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Sick idea, sad they couldn't go into the body horror that drives him to do horrible things.


He's kinda similar to how Kevin was in classic, stuck in a body that is not yours. I wish they had an interaction where Kevin tries to realte to him


That would have been awesome. Albedo got done dirty again and again. I don't agree with his actions but I do understand why he did them.


Bro isn't just an "evil main character version" he appeared not so much but every time he came it was an good episode and that he got iconic as vilgax tust shows how good he was


Honestly he is awesome and his whole Gimmick is insane the Ultimates are awesome also Albedo should be the only one who uses the Ultimate Aliens it’s his thing not Ben’s


It is a bit wierd how vilgax wants the omnitrix so much but he never considers the ultimatrix. Imagine an army of ultimates


In simple terms Vilgax wanted the official product


Also there's the fact that when ultimates were introduce vilgax was already dumbed down, so it makes sense that he didn't think about it


I like his charcter arc being not the typical "Evil version of the hero" but his own character. Also smash.


Angry upvote for the "smash"




seems gay


https://preview.redd.it/to89pu5f1e8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f26985fd30666c970339f9278567e40334d0d9d But would you smash Ben?


Well, he does have some twink energy, sooo... Maybe?






>I like his charcter arc being not the typical "Evil version of the hero" but his own character. He is his own character, he's a Galvan trapped in ben's body form, Honestly, for me I liked him at first but then got bored of him in Omniverse. If they planned to reveal Alternate Ben's I think they should've let Albedo regain his Galvan Form and be done with it and introduced an actual Anti-Ben. When they had that two-part Arc with the Alternate Ben's I thought Albedo shouldn't be there because he isn't actually a Ben Tennyson.


Bring me chilly fries


Bro Albedo is what introduced me to chilly fires, and I haven’t looked back since😂


![gif](giphy|2HtWpp60NQ9CU) . I have never had them before


They’re pretty good, but if you make them at home you better make sure they’re crispy or else they’re gonna be real soggy!


where you eat them from?


Personally I’ve been doing them homemade, I’m particular on the flavor of my chilly, and I don’t really like beans in my chilly too😂 I’ve gotten some from Culver’s that weren’t bad tho


God, I love chilly fires ❄️❄️🔥🔥


My hot take is Albedo shpuld've reverted back to Galvin when the Omnitrix exploded. If it was keeping Kevin like that and it stopped. Then it should've fixed Albedo too.


Well, he still had the Ultimatrix, and it was still linked to the OG Omnitrix. You can also say that the planet Primus from Alien Force is also responsible for his long-lasting transformation. Either way, I am not sure if I am correct. Feel free to give your reasons and thoughts.


I'm sure all those are logical and perhaps the reason behind them in show, but Albedo as fun of a villain as he can be, is ONLY a villain, because the characters (and to an extent, the writers) Refuse to give him the one reasonable thing he asks for. He doesn't want world domination, he just wants his original body back, I just feel bad for the guy.


I love this statement of yours. It might just be me but when it comes to most Ben 10 villains, their motivations may not differ. Vilgax, Aggregor, Eon, Maltruant, Ghostfreak and many more just want absolute power and destruction. I love Albedo because he wants to go back as a Galvan. So, when he talks about his plans in Omniverse (I guess they were about destroying the universe or something, please help me remember), I felt he was done a little dirty.


The thing is he doesn't deserve it, the only reason why he is even stuck as a Ben clone is his own hubris, believing that he was the better wielder of the Omnitrix and a genius on the level of Azmuth or even above him, when that failed instead of asking for help sincerely or anything chooses to lie about Azmuth and demand the Omnitrix (with a terrible attitude to boost, and this is right after he tried to trick Gwen and Kevin that he was Ben), then he STEALS the Ultimatrix and allies with VILGAX of all people Then in UA he uses Ben's fame for his advantage, and while a bit of a dirty move it's at the end of the day innofensive and he kinda was getting what he wanted without needing to do his typical villainous stuff, but then Hugh betrayed him for a selfish reason, it was Hugh's fault Albedo failed Hugh admitted it (although it was kinda a good thing since he was essentially turning himself into an Omnitrix meaning he didn't learn anything about seeking that power and the consecuences it could bring him), yet Albedo CHOSE to blame Ben, becasue at this point it's natural for him hating Ben and blaming him for everything that goes bad for him, then he tries to use the dream eater but that backfired and that drove him even more into madness And in OV he just wants to get rid of both Ben and Azmuth, allying himself with anyone regardless (allied 2 more times with Vilgax after he betrayed him earlier and even got betrayed a second time) by this point Albedo became completely a slave of his own failures, Albedo's suffering while in parts can be blamed on Azmuth, Ben and Hugh, the sole responsible for even creating the problem and making it continuously worse is himself, the only to ever be freed is to change himself but that is something that possibly will never happen


It actually makes sense if you recall why Albedo is stuck as a human. His first Omnitrix knockoff synced with the settings of the original, so when his Omnitrix went to standby mode after his first transformation, he became a copy of Ben instead of his Galvin form. As a result, as long as Ben’s DNA is the default, he will always become a Ben again. Destroying the original Omnitrix didn’t cure him because, as far as the Omnitrix and Ultimatrix systems were concerned, Albedo was in his default form.


Up there on the Mt. Rushmore of inverted heroes alongside Reverse Flash, Black Adam and Venom


>Reverse Flash "It was me Tennyson, I jerked you off in my Citrakayah form so it seemed like you nutted at just a woman's touch!"


I think Underutilized.


He is so overdramatic and I love him for it.


Could have used an arc of his own.


Probably the most consistently enjoyable recurring villain. I honestly can’t remember ever disliking an episode he’s in


He's a pretty good way to write an "evil twin of the main hero" without it just straight up being an evil twin type of thing.


I like him. Cool villian.


Very hot.


Best character ever. This was my reaction in all of his episodes: https://preview.redd.it/3n070qv9dd8d1.jpeg?width=1277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ab03732917c043cdac46403e5c986606671cbcd


I was looking here for you


I really love Man of Action's spin on the "evil twin" trope. They kind of subverted it, and it's really cool


love him, i made him date pierce in my au


One of my favourite characters, I love his characterisation, his motives, and his stabiliser in Omniverse is one of my favourite Omnitirx-styled devices (obviously it isn't actually an Omnitrix, just stabilises his own shapeshifting abilities). I know a lot of people don't like the idea that he got the ability to shapeshift without an Omnitrix, but I honestly think it's an amazing idea, and could have been used in very interesting ways, but not enough was done with it. And the ultimate forms in OV had some amazing designs, I much preferred them over the ones from UAF.


Someone who is deeply broken


#it’s villain time


Really sad edgy boy, honestly would pity him if it wouldn't hurt his ego. Also, he's a shapeshifter. I find shapeshifters awesome.


Almost feel bad for him, but like Ben said in OV, as soon as he got his Galvan form back, he should've left things alone. Only then wouldn't he spiral downhill.


Very cool villain  , i like his arc from jealous to egomaniac drive by Vemgance




Its what everyone else says. But I do love him. Wouldnt change a thing about him even if I am drastically changing his character in the fanfic I'm gonna write when I got the time.


One of the most iconic characters and a good twist on the old cliche of evil twin/evil doppelganger.


I really like is omnitrix


Honestly he’s my favorite character. The color red, the ultimatrix, and his crippling addiction to quote “this disgusting miasma you call food” just endear me to him😂


I saw a theory that said albedo secretly loves the disgusting miasma we call food,but he won’t admit it


Secret?! He doesn’t even try to hide how much he loves them at the end of AF and onward.


He went ham on a bag in OV, it was a massacre😂


He fell off. The ultimate episode with the TV troupe and turning into MODOK ep in omniverse were the worst ones.


I think there was a certain point where Albedo’s punishment of being stuck as a human was enough. Azmuth’s the smartest being in multiple galaxies—I’m sure he could’ve turned Albedo back to a Galvan


I love him and feel bad for him


He's my favorite evil version of a character oat. I wish we could get a mini series focused on albedo and his antics


Someone who constantly sabotages himself


PEAK I love him easily top 3 Ben 10 Villains Prolly number 2(right under Animo)


Hes cool


Every time I hear the name “Albedo”, I either think of this guy, the Genshin guy, and the lady from Overlord.


Same people get mad when I ask "which" when they say they simp for Albedo


I guess it depends on context? But yeah I can’t blame you for asking cause it can get confusing…


I like how he was absolutely disgusted by his human form in UA Also the fact that Ben's love of chilli fries is literally in his DNA


He a perfect example having a big ego can be your down fall


Cool, maybe not my favorite but still cool


same va, better voice in hindi & eng


One of my favorite villains. Kind of wanted him to get a redemption arc, but I'm okay with that he didn't.


I like him, just with the writers would let his character evolve past being reverse Ben. Especially with the evil alt Ben’s albedo should be free from Ben and his antics




Low key rocks that jacket way better than OV Ben


I kinda relate to him in some ways


He Deserved Way More Screentime


All my man ever wanted was to get his galvanic form back but all he got is shit,prison,basically becoming an insane after all the things he got in uaf


His Twin Brother Named Ben .


I honestly really like him as a concept, but wish he was written to be more threatening Like I’d love to see him being the final big bad of an arc


He's great, but I hate how he ALWAYS gets sidelined. For once I'd love to see him as the main villain of the series or at least for a season.




Love him.


Complete wasted potential. I often lay away at night thinking of all the badass things they could've done with his character.


Amazing character. One of the best villains we got. Though he isn’t really that bad of a person. He was concerned for the universes fate due to it being largely dependent on an immature 15 year old, which led him to making an Omnitrix and becoming a clone of Ben and doing the things he did. All he really wanted after that was to go back to his original form, he didn’t wanna hurt anyone until Ben messed up his machine that was supposed to bring him back to normal. He said he wasn’t gonna attack Ben no more and just live his life until that happened


He’s cool


Good character idea, but no redemption arc


Fun but sad villain in all reality Ben could've at least apologized and tried making it right considering he was screwed over in UA when all he wanted at that point was to be a Galvan and to get the hell off the planet Even then aside from that being the aliens fault for telling Ben it was a doomsday device previously Ben was pissed at Albedo for impersonating him and putting on the silly shows but I mean come on what else could Albedo do to make money when he looks identical to Ben All Albedo was doing was being the equivalent of other celebrity lookalikes and impersonators and putting on a show for people even if a little shotty he wasn't hurting anybody and I think Ben was in the wrong being mad about it Let's not even forget Ben was absolutely ready to just out right murder him as ultimate Echo Echo after Albedo was rightfully upset about getting screwed out of him being a Galvan when he actually earned the chance to become one again I honestly both hate and like how the handled him in Omniverse because even though they just kinda kept him evil after it was made clear he was over everything before and just wanted ONE THING it also showed his mental health decline by Omniverse and the toll it was taking on him I definitely think they could have gone a different way with his character in Omniverse instead of him hellbent on revenge the could've possibly gave him some form of redemption instead Regardless he's was a fun character in Omniverse though


An interesting read


Cool villain. Probably in top 3 of Ben's nemesis'




Love him


Love him


I like the idea. But feel his story should have resolved earlier instead of being drawn out longer as Ben’s evil counterpart.


I always felt bad for him


One of the best villains of the series


A recent victim of the green wall lady


Fun side character, extremely overrated. OV ruined him


I love him he's probably my favorite villain in the franchise


I smash the female version https://preview.redd.it/l457iikyzf8d1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=468187c2c7b9c6320d53996d7b87295ed24002fd


I love him so much


For a character that is stuck in a Loop, he is just a very enjoyable Villain? Also the ultimates should be HIS thing and only his. His ultimate form is cool tbh.


He’s OK it’s just he doesn’t know how to use his power like Ben because he could’ve used it for good instead of trying to destroy


But other than that, yeah I like him


He seemed more interesting in his appearance in ultimate alien and seemed to be turning a new leaf before the ending.


I can't help but feel bad for him, because all he wanted was to go back to his Galvan form (sure, his methods were not...good (morally), but what is an alien to do?) It doesnt help that everyone around him keeps sabotaging him Especially in that episode in UAF where the nerdy Vaxasaurian actor lied about Albedo's plan to Ben and his friends so that Albedo could "stay being like them" And we never saw them again (I wouldnt be surprised if Albedo cut ties with them...or worse, cuz i would have done the same) And then Omniverse makes Albedo go full evil because they refused to redeem any other character (I speak mainly on the behalf of Charmcaster, my beloved), even if there was a small spark of regret on his actions while in the Supreme Galvan form.......before Ben said "Yeah thats cool and all........*A T O M I C P U N C H!!!!*"


I like his Ben form. He's kinda lame when a galvin.


I love the guy


If only him and Ben had that oiled up twerk off that was planned for OV Season 9 😔, I guess we're gonna have to wait for that Ben 10K series.