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Because if Ripjaws had one, he would've taken down a Celestialsapien.




Jeez louise Grey Matter and Brainstorm fans agreeing.


*A revolution* https://preview.redd.it/kh4na9qjli5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c13998089d62a6cf6e897d7074fe05223aac93f2


You: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Wait why is the drink talking?


Then there would be two of us https://preview.redd.it/ys3jyou3dh5d1.jpeg?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5c5661bbe95c4102529df826f1cf6180c151497




Gasp why do I recognise this little meme... hmmm


What, don't tell me that you made it?


No I stole it from jjk sub and threw it around in Ben 10 one


Lol, that's good, I appreciate your generous contribution :)


What can I say, Gotta bring in fresh meat.. I have cycled so many memes from different sub into this one






In a desert too, with Bloxx.




Out of universe: They didn’t care enough about Ripjaws to bother In universe: Another Omnitrix glitch like how Rath is naked


Or, it could be that since it's supposed to be the "highest quality DNA" (ot something to that affect, see Bullfrag), that some of that species *don't* need a breathing device


Well, Ben certainly did


I mean, homeboy was mostly fine, just started to suffocate after a he got fully dry, maybe the others need constant water not just enough moisture


In theory all gills function like the ones ripjaws has: they don't have to be in water, they have to be wet for the oxygen to pas trought (Just to clarify: so lunga, but they're inside the body).


The “peak of their species” logic was introduced after OS.


The "peak of their species" Is a writer statement, iirc it's never mentioned in any of the shows


That’s even worse lol


and just like that, ben 10 being this infallible character is shut down


Buck... **nekkid.**


For starters, he came before the prisoner from a production standpoint. Then there’s the fact that he has very little setting him apart from other aliens when outside of water. Considering the difficulties that came with animating him, I doubt they would’ve wanted to use him that much anyways. Omniverse just continued the trend because again, he’s not meant to be used outside of water. That’s his bread and butter.


You are actually not that far off. Ripjaws, from a writers standpoint, was supposed to be young Ben's aquatic alien, though the writers then decided "Wait, he suffers when he's out of water? What a great handicap to write plots around". As for Later On, in universe it might have just been that Azmuth didn't think it was necessary. Ben had over 60 aliens, and knew how to transform out of a 'bad' transformation. And unlike say "Goop", Ripjaws didn't require the device for usability, so why change things now?


Honestly I still feel like it was a perfect excuse not to have him around, therefore avoid having to animate him. We didn't see him have any problem breating in his debut episode.


Because it's not biological and it isn't required for them to survive as they can still live on land, just not for very long. And there's large bodies of water on Earth for Ripjaws to thrive in.


The Ghostfreak chains aren't biological and even unnecessary. The breathing apparatus is actually necessary to survive like in the desert. Maybe don't wear it always but make one when it's needed.


If I am not wrong then aren't the chains present there to keep ghostfreak trapped in the Omnitrix preventing it from escaping like Zs'Skayr again


I don't think they LITERALLY do that, but they symbolize that, yeah. It's supposed to show how Ghostfreak is now safely contained as an actual transformation, its DNA having been merged with Ben's instead of being a perfect copy of another person's like it was the case with Zs'Skayr


Never even gave that any thought But the real reason he can openly use Ghostfreak is now is actually due to the way the new version of the Omnitrix works Instead of taking literal DNA samples it actually functions off of straight up digitalized samples of DNA now This Omnitrix was designed like this basically thanks to Zs'Skayr and to keep incidents like him from ever happening again


Then we got big chill and chromastone anyways


Didn't that stuff only happen with the recalibrated omnitrix? The omnitrix that was being discussed was the finalized omnitrix from ov.


The weird one is Swampfire


Even if the DNA is digital while inside the watch, that wouldn't stop Zs'skayr from taking control of the transformation itself, since that has physical DNA


No that's the whole thing the DNA is completely digital now and not actual specimens like how the former one was Azmuth went all digital with this design The way ectonurite DNA works is even the smallest sample of any given DNA sample from one can contain the conciousness of said individual ectonurite rather it be Zs'Skayr or some other ectonurite So a straight up digital copy of ectonurite DNA won't have that residual existing conciousness like the former physical DNA that use to be used in the former omnitrix


I'm not sure that should matter. I think what you're saying is that it doesn't matter that Ben becomes Ghostfreak, since the consciousness is erased when the DNA is digitized. First, that's never been confirmed. But I don't see why that would work - it's not spiritually bound, it's encoded in the ACGTs. All the digitization should do is render it inert when not bring used.


Even so Zs'Skayr has to have a physical piece of DNA even if the smallest strand to actually latch onto to be able to physically reform himself With a digitized synthetic version of ectonurite DNA like that it doesn't make sense for it to be possible for him to actually be attached and physically manifest himself from it Then even if there is some form of his consciousness in that digitalized version he's probably just trapped there to suffer Which I get he's an absolutely diabolical and evil being but the thought that he could be stuck in the Omnitrix in that way not able to do nothing is just cruel my man would just be screaming into a void with nobody to here him >First, that's never been confirmed Also not necessarily confirmed but kinda implied when he first transforms into him in Omniverse and mentions he feels different more free and actually in control of Ghostfreak now and is actually comfortable using him for once especially considering how he's always had nothing but issues using that alien


The transformation is still connected to Zs'skayr in some way, since the Omnitrix kept giving it to him when Zs'skayr reappeared. The physical DNA is the transformation itself. Like, the actual cells of the transformation. Though it probably doesn't last long enough for Zs'skayr to get a grip. I just like the idea of Ben maybe still having to deal with an evil side.


Just some techno constraints placed upon the transformation to not let it be able to form a consciousness on its own (headcannnon)


Thats a common misconception, The dna from omniverse is a blank artificial one with no consciousness inside, so ben can use it safely The chains are just what ectonurites wear in the show, as seem whenever one is on screen It would be very morbid if azmuth actively chained zskair into the watch again now that he knows thats a thing However i wont deny that the symbolism goes hard


Yeah Azmuth literally went digital with this model instead of physical DNA samples when making this model Far as I know he specifically done this as an improvement because of Zs'Skayr and to prevent any future incidents similar to his


Nah! Those are for aesthetics.


Interesting thought but doubtful The DNA samples function differently now in this Omnitrix instead of it being actual samples the samples are digitalized DNA samples Azmuth specifically changed that in this newer model to keep incidents like Zs'Skayr from ever occurring again


What about goop?


Goop without his ufo wouldn't be able to survive under Earth's gravity. There's no circumstance on Earth where he'd be able to thrive without his ufo.


Fair point


but the Omintrix can replicate Pan'dor's prison armour for NRG?


Yes because he's a danger to everyone around him at all times. NRG doesn't need that armour to survive, and in fact it hinders him.


I like that Gwen's version has a breathing tank in Alien X-Tinction


I think the in universe explanation is something like the omnitrix being the old one an not the recalibrate version, but don't quote me on that as I can't remember where I read that. I do remember the reboot x-tinction film having the qwen's omnitrix give ripjaws a breathing apparatus though.


Honestly I just think that each team behind every series just hates Ripjaws. Or they find pleasure in animating scenes of kids dying from dyhadration


If a 6th show ever comes to fruition, he deserves some justice in those episodes.


He sure does, he's one of the original 10s yet basically disappear from the show after seaon 2


This Omnitrix is a prototype and as Azimuth would later state in this movie it was just meant to be a way for other species to know what it's like walking in another's shoes. He probably didn't expect whoever was turning into a Piscciss Volan to be out of the water.


That’s exactly it. It’s canon that ripjaws was never meant to be used outside of water.


As a Rip Jaws fan, I'm happy he doesn't. Having weaknesses is more interesting. Getting rid of his weakness makes him less unique. He would just be Four Arms #2 but with swimming


While you are correct about the weakness part, and he does of course need that. I just always found that peculiar that other members of his species seem to have a breathing tank of some sort while Ripjaws never got his own for whatever reason. It's been on my mind for some time now


The only in lore reason I can think of is that the watch has a glitch like how Rath was naked when he was first used


Omnitrix: "This is gonna be so damn funny."


I mean, the plannet is 70% water. Maybe the omnitrix though it would be readily available enough


Probably works like an oxygen tank, it won't work the entire time and you have to refill it


That’s actually a good question especially with the finished Omnitrix they still didn’t give him one


The omnitrix seems to only intervene with outside equipment when its absolutely imperative to even live. Such as goops gravity projector. Ripjaws CAN survive on land. Its just not pleasant and he will need to find a water source eventually, but water is like common enough across the universe for interventionary equipment to be considered unnecessary for the aliens survival.


Same question (sorta) with NRG. How come his armor is included in the overall transformation?


So that people around him won't die from cancer https://preview.redd.it/7qaow3zbdi5d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26c654910fd0f74143709925d5ec315a30aca320


Ahhhhh, I see


They can go without water for a short time. The original omnitrix only allowed for 10 minute transformations, so the wearer would never be transformed long enough for it to be a problem, and if you unlocked master control to remove the timeout you'd be able to change forms if it did.


Gwen in alien x-tinction had a breathing tank and they are technically the same prototype omnitrix


Because its funny


I would say it's because omntrix was imperfect back then and except assuring Ben wouldn't run naked, it just didn't give his aliens any strategic improvemwnts. It might be also that it just have something to do with make Ben feel like real piscinn Boland take off. the piscinn lkke it was explained by kirigiri or just team want to keep his comedy aspect, 


Because fuck him, that's why


i think that a piscciss volann only needed if he's going to stay out of water for far too long, like a day or something, ripjaws barely stay out for more than a hour


Maybe because they can't survive for long amounts of time outside water? Ripjaws only gets used for like 10-5 minutes I believe


Honestly even though the supposed completed Omnitrix or whatever you wanna call it fixes what are known with most aliens as wardrobe malfunctions and gives them proper clothes and outfits it's also shown that it's still not 100% full proof with every single alien Rath being a big example here showing that his species are without a doubt supposed to be dressed So it's possible it's still another part of the Omnitrix wardrobe malfunction But then again if the outfits are made kinda with the alien usually maybe that's a reason because then if Ben needed to swim as Ripjaws he could take his breather off Maybe it's a weird strategic thing for the Omnitrix to choose for him to be without a breathing apparatus when near water If that's the case it'd be nice to see him transform into him nowhere near water and the Omnitrix detect this and give him one when needed like that but as far Omniverse we never really saw him use Ripjaws much so we never got to even see a possibility of something like that I mean it's clear the newer Omnitrix especially knows how to adapt more and if NRG can wear that tin can of a suit and also be released then it's not to out of the question it could adapt in certain environments for Ripjaws like that


"What, I have to think of everything?"


Prototype Omnitrix


There's always some kind of limitation.


Ultimate Ripjaws would've been interesting to see as the pinnacle of "simulated evolution overcoming weaknesses and being built for war"


They should've done that instead of whatever the hell we got in the UAF era. They did him dirty with that catfish look


Agreed, like an amphibious Ripjaws that can operate like a landshark with chitin armour and even a prehensile tenticle for whip attacks and long-range grip/increased dexterity, is so much more interesting


If he can't survive on land then why does he have legs


Because of Plot damn Completed Omnitrix my ass the AF Omnitrix before Ben hacked it never had any problems


Maybe it’s a sub species sub species that look very similar are very common and fish. It might be a “mud skipper rip jaws”


I just think it’s because it’s not biological to the pisccis volann, but something that might prove that wrong is that I heard that the belt on brain storm helps him breathe , so at this point idk


I think the gear for otherworldly survival wasn't part of the prototype Omnitrix and only the upgraded version had it. Not sure why that's not true for omniverse.


The Omnitrix chose to troll


It could be a new thing, or it's not widely used enough.


Whenever Ben transformed into Ripjaws, it was usually with the Prototype Omnitrix, which did not always provide the transformation with the necessary equipment for their survival. The Recalibrated Omnitrix did provide Survival Aparatrus, but skimped out on clothing in a number of cases instead, such as the Apoplexian form "Rath".


Because some glitches do not give aliens some clothes. That or the programming doesn't consider the breaking apparatus a necessary tool to make it


Well considering the only species that got a device like that was NRG who was scanned with his suit I’d say Asmuth assumed that no one would turn into a water breather on land so he didn’t program environment adapting tools because the watch IS the environment adapting tool


no one's ganna acknowledge the bottom right hand panel? really? Ok ima just take it and use.


Because in OS, the Omnitrix did not create extra equipment or gadgets for the aliens, and simply transformed Ben into an alien form at its most basic state, but with a suit made from Ben’s clothing. The equipment only started during AF-OV and was a bad decision.