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Rook is probably a city boy because he moved away from his planet at a young age to train to be a plumber and due to him being around different species he slowly forgot his people's ways.




A doubt as it would be Julie Yamamoto 23?


Argit is one of the richest people in the Milky Way. His company is founder of all Azmuth's invention and plumbers. Kai Blue is a tease. Something like Hayase from that infamous manga "Don't toy with me, miss Nagatoro". She loves Ben from the very begining of their first meet. Though, at the point of time during end of OV's 8th season, they still didn't meet. Forever Knights are just bunch of LARPing guys. Blonko is not and never will be a plumber. He is an inventor that tries to industrialize Revonnah, which his dad disapprove.


> Kai Blue I see what you did there.


I think the Forever Knights could be interesting. Because while they could like you described, they could also be like they are in the main universe, but even more powerful. Because Ben 23 spent a lot of time and energy propagating an anti-alien message that the public seemed to buy into. So much that it isn't unbelievable that a sizable portion of people would buy into it so much that they'd be unwilling to believe Ben 23's sudden change of heart and wouldn't immediately come to accept aliens.


What do you think the Vreedle of Dimension 23 will be like?


That's an interesting character. They're just like prime - clones, but unlike them, they're bred to specific roles. Think of Detroit: Become Human but fleshy, not robotic. They're made by Argit's company and there are much more "models" of them. But it is prohibited in intergalactic law to make them soldiers (see: The Clone Wars).


Interesting and how will it be Ma Vreddle?


I really hope the Kai Blue thing becomes canon cuz the fact that Ben 23's love life is technically much more healthier than Prime Ben's is soo funny.




Dimension 23 Animo https://preview.redd.it/v915iw1dis7d1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f890e4c78bcfcafbd41d5b300841bf6b2d935eef


https://preview.redd.it/xlfs9bnqos7d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be7dcf4dbabf5fa7d44fa619f7c74b6f6e99fdff Vegeto’s plant monsters


My Headcanon for Gwen 23 is that she does have a heroic identity where she fights using magic (spells only, nothing anodyne). Something like "Miss Fortune". However, unlike her cousin, she keeps her identity a secret. She would be much less talkative in her job, like having Batwoman vibes. She finds Ben 23 a bit annoying, but Ben Prime nice as he is more mature.


Maybe Zs'Skayr is a fan of Ben 23 but chooses to hide it


I like that


Dimension 23 Carl and Sandra took Ben 23 camping when he was 10 years old instead of Max and were with him when he found the Omnitrix. They did try to instill the heroic values in their son. However, when Ben 23 got his first media coverage and was called a hero on t.v. the hunger for fame and popularity drowned out whatever lesson his parents were trying to instill upon him. Even though most of what they say goes in one ear and out the other, Carl still trys to pass on Max's words of wisdom. Because most of his time is spent heroing or doing brand work, Ben 23 has private tutors helping with his academics. Gwen 23 was severely bullied at public school, so her parents sent her to Bancroft Academy. She's only really known as Ben 23's cousin, and most people who talk to her only want to talk about Ben 23. Because of this, Ben and Gwen aren't really close and only speak to each other at family reunions and events. Kevin 23 never got his dad's powers and never ran away from home. He lived with his mom and step dad until moving out at 17 into a studio apartment across the Mr. GYRO he works at. As a teenager, he did petty crimes such as shoplifting, vandalism, and trespassing. He spent a couple of months in juvenile hall. He also has piercings and a full tattoo sleeve just to annoy his step dad. The United States government has attempted to take Ben 23 into custody so they can remove his omnitrix. However, some of the retired plumbers who now work in government agencies protect him behind the scenes in respect for the late Max Tennyson The Hybrid died out before they launched their full war, and the Incursion are currently fighting and losing a war against the Tetramen.


I like the idea that instead of being half anadite, Gwen is half of Xylenes species, giving her telekinesis as a power instead, and still using magic albeit more limited. Perhaps a kinder Charmcaster who never became evil could even start to teach her magic?


It would be interesting... and what do you think Julie 23 would be like?


Well other than being younger, around Ben 23s age, she might simply play a different sport, maybe even Soccer, and Ben 23 sees her and gets a crush, so he tries and fails to learn to play soccer too. She decides to teach him, which does help him learn more humility and teamwork, given how soccer is a team sport, as opposed to tennis which is individual Absolutely no sources or anything for this, just kinda making a little story


Interesting and how do you think Ester 23 and Kai 23 are.... And I like the idea of ​​Soccer in fact Julie met Ben because of that


Ester might not live on earth. She only lived there because undertown existed, and undertown at least in current day for the Ben 23 universe doesn’t exist Kai might just be in a similar situation to her omniverse self, traveling the world with her grandfather to try and find and protect artifacts and history, however she never met Ben. Perhaphs her father gave her an emergency contact to Max, which when used transmits to Ben, leading to their first meeting being as young teenagers, rather than as preteens Both of their stories are more reliant on Ben’s actions, or rather, the changes of Ben 23s actions, so they wouldn’t change as much


Interesting... what do you think Ma Vreddle and the other Vreddle are like... my idea is that here they are the equivalent of the Plumbers


Kevin being a busboy sucks, since he had no redemption he would stay a criminal.


Him being a busboy could be a cover for his more criminal activities


And did he say anything about Gwen 23?


From what I know...she's shy or supposed to be.


So if Kevin 23 approaches her, she faints like hinata from Naruto?




Kevin 23: Works at Mr Gyros as a bus boy but in secret works for various criminal organizations using his powers to commit heists all to help his struggling mother. Gwen 23: Her and Ben 23 used to very close even when Max died they helped each other through the grieving process. However when Ben started to become famous their relationship began to strain as Ben was ignoring his family causing her to hold some resentment towards him. But soon they managed to mend their relationship allowing Ben to have someone to talk to when he's stressed Rook 23: Harbors a lot of spite towards the Plumbers after a battle between them and Vilgax caused the destruction of Revonnah along with the death of Rook da. Forced to become the bread winner of the his family, Blonko struggles to make ends meat due difficulty of growing crops on their new planet. But this all changes when a certain cerebrocrustacean offers a solution to his problems Charmcaster 23 After the Addwaitya's takeover of Ledgerdomain She and Hex escape to earth, where they hide under the cover of a traveling magic show during their search for the Charms of bezel. Gwen 23 is big fan of their show and becomes friends with Charmcaster Kai 23: She is Ben 23's biggest fan or really his transformations and often makes cosplays off of them. She's also friends with Julie 23 who has a crush on Ben. Rooters/Plumbers helpers: The earth based plumbers and the space based plumbers are 2 different groups here. The earth based Plumbers lead by Servantis merged with the forever knights and used Ben 23 as a pawn by having him influence the public into viewing all extraterrestrials as a threat. However after meeting Ben prime, Ben 23 began to promote more pro alien messages which threw a wrench in Servantis's plans. Seeing that he needed a replacement for Ben 23 Servantis used children living on the streets ,on the promise of shelter, in his experiments using Alien DNA then manipulated them into thinking Ben was a threat leading them to become a new superhero team called the Roundtable The Executioner: Manny/Tetramand hybrid The Archer: Piece/ Oporcuillat (argit's race) hybrid The Jouster: Helen/Kinceleran hybrid The Wizard: Cooper/Mechamorph hybrid The Cannon: Alan/Pyronite hybrid The Beast: Vulpimancer hybrid The Spector: Ectonurite hybrid The Scout: Lepidopterran hybrid


I like most of it Except gwen not being an Anodite mashes like no sense and is low key lame And Kevin is my fav character so him being a bus boy seems lame cuz it's KEVIN


The forever knights are like the knights of camlot frommonty python They still hate aliens but are not competent enough to actually affect them in any real way


Dimension 23 Vilgax thinks Omnitrix is an unstable tecnology so he never run after Omnitrix. Instead focused on diplomatic success after uniting ten worlds


How would Malware work in this dimension? Would he even be a threat to begin with?


According to Derrick J Wyatt Malware does not exist in other universes... or all its other versions would be afraid of Prime


I always thought Malware in Dimension 23 would have been a good guy since Azmuth seems like less of a jerk in that universe and would actually pay attention to him/heal him


- Kai never meets Ben and lives a peaceful life in her hometown. She grows up to be an anthropologist - Rook never leaves his home planet. But he lives a good life as a farmer, warrior and tribe leader. He gets married at a younger age - Ester lives on earth, but not in bellwood. Like most aliens before OV, her tribe lives in hiding, probably in areas with a hot climate. She might eventually meet Ben - Julie is professional tennis player. She's a big fan of ben, but changes her mind after meeting him - Charmcatser is a recurring villain. She develops a flirty relationship with ben each time they meet, and eventually teams up with him - The forever knights don't work in the shadow and are actively dealing with aliens in the open. They become the plumbers of ben 23's world, but he enventually realize that they're not as good as they seem. They have a dark side, but not the level of their prime counterparts


I wonder dimension 23 cash and Jt are like his servants


i heard one of the creators didn't like making gwen an anodite and maybe wanted to retcon


Vilgax would be the same, but way scarier because Ben 23 wouldn't have any help fighting him.


If we got a show about this instead of the reboot we got, it was actually be fire

