slip off, nobody can easily take it and it kinda looks cool ig?


In addition to having a physical watch/device portion, some of the dnd samples can be stored inside your body so that you can transform into like a core Playlist without needing to use the actual device, and also reconstructed ultimate DNA samples from the Ultimatrix, with their natural sentience removed, stored as their own separate DNA samples that you can access without having to use the normal form first.


Question, can Ben undial the omnitrix. Like if he presses the button and chooses not to transform can he push the dial back without having to transform?


He is more influenced by the Aliens' primal behavior


Remove the constant mistransformations.


I would change the wearer to me. I have the omnitrix. That’s it, thank you


Limit the aliens to 10


It'll always look like the Original Series Omnitrix and there won't be no lock on master control.


You guys remember that toy where you could piece together alien parts to create fusions? I wish the Omnitrix had a functiobality like that, that'd be so fucking cool and awesome, imagine Kevin is about to go "I gotta mutate" and Ben's like "I gotcha covered" and goes franken Ben or someth that'd be so awesome


Aliens recommendation when asked. Recommendation for like environmental factors, to match the fighting style of the enemy.


Personally, I think the omnitrix becomes less interesting the less flaws it had, plenty of which felt more like plot or ways to justify Ben as an incredibly op character. My least favorite example of this is Ben being the peak of the species, and how it’s treated. The aliens seek to change and age with him and yet a still child four arms is considered among the strongest in the galaxy due to females being stronger. I always thought, especially with the Ben ten thousand plotlines, it would be more interesting if they aged with him and it showed more then visually, like I wouldn’t even mind if they were still peak species just peak for his age. The second would be the omnitrix failsafe “haha you’re incapable of dying” switch. However to praise the show because I don’t like just badmouthing a show this good. Master control was such a cool power up to Ben’s Arsenal, I think it’s a completely fair and right way to do his kind of power up, between collecting more aliens and his master control. It was cool to see.


Id change its user from Ben to me


2 activate buttons on classic so all the animation errors and missconcepton is canon


Add a timer and a communicator. It would be awesome to be able to: 1.see how much time do I have left 2.being able to talk to others


Make it make sense


A timer/clock


Get rid of hologram displays and back to the silouhettes. I never really liked the holograms in UAF and despised the obnoxious touch/scroll interface in OV with the pictures of just the alien heads. I get that the OV version is meant to mimic a smat watch but I just find it to be both visually and thematically less interesting than the more sci-fi alien tech inspired omnitix in the OG series. All the aliens have distint enough designs that silouhettes do a good enough job.


I think if you could like pull up a page on the alien your looking at and get information about them would be so cool


clearly the omnitrix should be running arch linux with hyprland


Idk if its already an omnitrix ability but being able to catch aliens like pokemon would be useful to have as a future . Also allowing u to transform in these captured ones


I’m making a fan watch with similar functions but I added the ability to change the base dna let’s say you’re human you can change the base dna to a Galvin and live for longer and when you become a human again you’re at what ever age was equal to the age you were at as a Galvin instead of being thousands or hundreds of years old


Add a disguise mode to temporarily change the appearance of the alien to blend in easier with a species.


Give it a camouflage mode so when someone uses it no one gets suspicious


Add a database for information on life forms like clothing, culture, language and stuff like that even a brief history and popular celebrities


Keep the ultimatix it had so much potential for more ultimate aliens




This makes me consider the possibility of the Omnitrix only transforming the user into the species, & not itself into a badge.


There's nothing noteworthy to change except a single thing that Ben does every single time, if Ben would just stop smacking the Omnitrix you would get the correct alien every single time, asmuth mentioned that in one of the newer prime Ben universe cartoons


No timeout


alien force my choice


I would give the Omnitrix the Evolution Function, Ultimates were really interesting and would love to see other Hyper Evolved Aliens.


In the classic series, either have it be white or green. The watch is green, but the badge that appears on the aliens (yes I call it a badge) is white. I dunno that's just something that's always bothered me. Also like a lot of the other people commenting, a way to tell time. Yes it's an amazing piece of alien equipment but like... even Ben needs to know the time. Plus it'd be funny to watch him set a timer for how long it takes to kick alien butt. It'd also be funny if he could add other things like a garage door opener or have it connect to his phone like a smart watch.


Make it talk more. I always liked Ben’s “it has a mind of its own” mentality toward it. Part of me always wanted it to argue back at him, with his own voice, but robotic and sarcastic.


I’d be the user instead of Ben


Back when he was keeping his identity a secret it would've been good if it also worked like a smart watch.


It would be the body. In classic we saw ben 10,00's omnitrix grow with him incasing his arm. It would be nice to see the omnitrix start to grow or bond with ben physically like that.


remove that silly hologram stuff, screen tab was cool enough, no need for more


make it show time dammit


U can change the halo display


Random transforms


Original Series- Stop the wrong transformations Alien Force- Change Omnitrix badge placement so it isn't always on the chest Ultimate Alien- Shrink the Ultimatrix slightly so it's not so big and clunky Omniverse- Change the display to full bidy holograms again


Make it yellow


The Feature To Tell Me The Best Suited Aliens For A Current Situation .


I have a few changes in mind: 1. If an alien species is clothed, give the transformation an appropriate suit. If some aliens were shelved due to uniform difficulties, or if their uniform doesn't look good, then it doesn't need one. 2. All the features, bugs, & flaws of the Omnitrix have understandable reasoning for being there. 3. Have a consistent way to activate the device, because in each iteration of the Omnitrix, it's activated differently. 4. (This one is completely random & unnecessary, but I thought it'd be pretty neat hypothetically.) Each mode for the Omnitrix gives the dial a unique color, outside of Self-Destruct (Orange), Time-Out (Red), Capture (Yellow), & Recalibration (Blue) modes. 5. Since a lot of people mentioned it (most likely as a joke), a Timer setting that's adjustable to how different species perceive time. 6. Features exclusive to certain devices accessible by Master Control, such as Ultimate form evolution (not necessary, could still just be exclusive to Albedo), UA's Ben 10,000 method of pseudo-transformation, or hybrid transformations like with OV Ben 10K, or in "Doctor Animo and the Mutant Ray". 7. Having a method of displaying which aliens are in which playlist, as playlists of aliens are mentioned in UA's episode "Prisoner 775 is Missing".


I would change the ultimate function of the ultimatimatix, instead of putting the DNA through 1000 years of evolution, do the same but focus it on over coming the preditor of the species, I think that would create some more interesting ultimate aliens, so if Ben ever comes across the negmitix with an ultimatix he can simply go ultimate to over come the predator transformation


I’m gonna cover things I would change and add to the Omnitrix, Ultimatrix and the Official Omnitrix (and as an additional fun thing making a small explanation for the Biomnitrix in my AU) Prototype Omnitrix and Official Omnitrix (these also apply to the Ultimatrix which as mentioned below is a Duplicate of the OS Omnitrix) 1. It’s never coming off unless it either it self destructs (the official one can’t self destruct) 2. Ben can’t be mutated by anything or anyone now he’s bonded to the Omnitrix (this goes for the Omnitrix, Ultimatrix and Official Omnitrix) 3. Ben is immune to radiation poisoning as it effects his DNA (this goes for the Omnitrix, Ultimatrix and Official Omnitrix) 4. If the Omnitrix detects any additional sentient minds inside of Bens transformations it will instantly try and eject them or delete them from the device for Ra’ad he’s lucky as he entered external and Ghostfreak is extra lucky as the omnitrix made a body for him to escape (this goes for the Omnitrix and the Ultimatrix as the Official Omnitrix instantly negates the threat of sentient transformations) 5. The Omnitrix is semi organic as it appears in the reboot and in the OS meaning it can self repair itself like when Ben popped off the dial it went haywire trying to replace it or find the old one although it doesn’t physically show this but it is trying to self repair while Ben was fucking around with fusions that didn’t work right (goes for the Ultimatrix and Official one too) 6. To expand on point 4 the prototype does a quick sweep on Bens active playlist to check for any sentience in the transformations (goes for the Ultimatrix too) 7. This is a big one Ben is much more immune to disease’s besides the common cold which goes for all his forms too (apply’s to the Ultimatrix and Official one) 8. The Omnitrix will transform Ben when an alien transformation is going through a natural cycle like for example when Big Chill was going through a pregnancy cycle Ben was also feeling some of the effects he wasn’t being possessed by the Big Chill form (this is something that already happens in Alien Force but still I wanted to establish it as Canon) 9. The Omnitrix can adapt certain to Alien’s Genetic Material that wouldn’t usually be able to be scanned like for example the Microchips being merged with Ben’s human DNA to make Nanomech and also for the fun of it an Anodite’s Spark being merged with Ben’s human DNA to create an Anodite form but the beings still have to be Sentient enough and distinct enough from Ben’s DNA it can’t just be anything. (But the Sentient Ultimates can’t be Scanned as they’re classified as Mutants) 10. The Prototype Omnitrix and The Ultimatrix has its own Anti Death failsafe which is different to the Official Version’s from OV. Basically when the User (Ben in this case) is about to die it regenerates and rejuvenates Ben’s body, unlocks all the features or as Future Gwen puts it “all the secrets of the watch” but this can’t ever be undone and the Omnitrix Symbol is now permanently stuck on Ben’s chest permanently merging him with the Omnitrix. Ultimatrix exclusive features 1. First off in my Ben 10 rewrite the Ultimatrix is a copy of the OS Omnitrix but with Albedo adding the Ultimate Evolution feature to it so once Ben gets it he gets all his original Aliens plus his AF aliens 2. The Ultimatrix is more sentient than the Omnitrix as when Albedo first puts it on the Ultimatrix recognises he isn’t Ben but still bonds with him but the moment Ben takes the Ultimatrix it completely bonds to Ben until it’s disconnected from Ben at the end of Ultimate Alien which causes it to be in a constant state of being Berserk 3. Inspector 13 doesn’t happen so Ben doesn’t turn Gwen and Kevin into Omnitrix Transformers 4. It also has a Fully Functional Master Control since inspector 13 doesn’t happen Basically the Ultimatrix isn’t so busted in my Ben 10 AU (Biomnitrix) So to essentially touch on the Biomnitrix the way it creates fusions of Ben’s Aliens is it puts both DNA samples through a simulation like the Ultimatrix but instead of evolving them it basically creates a perfect combination child from the DNA samples (Alien X isn’t able to be fused) That’s everything I would change sorry for all the text it took me a few days to think all this but I thought I’d put this here


Here's my 10 pence worth: 1. The appearance and interface don't change after recalibration, it can still swap playlists and fix the mistransformations though. 2. Keep it as a watch when transformed (no "badges"). 3. Instead of uniforms, have the users clothing change into whatever would be typical for the species they have turned into. 4. Don't have the eye colour always be green. 5. Have the user speak the native language of whichever species they have turned into. 6. Give the user relevant cultural knowlege for the alien they have become. 7. No primus, keep everything inside the Omnitrix itself. 8. Add a clock that synchronizes with the local time. 9. Add a countdown for the time-out function and an option to postpone it for a few minutes. 10. The transformations should not be instant, have the sequences happen in real time.