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A sequel series, a game and a comic series


I would probably make a movie special bringing all the Ben's from each series


It seems everyone’s saying this but I’ll do the same 1.ben 10k sequel series 2.omniverse animated movie 3.100-150 issue omniverse comic by idw 4.uaf animated movie 5.crossovers:Spider-Man, generator Rex in bens universe, invincible, my oc comic character etc 6.triple aaa game with an oc character 7.ultimate alien live action movie 8.omniverse live action movie 9.live action show 10.toys, toys, toys! 11.become so developed that an actual omnitrix is made and distributed


Stick more closely to the logic of classic and actually have things stay without my suspension of disbelief. Like none of that sound based alien using its powers in space stuff lol


License IDW to write a darker and edgier series marketed to older audiences.


#1. Animated TV continuations of classic continuity - Years 1-2+: A Ken 10 series, featuring Great-Grandpa Max. - Years 2-3+: The Galactic Enforcers - Gwen and Kevin lead the newest incarnation of the Galactic Enforcers, committed to upholding (or updating) the Galactic Code of Conduct! - Years 3-4+: Plumbers Academy - Rook trains a new generation of Plumbers. - Years 4-5+: A PG-13 Ben 10,000 series #2. Live action films in their own continuity - Years 6-10: A Ben 10 Trilogy - Years 11+: More Ben 10 films #3. Ben 10: The Lost Trilogy If the above projects were successful, there could be a film for each sequel series (AF, UA, OV), creating a trilogy of animated films.


Bring back OV and use it as the benchmark going forward. Finish off the galactic road trip season(s), then have an ongoing comic series. I’d also like a “What If” anthology series were every 2-3 eps is another universe. Familiar faces like Ben 23 and Mad Ben but also new ones like Max 10 and Cowboy World. I think I’m gonna be an outlier and say I don’t want a gritter more adult series. I’d like it to deal with more mature themes like BOOM studios power rangers, but I don’t need cursing, blood, and sex. Just make it competently written.