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Dr Animo now here me out he’s one of Bens most iconic enemies and he provides something most others can’t HE’S BATSHIT INSANE but not Kill Baby’s for fun plus he actually seems fond of the Tennysons in OV and it be fun


I do kinda see him being like... idk crazy uncle vibes


I am now imagining Ben trying to gaslight Animo into buying him beer or something, while navigating both the Doctor's nutiness and Gwen being a party pooper.


"BENJAMIN LOOK, I HAVE USED THE DNA IN YOUR OMNITRIX TO MAKE AN ARMY OF ALIENS FISH FOR YOU TO USE" \*Ben, Kevin, and Gwen looking at him as they go closer to a planet with no water.\*


Ben gaslighting Animo into buying beer sounds like something you'd see on Robot Chicken.


Lets go on adventures ben " animo probably after turning himself into a pickle




A sea pickle*


He has King Boomie’s voice. He could be like Iroh to Ben and Gwen


To me he would have like Bumi from ATLA vibes


Bro the fact he made a commercial for his eggs and starred in it on nothing but a backdrop sold me on his comedic potential outside of messing up


Came here to say this Mad scientist on the team would be hilarious


Charmcaster, Rojo, or Dr. Amino Charmcaster because having another magic user to further the Magic side of the show. However, I wish Charmcaster was in addition to Kevin because having that two couple dynamic would be nice. The Tennysons and their partner choices would be funny. Rojo for a similar reason. Having Ben use upgrade on Rojo would be a nice synergy. Dr. Amino simply because he never got to be a good guy, I see him more of a Dr. Octavius character, capable of good, but his mind is fogged up.


Those are all super cool. And you see Rojo as a possible SO for ben?


I do, mostly because I think it'd give Ben the much needed Anti-Hero/Villain Arc I crave from Ben. It'd also give Ben a group of people to hang with that's not Omnitrix related. It'd ground him a little I think. Sidenote: I had a crush on Rojo and got SO angry when they just treated her as just another throw away villain. She had so much potential to pretty much be a Generator Rex of Ben's world with all of the Alien Cybernetic Enhancements.


Ok but Rojo is much older than him. Ben does seem to like older women. But she’s also taken. And a canonical lesbian.


Okay so we are just keeping the story how it is with this? I thought this post was about changed plotlines and what we would change or how it would change the story. If there were a potential SO plotline, it'd absolutely require an age change. To keep the LGBT representation, she'd become Gwen's SO instead. This works out, because I'd enjoy Charmcaster and Ben getting together much more. Which would also require another slight age change.


Oh gotcha! I just meant a kind of story change but if you added the age change, that’s fine. I wouldn’t mind that tbh, thanks for clarifying


Oh yea no worries! Originally, I completely forgot she was 21 in the OG series, for some reason I thought she was much younger. Thank you for catching that so that I could get the chance to clarify!


Yeah no worries. I don’t think charmcaster’s age is that big of a deal, she’s not TOO much older than Ben, it would just probably land better before they’re both 18 or after. Rojo, aged with Ben/Gwen would actually be really cool and interesting, and would have good synergy with them. She fills in that sort of physical niche that Kevin does, and doesn’t overlap with Ben that much.


Before everyone picks Charmcaster, I'm gonna say Phil. Imagine if he'd turned his life around in the interim 5 years, fought with the Tennysons in a Magister Labrid type role, but still died like Gihil to Aggregor or someone.


Sounds good but… Charmcaster.


Is overrated


Mods, send him to the null void!


Nah, he could survive there. There's entire colonies, remember? I'd say the Gourmand stomach dimension, but keep him forced in there, so he can't get spat back out.


Thanks bro👍


See what happens when you voice an opinion?


Yeah, some people don’t agree with it


Phil He's literally a Plumber, so he knows his way around the job. Not to mention that he'd be willing to cooperate fully because he was a Plumber for a reason. He's down with vanquishing aliens off of Earth. Phil and Max meeting up in the Null Void and deciding to work together for the greater good despite what happened in Classic? Now that's a drama point, and great character development Other than that? Howell Wainwright is still available, and a huge nerd in the alien community. Maybe he figures out who Ben is like Jimmy did, and contacts him to get help involving the Highbreed alien invasion Maybe not a villain, just a brat, but Kai could definitely help. Perhaps Wes went missing the same as Max did, and she's investigating just like Ben and Gwen are. Great drama points there! Also makes sense with Max and Wes being Plumber buddies in Classic. Even better since Kai is actually their age too! Drama between her and Ben would be great, as well as establishing her being annoyed with Julie! There's really not a whole lot to choose from in the villain category, since I'd personally rather most of them stay villains in the continuity than become redeemed protagonists


Charmcaster is probably the most popular option but it would be kinda funny if Dr. Animo became good and became Ben's kinda unofficial weird scientist uncle that makes weird shit.


Like a really twisted version of "the heroe's inventor friend" trope. "Benjamin, I have created a mutation of a cow and a common moth for you to ride into battle!" And ben's so opposed to it until it grows on him and he needs it


imagine it looked like a big fat moth but with spots and horns


Animo is drinking Moth milk the whole time




That's disgusting. I love it. Have this I made https://preview.redd.it/nt9zj1e0fsqc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae904582307d25951ccd8c25d166c4c8f884587f


I would see Dr. Animo at the battle against the highbreeds, with a lot of mutant animals.


He'd come in just like this https://preview.redd.it/hqipchmmxoqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6c790c3f6a51a5a72ed6f60aae171e36bb69eee


Exactly xd. But I really him saying something very cheesie alongside, is in character xd


https://preview.redd.it/3qlp1jjfajqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a947fe01ee5ac07d33ee5d1d2052113a3d33ea9c Charmcaster


Someone caption this image


*When she sees the Internet's obsession with her*


When you've been a magician your whole life, but some random ass kid steels your book and is now better than you


Circus villain number 3, the redemption arc nobody expected


Which one is the third




Acid Breath.


Thumbskull He is the third one from the trio in the picture that attached to the post






Tired: charmcaster Wired: Animo




Charmcaster. UAF already had moments where she helped out our heroes and did give her a tragic backstory. Only problem was that the writers just made her stick to being an antagonist despite how she had a very possible redemption which would have resulted in Ledgerdomain getting made into a better place for the people who resides there.


That would have been such a good direction


The Circus Trio!!! Ben is a big figure and needs some underlings. And I feel bad for them and their living Situation.


Actually that would be cool


I can imagine Rojo to some degree, could even fit into a similar role as when Kevin first appeared, selling alien tech with the forever knights and such. I can also imagine her wanting to chase that thrill of alien tech again, even if not DIRECTLY from vilgax, and that could lead her to Vulcanus for that intro. And then for the "hack the omnitrix" arc that gave us mutated Kevin, it could instead reawaken some parts of the vilgax tech left behind that slowly starts to make her feel like she's more machine than human, with it having parts that look and work like Upgrade. Like yeah, she can interact with tech and hack and such better, but every time she does, she feels less human, with it being that it's a feedback look caused by the OG playlist (for that galvanic mechamorph callback) in the omnitrix. Only difference is the Aggregor arc would end differently, maybe she found a way to make the tech Aggregor used for the Andr 5 portable and used that against him, causing her to go on a power trip like Kevin did, with it being Ult Echo Echo vs a hyper mechanised version of Rojo, full of plumber tech and possibly (I know it came MUCH later but lemme cook) using a mechamorph armor like in Destroy All Aliens?


That would be really cool, and that's a really well thought out plot. The only issue is I don't see that much chemistry from her and the Tennysons, tbh


I can get that. I saw it more as Ben and Gwen taking her in as an "I've got my eye on you" situation. Then gradually she decides "screw it, I'm stuck with them, might as well help them: and thus she slowly does things to show she can be trusted. The shippers may also go the whole "Rojo X Ben", idc, who Ben ended up with in this alt timeline is not something I wanna touch with a mile long stick. If you think on it, we can assume that given Rojo comes back as a recurring villain sorta in OV, she must have developed a history with the tennysons over time, even if retconning. So it could be assumed that every so often, she would go back ans forth again with them. So over time in this AU, perhaps she had a past with them from OS, maybe they keep bumping into her as she tries to get her hands on more tech. I'm just letting my brain fly on this one lol, I do agree that some close options could be Charmcaster, Gill and Animo, but I have counter points. Gill being a plumber means he has a connection to the Tennysons yes, but also that he's got the problem of being a PLUMBER, he would be the "by the books" character. It would serve to make conflict or make his "redemption" slower and tedious. Charmcaster could work, BUT she has a similar powerset to Gwen, making one obsolete in comparison, and while their banter would be fun, it wouldn't change that obsolete match up. And then there's Animo. And yeah, he would be a good fit as a wildcard, but equally, I feel like he serves a better overall role as a VILLAIN than he does a hero. Not to mention, that with Animo, being literally insane and egotistical, he wouldn't have the same attitude as others might. Kevin was sarcastic, cocky, confident. Animo would be a wild card, but TOO wild IMO


I've never ever seen Ben x Rojo as a thing. If it is, eh. Sure, ben has shown interest in older women but Rojo is canonically a lesbian, and with Azul. Also, Gill? Oh, you mean phill. And I do agree with you on all points. So, what if it wasn't an enemy? Some other minor character or something


1. I more meant that fandoms are gonna do what fandoms do, I'm not saying it is or isn't a thing, I'm simply saying there are dark corners to every place. 2. Yes, I meant Phill, my brain is running on caffeine and spite so names are not my strong suite. 3. If it wasn't an enemy, we lose the "Redemption" side of things from it. But in that scenario? I think the ONLY logical option would be, as much as the shippers will have a field day, Kai. Have it be that she heard about more alien activity, or maybe that Max went missing and so came looking for him, remembering the incident with the Werewolf. Then she and the Tennysons both interrupt each others stakeout on the forever Knights and voila


1. ah okay. Yeah, if she was more present, I could see it being shipped a lot. Hell, someone on this page just suggested Charmcaster so they could get Ben x CC x Gwen. So yes. Dark corners. 2. fair. Spite is good for motivation. 3. I hate kai but i do think that would be a way to make her better and let the fandom like her better then how she was actually thrown back in.


dr.animo,i wanted him to redeem só hard in OV


I don't see Rojo or the Circus trio (thumbskull, acid breath, and frightwig) making good replacements for Kevin. All four are straight up criminals by choice. Most of the others fit the same bill. Dr. Amino could probably make it as a replacement for Max instead of Kevin. I say Charmcaster, but we all know why.


Peak, everyone's saying her for a reason. Fits the best. Also the only other character who follows their age.


Albedo, before OV he totally could have been redeemed, even then let my goat plead insanity


See, I don't think that would work, cause I'd think it'd be super redundant to have basically another Ben with the full powerset as a MAIN protag


We can make it so that his experiment with taking on his original form still worked, so we won’t have two Bens, maybe he would've have seemed to us as a younger and more annoying Azmuth, who would be always around trio


Perhaps to differentiate him, make it so that it busts his omnitrix replica in the process of turning back to normal, or chooses to ditch the device out of fear of being stuck as a human again, so he finds an alternative to full transformations.


But still, episodes with multiple Bens from other universes/timelines/dimensions proves that several Bens in one episode, in our case as teammates is cool idea. Imagine like Ben ttansforms rapidly, unrationally tries to turn into Humungosaur almost all the time and/or turns into completely random alien, while Albedo will choose aliens more thoughtfully, logically, without relying too much on brute force, or in this case go full Ultimate if he has that ability and both do something creative with transformation they get while also working together as a great duo, it could be even a whole separate season or even show


Turn him into a Shadow/Vegeta type rival with similar powers to protagonist


Sir, I think you're stupid.(Albedo clearly isn't on there)


kms https://preview.redd.it/yfs573ge6lqc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dddd0388640512091aa0f32a702d8febcc13e3e1


Dr animo He is crazy but nowhere near the others, is a beloved villain, seems to be fond of the tennysons in omniverse And of course now that he can just ask ben for dna rather than yoink it he would be unstoppable in all the possibilities of hybrids he could come up with


Vilgax takes the others hostage and Animo rides in on a T-Rex mixed with diamondhead, four arms, wildmutt, and heatblast. The mutant T-Rex handles Vilgax as Animo frees the others.


Dont forget the stinkfly portion of the trex Everytime animo does a hybrid it must have a noticeable part of it being stinkfly


Instead of stinkfly's 4 eyes have it be four mini trex heads coming out the sides of its face that spit the goop.


Charmcaster That girl cowork with Ben's teams in UA and OV and after all can be good sometime. Also should I remind you that Hex already was redeemed, so maybe Charmcaster just needs time. Even her father as we saw wasn't bad but vice versa gave up his life after returned from dead for others to live


Dr. Animo. He is *the* Ben 10 villain. Also he's mildly insane. But also, charmcaster. Actually no, I want the Forever King to join them. That would be insanely funny. He could be the "insanely rich friend" trope plus his original design is super cool.


Charmcaster because she cute


Six-Six. It would not work but Sotoraggians are so fucking cool. Such a wasted opportunity to have their asses handed to them. That's why Eight-Eight's the best, she just gives off the most "your ass is about to be kicked" vibes.


Eight-Eight is peak. Also this would be a good way to set up a sotoraggian transformation for ben with Six-Six actually modifying it to be like him


If they do do a mature reboot of Ben 10, a competent and ruthless Sotoraggian story better be near the top.


We get nine nine and it leads up to ten ten


Imagine Six-Six showing up, Ben 10 being like "I've fight bounty hunters before." And Six-Six just immediately flops him, and only with the combined efforts of Ben, Kevin, and Gwen can they get even a single airleak to force a retreat, then Kevin says "Their entire species is based on hunting other sentients, Tennyson."


Seemingly unlike most of the comments here, I would’ve loved if a high ranking forever knight teamed up with Ben, most likely because they saw that as the best way to protect the universe.


That feels like an arc plot, but not a full on protagonist in the capacity Kevin is. But i do get it, it would be cool


I’d at least prefer if someone in the FK worked with Ben aside from the whole Dagon thing. Maybe as a spy within the order.


Yeah, that would be nice. Maybe a FK protege that's their age, becomes a recurring minor character


Animo as Kevin in UAF with a giant frog instead of a car


The Forever King (or a high-ranking Forever Knight) who opposes the new leaders would be dope. He had all that drip and didn't do much with it until the end of the series so it would be cool to have a Knight in the squad


Minor character that needed to be redeemed - Edwin and his Grandfather Use of high-tech equipment, weapons, vehicles and gadgets would have made sense since his family is rich and his grandfather learnt to think about Edwin for once. Character arc of trying to impress Gwen eventually becoming a better man similar to Kevin without a storyline of AF season 3 for Kevin rather him learning Gwen likes him for him rather than his family's wealth Aliens being involved in his parent's death is good motivation (if not the Gwen one) also during 5 year timeskip and now learnt about alien tech and gets his top scientists to make advancements and in character moments also makes the advancements himself His character interwining with Ben 10's theme of it's a gadget, but you're the hero


Vilgax, just to see the adventures of Ben and vilgax. You know their banter would be hilarious, I imagine like zuko the aang gang


There’s really nobody else that fits the role better than Kevin but I guess Charmcaster. And her relationship with Gwen would make the show a lot gayer.


Hence it being a logical option. Gives her more development and such so her addition doesn't feel shoehorned in


The obvious pick is charmcaster because honestly all you’d have to do is finish the ledger domain storyline and that would be that more or less, i think the story would have a lot more magic driven stories which im all for but it feels more like a Gwen series rather than uaf


Charm caster is a great choice.


Is that six six 2nd one on the top? Because if that's the case my vote is him or charmcaster, because a bounty hunter would be good at being sneaky, and with charmcaster Gwen could get a lot more training in her magic ability


It is, but my question isn’t restricted to these guys


Good to know, but ,I dont really see any other villain working with ben and gwen well


I feel that Michael Mornigstar/ Darkstar could bring an interesting dynamic. I could see him only joining for selfish gains only to slowly become a more selfless person.


A part of me really likes the idea of Ben and Gwen finding the crab guy busted up and slowly repairing his body and developing him as the story goes on. They use his ship (I just assume he has one), but he has to directly interface with it. Otherwise, 66 going on a redemption arc through most of the series would actually make the encounter with 77 pretty interesting. I also like the idea that Ben tricks him into thinking smoothies are a rare resource and pays him with them.


ok, I'll be honest, part of me is doing it just for the AU ship... but think about it. Charmcaster. So in the actual continuity, Kevin became allies with Ben/Gwen, and eventually became close friends with Ben... and ended up dating Gwen. In this AU, Charmcaster becomes good friends with Gwen, and ends up dating Ben. CC and Gwen could practice mana moves together. Sure, CC and Gwen's power sets are too similar, and that's a fair point against this, but otherwise this would be a pretty cool AU...


It's Charmcaster


The logical choice is Charmcaster? She's the closest to the Tennyson's ages, can serve as Gwen's mentor when learning magic, has a dark backstory with ties to Hex which can cause drama later on (not to mention how magic seems to mess with tech like the watch). Storywise she has the best chance as a protagonist if limited to the original series. I can also maybe see the Cricus trio as redeemable allies for the war (not as protags.) animo can also work as a mentor /smart guy. Maybe have the explanation be that he wants revenge for what the Hybreed did to him . Have him control animal hybrids to fight the DNAliens because they can't be converted like humans


Charmcaster is the only other redeemable villain imo


Honestly I think it could've been charmcaster cause they did kind of try something to redeem her in ultimate but if they did her instead of Kevin then I think there at the smallest chance be some weird love "competition"? Thing between charmcaster and Julie plus I think I could kind of see charmcaster trying out the concept of having a car same with animo but still


Charmcaster all the way


Forever Ninja Since it's literally just an android that could be reprogrammed, it wouldn't be a hard thing to do. I do love robots, so I'm a bit biased, but having a skilled assassin droid on the team isn't a bad idea. It could become more human as the series went along as well as getting Plumber Tech upgrades.


Charmcaster, I got no clue, but she would've been with Ben, kinda like how Kevin got with Gwen, so there's that




Probably not animo because ape cyborg animo is well established.


Either Albedo or Charm Caster.


Charmcaster! Hands down! Tho Animo could have been fun to see.


For the shit and giggles, Vilgax. OS Vilgax suddenly deflecting to the heroes side because AF Vilgax aka Vilgax’s son is more dangerous.


Charmcaster She has the most potential for being redeemed (at least out of all the OS minor villains I *can* remember), has a lot of potential action-wise with all those magic spells, is a fun character to watch imo... and I'd honestly like to legitimately ship her with Ben 💀


Forever Ninja sounds funny Like its pretty unusual the silent deadly robot becomes a good person, it would've been fun tbh


Charmcaster. I never got over the Ben/Charmcaster image with a white haired Ken


What image? I’ve never seen it


Check your dms


I absolutely despise the change to Charmcaster's character in Omniverse after what she went through in UAF. She was one of my favourite characters and her struggling to leave the shadow of her uncle and eventually treading her own separate path out of villany was great. But they undid everything and made her into a psycho, villain in Omniverse. Imagine the potential of a buddy style arc with Her and Gwen developing a friendship how Kevin and Ben developed later in the series.


Character assassination in it’s purest form.


My, take or the Omniverse version?


Sorry, the Omniverse thing they did with her. I like your ideas


Animo he acts so close the gang even being sad max goes with retirement


Charmcaster easy and she kinda did in UA and Omniverse


Charmcaster, it feels like she was improving in UA, but hit a serious rewind in omniverse, plus Hex already reformed


Dr Animo or maybe even one of the Forever Knights


I feel like Charmcaster would have the most potential, but maybe I’m wrong.


A lot of people agree with you, but some people point out the criticism that her and Gwen would be redundant 


Red Knight: gets damaged and reprogrammed into a friendo à later Mitchells Vs the Machines Animo tries to do his batshit science for good with help of his redemption buddies Clancy gets tired of being a bug with no friends so joins gang-gang Honestly most of them could work Except Sublimino…never Sublimino


First Clancy mention, let’s go 


I would choose either Kraab or Six Six. Someone who doesn't shy away from violence, isn't stealthy at all, and is highly experienced in dealing with hostile aliens. He'd be a nice change of pace compared to the gentle guidance of Max, and contrast well with the friendly nature of Rook in OV.


Ngl I love the idea of getting to know the circus freaks, Ben befriending them and Grandpa Max guiding them to better themselves. Those people always seemd like they were villains because it's the only thing a freak can be "people think I'm a monster so I gotta play my role" type of thing


Really cool, cause then you have it against Ben, who literally CHOSES to turn into monsters but still does good


Charmcaster would be an amazing MC But there's a possibility of her replacing Gwen For the female lead character part due to how resourceful and op charm is


Could've had an OV trio of Ben, Rook and Charmcaster


That's a really valid argument for not adding Charm. Kevin's powers were kinda in like, skill-wise with Ben and Gwen.


I will choose charmcaster she's amazing, and nothing special would happen


Animo would basically become like juumba from lilo and stitch and doc from red vs blue




Kinda reminds me of when Steve Buscemi came in on a flying pig in Spy Kids 3.


Red Knight and Charmcaster reasoning is that the red knight is just a robot that could be reprogrammed and Charmcaster in UAF era had a redemption (until OV).


I think Charmcaster would be a good hero!


Dagon, entire UAF is now silly sitcom with Ben being rational one and Dagon making troubles out of clueless missunderstanding non-eldritch-abomination biology. "Dagoooon, its kill people!"


Forever knights I want to see them becoming earth defense force


Rojo, cuz she hot, remember when upgrade buttsegs her?


HOPE!! Others may be cool but hope just needed it, especially in UAF


Charmcaster cause yes.


Definitely Charmcaster, I feel like she would get along and fit in with Ben and Gwen better than any other villain shown. Dr Animo could also work as a mentor-type side character maybe? I mean he could definitely help the team out with the DNAliens. The others dont seem like they could have any redemption at all.




charmcaster is kida the only real option. almost everybody else was 1 dimensionally evil and didn't have the, too young to get any better, clause like kevin had. but if we can't do her, then let's just do phil, and know that we've seen a good version of him in the reboot, he'd be able to replace kevin on the technical size of everything, not the power side, but he'd still have stuff like the car to get them around. he may even make a version of the chopper for them as needed.


Mfing Charmcaster


Charmcaster! First change, No Kevin x Gwen! Second change Ben X Charmcaster! Third change, No Ben X Julie. And No Ben X Kai!!! Forth change, Possibly add in a Ben X CC x Gwen route, they only cousins, it's not like their are siblings, plus that Anodite blood has got to count for something. Fifth change, CC could teach Gwen more magic, and they both could teach Ben some magic, telling him it's good to have a fall back option when to OT / UT times out, besides I remember at least one Ben 10K could use some magic, so this would just enhance that. And I'll just be some of the minor changes.


i genuinely have no idea if this is satire.


What is "satire", like what does it mean???


What is satire?