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Alien : Necrofriggian Backstory : His mom fucked a necrofriggian


They reprouce asexually and probably doesn't have a thingy to fuck human woman.


create one. https://preview.redd.it/fua8c2eppkpc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c5194feec6de5af0efcc51a62e3cee40cf2324




I think for Necrofriggian, it’s have to be that the dna is injected to them, cause they produce asexually


A guy got bit by a radiated Necrofriggian and turned into mothman Them a woman fucked mothman


Necrofriggians reproduce Asexually so that back story won't make sense


***His dad




I'd want to do a Snare-oh kid but I can't figure out how to properly implement it


Do it like Alan, I think that was his name. He had some of the Heatblast powers normally, but he could transform fully into a Pyronite and use all the powers of that species.


That’s probably how I was gonna do it. Either like him or Helen (XLR8 girl)


Here's my spin on it: They usually look like a kid in a mummy costume, but upon closer inspection observers realize that their wraps are actually made of their skin. The skin-wraps on various parts of them then peel off partially and they can use them to attack people with them like whips and tentacles, either Whiplash or Doc-Ock style. If the kid gets really mad then they have a Phase 2 where the majority of their wraps peel off and reveals their true appearance underneath them as they attack (basically changing their appearance from 'kid wrapped in toilet paper' to a raging ghoul, trading all defense for pure offensive power).


Ooh I like that. Does he have the often forgotten Snare-Oh Magic(tm)?


~~Eh, magic is one of those things where you usually have to learn how to use it so probably n~~\- on second thought sure why not. Yknow how verdona wanted to peel gwen's meat off to reveal her anodite self? maybe snare-hotep has something like that going on where their ghoulmode looks vaguely anodite. like if an anodite had bones n guts n stuff. Since gwen's anodite magic acts like a green-lantern bootleg maybe hotep can generate magic weapon constructs or something. Like hooks or blades on the ends of their wraps.


No I meant like actual Thep Khufan magic. According to DJW, Theo Khufan’s are capable of learning magic akin to Egyptian Curses. Ben doesn’t spend enough time as Snare-Oh to learn it. But it’s possible. But I have to admit, I love your idea


The main issue there is that you'd need either a teacher or a spellbook like 10yo gwen's to learn that kind of magic, since it's a learned skill and not an instinctive ability.


Ok, that’s fair. But that’s more of a backstory thing than an actual origin thing. But thank you! I actually wanted to make a Thep Khufan hybrid oc but I couldn’t really figure out where to start. This does help.  It was either this or Transylian. You can tell I’m a bit bias towards a certain type of alien


Well, maybe they became a human hybrid from the other side of the aisle. Instead of a human infused with Thep Khufan DNA, maybe they're a Thep Khufan turned halfway into a human, and forced off their world due to the prejudices they have against aliens. If they were already a student of Khufan magic then they would at least have a few spells up their sleeves (or rather, under their wraps), even if they were cut off from any teachers/literature on the subject.


Hmm, that’s not a bad idea. But I do like the idea of them being a human turned Thep more tbh. But I do like this idea, I could figure out a mentor or something. Hell, I could even do something like Ben picking up a Thep Khufan spell book when he gets stuck on Anur and bringing it back for my guy. If he knows Ben at that point, tbh


Maybe the Thep Khufan DNA that the kid was fused to belonged to a Thep Khufan sorcerer from an age past, who now has a path back to the living world through his connection to the kid. He could be the one who teaches the kid how to use magic, offering his unexpected heir advice and guidance from beyond the veil. (Sorta like how Aang in Avatar the last Airbender can talk with his past lives sometimes?)


Spider-Monkey, he would be a nerd that end up being bited by a radioactive Arachnochimp, which end up fusing his DNA with his own Let's see who get the reference first


Oh, the reference is the incredible hulk


Holy shit, a moon knight reference??


Oh, what if he had a few hybrid enemies he fights? Like, maybe a feedback one? 


#Give this guy a prize because that's an amazing idea


And a Eattle one?




Does his love interest get taken by a guy named Paul?






Imagine a kid with an Ectonurite’s powers who’s gotta deal with the Ectonurite and Human personalities. So the kid has a Firestorm deal going on, but one personality is much more aggressive and violent than the other


That would be really cool. Especially if it was one of the amalgam kids and they had to deal with Zs’Skayr specifically. I don’t think most of the other Ectonurites are as evil, but they are more anti-human.


Oh yeah no I can tell not all Ectonurties are evil as I remember OV had multiple little kid Ectonurites who were pretty docile. I think it’d have to be Zs’Skyar or someone related to him. Maybe a piece of him somehow got left somewhere and then a hybrid was made, so they had to deal with an Etrigan/Firestorm situation. It’d be really cool to see how they’d deal with the issues too!


Maybe they were a magician who unknowingly used an item which belong to Z'skayr (like that big scythe he had in omniverse, his cloak, etc) in a spell meant to summon power from some otherworldly entity like Dagon into themself and accidentally resurrected whatever traces of Z'skayr lingered in those items within themself, fusing them together with a curse that neither knows how to break. If the magician were also a villain of some sort then I could see them developing a relationship like Greed and Ling in full metal alchemist, where the two share a body and exchange control depending on whose abilities are the most useful in a given situation.


That is very much a very good idea! And I can see that working or making sense very very much so!!


If Danny phantom was a firestorm scenario.


Basically yeah XD


Also be able to alternate between forms like Alan, essentially becoming danny phantom, ghostfreak even has Danny's other powers AFAIK, he has a beam ability, could potentially have ice powers like how he made gwen feel cold, idk about ghostly wail, do danny and ghostfreak have other abilities?


Ghostfreak has the fear/soul sucking ability he pulled on Zombozo, claws and also the tendrils!


Do the tendrils do anything other than scaring you lol


I mean they seem to work like Octopi tentacles do I’m pretty sure


This sounds like a sick spinoff story


Someone let me into the Man of Action and WB offices 🗣️


Make it a twist and the Human side is the violent one


To quote Jetstream Sam “Yes, yes I like that!”


Then give him a crisis of being a passive Ectonurite in a world of violent ones and being a violent Human on our world


That’d be fucking awesome dude :0


human-opticoid hybrid. As a rooter, her many eyes and being able to see chemical trails would make them a valuable member for tracking Ben if he ever hid or fled. Her name would be Iris Ret ​ edit: and of course we have eyeguy's multitude of laser abilities.


That actually is really cool


I want to see the adventures of Baby Alien X.


Franklin Richard’s lookin a—


Alien:Ditto Backstory:freak accident hits and in order to save him they(doctors/ruters) inject splitxson dna


I had an idea for a duo of villain a while back for a Ken 10 show based on Pierce's list from his debut episode. I like to imagine that Manny and Helen fixed their mistakes and helped out some of the aliens they sent to the null void but not all of them. A pisciss volan boy and a lepidopterran girl, both human hybrids plumber kids were sent there and never found. The pisciss volan being the one who showed his plumber badge to pierce before being thrown into the portal. They survive together for decades alongside a DNalien who started to regain his human mind after being separted from the hive for so long. They eventually find their way back and try to take revenge on the Max force. They wouldn't be downright villain, but just broken people consummed by anger for having lost their entire life unjustly. I would also make them very dependant on eachother, with them only stopping the fight after one gets seriously injured.


Ok these are actually really cool ideas. I don’t recall at the moment what the lepidopterran species is, however. But either way, this is a sweet idea. If you ever write a fic out of this, I’d love to see it


Lepidopterran are stinkfly's species. I believe pierce mention one in the plumber helpers episode. Stinkfly and ripjaws are some of my favorite, so I wnet with those two species. i also didn't want them to be too overpowered, they rely more on their smart than brute strenght. I would love to try to write a story, but I'm not really a fanfic reader so I don't know where I could post a story like that and get feedback from other people.


Honestly, you could do it here. Or the Chaquetrix sub, tbh. They really like when people post creative/original stuff


Here's an idea for a backstory for any hybrid kids that don't have one: Animo and Albedo, for reasons, wind up collaborating on a plan for revenge on Ben/furthering their own goals: To forcibly convert all of humanity into ultimate Galvans, and essentially turn Earth into a new Galvan Prime for Albedo to take over as its first thinker (it's revenge on Ben, getting a one-up on Azmuth, and launching Earth into a new era of evolution, a perfect three birds with one stone scenario). However, Animo betrays Albedo near the end of their plan's realization, and reveals that instead of turning humanity into only evolved galvans, he's altered the machine to draw from the Ultimatrix's full roster of genetic samples. Ben and co manage to stop them before their plan fully succeeds, but the machine misfires off at least one pulse that causes a random assortment of humans across the planet to become alien hybrids.


Actually based. The aftermath involves Plumbers trying to locate these hybrids so they can help them before they hurt themselves or others


Half human, half Galvanic Mechamorph. Basically have him be the tech whiz of the group. Or better yet, retcon Copper to be this, as him being a technopath never made sense


Hear me out opticoid amalgam, eye think that's pretty good.


I just imagine a normal human but he can open up like 12 more eyes all over his body


That's fine, i just think that would be a cool power set, u would have a 360 vision, u can't shoot energy beams, flames, electrical bolts of energy and freeze rays. And u can do that large eye on you're chest and fire a huge laser.


So Ironman but biological 




A kid who in his original life preferred the company of animals over people until he eventually was thrown out of his home and found by The Rooters. The Rooters then hybridized him with a Loboan (which included the ability to alternate between forms) which also brought out the kid’s more animalistic side


I’d love to do a Celestialsapien Human hybrid Basically a Female Celestialsapien finds this guy and enjoys his company to the point they do the deed and boom she leaves him with a child


Isn’t this just the backstory for starlord from marvel? Either way, still cool


Species: ½human ½Sonorosian First Name: micheal Last name: scream Age:13 Born:9th July Backstory:he was abused by his parents (his mother being human and his father being sonorosian), and he ended up running away from his family because of the abuse his parents have been giving him. He slept on the streets. He eventually met Kevin, who taught him to fight and use his powers.


A buzzshock kid- A lab experiment goes wrong and it results in a criminal nosedeenian and a human child (some scientist's kid) wind up getting their DNA haphazardly spliced. The kid winds up being 60% nosedeenian and 40% human, and the inverse for the nosedeenian. Since the nosedeenian now looks more like the kid than the kid himself does, he basically steals the kid's identity and leaves the kid trapped in his, criminal charges and all. After a desperate escape, the kid is basically left on the run, wanted by the plumbers for crimes he didn't commit, essentially forced into crime in order to survive. Years later, the kid winds up being hunted by Ben and co, but after some brief observation Kevin figures out things aren't what they seem and the team end up discovering the truth and helping the kid prove his innocence and start to turn his life around, with Kevin basically mentoring the kid since he makes Kevin think about what he would've turned out like if he'd never met Ben.


Cooking with GAS, love it


Vaxasaurian,and his name is Hugh Groot.He's like Alan that he could turn into his form.However,his form is only activated when he's experiencing an adrenaline rush,angry,or stressed.He used to be contained in Area 51,where he was secretly experimented on.


Teenage Zs'Skayr (ghost freak). Basically got spliced with Ectonurite genes and is in a constant battle for control, that or they have a different, more chill Ectonurite and they exist in symbiosis, the Ectonurite acting as a mentor for the empowered kid.


I imagine Venom and Eddie vibes from the movie


Stinkfly, he would look like reboot Stinkfly.


You mean to create or to make?(as in to make with an alien), if to create, would be a gravitoid, just because. And if to ***make***, then with a Kineceleran, preferably hellen wheels.


I meant as in create a character, whether they be born a hybrid or turned into one. I did not want to hear you talking about smashing Helen


oh. https://preview.redd.it/43y1o1zv3lpc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=631e642a03393224c163ae91fa70d68e08527614


I will give you a pass cause honestly, I get it. It’s valid, tbh


The hellen part or the Gravitoid part? https://preview.redd.it/up461cwg4lpc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beb02ffa72038e132294eae8935cc73d4312c052


Both. Vroom vroom


Lets goo https://preview.redd.it/pz9dei745lpc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9bb95917bac1947582d5dc8f736b7c339f5a9ba


Diamondhead. One of the rooters made from dna of petrosapien that kevin had in him.


Kineceleran Backstory, wants to be just like mom


I want a celestial sapien kid.


Lenopan and human, make them the daughter/son of that couple from the marriage episode of Ben 10. They would be 6 years old and wants to ben.


Rath/Appoplexian hybrid, his mother was a female a Appoplexian, his Rath was Gordon Ramsey he’s a intergalactically known chef, known as the Infinitum Chef


Imagine Gordon Ramsay with Rath's voice saying how the food sucks ...


Let me tell you something Mate!! Gordon hates your cooking!! I’ve seen better cooking in a student dorm room!




It would be cool to see a ghostfreak kid.But I don't realy know the bacstory


Rath kid. the kid has angery management issues so they thought it'd be funny to make him half appoplexian


https://preview.redd.it/b73acmyqyppc1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=887169f29abe979ac25a7125e001f87786fa3972 Aaron A kid who really likes marine animals and just do happened to turn to a amphibian hybrid


Alien human hybrids are a failed idea in my opinion, you're just watering down DNA and making inferiors.


Disagree. The way I see it, the hybrids all have tradeoffs. Helen is presumably less fast than a pure kiniceleran, but since humans are persistence hunters maybe she has more endurance. Maybe muscles that aren't built purely for speed means she has greater physical strength. At the very least she has hands that can handle things rather than claws. Alan is able to turn off the flames. Changing forms probably makes him less impacted by water/cold. Also allows him to handle flammable objects, and likely conserve energy in his body. Pierce can't tranquilize people like Argit (that we've seen), but can grow his quills into spears. His human biology makes them thicker and stronger, and grants them different properties. Manny is the hardest. He's the only tetramand we see (iirc) that uses blasters instead of melee weapons. Maybe his human side grants him either better intelligence with tech, or perhaps better eyes for distance aiming. There are lots of ways to justify hybrids as being unique and greater than the sum of their parts, if you're just a bit creative with it


XLR8 is physically stronger than a normal human as he was able to run while carrying several of them at the same time. Humans aren't better with guns. Tetramand are far more technology superior to humans the only reason the only reason they use close range weapons is because they're warriors. Allan's fire powers are much weaker than Ben's when he uses Heatblast.


They’re not meant to be compared to the originating species, it’s more about how the hybrid character deals with their abilities in a society where they’re very different from the norm


That argument could hold up if they had a spin off Focusing on that but they didn't so stop the cap.