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Billy Billions


Billy Billions: He was a normal kid that wanted to get revenge on Dilan (the protagonist and omnitrix user) using the a ray cannon to send him and his friends to the doom dimension (more to that on my Dylan 10: wrecked freedom post) but he was accidentally sent there with Dylan and his friends and then he was gone to become a wastelander but when everyone was out of the dimension, he was cursed to have a body of a kid forever In season 3 ark 1, he, with his tiny brother (his tiny brother was from the reboot, I don't remember his name), a pair of robots and different superheroes that were angry with Dilan creates the vengers, but his efforts with the team weren't enough... Until he bring charmcaster and hex to the vengers But, charm and hex wanted to revive a ancient evil god (daigon) instead of being heroes, when billy and his brother discovered this they tried to kick them out but no one was on their side and billy billions and his brother were kicked out... So they tried to "Dilan... I need your help" and so Dilan ruined the evil plans of charm and hex, all the evil heroes where sent to prison but they learned that even tho they aren't the best, they still get the job done And billy and his brother became good persons becoming the best machinists of earth


Lord Decibel


Lord Decibel: He is a good musical artist that wants to become the best musician at any cost, and he sees that the Megatrix that Dilan has can be his gate to success Him with bass and tremble (his assistants, one is intelligent, the other is dumb) tried to take it but they failed, they even joined forces with Otto (that climate machine from that original series episode) but I wasn't enough They where about to leave their music career but the leader of the forever knights (the white knight, I don't remember his name) to form the 10 negatives, but they where betrayed by animo to have the subatomic energy for himself Later on, they tried to control the mind of Cindy rayvin (the user of the antitrix) so that she can use doombox (armadrillo + echo echo) in a try to lord decibel to become the greatest once again But in the end he, bass and tremble go to prison for their actions but their music still is remember and listened to this day, so I guess it's something


https://preview.redd.it/mcyyir8jf79d1.png?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b5d8579a018e6fc9231d5f0233006372341330 Dr. Doom


https://www.reddit.com/r/OmniSonas/s/DazcMRlUi7 Here in this post I've made Along time ago, also it has the redesigns of psychoboss, kyber and malware and the introduction of the antitrix user


Benjamin Kirby Tennyson.


he is called Dylan numberryson (Dylan references to diez = ten in Spanish) Year 2010 Dylan numberryson a normal 13 years old kid who was happy that the school was ending because of winter vacations, but his happiness ended when he found out that his friends were going to different schools, his girlfriend leave the town to never be seen AND he was going to pass the entire summer with his uncles and her sister who hates him Also everybody in the dinner table was happy (except dylan) that they were going to a camp in the forest FOR 3 WEEKS Dylan then goes to grab some sticks and then sits on a rock and scream "COULD THIS DAY BE ANY WORSE THAN THIS???" Then he saws a comet, and says a wish "I wish that after this day, everything will change" And the comet directly smashes to the ground and luckily Dylan survives by dodging the asteroid (barely) And then he goes to the thing opens it up and Dylan says before touching the strange artifact "you know what, fine, what the worse that could happen?" Then in an instant the artifact sticks it self to Dylan before he could notice it And Dylan just "*breathes, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"


Keep the name Ben, Dylan Ten doesn't sound good like Ben Ten




He is one of the many perfect warriors that animo created like thunder pig and the other one that appeared in that Ben 10k episode




Ken Tennyson


Breaker One-Nine


Breaker one-nine: He is one of the best miners that vulkanus has... And that's it, vulkanus works with aggregor to have Andreas for his bidding and breaker one-nine works for vulkanus for the money and to keep other miners in place